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What If PUBG Goes Crossplay For PC and Xbox One Gamers?

PUBG is has been performing phenomenally on the PC. With the game making its way onto the Xbox One, enabling crossplay between both platforms would be exciting.

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Community2446d ago
freshslicepizza2446d ago

Well then they should be able to categorize keybaord and mouse players and those who play on a controller. What the developer should also do is let it be known any future platforms should also be part of crossplay. It's their game and they are in the drivers seat, they should not allow hardware makers to dictate how to run their game, they already made enough money to be calling the shots now.

slavish02446d ago (Edited 2446d ago )

Well said

DigitalRaptor2446d ago (Edited 2446d ago )

Another great example are Microsoft's policies and restrictions that has prevented Final Fantasy XIV from coming to X360 as well as XB1. You're right, it is their game and they are in the drivers seat, they should not allow hardware makers to dictate how to run their game, so they didn't.

(Btw, superb stealth trolling, right there).

freshslicepizza2446d ago (Edited 2446d ago )

Show me Microsoft's willingneess to have crossplay with Steam and Nintendo and Sony. Now please provide ANYTHING Sony is doing or saying they are wanting to move forward with crossplay other than with the PC. There are COUNTLESS articles on Microsoft moving forwrd with crossplay. You know what we got from Sony, NOTHING! It's no wonder game journalists are questioning Sony and nobody else.

So go ahead and cherry pick titles while you purposely ignore how both Nintendo and Microsoft are moving forward with crossplay while Sony is still stuck in the PS3 era where they never did crossplay with NIntendo back then either.

Now lets get back on track here, this is PUBG, a game the developer wants crossplay to work with. Do you think Sony is going to want crossplay to happen if and when this game arrives on the PS4? I expect two things now to come from you, no response or more deflection.

2446d ago
whothedog2446d ago

Didn't Sony have crossplay on PS2?

The_Jackel2446d ago Show
TFJWM2446d ago

@moldybread "Now lets get back on track here, this is PUBG, a game the developer wants crossplay to work with. Do you think Sony is going to want crossplay to happen if and when this game arrives on the PS4?"

Yes I am sure they will agree with crossplay with the PC but not with the Xbox...

DigitalRaptor2439d ago (Edited 2439d ago )

Uh oh, moldybread. Not only have I exposed you and your double standards countless times (this being another one of them), but you've often talked about cherrypicking and having problems with people doing that, yet you do the same thing yourself.

Sony would love to move forward with cross-play, in ways that they see fit for their business (just like Microsoft are moving forward with it in ways that they see fit for their business). They've proven themselves with all the games that are cross-play both between their own consoles, and with PC. They just don't want to play by Microsoft's rules and stipulations - you know... the stuff that Microsoft isn't willing to share, and the stuff that you're jumping on without all the details - that you love to do when Sony is concerned, but have a problem with people doing with Microsoft when they might not have all the details. Good lord.

You also seem to have had problems with Sony fans using Nintendo as a crutch for their arguments, yet you continue to do the VERY SAME THING with Nintendo, using them as some sort of crutch to downplay or drag Sony through the mud by beating that dead horse of yours. Yet you make no sense.

" I expect two things now to come from you, no response or more deflection."

Well, the fact that Sony doesn't care about cross-play when it comes to one of the BIGGEST games out there on all platforms - MINECRAFT - shows that they won't care about this flavor of the month shooter game that will be on their console after it's no longer all that popular anymore. You can't win this one I'm afraid.

Final Fantasy XIV is that one example that you are continually deflecting attention away from, yet you have the potent audacity to call out others for "deflection". You seem to think there's only 2 avenues here: "deflection", and ignorance. Totally ironic that you would even mention me having no response when you are the one that ignored me for the longest time when your double standards on cross-play articles were exposed and you were afraid to respond. But here I am, without deflection OR ignorance. Good day!

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vegasgamerdawg2446d ago

This is an old argument. Xbox is coming out with mouse and keyboard support, it's already in beta. Soon you will be able to stop talking about the same thing for the next 10 years.

whothedog2446d ago

Is Sony not having mouse and keyboard support? Cause I see they have mouse support or will be implement. Keyboard I do not know but assume.

Cyro2446d ago

There is no way to enforce that on PC.

rainslacker2446d ago (Edited 2446d ago )

"they should not allow hardware makers to dictate how to run their game"


Again....ROFLMAO.(have't used that one in a long while).

Do you have any idea how the console industry works? If you want to release a game on a console, you play by their rules. Every developer. Every publisher. Every indie. Every user made content. Every service that has some app on the platform. You play by the console makers rules.

If they don't want to play by the rules, they don't get the sales from that systems users. The console maker has what the developer wants. A user base to sell games to.

A single developer isn't going to be able to dictate to any console maker that they change their policies for them, and any respectable developer wouldn't even try. A console maker may pursue a particular game, but they're going to be in the stronger position than the dev is, because ultimately, one game is not going to make or break a system's appeal, success, or future.

No matter what success this developer may have had so far, they're a very small fish in a very big ocean. Sony could do more to shut down this game by simply promoting something like Fortnite in a big way. Sony knows how to play the market, and will have more power to dictate the course of the industry than one dev, with one currently popular program which hasn't been around long enough to give the dev the standing you seem to think they deserve.

In any case, do you think this dev really cares that much? It's not available between PC and X1 yet is it? Is it coming? If so, what' the point of this article? If they don't care, then why would they go through the trouble of pushing cross console play.

Another thought.

If Sony doesn't care to enable it with Minecraft, the most successful game ever, why would they bother with this rather recently popular game, which isn't even proven to be a desirable game on consoles.

freshslicepizza2446d ago

"In any case, do you think this dev really cares that much? It's not available between PC and X1 yet is it? Is it coming? If so, what' the point of this article? If they don't care, then why would they go through the trouble of pushing cross console play."

Yes they do, so do other devs but you guys want to make this all about Microsoft which is why the conversations go nowhere.

"Cross network play between the PC and the console is definitely something we want to do down the road, and we don’t anticipate we’ll have any technical issues with that," Kim said.

Epic also showed just how easy it is to implement by 'accidenatlly' turning the switch on. That same switch Phil Spencer said to leave on. Where was Sony in all of this? Oh that's right, nowhere to be found but instead having its fans trying to explain it on their behalf.

These guys are already millionaires and they could easily tell whoever that doesn't want to enable crossplay to get lost. Just like how Valve has told the console industry they don't like that model of walled off gardens and essentially stopped making console games. Why? Well because they can.

rainslacker2446d ago (Edited 2446d ago )

OK, good for them. So, since it's so easy, and they don't anticipate any problems, why isn't it already a thing? I mean, Epic showed how easy it was. Rocket League had an implementation. I mean, it should be easy right?

Why isn't it coming on launch?

My comment wasn't about just MS, it's about the entire industry. The console makers call the shots in the console market. They have the means for publishers to get their games to the user base. That is much more of a bargaining chip than a single popular game. On top of that, this dev would have less pull against Sony, who has more than enough to not worry about this game to have to bow to some perceived influence that Bluehole may have.

It would take a huge push by the entire publishing industry to change any console makers policy. When it comes to cross play, we've pretty much seen that the publishers don't care for any of the major games which exist. 66 games out of 1500 on PS4 have cross play. Something like 19 out of 1100 on X1. Not exactly something the industry as a whole seems to be that fussed about.

If Phil wanted to leave cross play on with fortnite, then why was it disabled on PC on X1? Policy issue from what I understand. What was my comment about? Policies. In other words, doesn't matter what the game is, even when it's from one of the most respected and influential developers in the industry, the console maker calls the shots.

Bluehole could tell Sony to get lost. But Sony doesn't lose anything from it. Some Sony players may lose out on playing this game. That's not all that great for the players, but I'm sure those developers would much prefer to have more people playing their game. Hence, Sony still has more to bargain with, and I doubt Bluehole is going to take a stand on this issue, because it makes no business sense for them, and I'm going to wager that they aren't so for the consumer that they will try to exert influence and cause trouble for the console makers over it.

Bluehole certainly could tell Sony to hit the road. But how in any way would that change Sony's policies? If there is no metric for how popular the game would be on the system, there is no reason for Sony to explore the option further than they may have already have. Who loses out more? Sony or Bluehole? Sony will just sell another game in place of PUBG. Bluehole won't sell a single copy of the game on PS. Seems Bluehole loses much more between the two. In the end, when they play their politics, it means the customer gets less choice, all because this dev thinks it may be important, when most of the players on the system wouldn't care either way given all metrics of what games are currently popular which show that most of the most popular games don't even have cross play.

freshslicepizza2446d ago

"OK, good for them. So, since it's so easy, and they don't anticipate any problems, why isn't it already a thing? I mean, Epic showed how easy it was. Rocket League had an implementation. I mean, it should be easy right. Why isn't it coming on launch?"

The game isn't out yet on the Xbox One, nice way to dodge the issue. They also have to find a balance with PC and console gamers since this is a shooter game. It's been a year now for Rocket League, what's the holdup Sony? Why won't they speak about it, why continue to hide and have their fans defend their silence? Do you see anything from Sony addressing console crossplay to its fans, to the media or to developers?

Stop deflecting because you're coming across as a loyal customer than just a customer. I already proved to you these guys want crossplay. Yet you want to keep acting like nobody cares. If you don't care then go away, problem solved.

ecchiless2445d ago


Why did you ignore rains comment about fortnite cross play between xbone and pc? Why did you not comment on that?

Really stfu, you are worst that crapgamer.

rainslacker2445d ago


I guess I should accept that when you won't accept anything that doesn't paint Sony in a bad light, and MS faultless in all things.

Why won't MS talk about why Sony won't allow it? Obviously they are privy to that information if the two console makers are, or were working towards it. If they were then they wouldn't say because they have their own stakeholders to consider.....god forbid I know. If they weren't working towards the same goal, then there is nothing preventing MS from saying Sony denied them, or vice versa.

This isn't a dev thing to worry about right now until the two console makers actually settle whatever issues they have. It's either one, or both, are being dicks about it, or policy issues are preventing it for any number of reasons I could easily come up with...which you won't listen to. It's not that complex a problem really. It's just you choose to put all the blame on Sony, while I choose to accept that it's probably a bureaucratic issue which isn't going to be resolved any time soon.

Sadly, you are becoming more and more desperate in any and all your attempts to try and place all the blame on Sony. The longer this is riding out, the more it's looking like there is a much bigger issue at play here that the average person isn't aware of. There is no reason for Sony or MS to be this tight lipped about what's really holding it up, or preventing it, unless there are NDA's to know....those stakeholder things which people thought was anti-consumer.

Epic didn't show anyone anything. Everyone knew it'd be easy to implement. I don't think anyone actually disputed that. But, that still doesn't negate the absolute hilarity of your notion that these developers.....particularly a current one hit wonder like Bluehole....can somehow dictate to the console makers the course of their ongoing, or future policies.

I've never deflected. I've always addressed your points directly. You rarely ever address mine except to say how I'm wrong and Sony is at fault. You make spurious arguments based on assumption, with little to no logical thought behind it, unless that logic puts the fault on a single party.

ApocalypseShadow2445d ago (Edited 2445d ago )

Rain slacker, Moldy's own words

**It's their store, they can and will do what they want and the store needs to be curated because there is a lot of junk on there. With that said you will never be able to please everyone.**

The article talks about PC and Xbox and he makes it about Sony. While ignoring his own view on what a company can do with their own products and services. If Sony don't want to play with Microsoft, they have every right not to.

Ignore him. His views are contradictory and hypocritical. Which is why no one cares about a PC gamer that doesn't own a console but constantly defends Microsoft and downplays Sony every time. He'll say you're deflecting. But why would someone deflect his nonsense? It isn't worth it.

rainslacker2445d ago (Edited 2445d ago )


I said a while ago that I would ignore moldy on this. Even PM'd him and said it wasn't something I'd ever talk with him about again.

But it's gotten so hilariously rediculous the lengths he goes to try and make Sony to be the all encompassing evil which will forever and always, plus a day, prevent this from happening, despite the fact his self proclaimed preferred platform, the PC, actually has much more cross play with Sony, and has for a long time, and he's never had a problem with that until suddenly MS wanted it with the Xbox.

His initial arguments just ignoring any reasons why Sony might be refusing it were annoying, but now, it's just too funny. He makes it easy to make him look like a fool and a rampant fan boy, so I do.

Anyhow, to be ON TOPIC, because moldy likes to claim personal attack to get people restricted,

It won't change anything if this game goes PC/Xbox cross play. There are games like that now. Some popular. It won't change Sony's mind, nor do I doubt they'll feel pressured to allow it for this game. If Minecraft couldn't do it, then this one won't for the forseeable future. The popularity of this game only became a console concern when it became a MS exclusive. Before that, how many people even knew about it? How many people cared? How often was it even mentioned? At least with minecraft, people knew about it, and were excited when it was coming to consoles. With this, it seems more like a console war hype product than genuine excitement to be able to suddenly play it.

Of course, generally speaking. Would take to long to spell it out on a larger scale.

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jer11222446d ago

Why is everyone so desperate for cross-play? As a console gamer I don't want to play against people on the PC the game runs better on PC they have a mouse and keyboard they would have a ton of advantages. The one thing I always liked about consoles everyone's on an even playing field. It's not like the PC audience needs console audience pubg sold 13 million on PC. it'll do just fine on PS4 and Xbox and we don't need cross play stop talking about cross play it's starting to get annoying

Petebloodyonion2446d ago

Sorry but the all on the same playfield arguments became obsolete when Sony and MS introduced the pro and X versions of their console.
Also the same applies to a controller when some ppl use Elite version compare to the normal version.

jer11222446d ago (Edited 2446d ago )

Not really because all it does is increase the resolution no multiplayer game on the pro or the Xbox One X runs at 30 frames per second and then 60 on the better version. PC that can literally run at 120 frames per second and a xbox would be able to run at 30 . Once again the elite controller is not that much better than a regular controller and it's not even a comparison to a mouse and keyboard versus a controller.

rainslacker2446d ago

I don't think people are really that desperate for it. I think its something some people like, and appreciate when its there, but to date, I can't think of any game which has sold better for having it, or worse for not having it. If you look at the most successful MP games, none of them are cross play. MMO's can sustain themselves on PC without the need for consoles, so having it for those games on consoles makes more sense. Same could be said for any game, but at the same time, a popular game is popular with or without it.

Some people are acting like ti's a make or break thing nowadays, but in another article, someone posted how many games actually have it, and the PS4 is at the top of this gen with 66 games. 66 games out of about 1500. Not exactly strong evidence that it's a huge requirement.

freshslicepizza2445d ago


Well since you keep telling everyone it's such a small deal, very few people care about this feature, and only a few games support it then why do so many suggest Sony stance is for competitive reasons? I don't see you telling them that's not the reason. After all if it's such a small thing then their fans shouldn't be suggesting it will help Microsoft or Nintendo. Nobody cares right? Hardly any games support it right?

rainslacker2445d ago (Edited 2445d ago )

Well, if you want to bring up another argument I guess I can address it.

First, let me say that if you haven't seen me telling people that it's not likely for competitive reasons, then you aren't reading all my comments on the issue. Since I don't recall you ever bringing up this aspect of it, I'm unlikely to reply to you with anything about it, because I don't believe that's the case. However, I have most certainly disputed that assumption with my own reasons.

I can't tell you what an individual is thinking on what I talk about in relation to the competitive aspect, because I don't know if they're connected, or if the people you talk about are correlating the two things together.. I've never once said I believe it's based on competitive reasons, and in fact have disputed that notion on multiple occasions, because there is little sense to it considering just how unimportant it is to most people.(that's my counter to your question by the way). In fact, I have often said that there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that a game or console has sold better or worse for the inclusion or exclusion of cross play.

If you want to know why people say this, then ask them, and make your arguments to them. You don't counter my arguments by trying to bring in another aspect that I don't adhere to....seemingly with the same opinion as you on the topic. But that aspect of it is really in no way related to anything I said in the first place.

DigitalRaptor2439d ago (Edited 2439d ago )

@ rainslacker

Dude, don't bother engaging him anymore.

That guy has a rock-hard agenda to promote anything remotely controversial when it comes to Sony, even without all the details that constitutes controversy. He thought that mods on consoles was a big deal and that many people cared for it. He showed that fake concern of his and pushed for that despite not owning any of these consoles. Fast forward to over 2 YEARS after the fact, and there about 3 games with mods on consoles. Absolutely ZERO of them are from Microsoft's first-party studios, and nobody is talking about it anymore.

Moldybread beats dead horses harder than anyone else I've seen.

xPhearR3dx2446d ago (Edited 2446d ago )


And that logic can't be applied to PC? You think all 13 million people that bought PUBG have the same set up? There's people that play at 120 FPS, 30 FPS, 45 FPS, 60 FPS, controllers, Steam controller, crappy keyboards, mechanical keyboards. At the end of the day, doesn't matter about your set up if your skills are sub par. Fortnite supports M/K on PS4, where are all the articles talking about PS4 users not using M/K are at an unfair advantage? There isn't any. Mostly because there isn't headlines telling you there's M/K support and when people die it doesn't even cross their mind. I'm primarily a PC gamer, I use a controller 100% of the time if the game supports it. Never have a felt at a disadvantage.

jer11222446d ago

First off I don't care what anyone says mouse and keyboard is just infinitely better than a controller.

Unless they put heavy aim assist on it's stupid though why even do it there's no need for cross play. Primary a PC Gamer than play on the PC. PS4 and Xbox just want to play on that mostly as you can see from the comments. Also as a console player I don't want to deal with all the hacks and cheats PC deals with.

PC offers a different experience from consoles. Most console owners don't want to deal with different frame rates mouse and keyboard. PC that's what you guys deal with because that's your choice and you can have alot more options better graphics higher frame rate that's the advantage to the PC and that also comes with disadvantages like people having better Hardware. Primary thing about a console is having one single platform. Go read forums and comments sections nobody on Console wants it . only people that want it or PC players for some reason.

xPhearR3dx2445d ago


Well first off, that's your opinion, not a fact. You can say you don't care all you want, but at the end of the day, it's your opinion.

I also like how you completely ignored my fact about Fortnite having m/k support on PS4. Which makes your entire paragraph of excuses null. I play on both, but mostly PC. Aside from resolution, textures, effects and FPS, the experience is nearly identical for 3rd party games. Having better hardware doesn't give you an advantage.

shaenoide2446d ago

Then I hope the console players are in the other team :p

nowitzki20042445d ago

With myy luck, they will be on my team.

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Krafton profits up to $171.5 million despite lowest quarter since 2020

From "Krafton, the Korea-based publisher behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, released its Q3 financial results alongside news on how it's expanding its collection of studios.

The company reported that it saw revenues of $328.5 million and net profits of $171.5 million, the latter marking a year-on-year improvement of 27%.

Krafton also announced it plans to acquire Neon Giant, the developer behind The Ascent, and open a new studio in Canada."

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Community578d ago

PUBG update transforms battle royale meta, makes winning even harder

The latest PUBG update transforms the weapon meta in Krafton’s battle royale game, bringing changes to vehicles and Deston to make winning even harder

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Community601d ago

PUBG is too violent and must be banned, says Taliban

PUBG, the battle royale game from publisher Krafton, will be banned in Afghanistan in 90 days as the Taliban says it is a waste of time and too violent

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Community631d ago
deleted631d ago

Taliban is too violent and must be banned, says PUBG.

blacktiger630d ago (Edited 630d ago )

incase you didn't know Taliban is a place not Al qaeda or however you spell them. Just saying

CobraKai631d ago (Edited 631d ago )

“Says Taliban”. 😂😂😂

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