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Critically acclaimed RPG NieR:Automata finally releases on Xbox One

Richard writes: "It’s one of those games the PS4 clique have been banging on about since it released, but finally Xbox owners can get their hands on Nier:Automata, which comes bundled with plenty of DLC in the NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition."

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Community2177d ago
Pantz2177d ago

4K Ladder climbing is nice

Razzer2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

You'll have to find a different game then.

"Nier Automata is rendering at half-res 1920x2160. In motion, it holds together in many areas, but high contrast scenes still show harsh jaggies and sub-pixel break-up is commonplace. It's tough to figure out exactly what's going on here, but it's certainly one of the least consistent reconstruction techniques we've seen and compared to the PC version running at 3840x2160, it doesn't really pass as a 4K experience, just a sharper one when stacked up against the Pro"

343_Guilty_Spark2176d ago

It’s still rendering at twice the resolution of the Pro, so this is the definitive version for consoles and the under $500 category.

Razzer2176d ago

"so this is the definitive version for consoles"


Larrysweet2176d ago

Tone that salt down son lol df is way way off on this one just played amazing hdr not a jaggie to be seen period period

S2Killinit2176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

Damn finally xbox only owners will get to play. better late than never i guess.

darthv722176d ago

I know this is Square calling the shots but it is curious how this game (dev by PG) came to the xbo considering MS and PG had a falling out over Scalebound. But like i said, it was Square making that decision and it looks like it wasnt just a port but an enhancement in the process.

GNCFLYER2176d ago

It's been proven for generations now the most powerful console doesnt necessarily win. 1x owners need to chill on this stsnce.

Games and services win console markets.

I never considered an XBOX until they came along with gamepass. Then it became attractive to me. Still haven't pulled the trigger but I gotta get by kids and wife birthday then I will consider it.

AgeInTheCage2176d ago

343_Guilty_Spark loves advertising a console he wishes he had, he will say he owns an X on the fact there's no way to tell whos playing on base xboxone or x, same with ps4 and pro. I guess it makes him feel great inside...

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Brazz2176d ago

I hope you buy and support this master piece. Don't just talk @#$#@ to taut X1X, buy the damn game!! Platinum created a master piece, buy it!!

sprinterboy2176d ago

Sadly they won't cause there just bro shooters

neutralgamer19922176d ago

Enjoy Xbox fans from what I understand this is an amazing game

BadElf2176d ago

Wasnt there a trophy for doing that? I didnt get an achievement for doing it....and believe me, Ive been doing it

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Kribwalker2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

I’m looking forward to trying this one out again. It’s Hard to believe it was just over a year ago that we had this

My how the times are changing. A shout out to Gangsta Red in there

“gangsta_red492d ago
On a bright note though, the prospect of this game is still on the table for it to come to Xbox One.

According to the article it depends on the sales for this game. So lets hopefully see this game does well in sales or maybe we'll get the "niche" excuse, who knows.

He called it much to many’s dismay

Swiftfox2177d ago

You want to see some disagrees? How about this: This game is the most overrated game of 2017 and its creator is a shallow and pretentious hack. The true genius of the title goes to the Platinum Games team who managed to make a functioning experience from a primes written in crayon and a shoe-string budget.

It's also a miracle it sold what it did given the abysmal port the PC received. Had I bought the game on PC I'd be even more upset an Xbox port has come before my version was fixed. Hm. Now I'm curious which version the Xbox One will get and if an Xbox One port means a PC fix and incoming patch for the PC version. It's Square Enix so I do have my doubts.

UltraNova2177d ago

Quick give this guy a medal. Smh....

Still need to play this!

bluefox7552177d ago ShowReplies(6)
Razzer2177d ago (Edited 2176d ago ) are more excited about posting this shit than you are the game itself. Yeah....that's you alright.

Oh and Xbox One fans need to send out thank you notes to PS4 and PC gamers who bought the game:

"the studio is considering bringing the title to the Xbox One platform, although this decision will rest upon how successful the initial launch of the title on both the PC and PS4 platforms will be." are welcome.

Sitdown2176d ago

I'm pretty sure we should thank the developer for creating a game worth buying. Is your life such that you need to solicit praise for something that you really have minimum impact on.

Razzer2176d ago

Hilarious that you took what I said literally

Kribwalker2176d ago

I already had purchased it on my PS4, so should i thank myself?

Just find it funny how one guy can state the truth, while providing a link that proves it,only to be disagreed with to high hell in an article celebrating the fact it wasn’t going to be out on another platform.

Razzer2176d ago

lol....he is your hero for posting a link to a well known article. lol....ok

gangsta_red2176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

I think it has more to do with the understanding of the title,

"Nier Automata: Why Nier sequel won't be coming to Microsoft's console"

And the fact that in that very story there were a few that agreed it would never come to Xbox.

Imo, it had a lot to do with it selling well on PS4 and PC as the article I linked stated... or it could have actually always been a timed exclusive paid by Sony.

Razzer2176d ago

The article says they wanted to focus on a single platform and a Xbox One release was dependent on sales of the PS4/PC versions. It isn’t like Nier had a pedigree as a successful franchise so that made sense. What Sony had to do with it is pure speculation.

gangsta_red2176d ago

Well then if it's all about success of sales then how come we're not seeing other successful games like Nioh coming to the platform?

It really doesn't make sense to wait for a game to be successful on one platform and then have it potentially bomb on another down the line.

Why not just put it on all systems, or leave it off the one they think will never sell?

Razzer2176d ago

No idea. You would have the ask the Nioh devs.

And I’m pretty sure the Nier devs had next to no faith in success on X1 if the game bombed on PS4. That is pretty much what they said.

Why put the effort into a port if they had low confidence in success? It isn’t like they are going all-in with the Xbox One version and its digital only release.

gangsta_red2176d ago

"Why put the effort into a port if they had low confidence in success?"

Then why port to the PC? The button layout and the similarities to PC and Xbox are already there, it could have easily been a simultaneous release.

"It isn’t like they are going all-in with the Xbox One version and its digital only release."

Then what difference does it make releasing it when it was first announced and releasing it now?

This is my point, the success of the game on PC or PS4 isn't going to change the sales they receive or won't on Xbox and if this is the case then why not just release it all at the same time?

It just doesn't add up waiting a year unless there was some type of exclusive deal that usually makes a game wait a year before releasing on the other platform.

Razzer2176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

Obviously they felt PC was worth *SOME* effort, but not much. They never released the first patch. That doesn't sound to me like a team of devs who were prepared to support multiple platforms from the start. Even the Xbox One X version looks rough based on what DF has said. So it seems clear that all their effort went into the PS4 version and everything else has been an afterthought.

Bottom line is what we know. And that is only what Platinum have told us.

Edit: annnnnd I'm all out of comments. damn limits!

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LoveSpuds2176d ago

Christ almighty, hold a grudge much Kribwalker? You need to get out more squire.

2176d ago
S2Killinit2176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

Well its been sooo long. Dont get me wrong, better late than never, but damn man, this game came out over a year ago... the article was correct at the time, they cant see the future. The good news is that xbox owners will finally get to play it.

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lellkay2177d ago

Literally completed this a few days ago. Quite possibly the the most overrated game of the generation in my opinion. Good soundtrack though.

InKnight7s2177d ago

Overrated games such as FFXIII, Zelda BoTW, most COD series, GT Sport, MGSV, batle royale games ,but Nier Automata is far from being overrated.

Kribwalker2177d ago

BOTw isn’t an overrated game

Dark-soul2177d ago

zelda botw in all my gaming experience of 30 years + is proabably nr1 game. ar at least in top 3 ever.

GameBoyColor2177d ago

MOre like the most overrated game ever, witcher 3

OpenGL2176d ago

GT Sport was not overrated because it didn't get good reviews.

Eonjay2176d ago

FFXIII was never overrated. Like at all.

rivaldoo7772176d ago

Dude witcher 3 is so underrated. BOTW is mad overrated.

pinkcrocodile752176d ago

Opinions are like @rseholes, everybody's got one. Doesn't mean any of us are right.

I personally don't do Japanese games, it's just not my bag. However I don't have any issues with you guys that enjoy them.

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tontontam02177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

It's not overrated when only a few like you disagrees with the score. It's better to say you don't like the game. people always says a game is overrated when in reality it just did not suit their taste.

2176d ago
starchild2176d ago

It's pure arrogance and douchebaggery to state a game is "overrated". What it really means is that the person saying it is so self-important that they think their opinion about a game is a fact and everyone else is wrong.

Araragifeels 2177d ago

So you do know that there alphabet A-Z ending and one of the playthrough, you played as another character with a different story line. Well I have an excuse of not replaying the game since my Nier cause my eye to hurt and get a headache.

Born2Game832177d ago

I agree. Nier A is good but nowhere near the praise it gets. The level design and story leaves a lot to be desired.

kevnb2176d ago

Translation, everyone else likes it but I didnt and they are all wrong.

gangsta_red2176d ago

He did say in his opinion.

Goldby2176d ago

How many times did you beat it?
If you only did one play through u have only experienced like 1/3 of the story

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GameBoyColor2177d ago ShowReplies(2)
AgeInTheCage2177d ago

wonder how it looks and run on base xboxone compared to base ps4? we wont find answers here since everyone has the X.

Kribwalker2177d ago

Love my oneX, but i still have a OG and a OneS. could try it out and let you know

Araragifeels 2177d ago

I bet most of these people who claims that they have the Xbone X doesn't really have one just like the people who claims about owning Max setting PC aka Master Race but can only run potato games.

TheSplooge2176d ago

"people who claims about owning Max setting PC aka Master Race but can only run potato games."

So every pS4 owner on here then lol. Im a proud owner of an X, just need to save up for a 4k tv, but it still looks damn good with supersampling

Razzer2176d ago

You guys could say the same thing about all the Xbox fans who claim to own a PS4 since you are generalizing

chiefJohn1172176d ago

Really? I thought everyone here had super PC's

Bruh2176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

Most people own the base systems, there's factually proven data to back that too. But the people on N4G link their egos to their brands and hence why everyone has a Pro, an X and a Dual GTX 1080Ti PCs

AgeInTheCage2176d ago

Lol, if i had a penny for every time i hear people that own a pc say they own GTX 1080Ti here i would be rich. I own og xboxone, ps4, and potato pc, proud i dont have to lie to make myself feel better.

These mid gen consoles are a waste of money because next gen is almost here. Amazing that all the owners of the ogxboxone all upgraded to the X on here, still funny also.

starchild2176d ago

I have said I own a PC with a GTX 1070 and a PS4 Pro because that's exactly what I own.

You have to realize that the people that frequent game sites and forums are generally the hardcore. The majority of people that buy a console rarely or never get online to talk about games. So, as enthusiasts, we're going to be way more likely on average to own higher end consoles and PC hardware.

Hyperstrada2176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

I have the OG 500g Xbox and a X1X , my daughter just users the old Xbox for YouTube mostly.
To stay on topic this doesn't look like my type of game, but I received a gift card last week so maybe I will give it a go.

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Yoko Taro Passes Respect; Says Stellar Blade Is "Much Better" Than Nier: Automata

Stellar Blade's creative director, Hyung Tae Kim, has also claimed that the game is deeply inspired by Nier: Automata.

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Community55d ago
shadowhaxor55d ago

I feel like Yoko is downgrading Automata because he has expressed multiple times he'd like to revisit the universe, but Squenix hasn't been keen about it. We know he loves 2B and would love to take her out for another spin, so maybe this is how he gets the company to think about it.

gold_drake55d ago

u do realise that Square made Nier a franchise after Automata right?

Taro is downplaying it cause hes not a snob like most of the directors that think their games are gods gifts to the human race.

he said the same thing when being interviewed during the development of Automata too, that he couldnt have done it without the devs.

hes just a humble guy rly.

shadowhaxor55d ago

I mean, Neir existed before Automata with both OG Niers and Drakenguard. I don't count NieR Replicant, since it's a remake of the OG games. Sure, we have Reincarnation, which is still stuck on mobile devices (quite a damned shame). I just remember Taro saying he'd love to revisit Automata if Square Enix lets him. I do recall there was supposed to be a sequel to Automata, but it wasn't confirmed and I'd imagine it was just for Reincarnation.

Enjoy Taro, he seems like a cool guy, who loves the ladies and is humble. But damn, don't put down one of your masterpieces.

Cacabunga55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

I really liked Automata and cannot wait for Stellar Blade

isarai55d ago

I get he's giving them some credit, but i strongly disagree based on the demo. I honestly don't think any aspect of it feels good, it's not bad, it's just kinda ok but definitely a little jank. Also the souls like formula it is adopting does not help it imo. I was looking forward to this for years, now im just kinda let down honestly 🫤

fsfsxii52d ago

Its not a souls like, its a dmc-ish game with rpg elements. Any game with a third person camera and a sword is souls like to these buffoons

H955d ago

Man exputer can you stop putting words like that after someone's name, i read Yoko Taro Passes and just went blank

Snookies1255d ago

Same... Awful way to word that title's beginning.

exputers55d ago

Whoops. Sorry to startle you.

H954d ago

It's alright brother, maybe I am just slow

Hereandthere55d ago

Thats because Sony had a heavy hand in funding and developing this game.

purple10155d ago

They sent in XDEV one of their traveling support studios to Korea to lend a hand if I’m not mistaken, Sony pulled out the big guns to help this studio

jwillj2k455d ago

(From the demo) Stellar has better direction in terms of stage layout if you like that ninja gaiden type feel. Nier is more polished by far.

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Stellar Blade X NieR: Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim on How Their Blockbusters Inspire One Another

IGN: "We talk to Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim about the ways that Stellar Blade is inspired by NieR: Automata, comparisons between EVE and 2B, and much more."

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Community56d ago

NieR: Automata Sequel Has Been Teased By Series Creator

A sequel to Square Enix and Platinum Games' action role-playing game, NieR: Automata, has been teased by series creator Yoko Taro.

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Community106d ago
CrimsonWing69106d ago

Is Square’s ethics department gonna insert themselves into this one?

CrimsonWing69106d ago

They weren’t around “last time.”

isarai106d ago

Yoko Taro doesn't play that sh!t

106d ago
Dirty_Lemons106d ago

If it can be done right then amazing, yes please. Yoko Taro seems to change it up each time so I'm curious what a 'sequel' really means.

blackblades106d ago

Either way hope he learns and give her more outfits like Stella got.

vTuro24106d ago

On a sidenote assuming this is indeed Nier 3 then I kinda wonder if Yoko Taro will stick to his guns of creating new characters and stories each time, or if he'll continue with 2B & co due to their skyrocketing in popularity. I guess he'll probably do whatever Squeenix pays him to do lol, but I'm hoping for the former. 2B and her gang got a decent enough conclusion (especially for a Yoko game) and I feel like continuing their story would ruin it.

vTuro24106d ago

Actually, now that I think about it, a new Nier game would technically be Nier 4 since the gacha Reincarnation was declared as the sequel to Automata and is therefore Nier 3.

Dirty_Lemons106d ago

Oh man, that game was a slog. Graphics and music were excellent though, and it's nice directly strongly to Automata.

Red3f1ned105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Tifa is a good sign. There's at least some hope, lads.
Just maybe they'll leave things alone.

Plus, like people are saying - Taro don't play that sh*t.