
10 Developers That Have Never Made a Bad Game

Greysun from Twinfinite writes: “There are a ton of amazing developers who have created superb games, but a lot of these developers have had some rough patches, and there are some who are just consistent and always on their game.”

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FallenAngel19842271d ago

“With games like Chinatown Wars, L.A. Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Vice City Stories, San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto IV under their belt, Rockstar North knows how to deliver a great game.”

Rockstar North didn’t develop L.A. Noire, Team Bondi did.

_-EDMIX-_2270d ago

Saw that too.

It's very questionable when you have an article trying to talk about development teams yet their actually uneducated on who actually made those games. 😂😂😂

Something is wrong when the comments have to correct you, I would argue it's easier to just read the comments to get a good sense of this than the article itself.

2270d ago
thorstein2270d ago

Oh, look, the ten people that are affiliated with Twinfinite downvoted you. Weird how it is always 10 downvotes anytime someone calls them out specifically. Lulz.

_-EDMIX-_2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

@thor- exactly ,why are they even mad? They're the ones who wrote an article without even researching even slightly who even makes those games..

I mean at this point it make more sense to just have me and Fallen just make our own list and thoroughly research the development teams as opposed to just writing an article based on assumptions.

To my understanding it was Rockstar San Diego that made Red Dead Redemption.

I'm also positive it was Rockstar Leeds that made Chinatown Wars

Even if somebody wanted to argue that Rockstar North gave assistance will Sony Santa Monica in many teams at Sony actually give assistance to various games, but we do not see "giving assistance" to a game as being the actual team that developed the game.

Microsoft has been known to have some of their team members give assistance for stuff like Dead Rising no different than Sony can actually be seen in the credits of some of their Developers for the Yakuza series or even the Metal Gear Solid series.

It is not out of the ordinary for a third-party sometimes to outsource certain team members if they need help. Rockstar North is no different but at the end of the day we cannot literally say Rockstar North alone developed a Red dead Redemption or Bully or LA Noire or anything like that.

If they want to talk about Rockstar North develop games in regards to them being the primary developer I mean that sounds like an interesting article but this sounds like a bunch of uneducated assumption. I mean they seem to have more disagrees than they actually do real logical reasoning on why they believe I'm wrong.

Keep in mind nothing is wrong with disagreeing everybody is fair to agree or disagree.

lex-10202270d ago

Same with Ninja Theory, Does no one remember Enslaved Oddesy to the West?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2270d ago
lptmg2270d ago

plus they developed a very bad game for the Dreamcast called Wild Metal Country, but I bet the guy who wrote this thinks Rockstar North started making games only 15 years ago...

coffeemaster2270d ago

I wrote this and when I added Rockstar North to the list, I only counted games that were developed under the name of “Rockstar North.” Wild Metal Country was technically not a rockstar game

DogJosha2270d ago

Put your personal opinion aside for a minute. DmC would be found on a top 20 most hated games list at a minimum, if not the top 10. I never even got into old DMC myself, although I enjoyed what little I played a long time ago, and I found it to be irredeemable. Gameplay felt poorly designed Donte was especially unbearable. Why are you putting games that the gaming community largely hates on a "never made a bad game" list?

mcstorm2270d ago

Tbh this is subject to personal preference. I've never liked a rock star game but then loved over games lots of people have hated so this is just one guys opinion rather than a statement

_-EDMIX-_2270d ago

@coffee- I'm sorry buddy but there's just no excuse for this actually research who makes those games because this is just riddled with inaccuracies.

Rockstar North never actually developed LA Noire you're thinking of a team called the team Bondi.

Nothing's wrong with making an article like this but if you're going to make a statement regarding a game a team developed you actually need to make sure you're even talking about the entire team.

This article basically ignores team Bondi Rockstar Leeds Rockstar San Diego and so much more

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2270d ago
DarXyde2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

Sorry to quote you, but I'm only doing so because Twinfinite is being stupid (again) and I'd like as many people to see this without spending time going through the pages.

The list...

1. Sucker Punch
2. Retro Studios
3. Ninja Theory
4. Monolith Soft
5. Media Molecule
6. Team Ico/genDESIGN
7. ThatGameCompany
8. Kojima Productions
9. Rockstar North
10. Rocksteady

You have ads on your website and you STILL have page click-throughs. Eat me.

_-EDMIX-_2270d ago

Exactly on top of that the article is just completely riddled with inaccuracies and literally misinformation they don't even know who develops these damn games.


This is the type of stuff that needs to be denied from being actually approved.

If you make an article it needs to be a single page if it's going to be a list as opposed to trying to abuse.

If it's a long article sure two pages is no problem but there's no damn reason why somebody has a list of something like this with multiple Pages for each individual item. If somebody wants to create a website that's devoted to this type of stuff I mean they're free to do that but I don't believe this website in general should be approving articles like this. Especially with the amount of misinformation on this article itself I mean dear God you could simply go on a Wiki or look at the back of the game you own to see who developed it to prove this wrong.

Rachel_Alucard2270d ago

Media Molecule made a very forgettable game called puppeteer and I had no idea it even came out because they showed it back when PS move was being spammed and nobody wanted it. I personally did not like Infamous: Second son because they removed all the side quests and just made a smaller map then previous entries and just filled it with the same Ubisoft style collectathon crap. You can say these devs never made a bad game I'll say, but they've made at least few average games. Also DmC is garbage.

DarXyde2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )


I have to disagree with you on Puppeteer. I thought it was a fun, whimsical game (but for the record, wasn't that Sony Interactive that made it?). Played it on Plus and enjoyed it.

Different strokes, I guess.

_-EDMIX-_2270d ago

@Rachel_Alucard-"did not like Infamous: Second son because they removed all the side quests and just made a smaller map then previous entries"


Ummm ok. So confirmed you never actually played the game huh? Second Son is BIGGER then Infamous 2 by about 50%, but...I guess you know more then the developer. Check out the mark 48:11 please, that is the developer literally confirming the map is bigger.

No side quest? oh wow, this is just insane sooooo you literally don't know Second Son has side quest? "removed all the side quest" that doesn't look like "removed" to me.

No issue if you personally don't like it, it happens, but lets not lie about facts please, this is just sad and makes no sense. So literally lying about size or content when facts show otherwise.



Rachel_Alucard2269d ago


Why are you in every single article ready to defend any given comment? What I played was worse then what I played in the previous entries. Leave it at that instead of going off in an autistic information dissection. This is a video game not a private investigation

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2269d ago
AspiringProGenji2271d ago (Edited 2271d ago )

Rocksteady? Batman Arkham Knight was a dissapointment.

Deep-throat2271d ago

It wasn't bad. Uncharted 4 was a big disappointment but it wasn't bad...

doos_vd_kak2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

haven't seen many games that comes near Uncharted 4 this generation.

doos_vd_kak2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece and it tears you to pieces which is always great to see :) 8 million plus copies sold. 93% score. Shame man, and you won't respond because you know whenever you comment, it's merely worthless dung

TallonIV2270d ago

Agreed Uncharted 4 was a big disappointment. Really enjoyed 1-3 but 4 took a step back.

Razzer2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

Amusing seeing those who are far from fans of PlayStation call UC4 disappointing. Funny, but not surprising

Rachel_Alucard2270d ago

I agree with @Deep-throat and I don't care if everyone just cries troll or accuses me of not being a playstation fan. Game was just boring and the the revealed script change made everything worse. They had a trailer for the uncharted series released in 2013 that had Sam speaking as the villain before they changed everything. Really disappointed by that and the multiplayer requiring ungodly amount of grind to get anything.

AspiringProGenji2270d ago


I know! It’s been a known trend since the game came out.


Ok that’s your opinion but really? A cancelled script made the final game worse? Did you really play the game at all? The final game was a solid one without henning. It is time to stop crying for what never happened

Rachel_Alucard2269d ago


A cancelled script that was far more interesting by comparison to what we got. Everything in 4 is too by the books and expected. Only twists were minor and weren't shocking to me. I know you guys jump to the "You didn't play it" line every-time someone criticizes a supposed "GOTY" winner but this isn't a Krabby patty catch all world.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2269d ago
chaos-emeralds2270d ago

Arkham knight was amazing. What's wrong with you?

aarogree2270d ago

A disappointment of a game and a bad game are two different things. A disappointment is a game that fails to live up to expectations. A bad game is, well, a bad game.

Rachel_Alucard2270d ago

Those bat-mobile sections were really never-ending and they used them way way too much, and the reveal of the Arkham knight was a huge letdown.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2269d ago
porkChop2271d ago (Edited 2271d ago )

Ninja Theory made the trash DMC reboot. Rockstar North made some trash before hitting their stride with GTA and changing their name to Rockstar North. Rocksteady made Urban Chaos: Riot Response, which was also pretty trash.

Every dev makes a bad game. And if there's a dev who hasn't done so yet, one day they will. It's only human to make mistakes. Even Naughty Dog started out with "Math Jam" for the Apple II, followed up with "Dream Zone", back when they were JAM Software.

Segata2271d ago

Don't forget Way of the Warrior from Naughty Dog. Easily one of the worst MK clones.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash2270d ago

Naughty Dog didn’t develop WOTW Jam Software did 😁

lptmg2270d ago

@Asuna nope, Naughty Dog made that game. Not only that, but the guy who directed it was Crash and Jak's own Jason Rubin...

SurgicalMenace2270d ago

Way of the Warrior was, in fact, a parody of Mortal Kombat. It was never meant to be taken seriously. Lmbo I loved everything it did when I purchased it at 11.

jmtstan2270d ago

@Asuna, back when Naughty Dog was called JAM, they made these games.

Yui_Suzumiya2270d ago

Way of the Warrior is classic though. I've been wanting to play it since it was in development.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2270d ago
aarogree2270d ago

DMC wasn't trash. It wasn't great, but it was far from trash. It's marred by annoying characters, but the combat is fairly solid, the levels are gorgeous, and the story could be one of the best in the Devil May Cry series, but then again it never was big on story to begin with so that's not too difficult a feat.

Cyro2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

DMC reboot is actually good. Don't knock it down before you try it.

porkChop2270d ago

I do have the game. I really didn't enjoy it. The visuals were great, but everything else fell short for me.

Yui_Suzumiya2270d ago

DmC is awesome and everything Rockstar has developed is crap except for the Red Dead series and they helped with L.A. Noire which is amazing too.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2270d ago
Segata2271d ago

Sucker Punch, Second Son is awful it suffered from what so many open world games suffer from, little variety and just a checklist of icons on the map. Ninja Theory made Kung Fu Chaos and the terrible DmC, Rockstar, State of Emergency was trash. Before ANYONE says Naughty Dog...Way of The Warrior exists. As much as I love Monolith, Xenosaga II wasn't great and Project X Zone games are not good. I own both.

SurgicalMenace2270d ago

You guys are aware that those games were "bad" because most of them were self funded, right? If you've ever owned your own business, it is a fact that your first outings are rough ones. So they are not bad, just underfunded. Look at them now. If half of people would realize that it takes money to make money, they'd be better off. What's bad about putting out your best efforts to become great?

Segata2270d ago

You don't need millions to make a good game. You need millions to make a bigger budget game. If money determined if a game is good then Undertale would be a pile of crap.

Rachel_Alucard2270d ago

It takes time and talent to make money. You can make fantastic low budget titles if you are smart about it and manage your time. Self publishing has nothing to do with it if you just look at many of the popular indie games we've gotten over the years.

SurgicalMenace2269d ago

Look at computing now compared to then, you might as well have been developing in the dark compared to now.

Knushwood Butt2270d ago

Playing Second Son now and it is far from awful.

Little variety is a valid comment but game is enjoyable and well made. Looks great too.

KillZallthebeast2271d ago

i love a few devs, but they aren't immaculate all of them have made 1 bad game. They usually learn from it.

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Helldivers II sales top 12 million

Gematsu writes: "Cooperative third-person shooter Helldivers II has sold 12 million units as of May 5, publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Arrowhead Game Studios announced."

shadowT1h ago

Congratulations Arrowhead Game Studios!

Hofstaderman1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

And well-deserved. I'm having a ball of a time so far. Just need to change out my heavy armour, it's a murder on my stamina and sprinting.

derek37m ago(Edited 37m ago)

SIE managed to find success with gaas quicker than I suspected. Arrowhead did a great job getting past that initial launch difficulty, I've been playing again recently doing mostly solo missions. Can't even get off the damn planet after completing everything, lol.

Lexreborn233m ago

12 million is crazy, but it also paints an opposite picture to what the forums would have you believe about gaas. And it being more successful then the single player games of late also kind of proves to an executive gaas IS. what the consumer wants.

RGB11m ago

Disagree, most GAAS games are free, cheaper than or around the same price as Helldivers.

Helldivers II sold very well because of the viral campaign and word of mouth, I can't think of another game that has done numbers like this that wasn't completely free or attached to a service like GamePass/Plus Extra~Premium.

Helldivers II is an exception to the rule, not the norm.

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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk7711h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE8h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7308h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor5h ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos5h ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor5h ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos5h ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

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Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

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Petebloodyonion10h ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus10h ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning7710h ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.

VersusDMC9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Last year it was a weeks notice.


May 17th announcement for may 24th show.

VersusDMC9h ago

Nintendo always tweets that a direct is happening tomorrow but no one cares.

Sony gives a week or days of notice and we get anti sony type fake outrage like this.

But good luck trying trying to get some Sony hate going...

Petebloodyonion8h ago

You just mention it!
Sony gives a week in advance NOT just a couple of days.
So I fail to see what Sony's hate movement I'm trying to start when it's a basic business strategy to not piss off your partners (ask Sega).
And I doubt it's hate to ask how it would benefit Sony in doing so.

thesoftware7308h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Huh? What?

Bro you really should relax, if what you read was some kinda negative against Sony.... seriously, is that what you got from the comments?

Bro, he was debunking the rumor, and gave perfectly good reasons why it would be unlikely, and your Nintendo Direct comparison is different, as this is supposed to be a BIG Sony showcase, not a surprise 20 min direct, and Sony 's pattern has been one week.

Slow down warmonger.

VersusDMC8h ago(Edited 8h ago)


"1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event."

That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind?

And it's not like they need that many resources to cover the stream. They just need 3 people to react to the stream live and make some easy articles made up mostly of summaries of Sony provided press releases. They would have enough time to "prepare" if it was announced with one days notice.

Petebloodyonion6h ago

" That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind"

No, it simply implies that some media all over the world might (keyword MIGHT) not properly cover the event like having proper articles for each game announced, or having a proper preshow. maybe some popular YouTubers won't have time to prepare or simply your local newspaper doing an article on tech and game.

So why would Sony take a chance?
What benefit would that give them?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6h ago
Petebloodyonion8h ago

Before I get tons of replies for Sony given a week in advance, my initial comments are related to the notion that the Show could happen this week as the title mentions.
Now to be fair the complete article mentions that Jeff said the Show could happen later in May giving time for Sony to give the normal 7-day notice.

Again not trying to start a negative thing here just thinking that it's bogus that Sony will have a show this week

notachance7h ago

Yeah as much as I’d like to hear what sony’s 1st parties have cooked, it’s not their style to shadow drop a showcase.

Still waiting for ghost of tsushima 2, I’m ready whenever man..

KwietStorm_BLM4h ago

You're assuming media outlets don't know about it.

gold_drake32m ago

i can tell you that no one cares if ign is pissed or not.

watching a livestream and writing stuff aint the world. many habe done that before your god ign.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 32m ago
8h ago
Hofstaderman7h ago

Going in with no expectations but likely will see something that resonates with me.

DeadlyFire2h ago

Nah they will announce it probably, but it won't happen right away soon though yes.