
"One-Tricking" Is The Primary Cause of Toxicity in Overwatch

Overwatch has had its fair share of issues with One-Tricking, and it would be fair to say that this is a pretty big cause of such toxicity.

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Community2312d ago
boing12312d ago

What happened to simply enjoying the game? If someone wants to play one character exclusively, let them.

Mr_Writer852312d ago

That's whats quick play is for.

Comp is for people who want to take it seriously.

coolastheycome2312d ago

I agree with you. People can play who they want in quick play. It doesn't affect anybody else in quick play. Comp is completely different.

zaherdab2312d ago

What makes comp serious for you ? do you make a living out of it ... and if someone seriously wants to be competitive with 1 character, if they were of a lower level capability than you are they will de-rank to where they fit ... if they are playing in your same rank, you are not any better than they are.
Just play the game and enjoy it for what it is ...

Mr_Writer852312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

"What makes comp serious for you ? do you make a living out of it"

Ermmm I will give you a clue COMPETITIVE.

It doesn't matter if you get paid or not, some people want to play with a bit more structure, with a bit more purpose (personal rank) and play with and against people of a similar level.

So picking a hero who doesn'tfit the map and mode, but then put the team at a disadvantage is trolling.

More so when the person isn't as good as they think they are.

Why would you play comp if you just wanted to have fun? There's free play, arcade and custom games.

3 modes to 1. You have plenty of other modes to go have fun.

". and if someone seriously wants to be competitive with 1 character,"

Then they miss the idea of comp, it's about playing the game as a team.

If you can't flex your not cut out for comp.

And their bad performance can indeed effect yours so no they won't just drop down, they drag you down with them.

Tedakin2312d ago

Yeah but if you're amazing with Junkrat or Symmetra why not use them. Probably more beneficial to the team than being forced to play someone you're not great with.

Mr_Writer852312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

But what if your having a bad game?

I sometimes go I Genji (never on defence) but if I know I'm having a bad day and I will switch ASAP.

It's when people won't change that or causes problems.

Thats when it causes problems when those who are having a negative effect won't change.

UnHoly_One2312d ago

My biggest problem with this game, and why I quit playing, is exactly the opposite.

I don't think people should switch. I think it should lock in your character at the beginning of the match.

Learning how to deal with a team using what you have would be more entertaining that seeing who they are using and then switching to somebody to counter that, then they switch to counter your counter, repeat ad nauseam.

I'm sure I'm the weird one, but that style of match is not for me.

zaherdab2309d ago

The point is some ppl are good at certain characters and they want to play competitive and they got to whatever rank they got to ... u want them to quit competitve just coz u think its better for you ? If anythin its up to bkizzard to make sure all characters are viablr or else to restrict them on certain maps which they will never do so let them enjoy their game and dont expect ppl to able to accomodatr for your taste

Mr_Writer852309d ago (Edited 2309d ago )

"they got to whatever rank they got to .."
But that would only be relevant if anyone who does this was a top 500.

Its not, if during ranking I end up in a team with one or more one tricker and we lose that effects us both.

I'm then more likely to be teamed up with similar level people. Because the game doesn't really consider your individual performance in a losing team.

One trickers are usually carried, and don't achieve their rank on merit, which is why when they get to higher ranks and get found out, it annoys people as the teams are not as easy to beat without everyone pulling together.

Also the game is a TEAM game, its designed that players play FOR the team. Not their own personal glory.

Oh your a healer? Oh you have gold elims? Cool, whilst you got your 4 kills your team mates got wiped out and we lost the point.

I don't know why I'm wasting my time you clearly don't understand how the game is meant to work, stick to COD.

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AspiringProGenji2312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

Competitive mode happened, so it isn’t about only you anymore. You play comp to win, nothing else. The way OW is designed is to have a decent hero pool and adapt and counter enemy’s hero compositions. With one tricking you may get countered hard and be dificult to perform your role.

I am not againts One tricks, but I wish they undertand this someday. Playing only one hero can only take you so far

Leila___2312d ago

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Youngindy212312d ago

That's fine. Just play in Quick Play and not in Competitive mode.

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Mr_Writer852312d ago

Maybe on comp have a lock voting system? Where people can vote to lock one or two or even 3 hero's.

If you pick one of those hero's you automatically get kicked from that selection and must pick the characters that your team mates have left.

Obviously this doesn't apply to free play.

djplonker2312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

Expect everyone on the team to do the same and expect to lose.

(In comp)

Ittoittosai2312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

And that matters because? Its not like this is life an death its a damn video game its made to have fun with.

If you're going to take it that serious then you should have a complete team you play with everytime you play not expecting rando to care about your rank or win percentage.

Mr_Writer852312d ago


But if they don't care about comp why play it?

Why ruin other peoples fun? You don't want to take it seriously? Cool play quick play, or arcade or custom games.....

X-Alchemist2312d ago

That’s the problem, it’s a team game. In comp people need to be flexible with their choices or the entire team could collapse e.g. if everyone decides to go dps. Do you not see the issue here?

PurpHerbison2312d ago

Yeah, I'll play whoever the hell I want. This whole being obsessed with eSports thing is sucking competitive games dry.

Perjoss2312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

Those who take OW seriously, yes even in comp are absolutely crazy when you consider just how much RNG is involved, especially if you solo queue. Just a few of the elements that can greatly swing a game towards a win or defeat: someone throwing, someone leaving, too many support mains on the same team, nobody wanting to play healer or tank, people insisting on playing heroes that require comms but refuse to use comms (calling a Zarya ulti, calling out flankers that are behind). The list is almost endless, to the point that a fair balanced match only happens once in a blue moon.

And this is why most people just say **** it, and play for FUN even in comp.

thehitman13982312d ago

Slow 👏 slow 👏...... Well said!!!

EazyC2312d ago

Honestly, unless you want to be a few blood vessels short after, you should really accept that you are only a small factor in competitive and should just play for fun.

For some reason I find it a lot easier to enjoy on PC because I'm not very good... a weird occurrence I find with games is that the better I think I am at them, the less I enjoy them (console OW in this case).... good god though there are some ANGRY people on the chat in Overwatch, dear oh dear.

Cyro2312d ago

Because if you know your bad, you have low expectations so you don't really care if you win or lose.

Ittoittosai2312d ago

Man this makes me not want to play overwatch anymore. The flatout over bearing behavior of blizzard and the devs is just a turn off.

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10 Overwatch Heroes You Would Want To Hang Out With

The world could always use a few more heroes, or in this case friends. Here are some Overwatch Heroes you would want to hang out with.

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Community266d ago

I Miss the Original Overwatch

Blizzard's blending of the FPS and MOBA was a masterpiece of design that met its end too soon.

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Community375d ago
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Tedakin375d ago

I miss 6v6, lootboxes and an actual player level. I used to look forward to Junkenstein's Revenge at Halloween and the Christmas event cause of all the cool cosmetics you could earn. I'd play it every day. Now you play it for an hour, earn some stupid charm, and you're done. No reason to play anymore.

ActualWhiteMan375d ago

RIP OW2 is trash. My friends stopped playing it like we used to the first one every Friday night.

smoothdude375d ago

this. loved overwatch 1. 2 is no fun. there is lots to play… find something you like.

Gardenia374d ago

I'd never thought I would say this but the loot boxes in Overwatch wasn't so bad compared to what it is now.

GoodGuy09375d ago

I remember those epic dreamworks-like CGIs. I wasn't a fan at all but man, I knew it was a rediculously huge game. OW2 I've seen...nothing, died maybe after a week.

moomoo319374d ago

OW2 is a disaster. All these years to make the game 5v5….? And they scrapped PvE? The game just sucks man zero fun.

105d ago

Activision Shows Concerns Over The Call Of Duty And Overwatch League's Longevity

Activision has admitted that its Call of Duty and Overwatch eSport Leagues are facing challenges that the company might fail to address.

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Community394d ago
just_looken394d ago

Ha ha these have been in trouble fort awhile so now we talk about it/address it?

How about you explain why you make billions but always have layoff's.

S2Killinit394d ago

Woe is me

These guys come off so disingenuous.

ModsDoBetter394d ago

The timing is strange but COD has been on a nosedive for several years & then followed by the backlash of Overwatch 2.

sadraiden393d ago

COD has literally never been more popular. Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year. Don't know what you mean by nosedive.

ModsDoBetter393d ago (Edited 393d ago )


It has taken a nosedive in quality.
However, as you based your argument on sales numbers, let's take a dive, shall we?

"COD has literally never been more popular"
COD has literally been more popular.

See: MW2 sales numbers estimate to be at 8million copies sold at the end of 2022 (no official numbers released) yet Black Ops (2010) sits at a staggering 31million copies sold.

"Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year"
Again, not true.

(In release order)
Black Ops - 31 million copies
Modern Warfare 3 - 30 million copies
Black Ops 2 - 29 million copies
Ghosts - 28 million copies
Advanced Warfare - 21 million copies
Black Ops 3 - 26 million copies
Infinite Warfare - 13 million copies
WWII - 19 million copies
Black Ops 4 - 14 million copies
MW2019 - 30 million copies
Cold War - 30 million copies
Vanguard - Unreleased sales numbers
MW2022 - No solid numbers yet, though as above - 8 million estimated as of end of 2022

As you can see "every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year" is an inaccurate statement with the sales numbers fluctuating, though I do feel MW2022 would sell well over the course of the year.

luckytrouble394d ago

This timing isn't that weird. eSports are notorious money sinks, and organizations have been failing one after another the past few months as funds dry up and popularity wavers. Critical who is one of the runners of his own eSports organization has been extremely candid about the fact that there's really no money to be made, and a lot of suits that had their companies throw money at the concept are just starting to give up and move on.

Profchaos394d ago

Just to coincide with the CMA appeal woe is us

smolinsk394d ago

Wow and they have totally done it to them Self with zero innovation.

shinoff2183394d ago

Exactly. Biggest game in gaming and they crying. Stfu acti

ModsDoBetter394d ago

They really dropped the ball with COD ever since WW2 I’d say.

Year after year it’s just disappointment after disappointment and it only got worse with Warzone and MW2019 - seasonal progression, battle pass, goofy skins, not listening to player feedback, you name it.

merlox394d ago

Call of duty was only good when they were WWII. Activision should go back to how they started. Also, they can make the single player stories longer. Not everyone plays the multiplayer.

porkChop394d ago

A lot of people here couldn't even read the headline. This isn't about the games themselves, it's about the esports leagues.

shinoff2183394d ago

Put the money into it. You have the biggest game in gaming.

porkChop394d ago

Agreed. They can obviously afford it.

ChasterMies393d ago

If people don’t like playing the games as much, then why would they want to watch other people play it?

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