
LawBreakers Review – A Great Shooter that Needs More Players | GameCloud

Alex Chalmers at GameCloud writes: "Speed. Aggression. Desperation. Potty-mouth. These are hallmarks of an older, often nostalgically idealised generation of shooters. LawBreakers brings these ideals into form with the expected complexity and dynamism of a modern competitive shooter and succeeds in creating shootouts that, once experienced, can’t be compared to anything else. I’d say I was addicted, but unfortunately, it has been tough finding matches in LawBreakers with any regularity. Not enough people have bought the game, and there are so many other shooter time-sinks out there that people may already be attached to, they might wonder why they should bother. Because it’s so damn fun, is why. Even without an exciting world or memorable characters, or the most consistently excellent level design, it will still leave you with white knuckles, and your neighbours pissed at all the smack-talk you’ve been making into the wee hours of the morning. Get your mates to get a copy, and get fragging."

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solderman2472d ago

Is it possible that the "Quake 3/Unreal Tournament style shooter is not as big as it once was? I remember when Unreal Tournament 3 came out and it was poorly received despite it being a great game. "It was hard to find online players in UT3"

COD has even implemented this style of game play into their past couple of games and found that players still prefer more grounded combat. Hence going back to more traditional FPS style with COD WW2.

Then there is the reaction to Titanfall 1 and 2 no matter how many positive reviews there are people are just not that into it and the player count is the proof in the pudding.

OffRoadKing2471d ago

It would have more players if it was really a great shooter.

rocketpanda2471d ago

Many well developed games have seen poor sales. You are naive to think only "good" game have good sales.

lodossrage2471d ago



I signed in just to say I agree with you. Finally, someone understands that being a good or great game doesn't equate to good sales all the time. Too many on this site like to say "if the game was good, it would get the sales".

If that was true, games like Okami, Vagrant Story, Starhawk, etc would have gotten good sales because they were good games.

OffRoadKing2470d ago

Like which ones exactly, name them specifically instead of making a general statement which doesn't prove your point.

TiberusX872470d ago

Ōkami is probably the most famous example of an extremely well received game that sold very poorly. So much that it killed the studio.

Some other examples off the top of my head include Earthbound, Beyond Good & Evil, Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue I & II, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, Vanquish, No More Heroes, and Valkyria Chronicles (until the PC port and re-release).

Bobafret2471d ago

With as many games as there are being crammed in the pipeline, "good" does not cut it anymore for a game to be successful.

lodossrage2471d ago


That's a tough one. I agree and disagree at the same time. Sometimes, being good isn't enough anymore simply because there are many other good games too. So being a good game isn't enough to stand out. But at the same time, being good or bad has nothing to do with it because now it's all about "marketing".

It's not about actually BEING good or great, it's about how many people a company can market their products to and TELL people their good or great, even if they aren't good at all.

It's sad really


Fan-made Launcher Has Made Lawbreakers Playable After 6 Years

An unofficial fan-made launcher for Nexon and Boss Key Productions' first-person shooter, Lawbreakers, has once again made the game playable after 6 years.

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LawBreakers Being Revived Unofficially, Public Test Happening This Weekend

After six years since servers were killed off, LawBreakers is being revived in an unofficial capacity with playtests happening this weekend.

coolbeans52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

Hey, if Gigantic can garner enough attention it can happen for LawBreakers too. Funny thing is that both would share a similar story if going multiplatform:

-Gigantic remained Xbox One/PC until closure
-LawBreakers remained PS4/PC until closure

vTuro2452d ago

Oh shit, it's actually happening? This game was pretty dope. Shame the marketing was shit-tier.

Walalon51d ago

Yeah, the marketing side for this game was Uber Trash. But the gameplay was awesome


Cliff Bleszinksi Wants Nexon and Third-Party to Revive LawBreakers

Cliff Bleszinksi, aka Cliffy B, opened Boss Key Productions in April 2014 and released the first-person shooter LawBreakers in 2017 for the PlayStation 4 and PC. The studio would close in May 2018 and the servers for the game would shut down in September 2018.

Bleszinksi shown interest in resurrecting LawBreakers. Publisher Nexon also owns the rights to the IP and Bleszinksi is open to talking with Nexon CEO Owen Mahoney.

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Sciurus_vulgaris407d ago

Lawbreakers was never successful, and therefore not worth reviving. It was hero-shooter [incorrectly labeled as an arena] that failed cash in off the popularity of Overwatch.

Gwiz407d ago

LMAO I guess he really thought it was going to be competition.
This wasn't the only game that failed and claiming to be something entirely different.

Battleborn anyone?.

IamTylerDurden1407d ago (Edited 407d ago )

Battleborn flopped but had more going for it than Lawbreakers. Oh how i had wanted to like BB. It had solid art and characters and a campaign but the gameplay nor story were there.

kryteris407d ago

it having mobile graphics should have targeted that.

Inverno407d ago

I'm still amazed this guy opened a new studio, and then shut it down after their first game flopped. Your excuses didn't matter cause all that people got was their money taken, and a product they could no longer play.

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