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Cuphead is so Difficult It's Making Me Hate Myself

Paul Tamburro:

It's got pretty desperate over here since I received my copy of Cuphead this week. While I have been informed that game journalists are naturally afflicted with a crippling inability to play video games, I had assumed that I would be able to beat Cuphead within a sitting or two. I had heard that it would be difficult, but I mean, run-and-gun games are always tough — I'd get through it, I thought. It'd be a challenge, sure, but I could handle it. I redeemed my code, puffed out my chest like an aggressive pigeon ready to defend its nest, and dived in.

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FITgamer2439d ago

It's really not. It mostly comes down to timing. Some were saying it's "Dark Souls" difficult. Not even close.

lelo2play2439d ago

I'm not a Dark Souls fan, but isn't Dark Souls also about timing?

2439d ago
FITgamer2439d ago

Yes but the combat portions on CupHead aren't very difficult. Most of my dying has been screwing up the timing during platforming.

Cyro2437d ago Show
Big_Game_Hunters2437d ago

Dark souls difficulty comes to down to trial and error/ tedious game design.

4Sh0w2436d ago

Bruh, I'm playing the he'll out of this game, YES it is hard. Sure it's timing but you say that like OK cool let me just click my "timing button". No, it's gonna take everybody besides those with that special twitch reaction and keen focus many, many tough hours to complete this game.

Arghh, just prepare to be aggravated, sweet, sweet, very bitter, very sour aggravation.

2436d ago
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bluefox7552437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

Yeah, from what I'm hearing the difficulty is pretty overstated.

81BX2437d ago

The difficulty of any game is over stated. It's about strategy and patterns. Some will have a hard time with that lol.

DarthZoolu2437d ago

I agree Dark Souls isn't actually that hard Ninja Gaiden black isn't actually that hard and cuphead isn't actually that hard you just got to get used to it.

1nsomniac2437d ago

As a gamer of almost 30 years I’m disgusted at myself that I can’t get past level 1.

Albeit I’m old & very busy so I’ve not had a great amount of time to play it. I would definitely say it’s been more than 1 hour though & still haven’t completed a single level yet.

It has that “one more go!” Effect on you though.

Benchm4rk2437d ago

Lol I struggled to get my rythem in that first level and spent longer on it than I thought I would. Been a while since I played this kind of game aswell. Once I got adjusted I started doing alot better and I've almost finished the first world in around 2 hours. Stick with it. It's a good game and that feeling you get after finishing a level you have been stuck on is great :)

81BX2437d ago

Lol don't be. I found it tough at 1st. I'm so used to playing a certain way. Games have check points and saves now. This takes us back to when timing and patterns were key. You'll get it. I have 1 more boss till I get on the boat with the dice head guy lol

1nsomniac2437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

Forgot about the shop. Just went & bought a new weapon. Now 3 levels in haha

Cobra9512437d ago

That's our problem, man. We *are* 30-year gaming veterans, complete with the slower reflexes and tired knuckles. I used to be able to get through games like this, with some swearing and sweating. Now, forget it. I've pretty much stopped even trying.

343_Guilty_Spark2437d ago

I’m 31 and I die a lot but I’ve beaten several bosses and gotten as high as an A- grade.

Watch for patterns and breathe.

JayRyu2437d ago

Hang in there 1nsomniac. It is all about timing. When I tried to rush through a level I would end up dying. But as I would stop in the world for a second to watch how some enemies moved, I figured out their patterns and beat them. Now I've completed a few lvls and the game gets more fun as you progress.

Another important thing is your load out before starting a stage. It will literally mean success or multiple failed attempts. I got through 3 stages with the homing shot. If you're stuck try changing your load out.

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goldwyncq2437d ago

Dark Souls isn't even that difficult...

DarthZoolu2437d ago

Dark Souls isn't that hard!

slappy5082437d ago

Im a big dark souls fan hence I dont mind difficult games but I think they went overboard with Cuphead. Theres just too many things happening on the screen at once at a fast pace and I get a distinct feeling a few times I died I couldnt even control it. I guess it would differ with peoples reflexes but the game is too frustrating for me

pyroxxx2437d ago (Edited 2437d ago )

I agree it is a sensory overload,.. It does not help everything looking so good and respawning in 2 sec,.. Really strange decisoin to hide all the coins for perks in platforming levels,.. which take insane amount of dedication ,..
I am just having hard time breaking trough,.. I can probably get superb at it ,.. just don't think it is going to pull me for enough time to want to master it.

2436d ago
SarcasticDuck2437d ago

answering to your reply to lelo2play, if you died on Dark Souls, wouldn't it be because you screwed up your timing during dodging and/or attacking?

2436d ago
Erik73572436d ago (Edited 2436d ago )

I mean can you give me a example of a game thats not difficult that doesnt involve timing?

Even so your comment is stupid, I just played 1 hour of the same level trying to beat it and your gonna tell me thats not hard because it involved timing?


N4g is not for smart people sometimes

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FallenAngel19842439d ago

At least it's not Contra difficult

2436d ago
DarthZoolu2437d ago

That's what I've been saying Dark Souls isn't hard at all compared to a bunch of old Nintendo games.

Bahamut2437d ago

Even the original Mega Man.

Automatic792438d ago

This game is difficult in a fun way. I have not stopped trying to complete every mission every single time I die. Every time I go back I feel the adrenaline in me from trying to complete the entire mission without dying. I won't begin to discuss boss battles. Glad to see a great unique game like this. Congratulations to studio MDHR and Team Xbox for bringing this game to Xbox.

Blu3_Berry2437d ago

Good, I'm glad its a challenge and is sticking to it. Too many games these days have your hand held, even with different difficulties. Sometimes it's nice to just have one set difficulty across the board.

Skuletor2437d ago

The boss battles have two difficulties but only the regular difficulty unlocks the bosses soul contracts.

Kribwalker2437d ago

there’s actually a hard mode after you beat the game....

Skuletor2437d ago

Damn and it's already hard on normal, should be frustratingly fun to try it on hard.

PCgamer982437d ago

I love this game. A lot of bosses are hard as hell but platform stages are the ones really giving me trouble since there so many stuffs to watch out for.

Ra3v3r2437d ago

Aye the carnival platform sections are pretty sick. The bosses have required quite a few restarts to learn the patterns and once you get those sorted it becomes a little easier. It's usually me not watching or following projectiles that gets me hit. Managed to A+ the first island, the seconds been tougher. Hated that rollercoaster guy!

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