
Super Mario Odyssey file size

Nintendo tends to keep its games relatively small. With Super Mario Odyssey, the trend continues.

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lptmg2431d ago

what kinda sorcery is that

Sgt_Slaughter2431d ago

Nintendo is pretty much the master of compression without hurting the game in any way.

naruga2431d ago

master of compression or master of cheapness..? ...5.7 gb? what can it fit there ? the intro only

yomfweeee2431d ago

Master of cartoon graphics that require no disk space.

Vegamyster2431d ago


That's not how file size works.

To give an example the Xbox version of Titanfall was 20gb while the PC version was around 50gb and it was due to the devs not compressing the audio, there was essentially 35 gb's of uncompressed audio on the PC.

Odyssey isn't technical show case but it would have been much larger if Nintendo didn't compress it, which they are good at doing.

Prince_TFK2430d ago


So why does Knack 2 take 30+ gb on the PS4?

CyberSentinel2430d ago (Edited 2430d ago )

Q: "So why does Knack 2 take 30+ gb on the PS4?

A: because Sony will use quality CGI graphics with full voice dialogue during cutscenes, while Nintendo will just use in game engine models and text.

Prince_TFK2430d ago (Edited 2430d ago )

Ohh so that is why games like Fallout 4 has 24gb file size, while games like Persona 5 has 22gb file size, because they don't have "quality CGI graphics with full voice dialogue during cutscenes".

SuperSonic912430d ago

This game looks like an Xbox 360 game that can fit in a DVD. So no wonder.

Ra3v3r2430d ago

With the reduced amount of voice acting in most Nintendo titles, I'm not surprised they can keep the file sizes so small. By not needing to include multiple languages (except for text) they can keep them trim.

Glad I saw this cos I was actually wondering how much space it would fill. Definitely going digital with Mario Odyssey.

yomfweeee2430d ago

Bullcrap don't tell me the graphics don't affect file sizes. I didn't say that was the whole story, but it is a big part.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2430d ago
Xx_Pistol_xX2430d ago

Nintendo games aren't intensive.

Concertoine2430d ago (Edited 2430d ago )

They arent intensive? They certainly push their own hardware harder than any other developer. The only other cartoony open world game off the top of my head is Lego City Undercover which takes up 17.1 GBs.

Idk where people get this idea that less realistic graphics necessarily take less effort. It's clear that a lot of effort goes into making Nintendo quality games in any art style.

It took Retro just as long to make Metroid Prime 3 as it took them to make Donkey Kong, and theres a quote that a level of DKCR took 3 times the texture work and thought process as a single room in Prime 3.

CyberSentinel2430d ago


There are many factors why games are larger then others. Compression is one factor, another is higher resolutions require more detailed texture mapping, more polygons, etc. Since Nintendos games don't do anything above 720p natively, (as far as I'm aware of) their games will tend to be smaller then Xbox or PS4 and certainly PC games.

Segata2430d ago

3D world and Splatoon was 1.8GB. Zelda LTTP could fit on an NES cart. Nintendo is maybe the best there is at compression.

oasdada2430d ago (Edited 2430d ago )

Borderlands 2 was also below 5 gb.. file size depends on the assets and textures of the game.. looking at it u can clearly see its not a graphical master piece so not surprised.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2430d ago
franwex2431d ago

Thank you!
Also, holy cow, this thing could fit in a DVD!!!

nitus102430d ago

A double density DVD (9.4GB) yes but not a single density DVD.

Rather a pointless comparison since the Switch only has 32GB internal storage (26GB usable) and can take only MicroSD cards. Yes DVD's are cheaper than MicroSD cards but are limited to 9.4GB while MicroSD cards can currently store up to 400GB although these are expensive. A major advantage of MicroSD cards is the fact that they are smaller than DVD's and much more robust.

Big_Game_Hunters2431d ago

Not having 5.1 Audio is definitely a factor, but regardless extremely impressive.

MrFisher212430d ago

An open world game without 5.1? Smh

2430d ago Replies(1)
Gemmol2430d ago

It don't support 7.1 but it do support 5.1

SR3882431d ago

This is huge, and visually stunning... And it fits into nearly 6gb, so why do other games and consoles have like 50-100gb+? Lol

MrFisher212430d ago

Really? I mean look at this game. No dialogues also helps. You can seriously look at this game then BF1 and ask that question with a straight face? The game looks fun. But c'mon now.

GameBoyColor2430d ago

it's still compression. They choose not to on the other consoles and it eats up a ton of space.

Concertoine2430d ago

Lego city Undercover is 17.1 GB on Wii U.

They compress their games well, end of story.

Segata2430d ago

Devs don't compress or optimize much anymore.

InTheZoneAC2430d ago

that is such a lie. Maybe on pc, but on consoles games are compressed A LOT, especially on ps4.

Prince_TFK2429d ago (Edited 2429d ago )


So THAT explains why Knack 2 is 32 GB, or why Uncharted 4 is 48 GB. Those games must be at least 100 GB for the compression to be that super duper tiny.

Miss_Weeboo2431d ago

AND An unmeasurable amount of awesomenimity 5.7 GB can produce

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


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GotGame81889d ago

Animal crossing came out the week the entire world shutdown. Yeah I bought it.

kevco3389d ago

Agreed. I think a lot of the AC: H sales have to do with early lockdown players!

I mean, I would've played it anyway. But I guess there's a lot of people who got into it because of the hype and their new found free time!

DivineHand12589d ago

Nintendo made out like bandits with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's the same game that was on the WiiU except they added 2 item boxes like in double dash.

kevco3389d ago

It's the Capcom method:

1. Add a new word to the end of the title and features that should've been expected first time around.
2. Charge full price for it.
3. Profit.

gold_drake88d ago

this is why i always say that Nintendo will always be fine. look at those numbers lol

and those are all first party games.


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