
Has Destiny Finally Killed the Halo Series?

While the Halo series has faded a bit with age, the Destiny franchise is doing amazingly well. Could one Bungie series be on the verge of surpassing the other? Is Halo about to...wait for it...meet its Destiny?!

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submarinna2409d ago

Ms has been beating this dead horse for a long time. Time for new ips folks

Kribwalker2409d ago

i know right, why make another game in a series that sells millions when they can release the 13th version of a game like God Of War in 13 years.....i don’t get it

2409d ago
Gazondaily2409d ago

Halo may not be the juggernaut it once Was (it has been about 16 years after all) but it's still a force to be reckoned with.

It's latest entry, even with it's weak SP has a stellar MP. Destiny's PvP doesn't even come close to scratching it.

Halo is long from dead. But 343 need to make sure that the next release is excellent in all areas.

guyman2409d ago

"are you talking microtransactions like in Uncharted 4 and the last of us that were pay to win or like the ones in driveclub and street fighter 5 that are for items that are earnable in game?"

"i know right, why make another game in a series that sells millions when they can release the 13th version of a game like God Of War in 13 years.....i don’t get it"

That's the second time you've tried to throw punches at ps4 exclusives in as many articles which have no mention or relation to them. How pathetic and desperate. Pretty much sums up xbox fanboys on this site

UCForce2409d ago (Edited 2409d ago )

Poor statement. I will give you this Halo series are still stay strong. But how long is gonna last ? 343i need to understand more about the Halo in term of passion. If you looking back at Halo Bungie and Halo 343i, you knew Bungie was honest about their game and the flaws. 343i have some problems with it. Well, Halo 5 MP is top notch. But the Campaign was mediocre and what worse is that the campaign was also misleading. 343i didn't address it. Here the thing, MS need to let 343 to do a new IP and let the Halo series rest, so it can give them more time to think about making another one.

TheTony3162409d ago

You don't see a new god of war game every 2 years. The new installment is vastly different then the previous games and unlike MS, Sony doesn't rely on the same 3 franchises every time.

UCForce2409d ago

About God Of War series, i did have a criticism about it. And I wad skeptical about Santa Monica making another one. But at E3 2016, it completely changed my mind and blow me away. Because it's look different for good reason. But I can tell you this, new God Of War is a soft reboot.

mochachino2409d ago

To be fair, the new GOW looks very different than the previous ones. Almost like a series refresh. They're taking some big risks and it looks like it's paying off.

_-EDMIX-_2408d ago

But the difference is that it's negatively been affecting the series.

The new God of War game has taken a huge drastic shift because the developers understand that they cannot just keep doing the same thing they must Revitalize the series and look to become more creative even if it means removing specific Staples Halo have not done that.

And I have no clue what God of War has to do with this article......

darthv722408d ago (Edited 2408d ago )

@tony... "You don't see a new god of war game every 2 years." no but you do see 2 GoW games per PS gen since the PS2. GoW1 & 2 were on PS2 while GoW3 and Ascension were on PS3. Now we will have GoW for PS4 and probably another GoW game before the PS5 (hopefully) but if they take their time like they are with GT (another PS series we have come to expect 2 per console gen) then this could be the first time they break that tradition. Not to mention that there were also 2 games released on PSP.

Total number of GoW related games up to this point is 6 with a 7th on the way.

As for Halo you had 1 & 2 on the og xbox. 3 & 4 on the 360 while also having a spin off (ODST) and a prequel (Reach) which are non-cannon and then picking up with 5 on xbo. There is likely to be a 6 but that prob wont appear until 2018-19.

Total number of Halo related games 7 (9 if you include RTS halo wars).

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2408d ago
2409d ago Replies(4)
DJStotty2409d ago

beating a dead horse lmao. Halo 3 was launched 10 years ago. We have had halo 4 and 5 in 10 years, hardly beating a franchise

TheTony3162409d ago (Edited 2409d ago )

Don't forget Halo Wars, ODST, Reach, Anniversary, Master Chief collection and Halo Wars 2. That's 8 games in 10 years.

DJStotty2409d ago

Halo Wars - Different Genre
ODST/Reach - Spinoffs (not related to Master Chief or the story)
Halo Anniversary/MCC - Remasters which were welcomed by the halo fanbase

Try harder

TheTony3162408d ago (Edited 2408d ago )

It doens't matter if they're spin offs or not. They're still Halo games and part of the franchise. 8 games in 10 years is milking.

_-EDMIX-_2408d ago

So why did you ignore Halo Reach and Halo ODST?

darthv722408d ago (Edited 2408d ago )

@tony, if i may be so bold. God of War would also be considered milking due to having 12 games (soon to be 13) in the span of 12 years (GoW release in 05). And you complain about Halo having 13 games in 16 years (Halo released in 01)?

My numbers include every iteration of both (including mobile and portable and remasters/compilations). The only other game series i can think of that exceeds both would be GT with something like 15 releases over the course of its 20 year lifetime.

DJStotty2408d ago


That wont count on here as its a PS franchise, it only counts if its something Microsoft related lol.

I only class something as being milked if its copy/paste every iteration.

Putting a franchise into different genres is not milking. Its expanding on a franchise.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2408d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic2409d ago (Edited 2409d ago )

The problem is Halo's quality declined and Destiny's went up with the improvements in the latest game, despite that, I don't consider Destiny a Halo killer, the developers are just favoring it over Halo at this point in time (I still feel that Destiny doesn't quite compete in the same space as Halo).

DJStotty2409d ago

There are a few elements in Destiny that are "borrowed" from Halo which is to be expected as they were the same developer.

Either way i like both games and hoping that Halo 6 is better than 5. I didnt mind 5 and so far have every Halo released.

COD is milking a franchise you get a new one every year by 3 different developers

MattSomething2409d ago

Halo 5 had the best multiplayer of the entire franchise, the best and most in depth Forge (which is huge for me personally) in the franchise, all of the DLC was free as not to segment the community, the best graphic in the franchise and the story campaign was ‘meh’ because people wanted to play as Master Chief. Seems like a pretty easy fix to me.

I’m hoping Microsoft has Joseph Staten working on the H6 campaign and pull Marty O'Donnell back into the studio to score the next soundtrack.

Halo 5 may have only sold about 5 million copies but that doesn’t mean the franchise is going snywhere anytime soon.

NatFanBoyRestricted2409d ago

Yet it has the best support for online content on a platform that has the best online experience. PS doesn't have a single exclusive that matche Halos strongest points

Suave_Langosta2409d ago

Anyone saying halo is dead is just plain wrong.

Yes single player was a low point. I agree.

But halo 5 MP is and still will be top notch. Maybe not the best out there, but it is still insanely fun, and lobbies are always full.

spicelicka2408d ago (Edited 2408d ago )

Halo 5 is still one of the best MP games on the market right now and miles ahead of Destiny in MP. Not to mention free DLC and post launch support every month. It has still sold 5 million copies, not even close to a dead horse.


And the community is still alive and well. You can't do these things in any FPS game (other than Far cry maybe, but that's not MP focused game).

_-EDMIX-_2408d ago

I agree

I would say that Halo killed itself.

Bnet3432408d ago

it's still successful but not like Destiny. Destiny expanded to another console. All this means is that Bungie are gods and were gods back during the Halo days and and one of the very best. FACTS. Can't argue with facts. The numbers are there for Destiny and were there for Halo.

Nu2408d ago

Gears of War is the last Microsoft exclusive keeping me with the Xbox.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2408d ago
UKmilitia2409d ago

i enjoyed halo reach coop,but its a stale game and hated the online of everyone jumping round like tigger

Sonic_Vs_Mario2409d ago (Edited 2409d ago )

2 completely different games genre

aconnellan2409d ago

"They both have guns. They must be exactly the same and direct competitors"

Summons752409d ago


Destiny barely qualitfies as an RPG. "Oh you level up, must be a full deep RPG"...not how it works. It's a FPS with light RPG mechanics or was I imagining it being in first person the whole time?

_-EDMIX-_2408d ago

? Halo isn't an RPG and I put well over 80 hours in the first Destiny and can very much tell you indeed it is a RPG.

The elements in regards to RPG is not light, you are very much leveling up and the class of your character is definitely having real effects on bosses and enemies in the game.

Fallout and Elder Scrolls can be played in first person are you telling me that means they're no longer RPGs? The perspective of a game actually has very little to do with the genre..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2408d ago
PhoenixUp2409d ago

Remember how last decade so many developers tried to create an alleged "Halo Killer."

How do you think they'd react if you told them in the future that the people who came closest to making a "Halo Killer" were the creators of Halo itself?

Sciurus_vulgaris2409d ago

The Destiny games haven't really reviewed better than 343i Halo games. The Destiny games seem to hold players longer, but they are more casual and less competitive than the Halo games. In this current-era of gaming, it is generally shooters with a lot of skill-gap compression that hold players the longest. Lastly, Halo and Destiny are pretty different games, one is a Sci-fi military shooter, with arena focused mp, while the other is sci-fantasy, with a stronger emphasis on PVE.

Cmv382409d ago

I think you're being so defensive, you're missing the point.

Summons752409d ago

343I did a pretty good job of that themselves.

UCForce2409d ago

But not good enough. MS need to let 343 to do their own thing by creating new IP.

_-EDMIX-_2408d ago

Absolutely agreed

They're draining this team to death making the same thing over and over again. If Microsoft doesn't allow this team to make a new intellectual property clearly they're going to divide themselves and go to a publisher that will.

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New Game of Thrones Video Game In Development

Gravemaster writes: "Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire is a successful franchise, but it hasn’t had much luck when it comes to video games. Many were released, but only the one from Telltale games received more or less recognition and it was cancelled after one season anyway. Now, we have news of another Game of Thrones game in development."

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anast2h ago

The first 3 or 4 seasons were brilliantly written, then the writers ran out of steam.


Square Enix Declares $140m Loss Amid Game Pipeline Shakeup

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth publisher Square Enix has declared a $140m loss based on a shakeup of its internal development pipeline.

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Furesis1d 1h ago

What are they doing over there? Sounds like they canceled something big. I read a rumor a while back about ff9 remake . Here "Final Fantasy IX has gone through a very challenging development, the game is still in progress but may undergo changes drastic enough that we won't hear about it for a couple of years."
This could be one of the reasons if the rumor is true. That was Silknight i don't know how credible he is but it's something and it would make sense.

-Foxtrot23h ago

I hope IX is still on the cards

Just a straight up remake which they expand a little bit nothing over ambitious

If IX dosent happen then VI and VIII will never be thought of.

Kakashi Hatake13h ago

6 and 8 were way more p popular games despite today's cult following of 9.

blackbeld56m ago

I want my FF8 remake! Can't believe they cancelled it.

TiredGamer22h ago

What are they doing? Sales are falling and the costs are out of control. Big releases need to be absolute sales home runs now, and Final Fantasy sales have stagnated.

Now we know why Square didn’t fall over themselves to remake the original FF7 all these years ago. It certainly wasn’t a license to print money, at least not with what the expectations were. Each of these full on remakes drains an enormous amount of company resources for a razor thin profit margin.

TwoPicklesGood22h ago

Breaking the game up into multiple parts was a mistake IMO.

blackblades20h ago

The loses came from cancelling games nothing else.

Tapani3h ago

They lost the magic in the remakes. And the story is incomplete. The original FF7 is still way better. The Remake / Rebirth are just fan service. Like an Anime/Manga with "optional" filler content. FF7 had pretty much zero filler, it was paced extremely well, and still today flows much better than the grindy story and spongey enemy battles in the remakes.

babadivad43m ago

If they released it at once on all platforms, they would have made all of their money back. Could have been on to an FF8 or 9 remake. Ready to cash in again on nostalgia like Capcom. This is their fault for trying to milk the title.

Once I head they were breaking it up into parts, I lost all interest.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 43m ago
neutralgamer19922h ago

I hope people understand usually when a loss is declared it means a game which had been in development got cancelled. For example Sony Santa Monica before GOW-PS4 had cancelled a project which Sony had spent 7 figures on

As far as square is concerned they release a bad game once a year. Forspoken anyone?

For those making comments on remake not selling well, I hope y’all realize that Sony is the only reason this remake is happening. If Sony didn’t fund it the remake wouldn’t be happening. Just like Konami didn’t want to remake SH2 because development costs of 100 plus million

shadowT1d ago

Do not miss Final Fantasy 16. Great game!

raWfodog1d ago

I'm waiting for them to release the complete edition bundle, but it's definitely on my list.

PhillyDonJawn23h ago

Wth is going on with the gaming industry?

mandf22h ago

Corporate investors taking everything

TiredGamer22h ago

Not rocket science. Compare sales numbers, development cycles, and budgets to the previous gens. We are all collectively burning up the industry from the inside out. Expectations are ludicrously high now for every release and sales are dropping for even the most prestigious of series.

We used to be satisfied paying $50-60 for a game that took 1/100th the budget and staff to make. Now gamers feel cheated if they have to pay the same for a game that took 100x the budget. We may be reaching the end of the line for this model of gaming.

wiz719118h ago

@tiredgamer I think your point is one that ppl don’t understand and you hit it on the nose .. some gamers don’t want to take accountability but it’s some of the gamers fault the industry is where it’s at .. we as gamers set the standards for the industry not the shareholders , ppl forget that the shareholders and the industry want and need OUR Money. Both the Xbox and PlayStation are seeing a drop in hardware , the industry is very stagnant right now.

Tacoboto19h ago

Speaking to Square:

Turns out their mismanagement wasn't related to the western studios they dumped to Embracer, but their own fault.

With regards to Xbox - a good way to kill your brand is to pull support on high quality titles and only dump B and C-tier titles to it

With regards to PC - Epic Games Story exclusivity for any duration and piss-poor optimization will hurt you.

With regards to FF Pixel Remasters - y'all messed up by barely releasing them on physical, like wtf that was free money!

And lastly, you don't help a franchise by releasing a mainline title that undermines every title that came before it. FFXVI was a DMC-like with bottom-of-the-barrel side quests and I can't imagine that helping Rebirth at all considering its marketing is directly tied to how big that game is.

Tacoboto18h ago

Sony is getting their best titles and with the most polish, so what about it? Nintendo gets their top properties too, for titles that can run on Switch hardware.

It's the other fanbases that get the second- and third-class treatment from Square. If that's due to agreements with Sony, that's not a Sony issue but a Square one for accepting those terms. Sony is doing its best to look out for Sony.

wesnytsfs1h ago

sales and stupid practices like exclusives.

TiredGamer23h ago

The industry implosion is continuing. Sky high budgets, prolonged development windows, stagnant sales numbers, and falling currency values (inflation) are wreaking havoc on the legacy industry. AAA games will slowly become the rarity.

CS723h ago

Sad. Rebirth was one of my favorite games in a long time. Should have sold more.

CrimsonWing6922h ago

Oh I’m with you. What’s worse is they can say, “Well we tried to make this amazing game and spend all this money on, but not enough people showed an interest. So no more of these since we can’t take a hit like that.”

The industry is going to take a dramatic shift. Mark my words on this.

rpvenom21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

I think there is quite a large portion of individuals like myself who held out on buying it on PS5 because I can get it on PC eventually. To be able to mod the game and also have custom graphical settings to my liking

gold_drake11h ago


but im not sure if it matters at all. im sure they made sony pay a hefty sum for the 3parter to come on ps5 exclusively. so watever they made in sales, might have come bk in profits for square, but i dont know
and we dont know what "underperformed" even means for square.

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Here's Everything I Expect From The Witcher 4's Combat

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on_line_forever1d 4h ago

after what we see ( 2015 - 2024 ) in dark souls 3, blood borne , sekiro , dragon's dogma 2 , rise of the Ronin combat they should really careful and bring very good combat in Witcher 4 this time