
Destiny 2 Is Already A Disappointment, So Why Even Care?

With only slight improvements being made since The Taken King - found by this publication and many others across the web - what are people expecting to get with Destiny 2?

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Community2517d ago
S-Word2517d ago

No reason to care unless you want to spend $60 on this DLC where you lose everything (and will likely lose everything again in DLC Pack "Destiny 3").

Genuine-User2517d ago (Edited 2517d ago )

Damn if Destiny 2 is a DLC than I would like you to name me some first person shooters that aren't. And while you're at it, could you explain in detail as to what makes Destiny 2 a downloadable expansion?

Shin-Zantetsuken2517d ago

The author never exactly mentions what did he find disappointing with the game. There are massive changes to the game both in PvE and PvP. People just have no idea what they are talking about and just want to get on the hate-train. Any Destiny veteran can tell you that because he knows how the systems used to work and how they work now. I loved Destiny and played it for more 1,031 hours since launch. Yeah, there are websites that keep count of time spent on Destiny... Lol. And I am looking forward to D2 as well.

Genuine-User2517d ago


Yeah it's unfortunate that some players don't see a the leap in graphics, changes to PVP/PVE and an actual story mode this time around.

Orpheo2517d ago

I don't think I agree with S-Word, but I can see where he's coming from for 3 reasons. First is amount of content. The first 2 D1 expansions were sparse compared to the mammoth amount of content contained in The Taken King. This means D2 would have to trump TTK's content in quantity to be considered a sequel. There may very well be enough content coming in D2 to justify calling it "Destiny 2." Second is losing everything. When The Dark Below expansion came out us vanilla D1 players didn't lose anything, BUT we did have to reset all the exotics we wanted to carry over into the expansion, which was a nightmare (in fact so much of a nightmare I quit D1 and didn't come back till about 3 months till the release of TTK. My cousin told me The House of Wolves fixed some of the exotic reset issues, so I came back.). Losing everything can feel akin to this. Third is graphics. I'll admit that in the PvE portion of the beta I can see the difference. In fact I'll say it's a little hard going back to D1 after seeing the graphical jump to D2 in PvE. But, PvP look the same to me. There's a guy I follow on YouTube named SolidRev (a comical genius imo) who does a comparison video showing crucible play between D1 & D2 and honestly the only way I could tell the difference between the two was because of the hud, the weapons being used, and the map. If you've never played Destiny and watched his video I don't think you could tell the difference between the two games, they look that similar.

I've already decided that I won't be playing "Destiny 2," though sadly I will be buying it. As a big fan of "Destiny 1," having played Destiny for 1,587 hours (PSN ID is Lord_Orpheo, you can check the site for proof), and I'll continue playing it, "Destiny 2" just comes off like a de-evolution of D1.

Bungie has changed too much for the worse. D2 isn’t similar to D1, it’s worse, IF you’re a PvE person like me. Unlike D1 there’s less flexibility in choosing your perks as they’re separated into two different skill trees. Some of the classes are also nerfed from their D1 incarnations, like the Striker Titan no longer has the ability to combine shoulder charge & transfusion. In D2, weapon selection has been limited to 2 primary slots and the heavy slot is shared with special weapons (which makes PvP require more skill but makes no sense for PvE). I also preferred the larger multiplayer 6v6 matches as it was more chaotic and don’t enjoy the smaller 4v4 matches; I would’ve liked match size to increase to 8v8, not decrease. I contacted PlayStation for a refund but was denied so now I have 2 months to wait for a $100 investment to unlock that I’ll never play. :(

Shadowlee2517d ago

Just about every shooter not named call of duty lol.

NapalmSanctuary2517d ago

Changes to PvP and PvE are key aspects of the disappointment. Their insistence on having one balance model for both has hurt the PvE experience due to the limited ammo for snipers and shotguns, as well as the increased cooldown times for specials. The mission structure was an improvement but thats not saying much. It went from terrible to mediocre. This is Bungie. Where is all that great mission and map design from the early Halo games. The enemies in D2 are the same differing degrees of bullet sponge. The gameplay in PvE is just stand and shoot, cover to regen health, proceed forward when enemies are cleared from the area. You'd think after the last Doom game that these guys would have learned something about making 1st person shooting vs AI fun and making levels that are more than mere corridors.

On PvP side of things, the reduction of player counts per match is a major step backwards, as is the simplification of the skill trees. If anything, they should have increased player counts and added more options to character builds. Again, this is the company behind the original Halo games. Where is all that dynamic mp gameplay. Their style over substance approach in both PvE and PvP is the epitome of modern failure in AAA game design.

To sum up, the improved graphics, changes to PvP and PvE, and inclusion of an actual story are meaningless, and in some cases, harmful, without the application of good game design.

jasonpugh2516d ago

@ Orpheo

You won't be playing but you'll be getting it? This has to be by far one of the dumbest statements I have heard on this site. Why on earth would you buy something you won't play?

Mr-Dude2516d ago (Edited 2516d ago )

Will wait for the Legendary Edition with all DLC next year for €39,99

They did it with Destiny 1, they will do this again. Sure, I will be late into the game but that's okay.

morganfell2516d ago

Can someone explain to me why some idiot people, I do not call them gamers, thought they could just import their Destiny character and keep on leveling up from that point?

And like Shin, Genuine-User, and several others I do agree. Some people just seemed determined to ride that old hate train straight into game deprivation. Well I say good, not the sort of people I want to find myself in a PvE with anyway. See how that works? No, those same dullards likely do not.

The_KELRaTH2516d ago

It's still early days as we don't know just how much content there is but I suspect it's being referred to as an expansion due to using some assets and enemies from D1. To date there are more differences to Destiny year 1 and the Taken King expansion which made huge changes to the game.
As for Crucible it's just less players and smaller maps to accommodate less players, some will prefer it while some won't so maybe it would have been a better move to offer player count choice with scalable maps. Personally I would have preferred 16 v 16 / 32 v 32 / 4 team etc larger scale map games using the Patrol areas (5 - 7 flag CTF etc etc)

TejasTV2516d ago

It's been proven to be dlc made game already. It's ok though you like wasting your money like the other privileged people

Scatpants2516d ago

If it's playing the same 5 levels 20 million times like the first one just to get loot to play the same level again with it still sucks.

Orpheo2516d ago (Edited 2516d ago )


The answer to your question of why I am buying something without playing it is mentioned near the bottom of my original post, but I'll explain fully.

As I'm a huge Destiny fan (addict) I pre-ordered the $100 "Destiny 2" digital deluxe edition based off the hype, my enjoyment from D1, and the flashy visuals of D2, from the PlayStation Store. After my pre-order was placed I started reading about the things I complain about in the last paragraph of my previous post, then I had my time with the beta. After reading more about D2 & playing the beta I knew that D2 wasn't for me, so I contacted PlayStation online (I saved the chatlog) asking for a refund. The first person told me "no," so I asked to speak with their supervisor who also told me, "no." So PlayStation is keeping my $100 even though I don't want "Destiny 2" and there's nothing I can do about it.

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EatCrow2517d ago

You're forgetting all the different chapters of this dlc which will easily end up costing over another 60$

EatCrow2517d ago


Well then you and I have a very different idea on what an expansion is. I pre ordered Destiny 1 to get these "expansions" and they were all tiny pieces of content. Therefore dlc. I am aware that some of that dlc was bigger and obviously once you add it all together you get a hefty amount.

Krysis2517d ago

And I'll buy them because I put hundreds of hours int each expansion released in destiny

Genuine-User2517d ago

Honest question, what kind of expansions were you expecting?

EatCrow2516d ago


Morrowind and almost any elder scrolls expansions. Starcraft expansions. Even mmo expansions tend to give much more. The Witcher expansions.

I was expecting more then a couple of strikes.


Not debating whether you should buy or not. Anybody can play whatever they want for however long they want.

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freshslicepizza2517d ago (Edited 2517d ago )

Why is this DLC but games like GT 6 or Forza 4 aren't? This is a whole new game, talk about entitlement.

FPS_D3TH2517d ago

Entitlement is the new black my dude

bluefox7552516d ago

So many people don't seems to understand what DLC is. DLC expands upon the original game, Destiny 2 "replaces" the original game.

TekoIie2516d ago

"Destiny 2 "replaces" the original game."

I think that also might be one of the problems.

jasonpugh2516d ago


Don't speak logic here. N4G is where logic goes to die.

boomtube19872516d ago

Yeh CoD model is best. Every year a new CoD, a new setting, new story, new maps and more game mode than any game. CoD really is filled with tons of content.

Bimkoblerutso2516d ago (Edited 2516d ago )

I think perhaps you're taking the statement too literally. The point is that the game (like the first game) is going to release as barebones as possible to be able to accommodate the raping they will give us all later with their crappy DLC packs...which funny enough will also be as barebones as possible to ensure that it is a long, painful, lucrative raping for Activision.

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JackStraw2516d ago ShowReplies(2)
_-EDMIX-_2516d ago

I mean my assumption is if you're spending money on DLC you actually care about the game in the first place....

seanpitt232516d ago (Edited 2516d ago )

Destiny 2 is just destiny 1 with added more story mode), planets, bosses, loot etc... And that's it.

If you liked the first one and wanted more then this is the game for you.

If you didn't like the first one and expect this to be a different kind of game then you will be disappointed and therefore don't buy it.

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Elda2517d ago

I had fun with it definite buy for me.

Genuine-User2517d ago

Same. Beta sold me on the game.

SonyWarrior2517d ago

i was interested but beta turned me away

Genuine-User2517d ago

Well at least it's good that you got to try it out before putting before your money down.

2516d ago
Summons752517d ago

The beta was light on content (for me, wish they had at least 1 more strike) but that doesn't mean I didn't have fun with the gameplay. Some people hate just to hate when they didn't play the beta or the first game, probably shouldn't write articles about it then.

Asuka2517d ago (Edited 2517d ago )

I liked the first game. Had a good time raiding with friends and met some new people. Everyone has their own opinion, but i cannot wait for the game and to run the new raid.

Uken122517d ago

That's the best part, the raids. They are a lot of fun.

2517d ago
krontaar2517d ago

too many better games coming out this year to even care

Ninver2517d ago

I agree. Ucharted, cod and gran turismo is all i need for the remainder of the year. Maybe ni no kuni

Sm00thNinja2517d ago

No no kuni was delayed wasn't it?

Krysis2517d ago

Oh cod the ultimate yearly 60 dollar dlc

2516d ago
Genuine-User2517d ago

It's not a game for everyone.

Jakens2516d ago

Not for everyone, which is as it should be.

Knushwood Butt2516d ago

Pretty much sums it up.

I guess if you lapped up the paywalls in the first game then you'll be up for more of the same. Personally, I had fun but moved on.

Still playing other games for longer than Destiny and hasn't cost me a penny to do so.

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