
Super Mario Odyssey Review: Do you really have to Roll Out the Red Carpet? | JeuxActu

JeuxActu - Super Mario Odyssey was promised an exceptional future. Some even talked about the second GOTY of 2017 after the intestable Zelda Breath of the Wild , but it seems that it was a little overestimated.

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Valkron12406d ago

What game were they playing?

2406d ago Replies(7)
showtimefolks2406d ago (Edited 2406d ago )

So everyone has it give it 10/10? There was a time when 10 wasn't given to many games now many AAA games simply get it and gamers expect 10's

ocelot072406d ago

Did anyone see the fake Jim Sterling review? If you can't remember him he is the one who gave BOTW a 7/10 and in my opinion was a fair score. But the hardcore Nintendo fans went mental. Blaming him for runining the metacritic score. Sent him death threats, abused the guy in twitter ect.

But yer he dosn't do traditional reviews anymore. But someone did a photoshop of a fake review on metacritic by Jim Sterling and the death threats started up again. The fat shaming, name calling, you name it the poor guy has had it all thrown at him today by apparent hardcore nintendo fans. Because of this fake photoshoped review.

showtimefolks2406d ago


i didn't say anything about GOTY did i? i just hate the fact any new AAA game that comes out many simply expect 10/10. I am not even saying this game isn't 10/10 i am speaking in general

one common complain i have read is this game is seriously too easy and i know i am not expecting dark souls but little bit of challenge should be in every game

and i will stick to my opinion that nintendo gets a free pass on games others simply don't get. I have been a gamer for over 25 years and Nintendo's issues are always ignored while any other publisher is punished

did breathe of the wild not have technical issues? so why did it get a 10/10 when other games get a lower score for having technical issues. This industry has always played favoritism and many grew up playing nintendo consoles so they are always willing to ignore small things when it comes to Nintendo

admiralvic2406d ago

"Nintendo's issues are always ignored while any other publisher is punished "

Whoa now, let's call a spade a spade here. I won't deny Nintendo sometimes gets a pass, but it isn't like it's unique to Nintendo. In fact, I can prove that by looking at your first example.

" did breathe of the wild not have technical issues? so why did it get a 10/10 when other games get a lower score for having technical issues."

You know what other game is a lot like Breath of the Wild, had a lot of technical issues and literally won game of the year awards? Fallout.

There is a lot of favoritism and I'm not saying people don't do that with Nintendo, since I agree they do, but let's not live in a dream world where anything besides Breath of the Wild would get criticized, since things like Fallout have no problems working poorly and getting praised heavily.

PhantomTommy2406d ago

Please, just once, just one time actually mention one of these "flaws" that Nintendo gets away with that others do not. I'm so sick of reading that same comment over and over with nothing backing it up.

If your only response is "performance issues in BOTW", I'll just point out the performance issues in Bloodborne (the reason we all know what framepacing is) and the PS3 version of The Last of Us (barely ever hits the 30fps target) -- both games rightfully praised with little to no mention of performance issues in reviews.

At the end of the day, like most people here on N4g, you're talking absolute shite.

bluefox7552406d ago (Edited 2406d ago )

It's a longstanding Nintendo IP, so take the reviews with a grain of salt. Of course it's a great game, but far from perfect.

r2oB2406d ago

@ phantom

If any other developer released a game with an unoriginal story, no character development, last gen graphics, simple gameplay mechanics; that was just fun, had collectibles, was charming and nostalgic... for $60... they would not get a 10/10.

leoms2406d ago

nope only nintendo games are getting that 10/10

3-4-52406d ago

Less integrity and ethics in journalism + nobody holding anybody accountable + bias.

PhantomTommy2405d ago


So Hotline Miami wasn't critically praised? Don't remember much character development in Spelunky either and that's a damn masterpiece. Nioh has an awful story and terrible graphics and it's easily the best game I've played this year -- critically praised. Wouldn't say the gameplay is simple but wouldn't say that Mario is simple either, it has an incredible movement system that actual allows players to tailor their own difficulty and it makes speedruns a joy to watch -- unlike a simple third person shooter, like for instance, Uncharted 4, which hides it's simple gameplay behind character development and all the other things you mentioned.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2405d ago
FinalomegaS2406d ago

hahaha, they are nit-picking and they them self state does this deserve the red carpet treatment... not sure on the translation software from google.

"Les chapeaux et costumes n'apportent rien au gameplay, c'est juste cosmétique" they put this as a con... the hats doesnt add to the gameplay, just for show. That's a con?

i don't care what score you give but come on with the lame nit-picking. They somehow had equal amounts of pros & cons.

Eonjay2406d ago

Yes, I do not understand the analogy being made with the carpet statement. I have latterly never felt the need to pull out a red carpet, for anything... so there is that.

2pacalypsenow2406d ago

They are referring to it being a Mario game, and how they don't think it deserved a higher score just because it's a Mario game.

KwietStorm_BLM2405d ago

If you say you have *literally* never felt the need to roll out the red carpet for anything, then I would have to assume that you do understand the analogy..

Obelisk922406d ago

People getting salty about an 8.5 Review is the worst thing of gaming in 2017.

KwietStorm_BLM2405d ago

Please stop with this stupid calling everything cancer follow the leader nonsense

pcz2406d ago

8.5 for a 10 game is a heinous crime against humanity.

If something is unanimously agreed to be sublime, any other view is a conspiracy.

Seraphim2406d ago

so far it's definitely a blast. overall much better than BoTW. though I'm only about 85% through the desert. And not to say BoTW wasn't good, it is, but to me it definitely has some glaring issues too. Mario doesn't yet.

On one hand I view a 10/10 as an instant classic. At the same time it does need some substance to back it up & little to no technical faults. However Nintendo does tend to get a pass on their games it seems so I also understand a lot of the complaining. Be it bias, childish, fanboyism, not sure what it is but reviews are such a joke far too often. Personally it's been almost 2 decades since I let a review or score influence what I buy. However we still want to see a fair score for the game we enjoy, love, or cherish. I recall a time where getting a 8-10 was great and even a 7 was good. Now if it's not a 9 or perfect 10 roll out the outrage. Couple that with journalism which is filled with no unbiased opinions and straight, well written reviews and scores you have the toxic environment we now have.

Having said that for me Mario just might be a 10/10 simply due to the fact of it being an instant classic. World design is great, 3D to 2D is mixed up well, game play is fun, cappy works great and incorporates something fresh, etc, etc. End of the day, based off what I've seen there's no reason this game should be scored between 8 and 10 across the board. Anything less is just childish clickbait.

2406d ago Replies(2)
EddieNX 2406d ago

Yh cus you've finished it in 1 day. U most likely don't even have it lol.

This game is a ten and better than any comparable game on playstation or Xbox by miles and miles and miles.

yeahokwhatever2406d ago

..because you have it and finished it in a day?

2pacalypsenow2406d ago


If you're into platformers.

BlackTar1872406d ago

Saying a game is better works best when you're talking about your opinion.

I have this game and its great but horizon and xcom2 are better imo.

All 3 great but you don't get to say it as a matter of fact

EddieNX 2405d ago

I see the hypocrisy lol lol. I got 90 moons in a day and I can tell you this, this game is a masterpiece of platform games. It's immaculate.

8.5 doesn't do it justice. It's not a bad score it's a good score but this game is even better than that

SegaGamer2405d ago

Eddie, you really are the biggest fanboy on here. You go so over the top with anything Nintendo, it's embarrassing.

"This game is a ten and better than any comparable game on playstation or Xbox by miles and miles and miles"

You do realise that you making this comment would have to mean that you have played and completed every single platformer on a Playstation or Xbox right ?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2405d ago
deafdani2406d ago

omg what a terrible score no wai

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


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The Nintendo Switch has been an undeniable success for Nintendo, but which games make the best selling chart for the console?

GotGame818105d ago

Animal crossing came out the week the entire world shutdown. Yeah I bought it.

kevco33105d ago

Agreed. I think a lot of the AC: H sales have to do with early lockdown players!

I mean, I would've played it anyway. But I guess there's a lot of people who got into it because of the hype and their new found free time!

DivineHand125105d ago

Nintendo made out like bandits with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's the same game that was on the WiiU except they added 2 item boxes like in double dash.

kevco33105d ago

It's the Capcom method:

1. Add a new word to the end of the title and features that should've been expected first time around.
2. Charge full price for it.
3. Profit.

gold_drake104d ago

this is why i always say that Nintendo will always be fine. look at those numbers lol

and those are all first party games.


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