
PlayerUnknown: Xbox Is Synonymous with Gaming, PUBG To Run at 60FPS on Xbox One X

Brendan 'PlayerUnknown' Greene said that the Xbox brand is synonymous with gaming. He also confirmed that PUBG will run at 60FPS on the Xbox One X, while Bluehole might have to limit it at 30FPS on regular Xbox One.

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ChristMustDie2358d ago

I will be AMAZED if the Xbox One X can run PUBG at 60FPS. My computer is mid-high end and it really used to struggle with the frame rate in PUBG. The dream is that PUBG runs at a solid 60FPS, but I'm thinking it's probably limited to 60FPS meaning it'll drop in action-heavy scenarios.

Neonridr2358d ago

possibly, but it also comes down to what settings things are set to. And remember that console GPU's can do a lot more than the PC counterparts. In many cases a console GPU with less power can still outperform cards that have higher specs since consoles have direct access to the GPU. Why do you think that a PS4 with the equivalent of a Radeon 7850(ish) can still output some amazing visuals? Low level access helps whereas PC's have to go through connection channels which can lead to bottlenecks in transfer speeds.

So again, not saying that it will be a steady 60FPS, but it's possible if some of the settings are tweaked.

ProjectVulcan2358d ago (Edited 2358d ago )

There is a big difference in performance on the settings with PUBG. The difference between the highest settings and medium in terms of frame rate is pretty huge. Then there is the question of what resolution it will actually run at. It won't be hard to get 60FPS on console if the settings are dialled back.

Also the optimisation differences between PC and console aren't what they once were. A console with a GPU like an RX580 aka Xbox One X isn't really much faster than a PC with an RX 580 in the real world. The PC has noticeable advantages in terms of CPU performance and amount of memory.

It's not like the days where consoles had bizarre custom hardware that had to be brute forced on PC to get the same results. Consoles are just closed platform fixed hardware PC these days and their performance is as such. They don't have a massive optimisation advantage any more.

LP-Eleven2358d ago

@ ProjectVulcan: Yup. Someone who gets it!

2358d ago
ProjectVulcan2358d ago (Edited 2358d ago )

I will be clear here, it's not that consoles don't have optimization advantages being a fixed platform, they do. It's just nothing like as big as people make out and think it is these days versus a modern PC.

@ImGumbyDammit "The days are still here the Xbox GPU end is highly customized silicon. Nothing comparable on the PC is available"

We both know this isn't true. Virtually everything inside Xbox One, Xbox One X and PS4 for that matter is derived from existing consumer PC hardware. Be it the x86 CPU architecture that has been around for decades with THE SPECIFIC CPU being lifted wholesale out of AMD's mobile lineup in 2013, or the AMD GPU ripped right from their current design evolution that has been going on for years and a known quantity in the PC space. Right down to the selection of memory modules which are nothing fancy whatsoever.

It's a far cry from the days of RISC processors and vector units of PS2, gamecube, X360. Many consoles boasting strange memory configurations, totally custom fixed function processors and stuff like the bizarre CELL CPU and XDR memory of PS3.

These consoles are existing PC hardware nailed together on one die in a small box, with little tweaks to smooth over the joins. Nothing more, nothing less. No crazy custom hardware with fixed functions that PC has to emulate.

There used to be totally custom developer tools for consoles, with entirely their own programming language and API subsets, often to deal with the kooky hardware inside. Little transferred across to Direct3D on PC. Not so anymore. Low level APIs on PC like DX12, OpenGL and offshoots like Vulkan share a great deal with their PS4 and Xbox One counterparts, indeed, both having large components of their software based around these technologies!

Case in point is all these Xbox One to PC games we see- A developer codes a game and it works immediately on both platforms. They need specific tweaks but it's astounding how easily they transfer. Back in the day you needed a near TOTAL rewrite between many console games moving to PC, and vice versa!

Unified memory consoles have major drawbacks as well as advantages, if you didn't know.

We could get into talk about memory bandwidth and latency but really that would need another post of mine to explain the situation to you and why you are badly badly wrong and totally misunderstand the situation between a modern PC and a console memory architecture.

But if you want it then I'll knock it up for you, let me know.

WilliamSheridan2358d ago

Actually consoles still rewrite PCs to brute force to catch up. Because PCs have sup many other processes, bloated OS that can do more, and usually have so many variations that they are never fully optimized.

OpenGL2358d ago


The memory bandwidth argument is completely pointless because Nvidia's color compression is a lot more sophisticated than what the Xbox One X uses. The 1070Ti matches our outperforms the Vega 56 in most games despite only having 256GB/s of memory bandwidth versus Vega 56's 409GB.

The 1080 comparison is also cute because it's got 8GB of dedicated VRAM while Xbox One X games in total share 9GB of RAM between the CPU and GPU. Yeah, the Xbox One X is at a huge advantage!

ABizzel12357d ago (Edited 2357d ago )


You're wasting your time with these people. N4G is not the community for having a technology discussion, because they can only go by what a developer or Digital Foundry tells them is gospel, but without having a hint of computer programming / graphics processing knowledge themselves they can only ignorantly build comments based off theoretically knowledge that was provided to them generations ago where consoles didn't use semi-custom off the shelf products, and PC API's weren't nearly as solid as they are today.

There's no need to look any further than why a 750 Ti, a budget card to the maximum, was outperforming the XBO and often times better than the PS4 in the same games.

With the hardware they have consoles only do "better" when it comes to exclusives because developers have time to focus all their efforts on that specific game, and can build optimizations location by location, and scene by scene. Overall these GPUs in console are the same GPUs in PCs, the difference is the PC has a significantly better CPU, and can actively overclock its GPU for even better performance.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2357d ago
Imp0ssibl32358d ago

Yep, they probably mean when there's no one around...But it's a sandbox game and potentially many characters can get together at once.

2358d ago
343_Guilty_Spark2358d ago

The X is more optimized than your PC.

bluefox7552358d ago (Edited 2358d ago )

Depends on the settings, on the medium to lower settings a 750ti can run it at 60fps (not solid, but this game is very unstable in that area), but not too bad either. With some concessions to settings, I can't imagine it would be all that difficult.

kevnb2358d ago (Edited 2358d ago )

the game has been optimized quite a bit over time, but its still nice to see they went with 60 fps. I dont think 30 fps is acceptable anymore in a multiplayer shooter, thats why crucible in destiny 2 sucks.

Ittoittosai2358d ago

Mid to high PC is the same as your friends thats where consoles outshine PCs optimization if devs spend the time on it.

Smokingunz2358d ago

The x is a very powerful console which is probably more powerful than ypur low to mid range pcthat's even if your pc is as powerful as u say

2358d ago
UKRsoldja2358d ago

That's only because it's poorly optimized on pc. It's not an amazing looking game by any means.

Cyborgg2357d ago

So is this going to be 1080 60fps or 4K 60 fps? Is it Native 4K or Dynamic 4K?

nitrogav2357d ago

You are right . Doesn`t look like Xbox One X will be running at 60 FPS after all . http://www.gameinformer.com...

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2357d ago
KaiPow2358d ago

I'd be worried about the FPS parity if they're putting S and X players on the same server. That's a pretty big advantage

Neonridr2358d ago

yeah but PC gamers deal with this every day. I mean I have an 8700K with a 1080ti. I play with gamers that have i5's and 970's. Our frame rates are different, our resolutions are different. But we all make it work :P

maybelovehate2358d ago

Haha, yep. I was just talking with someone about this regarding Destiny on PC.

yeahokwhatever2358d ago

within the PC space it's expected. It's a very risky move in the console world. Remember when the Pro first came out and BF1 was "too good" and needed to be gimped to "level the playing field"?

morganfell2358d ago

In the PC space, gamers can choose to optimize the title to their own liking. Not so with consoles. Outside of the lock a frame rate or not, what you get is what you get. So yeah, PC gamers deal with this all the time and they have the freedom and choices that are not even remotely available on a console.

Bigpappy2358d ago

Same choice with the X. If you think its and advantage, just buy and X. Just like the pro controller or a steering wheel for Forza. Not a big problem at all. When you feel the need, you upgrade, That's what upgrade means.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2358d ago
Obscure_Observer2358d ago


Yeah. This is a very valid concern since it gives X owners clear advantage over the OG and S owners. MS said that devs wouldn´t be allowed to do it and break balance on MP.

2358d ago
yeahokwhatever2358d ago

They lie pretty much constantly. Nobody should be surprised.

UncertainCategory2358d ago

Where does this forced FPS parity thing keep coming from? MS never said that. In fact here's a tweet from Mike Ybarra dating back to May disproving your claim: https://www.gamespot.com/im...

There's certainty been debate about this since the PS4 Pro, but even on that system there is no enforced 'parity clause.' Dark Souls 3 for example, running at a locked 30 on PS4, and unlocked 40-60ish on PS4 pro. That game of course has a multiplayer component.

2358d ago
chrisoadamson2358d ago

Reference please I have never heard this ?

Bigpappy2358d ago

I remember very clearly Phil saying that this was up to developers. How come you can't?

UltraNova2358d ago

Guys, when Phil talked about devs having the choice on whete they want to focus (rez,fps, quality settings etc) he did not specify or go into detail regarding MP performance between OG xb1, S and X.

I cannot recall if MS/Phil ever touched on this matter but is seems they should.

2357d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2357d ago
kevnb2358d ago (Edited 2358d ago )

Microsoft arent a bunch of communists. A higher framerate doesn't really give a huge advantage in games, it just looks a whole lot nicer. I mean 60 fps is more responsive then 30 fps, but on a gamepad with a little auto-aim its a very minimal advantage.

Obscure_Observer2358d ago


You have no idea what you´re talking about. Period!


No disrespect, but, i rather take Digital Foundry´s input on this kind of matter over yours, any day.

starrman19852357d ago (Edited 2357d ago )

Problem is, with BF1 as you've used as an example it's not so much the increased framerate, it's that it's a lot more stable on the Pro. Locked 30 vs locked 60 will look much nicer on the eyes, but once you're familiar with either you'll much the same.

Having the frame rate drop from 50 to 30, then back to 50 is jarring and that's when you'll have difficulty.

So, if they get it stable 30 FPS on the One and stable 60 on the One X it wont be such a huge advantage.

slavish02358d ago

U r lying sony is the one with fps parity fool. U dont think me playing in 4k vs 720p or 1ms monitor or elite control isnt a huge advantage?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2357d ago
AizenSosuke2358d ago

Can't wait and see the results

2358d ago Replies(5)
SpaceRanger2358d ago


Too bad for all 25+ million base Xbox One users. Hopefully they don’t divide the fanbase too much.

Gazondaily2358d ago


If this manages to be crossplay with other consoles, that would cause even more division based on performance.

yeahokwhatever2358d ago

"that would cause even more division based on performance"
You cant be meaning PS3 or XB360, and likely not Switch, so you MUST be talking about PS4/Pro. In case you missed it, the base model PS4 is much, much faster than the base(and s) XB1. This means that your fanboy language "even more" is inaccurate and stupid. There would be MUCH LESS division based on performance if XB1X was cross play with the base PS4 as opposed to the base XB1/S. If you want "beastly" get a PC. Is it crossplay with PC? Because if so, I'll be looking for a trashcan named Septic to pwn all over that PUBG island, and I'll be doing so with EVEN MORE division based on performance. ;-)

slate912358d ago

Look Septic, you got spacecowboy on his alt account LOL

SpaceRanger2358d ago


What alternate account? I’ve always and only had this account.

alb18992358d ago

If it runs at 30 fps then you ask where is the Beast but if runs 60fps then you say that MS forgot about the base xboxone users.....you guys go and play your millions of excusives. Let us worry about XBOX.

Gazondaily2358d ago


Lol exactly! So ridiculous!

Instead they should worry about the fps on their consoles

aconnellan2358d ago

Lol so now the X having really good performance and optimisation is a bad thing?

Would you suggest that Sony should scrap the PS5 then because it’ll alienate the PS4 users?

mark_parch2358d ago

people have constantly been talking about xbox one x and the fact it should have improved frame rates since we first heard about it and now there's the chance of that happening people are complaining. all I know is I purchased an xbox one x and I want the developers to get the most out of it as possible

morganfell2357d ago

Why is it bad for them? Because it will be running the same as the X1X version


Its only bad for people running around making beastly comments.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2357d ago
SpaceRanger2358d ago (Edited 2358d ago )

“Instead they should worry about the fps on their consoles.”

The hypocrisy of this generation:
Xbox Users - Resolution doesn’t matter, games matter (X1 lacks both).
PS4 Users - Both matter. It’s possible to have both.

Xbox Users - Quality of exclusives matters, not quantity.
PS4 Users - Why not both?

Xbox Users - HDR is a game changer! I’d buy Xbox again just to get it. No one else can offer it!
PS4 Users - (1 month later) All 55+ million PS4 user seems get HDR for free through update.

Xbox Users - VR is outdated. It’s all about AR. (Hololens for Xbox gets canned and VR for 1X gets canned).
PS4 Users- All 55+ million PS4s get VR support. (Becomes most successful VR platform).

Xbox Users - 4k matters, no “Chinese checkerboarding”. (Completely forget that
99% of fanbase still games at 720p-900p).
PS4 Users - Resolution has and always will matter. Vast majority of PS4 games are at 1080p-4k.

I wonder what’s next of this “beastly” console you speak of? 🤔

All I know is that I wish my Xbox One had more support.

Enjoigamin2358d ago

Damn...just go sell your xbox if it upsets you that much ...

SpaceRanger2358d ago

Would if my best bud had a PS4, played any other game besides RS: Siege and didn’t live so far away.

Enjoigamin2358d ago

Sounds like a terrible friend

Kiwi662358d ago (Edited 2358d ago )

You make it look one sided yet there are things said from both sides, just look back at most of this gen to see what has been said from both sides of the fence

slavish02358d ago

If u r happy with that post... then y r u here???🤣

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2358d ago
Eonjay2357d ago

I can't believed you really bought that.

2357d ago
kenna9992357d ago

Don't see you in the new battlegrounds story? What a surprise

Gazondaily2357d ago

You actually looked out for me? ❤

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2357d ago
Kribwalker2358d ago

Can’t wait to give this a go

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