
LawBreaker’s is Down to Dwindling Numbers on PlayStation 4 and PC, but Why? Lets Take a Look.

LawBreakers is seemingly in trouble after hitting an all-time low of 20 players on Steam last night, and a very minuscule count during the day.

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-Foxtrot2439d ago

People are just getting sick of shooters...and honestly when it comes to a game like this they have Overwatch

I mean the display picture for this article...I see that character I think of a gritty, modern more realistic Zarya

ThatDudeMunkee2439d ago

I'm in the same boat. I loved it. I do love it, but the issue is? If I want to play a team based shooter? I'll boot up Overwatch or Team Fortress and hit up a few mates. Sadly, that's the issue with this game. CliffyB's team should have come to approach it with a unique angle on FPS titles. I'd have been down for complete Zero G gameplay.


No, shooters are more popular than ever.. people are getting tired of CRAPPY shooters and yes, Overwatch is the go-to game for this kind of shooter (unfortunately), also.. Law Breakers simply isn't a good game.

Deep-throat2438d ago Show
andrewsquall2438d ago

@Deep-throat Like the game Metal Gear Solid lol? Seriously I don't think I will ever understand the vast hilarity that is your gaming attitude choice and the fact it contradicts your username and avatar image. And its an image of a well known PlayStation icon too of all things which makes the PlayStation hate even more contradicting.

Trekster_Gamer2437d ago

Shooters are great when they are great.. Cliffy B.. sorry this game is far from it.

TimelessDbz2438d ago

You really are ignorant on this matter. Just letting you know .

-Foxtrot2438d ago

If I was and you believed that you'd have explained why ages ago

The fact you haven't...well it's just meaningless words and a poor counter argument because you disagree

Markets too over saturated especially with FPS...that's all their is to say

iDadio2438d ago

Please explain timeless when you have a break from your homework because you offered no reason to justify your comment. As far as I can see it was on point, there are a lot of shooters at the min and there are some very good options so it was always going to be hard for a game like Law to break through. Every man and is dog is playing pub and destiny - if that's what your friends are playing what on earth is going to convince you to take the plunge on a price tag that is almost the same as pub into a game that really isn't anything special.

ShottyatLaw2438d ago

You say "shooters" like the whole genre isn't still one of the biggest MP draws around on both console and PC.

The recent numbers of just Destiny 2 and PUBg that we've seen show you that it's not the genre itself.

Destiny 2, COD, and BF2 will be the top sellers again in 2017. It's not shooters that people are tired of, it's the competition with the FPS or shooter genre hurting Lawbreakers' numbers.

Lawbreakers is a solid game, but there are better options for shooter fans right now IMO. Is Lawbreakers more fun than Overwatch, D2, PUBg, etc.? Looks like other consumers are saying, no, too.

Rude-ro2437d ago

It is the the genre of the game... online only competitive pvp shooters never do great numbers in sales. Titanfall fell flat, socom when they went online pvp only, drawn to death etc etc..
If there is no single player or co-op less tryhard pvp attached to the game, it has a harder time at succeeding. Especially twitch based pvp shooters.
It is actually more rare, on consoles, for pvp only games to succeed. Overwatch being one of them and overwatch is not a twitch shooter. It is casual and is competitive.

This is just based off of history.., I could be wrong but then history of gaming is wrong,

Lawbreakers could have been ftp but still would have the same situation.

The market of console players want more than a log in and go cut throat pvp.

ShottyatLaw2436d ago

Titanfall did pretty good numbers despite releasing on just Xbox and PC early in the generation. Confrontation did OK, and it wasn't just the genre that drive down sales of that. Lawbreakers would probably love to have the numbers of either game.

Overwatch did well on console, but also is killing it on PC. Lawbreakers numbers are low on both. CSGo, TF2, and many others survive just fine on PC for years and years. Why are gamers only just now against the genre?

will3132438d ago

People are not sick of shooter, that's like saying people are sick of sports games. You're talking about the genres that drive the industry on a year in year out basis. You guys got to get off of this idea that because you don't like whats popular, that it somehow kills the industry; because in reality it actually keeps it going, for now. Saying this is kinda childish, if you look at the annual numbers for unit sales the highest selling games are usually some kind of shooter and a sports game. Deal with it. In the case of LawBreakers, this is a case of bad timing. Overwatch is killing any and every game that falls under the hero shooter motif...and it should have launched on XB1 at the same time....companies have to get out of this mindset that giving games only to Sony. Giving your product to the biggest pot is a fine idea, but not when everyone is doing it. It's way to easy to get lost in the shuffle. Sont gave the a tank load of money to keep the game off other machines, but then support the damn thing with substantial advertisement. Instant fail day one.

TimelessDbz2438d ago (Edited 2438d ago )

Never bother to correct you on any case I just read the comments .

Anyways if you want justification to my opinion. Here you go it's a arena shooter on console. There are no arena style shooters on console atm.

You are saying the market is oversaturated and that is just a blanket statement just simply due to the fact almost every genre as a sub . Examples are fighting games and racing games. You have 2d fighters, 3d fighters , 2.5D fighter. Racing games have open world racing, or arcade style racing.

Last I just wanted to add how is law breakers competing with overwatch ? Like me saying battleborne is competing with overwatch.

Now you could say there is not enough demand for that kind of game to help your argument .

DarXyde2438d ago

I don't know if they're getting sick of them. Granted, I can sympathize with that since I haven't bought a shooter since Call of Duty 2 due to burning out and losing interest, but I'm not so sure that others suddenly feel this way.

I personally believe it's just the second part of what you said: people already have Overwatch. I think that whenever a big enough game comes along in a genre, people don't care to buy a similar title.

Overwatch isn't really showing signs off slowing down either. I hate to say it, but Lawbreakers might do better if they try to expand beyond its shooter elements like Overwatch and try being inclusive. We're kind of in an era where narrative is everything (and we've been slowly working our way towards that for years) so it makes sense to craft a universe with characters and purpose you care about. I know, Cliff doesn't speak "SJW", but it might help.

Rachel_Alucard2437d ago

Cliffy B is a huge SJW. He promoted having a diverse cast of different races rather then making ones that stand out or actually appeal to people, a gender neutral bathroom, and many of his tweets are left leaning.

kevnb2438d ago

Not sick of them, but most people only play one or two games at a time.

yomfweeee2438d ago

People are sick of shooters yet the biggest games out today are shooters..... good one. PUBG smashing steam records left and right.

The game just isn't very good compared to what is available.

CorndogBurglar2438d ago

I don't think its shooters in general.

Shooters still do very well. Look at Destiny 2. Its doing great in sales. There are different types of shooters though, and this just comes across like a cheap Overwatch clone.

You would have thought that after Overwatch and Battleborn released at the same and only one came out standing, that Cliffy B would habe realized that Blizzard has the Team Based shooter on lockdown for the time being. So maybe he shouldn't habe released that?

Gears did so well originally because there was really only one other cover based shooter at the time and it was very obscure. He introduced somehthing new to a lot of people and did it well.

But here, he just went with what os already popular and did it poorly.

Timesplitter142438d ago (Edited 2438d ago )

I don't think it's because people are getting sick of shooters. It's just that anyone could've guessed that Lawbreakers would never reach success ever since the very first trailer.

It is bland and generic. It's nothing new. It has no appeal.

So often you see devs writing articles on gamasutra.com about "Why My Game Failed" and then go on an elaborate analysis of their marketing strategy and such.... but 9 out of 10 times, it is abundantly clear their game simply failed because because it was just straight-up unappealing. And that is the case for Lawbreakers. I don't see how anyone could've thought that game would sell

2437d ago
KillBill2437d ago

"People are just getting sick of shooters..." which really does account for PUBG breaking records on Steam. /s

Rachel_Alucard2437d ago

The character designs do not stand out at all in this game. Everyone is too generic and super realistic to appeal to anyone. The gameplay doesn't do enough to seperate itself from the rest of the market and the "Skilled players only" marketing they did scared away a ton of people.

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iDadio2438d ago

Should of stuck to f2p because it's never going to bear the competition, it has some nice features but it's generic and dull all too quickly (as in even by the beta it wasn't holding my attention)

gangsta_red2438d ago

Now imagine a generic and dull game that's F2P. It would never have gotten the few sales it did.

iDadio2438d ago

I take your point, just feel like the game isn't enough to warrant an entry price tag, at least on s f2p model you get more people to at least try it (more players, maybe more streamers etc). As it stands now it's pretty much rip

yarbie10002437d ago

I remember them tweeting out same-sex bathrooms & doing their virtual signaling bs. Maybe shoulda worked on more than bathrooms. I won't give them a dime

gangsta_red2438d ago

But Cliffy...what will happen to those families and keeping the lights on?

Mikelarry2438d ago (Edited 2438d ago )

lol i know right. as a few have mentioned there's just toooo many FPS games at the moment going through my current catalogue i have

Black ops3
Titanfall 2 ( when I eventually get into a game after like 5 or so mins queuing)

there was no way in hell i was going to pick up another FPS game

gangsta_red2438d ago

That's another problem I suspect a lot of today's gamers have. With so many games on the market, shelf space for the same type of game is very limited.

And that's the thing, there aren't too many arena, Overwatch games for consoles at the moment (that I know of) but the ones present feel like pale imitations to Overwatch.

Blizzard once again has to be praised for again release timing and hitting it out the park with another game.

B1uBurneR2438d ago

safe to say this game might be coming to Xbox? lol..

2438d ago
PlayableGamez-2437d ago

Yeah after calling his Xbox fans "salty", I think their money can be invested in other games.
Rule of thumb, never insult the fans that built you.
It just makes you look cheap.

Gotcha52437d ago

Cliffy: When Xbox fans come out the woodworks asking where's LawBreakers for Xbox..."Xbox fanboys are so salty". You can chalk that one up Xbox fans won't have it any other way(I'm not the One?).

B1uBurneR2437d ago

Yea, but the damage is done. It wouldn't hurt to have the option.

343_Guilty_Spark2438d ago

Bring it to Xbox. We will play it!

Sciurus_vulgaris2438d ago

Lawbreakers, would fare no better on Xbox. It would still have to compete with the same shooters it did on PS4. Plus Microsoft's two true arena shooters, Halo 5 and Gears of War 4. Lawbreakers, is done, sadly, it didn't do well.

andrewsquall2438d ago

@343_Guilty_Spark When you are starving for games, of course you will. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Kiwi662438d ago (Edited 2438d ago )

But wouldn't bringing it to xbox be a good thing seeing as people say they're starving for games, so wouldn't that help a little with that problem

SpaceRanger2438d ago

The thirst is real 😂

Don’t worry man, your “most diverse lineup” will hopefully come next year.

2437d ago
badz1492437d ago

OK, why the hell are you guys trolling him for? for simply wanting the game to come to the other side? sure the devs wanted to make it PC+PS4 only from the beginning but now that the game is having trouble with player count, why not encourage them to bring it over to the Xbone side too? and WTH are these talks about quality? based on reviews, the game is good and the gameplay is solid. quality is not the problem with LawBreakers, it's just being overshadowed too much by being in the same genre as the massively popular Overwatch or as I would love to call it Overhype. I'm not a fan of the game, nor CliffB per say but let's not paint a picture where LawBreakers is not a good game or broken or is low quality because it's not. it has more contents that Overhype did at launch and was launched cheaper too.

I remember all the defending comments from Blizzard fanboys last year when Overhype cost $60 for an online only bareboned content game. yeah...you guys go keep sucking that Blizzard's d!ck!

DJStotty2437d ago

Because even on the XBOX it will struggle for player count lol. It will still be overshadowed on the xbox one which according to the "other side" is regarded as the FPS box.

Just bury the game and move on

DJStotty2437d ago

If this game hasnt done well on PC/PS4 then it wont do well on the XBOX.

It would be a waste of resources

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Fan-made Launcher Has Made Lawbreakers Playable After 6 Years

An unofficial fan-made launcher for Nexon and Boss Key Productions' first-person shooter, Lawbreakers, has once again made the game playable after 6 years.

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LawBreakers Being Revived Unofficially, Public Test Happening This Weekend

After six years since servers were killed off, LawBreakers is being revived in an unofficial capacity with playtests happening this weekend.

coolbeans44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Hey, if Gigantic can garner enough attention it can happen for LawBreakers too. Funny thing is that both would share a similar story if going multiplatform:

-Gigantic remained Xbox One/PC until closure
-LawBreakers remained PS4/PC until closure

vTuro2443d ago

Oh shit, it's actually happening? This game was pretty dope. Shame the marketing was shit-tier.

Walalon43d ago

Yeah, the marketing side for this game was Uber Trash. But the gameplay was awesome


Cliff Bleszinksi Wants Nexon and Third-Party to Revive LawBreakers

Cliff Bleszinksi, aka Cliffy B, opened Boss Key Productions in April 2014 and released the first-person shooter LawBreakers in 2017 for the PlayStation 4 and PC. The studio would close in May 2018 and the servers for the game would shut down in September 2018.

Bleszinksi shown interest in resurrecting LawBreakers. Publisher Nexon also owns the rights to the IP and Bleszinksi is open to talking with Nexon CEO Owen Mahoney.

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Sciurus_vulgaris399d ago

Lawbreakers was never successful, and therefore not worth reviving. It was hero-shooter [incorrectly labeled as an arena] that failed cash in off the popularity of Overwatch.

Gwiz399d ago

LMAO I guess he really thought it was going to be competition.
This wasn't the only game that failed and claiming to be something entirely different.

Battleborn anyone?.

IamTylerDurden1399d ago (Edited 399d ago )

Battleborn flopped but had more going for it than Lawbreakers. Oh how i had wanted to like BB. It had solid art and characters and a campaign but the gameplay nor story were there.

kryteris399d ago

it having mobile graphics should have targeted that.

Inverno399d ago

I'm still amazed this guy opened a new studio, and then shut it down after their first game flopped. Your excuses didn't matter cause all that people got was their money taken, and a product they could no longer play.

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