
The 10 Best Platforming Games of 2017

Jason Stettner of Gamerheadquarters writes; "The Platformer is one of the most classic game types often having a solid stack of releases throughout the year whether that's in a 2D or 3D format. "

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roadkillers2348d ago

No one's going to agree, but A Hat in Time is just as good as Super Mario Oddyssy.

pandehz2347d ago (Edited 2347d ago )

You are right.

I don’t agree.

Not even close.

roadkillers2347d ago

Haha, Oddyssy is a fantastic game in its own right. A ton of the moons were walk here and grab it, but there were some very clever ones. One that sticks out is having to stack Goombas to the girl goomba. Took me a while to figure it out, but Nintendo leaves suttle hints to each puzzle


20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


The 7 Best Selling Switch Games of All Time

The Nintendo Switch has been an undeniable success for Nintendo, but which games make the best selling chart for the console?

GotGame818112d ago

Animal crossing came out the week the entire world shutdown. Yeah I bought it.

kevco33111d ago

Agreed. I think a lot of the AC: H sales have to do with early lockdown players!

I mean, I would've played it anyway. But I guess there's a lot of people who got into it because of the hype and their new found free time!

DivineHand125111d ago

Nintendo made out like bandits with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's the same game that was on the WiiU except they added 2 item boxes like in double dash.

kevco33111d ago

It's the Capcom method:

1. Add a new word to the end of the title and features that should've been expected first time around.
2. Charge full price for it.
3. Profit.

gold_drake111d ago

this is why i always say that Nintendo will always be fine. look at those numbers lol

and those are all first party games.


20 Best Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made.

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