
Now Sony’s Being Silly About Cross-Platform Play

Jim Sterling:

Cross-platform play is being embraced by both Microsoft and Nintendo. As with mods, Sony’s being a spoilsport again.

As Minecraft and Rocket League let Xbox One and Switch players interact, PS4 folks once again get stuck with inferior products.

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freshslicepizza2500d ago

I'm sure this will get downvoted as well but the more attention this gets the better it is for everyone. There is no downside at all to Sony allowing console crossplay (for CONSUMERS, so stop acting like a shareholder), they are just being self-centered at this point.

FullmetalRoyale2500d ago

I agree with console cross play. But I definitely do not want to play with pc players.

FullmetalRoyale2500d ago


I knew I'd have to explain myself to someone. While there is cheating on consoles and pc, it is more common on pc. No I don't have anything against pc players. Mouse and keyboard isn't a big deal to me, but I'd rather not play against that as well.
I'm sure people are going to pile on, though.

Monster_Tard2500d ago

Agreed, I don't want to play multiplayer games on my console with PC gamers that are exploiting games with mods.

Blaze9292500d ago

so then why not just choose to play against console players only in matchmaking settings like most games give you the option to do? Gotta omit the feature completely lol?

sonarus2500d ago

Lmao at inferior version Cus u can't play with switch players.... that cracked me up quite a bit

Petebloodyonion2500d ago

You know that game that allows crossplay do feature an option to turn off crossplay search

Gazondaily2500d ago

Jim Sterling speaking the truth. NO ONE in their right mind would defend this.

Sony- get your act together here and truly be FOR THE PLAYERS!

FullmetalRoyale2500d ago


I DO choose to play against console players only, that's why I play on console, silly!


I think it's a waste to even have the option to play against them. Pc players can play against any pcs, and console players can play against any console.
There are many benefits to playing on pc. One of the benefits of console is that there are less people ruining the game for others for "fun." You guys take that risk, along with the good when you choose pc. That's your decision.

ssmilloy362500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

not sure why txidarkavenger asked why. kinda obvious idiot. keyboard mouse trump controller no matter how much microsoft overcharged you for your elite controller
keyboard mouse
higher fps
better network hardware

JaguarEvolved2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Sony should advertise xbl on their service PlayStation network as well, lol. Some people are so silly in thinking that Sony PlayStation who has sold more than twice the amount of Xbox one's worldwide should put xbl on their platform so PlayStation gamers can play with xbl gamers. Sony PlayStation gamers gaming with others on another gaming platform doesnt benefit Sony because sony thinks other gamers should be gaming on playstation and use psn. I like the xbox and my pc but Sony is the market leader in gaming right now and they are in gaming to make money. There would be less incentives for gamers without a PlayStation to buy one if they can game with their friends who has a PlayStation.

Thanks for the compliment

PC_602500d ago

Your ignorant and a peasant

aquamala2500d ago

But Sony is allowing crossplay with pc (rocket league,etc) but not with other consoles
And really not an issue just make crossplay an option in settings

GottaBjimmyb2500d ago

So you must really hate, SF5, FFXIV, DC Universe Online, Paragon, War Thunder and multiple other PC/PS4 crossplatform games. Weird I never recall you guys complaining before now. Hmmm..

JackBNimble2500d ago

Are we still going on about this? I would like to see cross play too but it ain't going to happen so can we move on already.

Last gen when MS said no, no one went on about it like they are this gen. Get over it already people, it's not that big of a deal like some would have you believe.

agent45322500d ago

Why? Not all PC gamers are elitist

TheUndertaker852500d ago

Then in said situation would you be for a toggle to decide who you're playing with? Untick PC but allow others?

I do want to point out that for features like that crossplay needs to become more accepted, not less. I'd think getting to a point where users determine more of their options would come if crossplay is embraced rather than shunned for its current shortcomings.

gamer78042500d ago

I thought they had mentioned for some games choosing only console to play with

S2Killinit2500d ago

@septic & moldy
Yeah I dont see why Sony needs to open the gates for MS to benefit from their install base. Its not like Sony has a shortage of players in their multiplatform games. I remember when Microsoft refused to do the same thing when they had a better install base. Now the shoe is on the other foot. MS is flexing their advertising muscles to pretend this is a new issue. I want Sony to kick MS in the butt with that shoe.

TXIDarkAvenger2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

I knew you would give a dumb reason so thanks for the laugh.

Cheating more common than console? Sure but it's not the majority like you think it is. Mouse and keyboard doesn't even have an advantage for every game, see Rocket League. Anyone who thinks PC games are plagued with cheaters are stupid and close-minded. Have you ever gamed on PC before? Don't reply because I already know the answer.

SinisterKieran2500d ago

i'm a pc/console player and i agree. the pc community is toxic.

2499d ago
Princess_Pilfer2499d ago (Edited 2499d ago )

You've never really played PC games online have you?

Cheating isn't common. It's more common than on consoles, yes, but it's still very uncommon, for the same reasons (generally not fun, gets you banned.)

Also, if it was a FPS then maybe you'd have a point. It's not, however, so you're not at a disadvantage against mouse and keyboard players. In fact you'd have an objective advantage. WASD limits you to 8 way movement, the analogue stick is just that and so allows more precise control of the vehicle (specifically on a keyboard you are going all the way left or not going left at all, but on a controller you can be going anything inbetween all the way left and not left)

Stuff like that is the reason most PC gamers own a controller. Some games just work better on them.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 2499d ago
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

I find it odd that one of the most vocal Xbox fanboys on this site would have the nerve, audacity, and gall to tell someone to stop acting like a share holder. With that said, crossplay between psn and Xbox live isn't going to happen. If you'd stop allowing yourself to be used as a gullible pawn by Microsoft you'd accept it and move on.

Prince_TFK2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

There are no reasons that it couldn't happen, especially since Nintendo and MS can do it. Hell, even iOS and Andriod get cross play with both consoles with the introduction of the new Minecraft update.

It is inexcusable for Sony to prevent it. To say otherwise is just showing that you are a blind fanboy who accept any spoonfeed from Sony without questioning it.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2500d ago

So you won't even consider the possibility that opening PSN could make it vulnerable to online threats? Perhaps Sony doesn't believe that allowing crossplay with Xbox live would benefit PSN users in any tangible way. What ever Sony's reasoning is, they do not owe you or anyone else any other explanations beside those they have given. It's ridiculous to even attempt to claim that this situation is anti-consumer since Sony isn't denying service to anyone who actually pays for PSN. This dead horse is starting to rot. How long will you and others continue to beat it?

mcstorm2500d ago

For me I think cross platform will be better for the industry more than anything else. More players to play each other online on the lesser selling games as well as the better selling. Just think how good it would be if cod players had access to each other no matter what platform they have. Or for me who dose not own a PS4 but have friends that do so we could play BF together. It would not hurt console sales as then it would be about exclusives for who picks up what console. For me anyone saying we should not have cross platform is being silly how is it a bad thing as I cant see it in any way as a bad thing.

gangsta_red2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

No more odd than the many Sony fanboys who go on complete rage enduced rants on anything that has to do with Xbox exclusives, any tweet that Phil Spencer puts out, or any Greenburg article.

Used as gullible pawns? The only ones being used are the ones defending this and accepting of it. They seem to like being told what they don't need or want.

Sure was different last gen...

Petebloodyonion2500d ago

"It's ridiculous to even attempt to claim that this situation is anti-consumer since Sony isn't denying service to anyone who actually pays for PSN."

I'm sure you will agree that when Capcom remove some fighters, stage, secrets, etc from a game so they can sell them as DLC it's a dick move.
When MS says, we want you to always be connected to the Internet (even when game need day1 patches making online mandatory) It's a dick move
Well, same here, paying for an inferior version of what the game could be is anti-consumers.

EatCrow2500d ago

PSN is already vulnerable to online threats...wow. What imaginable extra openings are you envisioning it will create?

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

If you read my comments carefully I'm not defending Sony's decision one way or the other. I'm just saying that PlayStation is a business and they aren't here to cater to every whiny person on the internet, especially people who aren't even paying to use their service. SEE JIM STERLING
Sony owns PSN and if you're not paying for it, you have no say in how they run it.

Death2500d ago


It's amusing that you are offended at being called a shareholder. I would rather many of you and I actually own shares so we would at least have a vested interest in our campaigns.

As for crossplay not happening, it won't if you don't ask for it. If you assume it wont and simply toe the line, nothing will change. I'm surprised at how much Microsoft has changed since 2013 and much of this is due to the complaints gamers have had with the system. The irony is the most vocal are Playstation fans, but the outcome is the same. There is no doubt Sony is the leader in gaming this gen. I don't think it's because they are perfect though, there is room for improvement. Things won't change though unless fans ask for it. There was a time Sony's faithful wanted crossplay. There was a time not too long ago they wanted the most power. There was a time they wanted backwards compatibility and a time they wanted the ability to play the highest fidelity movies. A lot has changed and with each feature they lost, they cheered Sony on for doing it.

Who is losing out with these missing features? Some of you really are your own worst enemy.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Death, you stating that I'm offended by you and others beating a dead horse isn't even worth responding to. As for crossplay, I don't care if it happens one way or the other. I'm just enjoying the games the PS4 is getting.

TempahRelapse2500d ago

You're welcome to call him a pawn, as long as you're willing to admit that there are thousands of Sony fanboys treating PlayStation/Sony like gospel.

I'm not bashing the consoles. Both have their pros and cons, that is all I'll say.

TripleCs2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )


"PSN is already vulnerable to online threats"

Just like every other online service is vulnerable to online threats. Nothing is 100% secure and hacker proof. You're insane if you think otherwise lol. I can't speak for Hugs but I don't think Hugs is saying PSN isn't vulnerable. What I think Hugs is saying is that cross-play could possibly make it more vulnerable to online threats which doesn't sound far fetched and is probably true.

gangsta_red2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )


"Sony owns PSN and if you're not paying for it, you have no say in how they run it."

So basically accept everything they hand you without question or complaint? I wonder what you said during the whole DRM thing with the Xbox One launch...wonder if you were as accepting then?

Your stance sure does change a lot in defense of this and that is just in this thread alone. It went from Sony fans don't really want this, Microsoft using people as pawns, opening PSN to online threats to just plain old "can't do nuttin bout it".

Sounds like every defense in the book in just three comments you made.

"...even consider the possibility that opening PSN could make it vulnerable to online threats?"

So crossplay service with Xbox/Switch has more of a risk than what they have done currently with the PC? Seriously?

GottaBjimmyb2500d ago

Your entire premise is wrong. PS4 owners do care about crossplay. I can say, as a PS4 owner, and as someone who owns both XB1 and PS4 largely to play with friends who don't have the other, I want it. It sounds to me, that just because you have no friends and are extremely biased to defend anything Sony does, you feel some inherent need to defend Sony here.

The reality is it IS NOT just xbox owners who want this. In fact, I know, just myself, multiple people IN PERSON who wish they could play with XB1 only owners that they are friends with. Basically, you are just making a unfounded analogy that because you don't care, no PS4 owner would.

More so, beyond the fact of playing with friends, you have the reality that after an extended period player bases on games die down, yes, even on PS4. Crazy right?

PC, switch and XB1 are all doing cross-platform so why is it that you say only xbox one owners care, and ONLY because they want to play with PS4 owners. The reality is, that is not true, and couldn't be true, or else Sony would have Pc cross-platform games like:
SF5, FFXIV, DC Universe Online, Paragon, War Thunder, werewolves within and multiple other PC/PS4 crossplatform games.

If Noone cared, and Sony has so many player they would never need such a feature, why does sony do so with so many games already? Should Sony just remove Pc players from those games? According to you, not a single person would care.

The reality is you are a pious Sony fan who just tries to act like an carefree third party who has no personal interest, when you are really one of the worst fanboys on this site.

rainslacker2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

I wouldn't say it'll never happen. The two companies probably just have to come to agreeable terms. Sony doesn't seem against cross play in principal. The thought that they don't want to do it to give their competition a boost holds some water, except that Sony stated that they consider PC a major competitor, so that argument kind of goes out the window if that's the case.

Something is holding it up, and maybe whatever that is can't be reconciled easily. Who knows? Probably only Sony and MS. Anyone of import outside these two may have knowledge, but they aren't likely to spill the beans because that isn't typical within the gaming industry.

I guess for the time being, if it's really that important to people, they can make their game/console purchases accordingly. Bitching about it on N4G isn't going to change anything. Maybe going to Sony's forums or twitter accounts and making a fuss there would. There certainly are more productive methods of getting what they want that don't involve hating on Sony constantly. If it hasn't worked for the past year, maybe it's time for people to consider a different tact.

I agree with you on your opinion of Moldy though.

freshslicepizza2499d ago (Edited 2499d ago )

"Something is holding it up, and maybe whatever that is can't be reconciled easily. Who knows? Probably only Sony and MS. Anyone of import outside these two may have knowledge, but they aren't likely to spill the beans because that isn't typical within the gaming industry."

You just can't help yourself always trying to drag MS into what it might be. Totally ignoring previous games that Nintendo tried to get crossplay with and Sony ignoring those requests too. We also heard time and again from the people at Rocket League ITS NOT MICROSOFT. Why you continue to be so tone deaf to just admit it's Sony really speaks volumes. Nintendo is onboard so why do they and the PC community not have a problem?

"I guess for the time being, if it's really that important to people, they can make their game/console purchases accordingly. Bitching about it on N4G isn't going to change anything."

They won't change unless people talk about it. Rockstar for example just retracted mod support on GTA5. Why you guys continue to give no pressure on Sony is alarming, but completely expected because you still want to make MS part of this mess. So mahy still think every game (not just Minecraft) will now run on Microsft servers or that every crossplay game with the Xbox means Playstation fans will have to create a Xbox Live account.

Micrsoft did this last gen
Microsoft will send me ads
Microsoft needs the larger install base
Microsoft is just trying to make Sony look bad
Microsoft wants everyone to have Xbox Live accounts
Microsoft made me addicted to Mountain Dew and Dorito's

What a joke. Sony loyal fans continue to want to make Xbox their arch nemesis.


I've seen how most Xbox players act, I pay for a premium service NOT to play with them. No, this isn't any hate to Microsoft just their user base.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2499d ago
bluefox7552500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

There's no upside. The fans don't care. So what incentive do they have? What sense does it make to share their much larger install base with Microsoft?

ForeverTheGoat2500d ago

"The fans don't care."
Umm you don't speak for the 60 million+ PS4 owners.

Sunny_D2500d ago

It seems to me if people want to play with PS4 players so bad then they should go ahead and get a PS4. Since they seem to want it more than the PS4 players. And that's exactly why Sony wants to have crossplay.

Death2500d ago


There are far more PC and Xbox players than the 60 million on PS4. The world does not revolve around Sony. There are well over 100 million copies of Minecraft sold. Just how many do you think are on Playstation? Playstation represents the smallest userbase on it's own. The only ones hurt by not getting the content are Sony gamers. They are losing out on the expansion as well as user created content. The rest of the world is perfectly fine.

Ricegum2500d ago


I think most of the people who want cross platform play are Microsoft fan boys like yourself. And making out that Sony are terrible for not allowing it, most people couldn't care less about it lol.

Move on, it's not going to happen. You Xbox fans getting bored waiting for your beast?

Death2500d ago

I think gamers in general are for cross platform play. As an Xbox fan, I would rather Sony not allow cross platform play since it's another of a list of reason why Xbox is better. I mean the whole point of having something like this is to hold over the heads of the competition, right? Cross play on it's own isn't really much reason to buy an Xbox over a Playstation. Neither is 1.8 additional Tflops of power, or backwards compatibility or UHDBR playback or Play Anywhere games. When you start combining these features and benefits instead of listing them separately though, you start to get a pretty compelling reason to buy one.

Sony isn't just blocking crossplay. There is content in the Better Together update that Playstation fans wont have access to either. Minecraft is about community and the crazy things people create and share. PC, Xbox, Switch, iOS and Android gamers won't notice that Playstation fans are missing. It's incredible that some of you actually think other gamers even want to play with you.

I think Minecraft fans on Playstation would enjoy and appreciate the ability to create and share with the rest of the Minecraft community. The rest of you waving your pom-poms and supporting not having yet another feature are making the Playstation what it is. Xbox gamers are simply scratching their heads trying to figure out why you enjoy having less features and benefits. I don't think gamers can even laugh about it anymore. It's more sad than anything.

freshslicepizza2500d ago

"There's no upside. The fans don't care. So what incentive do they have? What sense does it make to share their much larger install base with Microsoft?"

Ofv course there is, good pr is one of them. What was the upside to allowing crossplay with the PC? having access to larger pools of players is not a bad thing and not every PS4 game is quick and easy to find matches. A game like Titanfall 2 could definitely use it, same with online only games like For Honor.

You guys are just acting strange over another option just because some of you have a problem with Xbox. There is a much larger picture to this than Xbox. Developers would not be asking if they didn't see an upside so how come they can but you can't?

rainslacker2500d ago

As a fan, I can say I'm not against it, and would even welcome it, but generally I don't really care about the feature. But that comes more from me not caring about MP that much. I think people that really care, probably aren't so fussed about it they need to rage every time the issue comes up. If they were, I'm not sure why they brought the console in the first place, since console cross play is a rather recent development. Seems the whole thing became something to rage about about a year ago when Spencer said MS was open to the feature.

DogJosha2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

@moldy I usually find your opinions to be shortsighted and a bit fanboyish, but you are spot on for a change. If the boundaries of cross play are brought down then people are no longer tied to a system due to their buddies using that system. This is nothing but a benefit for consumers, and would help push Sony to make competitive decisions again like adding in BC.

As far as people fearing Sony losing sales if they add cross play, that is a possibility but not a guarantee. I don't know how many people I've met that really badly wanted a PS4, but ended up with an Xbox One due to wanting to play with their friends. That could potentially be millions of people making a switch.

Allsystemgamer2500d ago

I care. I'd love to be able to play rocket league from my pc with my PlayStation friends.

zerocarnage2499d ago

That's abit of a bold statement to claim, not only is the opinion your throwing out your own, you also don't speak for everyone else out there.

There will always be the percentage that will,won't and then there's the maybes.

To say no one cares is very wrong considering on these forums alone enough ruckus is being made over cross play.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2499d ago (Edited 2499d ago )

PS4 already has crossplay with PC.



Sony isn't blocking crossplay with PC. They've had crossplay with PC since 2002. This fanboy nonsense is getting really old.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2499d ago
generic-user-name2500d ago

*Things you weren't saying last gen.

Bathyj2500d ago

Why do you even WANT to play against PlayStation players? You don't like PlayStation or anything about it and most of them don't like you either. I sure as hell don't want to listen to some snot nosed Xbox fanboy trash talking the console I love when I'm gaming (if I gamed online).

We can't even be civil to each other in a monitored forum, what would it be like in an online game?

This is just another thing being drummed up to be the greatest feature of all time like BC just to make Sony out to be the bad guy because let's face they've barely made a step wrong all gen. How about if you want to play against the largest online console base, you go and buy a PlayStation. Or better yet, don't.

gangsta_red2500d ago

"We can't even be civil to each other in a monitored forum, what would it be like in an online game?"

But you just admitted you don't play online and yet you claim some Xbox fanboy would trash talk your precious console you love...

Extreme overexageration and idiocy just to defend another feature Sony says you don't need. I wonder if the superior PC race trash talks PS4 during any crossplay game...or is that bit of fiction only reserved for your fairy tale about snot nosed Xbox fanboys...lol as if Sony fanboys wear tuxedos, drink red wine and recite slam poetry while playing Rocket League. But again you wouldn't know since you don't play online games right?

So funny to see some of you against this, complaining about mp or being online. Are most Sony fanboys introverts with zero social skills? Because the way some of you avoid the perils of online is suspect.

What exactly is wrong with playing against players on another console?

You guys jump up and down when it's cross play with PC, no problems reported and fun times is always had but then curl up in a ball and yell out about 'large user base", "Sony fans don't care", whenever Sony says no to Nintendo or MS.

I'll have to remember these *Sony fans don't care* type comments next time some of you who lean heavy on Sony go on your "MS/Xbox doesn't..." rants that happens every other day on this site.

Shadowlee2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Lol Gangsta Red owned you!

Ricegum2500d ago


No he didn't own him. At all.

Silly bit of input there from you.

freshslicepizza2500d ago

"Why do you even WANT to play against PlayStation players? You don't like PlayStation or anything about it and most of them don't like you either. I sure as hell don't want to listen to some snot nosed Xbox fanboy trash talking the console I love when I'm gaming (if I gamed online)."

Tell us all how you really feel.

"We can't even be civil to each other in a monitored forum, what would it be like in an online game?"

Maybe you should lead by example.

"This is just another thing being drummed up to be the greatest feature of all time like BC just to make Sony out to be the bad guy because let's face they've barely made a step wrong all gen. How about if you want to play against the largest online console base, you go and buy a PlayStation. Or better yet, don't."

You sure sound like a great person to play with online.

DigitalRaptor2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Look at the usual suspects in every Sony cross-play article trying their hardest to argue, as if they actually care.

These fraudulent hypocrites are so caught up in the console wars as the fanboys that they claim not to be, that they don't even hold the same standards here for Microsoft that is doing the same thing by not allowing cross-play between Windows 10 store games and Steam games. Absolutely no effort on the part of their first-party to interface players on competing PC services. Yet it's not been brought up even once. At least 2 of these people I'm referring to claim to be PC gamers and to prefer gaming on that platform for its many options over consoles, and yet they care more about a lack of cross-play on PS4 than the do on lack of cross-play on their preferred gaming platform. That says everything about the seething agenda these people have the audacity to pretend doesn't exist. They only pretend to care about both sides of the same coin, but never genuinely represent.

I've posted this exposure many times. I've especially owned moldybread over his sensational and tone-deaf hypocrisy over the past few months, and yet it's ignored in favor of the regular disingenuous, biased and one-sided criticism that they hate coming from a certain fanbase, but don't feel like addressing when MS is doing it.

Bathyj2499d ago

Did I say PlayStation gamers would be any better? No. That's kind of my point. We're all just as bad as each other. Lump us all together in a competitive online game and give us all microphones no less, and the trash talk would make N4G look like a day care center.

And thanks for accusing me of idiocy and poor social skills. Proves my point about not being able to be civil.

And you still didn't answer my question. Why do you even WANT to play against other consoles. I thought Xbox live was the greatest online community ever. Why would you want to slum it with us? If it's ago Damn good why are you crying about not being included on PSN. Why do hardly any PS4 owners care about this "issue". Because it's just a beat up.

You guys will whinge Sony won't let you play against them but don't complain Microsoft doesn't care enough about you to make a decent amount of quality games. That the biggest cheer they got at E3 was you can play Crimson skies again.

And I don't need to play online to know Xbox players and PS4 players together would lead to bad blood. Is that even a debate? Your attacking me for having a different opinion has enough to surmise that not to mention 10 years in this place.

freshslicepizza2499d ago

"And I don't need to play online to know Xbox players and PS4 players together would lead to bad blood. Is that even a debate? Your attacking me for having a different opinion has enough to surmise that not to mention 10 years in this place."

I don't have bad blood with anyone. Maybe I am naive but I think most people here enjoys playing games and if we played each other we'd probably have a good time. I play on the PC, I have an Xbox Live account but that is for Windows only. I play people all the time in Forza Horizon 3 and never even think of PC versus Xbox, we just play.

I also look at games like Star Trek Bridge Crew. It looks fun as hell and you have Oculus, PS4 and Vive players all mixed together. To me that is great to just get gamers together. It could also really help smaller studios and lesser known titles to get a healthy fanbase to make games last longer. Blocking crossplay is just a dumb move and makes you look like a jerk.

gangsta_red2499d ago (Edited 2499d ago )


First of all I find it drop dead hilarious that you are applying your N4G experiences to what you may have online, what's even funnier is you are making this up of what you think may happen even when admitting you don't play online. So how can you even come to this conclusion when you have no experience in it?

"Proves my point about not being able to be civil."

Lmao, of course...only after you made the claim of not wanting to play online with "snot nosed Xbox fanboy trash talking the console I love when I'm gaming". You set the tone already bathy, you don't get to say all that and then expect a civil reply.

"Did I say PlayStation gamers would be any better?"

Actually you didn't say anything about PlayStation gamers at all, you just made it a point that Playstation gamers don't want to play with snot nosed Xbox fanboys.

"Why do you even WANT to play against other consoles."

Why not? Are we not gamers? What exactly is the problem and why is this question even asked? It's so hilarious to see people ask us on n4G why and not ask Sony why they aren't allowing it. You have no problems with PC crossplatform play, there are no incidents or accusations of PC user abuse but all the questions of concerns comes into play when it's time for Xbox or switch.

"And I don't need to play online to know Xbox players and PS4 players together would lead to bad blood."

That's a shame and probably holds a lot more truth to what I said about social skills because I know a lot of PS4 and Xbox owners who are civil, can hold conversations and can wipe the fanboy bs from their mouths and discuss and just game, it's too bad a person who doesn't game online can't be apart of that and would rather be closed off because Sony is protecting the children...and stakeholders.

Lol, no one is attacking you for a different opinion. We are disagreeing with you because what you said makes no sense.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2499d ago
DarXyde2500d ago

No downside at all? I'd say that's false. I'm not sure why they're okay with PC cross play since, depending on the game, their potentially higher frame rates and range of inputs could give them a distinct advantage. t's not something that you can implement with every game, that's for certain.

Am I against it? In principle, no. I'm not entirely sure Sony has a problem with it either. People often forget they've allowed it since PS2. Sony's excuse is very obviously bogus, but I think it's clear that it's a matter of direct competitors. One of the purposes behind these walls is a business decision. Are you so sure Microsoft and Nintendo aren't just "on board" because they stand to gain the most from it?

It's a feature I'd personally never use, but judging by how Xbox and PlayStation fans treat each other on sites like this, getting them together is probably not a great idea.

Sony should be ridiculed for their reasoning, but their actions have historically shown that they are willing to allow it with PC. It's just a matter of consoles.

yeahright22500d ago

I agree moldy. It doesn't make financial sense for Sony to do it. their point of view, which they will never just come out and say, is if you want to game with your friends, they need to buy a PS4. they're in first place, by a lot, so that's a smart move for them. But for the gamers it's not. A game like minecraft I'll back them up on as I can see them not wanting PS owners to sign onto xbox. but a third party title like rocket league? come on. And I don't think anyone buys the "it's about the poor innocent kids" line. it's all about missing out on a small number of console sales. it's the same reason xbox didn't want to do it last gen, and it's the same reason PS doesn't want to do it this gen, and its the same reason why whomever comes out on top next gen won't want to.

arkard2500d ago

Moldy you get down voted because every single cross play article you're the first to comment. Sony stands to gain nothing from cross play. Is it pro consumer? Yes. So would be including a Bose audio system in all vehicles. Or Movie Theatres only charging 5$ for movies on weekends instead of Tuesdays. The only reason Microsoft is doing it is a PR stunt (or to make more people sign up for xbox live, depending on the game) Nintendo currently has the lowest amount of members and a fledgling online service, of course it makes sense for them. Don't on the other hand, not so much. If someone is on the fence on which console to buy, but his 3 friends have a ps4, hell probably get a ps4 to play with them. This might not be the case if cross play was a thing. There just isn't a good reason for Sony to do it.

2500d ago
Sharky2312500d ago

To have cross play I bet we would have to have a live subscription. I bet that's the whole reason the talks fell through. We would be on microsofts servers. That's the details they don't wanna mention. That would be a big chunk of money Sony would be losing to Microsoft.

freshslicepizza2500d ago

You guys just keep going in circles, round and round hoping people will agree and that's that. Rocket League does not require Playstation fans to create a Xbox account and the game will not run on Xbox servers.

It's pretty obvious a lot you guys are just looking for excuses, not sure why. If you don't care about crossplay then why are you guys here? There are dozens of other topics, nobody is forcing you to make a comment. But if you do make a comment at least try and know what you're talking about since the information is easy to get.

DigitalRaptor2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

"You guys just keep going in circles"

Pot, kettle, black...

You keep getting owned for how embarrassingly hypocritical, disingenuous and biased you pretend not to be but you keep crawling back on to your high horse, only to re-wind the gears of hypocrisy for all to see.

I think you already aware by now that I've responded to you many times now exposing probably the biggest and most egregious ever double standards you've ever come out with. I wonder when you're actually going to acknowledge.

"If you don't care about crossplay then why are you guys here?"

Oh dear... so you seem to care about cross-play by your obsession with Sony's stance on it? When and where have you ever complained about Microsoft's lack of cross-play between Windows 10 store and Steam games on the platform you claim to prefer?

Ding, ding, ding - he strikes again.

rainslacker2500d ago

So does Jim Sterling state in this video why Sony isn't doing it? If not, he's no better than any forum goer assuming they know the deal. I usually like Sterling, but unless he has more knowledge on the subject than the average forum goer, I don't see why his opinion is any more valid than anyone else's since his opinions aren't based on anything worthwhile.

freshslicepizza2499d ago (Edited 2499d ago )

"So does Jim Sterling state in this video why Sony isn't doing it?"

Sony did respond but for whatever reason you want to keep giving them the benefit of the doubt. Even going as far as suggesting it's something about Microsoft. Why is it other than the most loyal fans seem understand Sony doesn't want to do this. Jim Ryan came out and said it, the developers like Rocket League came out and said, but you refuse to blame Sony.

Jim Sterling like most people out there with common sense now knows it ends with Sony. They refuse to be part of console crossplay and you refuse to believe it. Now that's what I call loyal.

DigitalRaptor2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

You don't actually care to represent the consumer.
You're being disingenuously and hypocritically one-sided to further your anti-Sony agenda.

I'll explain to you how these aren't empty words.
In case anybody was unsure about moldy's true intentions, look no further than this comment.

MS doesn't support cross-play between games bought on Windows 10 store and Steam, and they haven't even bothered to do it in their first-party games that support multiplayer. Third-party games? I've not seen any. Not once has he leveled complaints about that to anyone and is intentionally ignoring this to serve his (pretty obvious by now) agenda. That freedom-loving PC gamer in him should be rallying out and wondering why media representatives like Jim Sterling are not saying the same thing about that and applying the same thought process to that. Not once has he questioned it, which goes to show just how disingenuous and hypocritical and one-sided this guy really is. Remember, this guy hasn't had the intention of buying a PS4 this generation, but Sony lacking cross-play is more problematic to him than MS lacking in cross-play on the platform he claims to prefer for its greater options of play. That speaks for itself.

If it's not bad enough that he tried to convince people that mods on consoles was this HUGE game-breaking anti-consumer deal and that Sony was the bad guy for not allowing deeper mods, fast-forward 2 years later and there's almost nothing to show for it. Especially not from Microsoft's own first-party.

Has this dude ever once complained about MS's walled garden in the Windows 10 gaming ecosystem that restricts games more than games purchased outside of Windows 10? Nope. He claims to be a pro-consumer freedom-loving PC gamer but never once leveled the same level of concern about anything related to how the UWP was literally Games For Windows Live Part 2 - at the time, like he has with anything to do with Sony or how big a deal he thinks their lack of console cross-play is. I think his intentions speak for themselves at this point.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2499d ago

He won't respond to Microsoft blocking Windows 10 crossplay with other platforms and operating systems because that would expose him to be the transparent hypocrite that he is. The thing is, no one should take him seriously, because anyone with any credibility on this site already knows that he's a hypocrite, so are many of the other Xbox fans who are PRETENDING to be neutral while constantly beating the drum for crossplay, EA, Access, backwards compatibility and other meaningless features that most PlayStation gamers could care less about. All of this fanboy defense mode nonsense is solely meant to divert attention away from the fact that Microsoft is horrible at making video games. The end.

Major_Glitch2499d ago

It's moldy. When has he EVER been correct or logical about ANYTHING?
OT: Cross-play?! Is the Xbox community STILL going on about that? Guess they're getting tired of multiplayer games with empty lobbies.

Mbofa6om2500d ago

Let me tell you something. I have a strong believe that there are so many people like a ball, if you try to hold them upon your head they'll fall, but if you shoot them to the trash they will come back. They called them the slaves. This is why sony refuse cross platform online playing cuz sony has many slabes agrees with it.
Thank you.

MagicBeanz2500d ago

"There is no downside at all", that's your opinion and its not true.

Realms2499d ago

How many times do people have to tell you that it doesn't make sense financially for Sony to allow cross play. MS had no problem saying no last gen so I don't see how it's become such a hot topic unless of course it's just a reason for MS fanboys like you to use it as an excuse to talk smack.

segamaniaco2499d ago

Why this is good for PLAYSTATION CONSUMERS?
We have plenty of people to play with, in both games

Major_Glitch2499d ago

Dear Xbox Fanboys,
YOU are the ONLY ones making a big deal about cross-play. The PC community doesn't care. The PlayStation community doesn't care. NORMAL people don't care. Why this is such a big deal to you lot, I'll never understand. If you really want to play with PlayStation users, go out and buy a PlayStation.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2499d ago
kayoss2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Didn't Sony one time asked Nintendo if they can borrow one of their characters and Sony will lend them one of theirs?? I remember something like that happening but not sure if it was a joke or being serious.

GottaBjimmyb2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Never heard of that, but this site is just mindless. It looks like the insane Sony fanboys that infest this site will support ANYTHING Sony does.

There is NO reason to support Sony on this, but still they spin in circles to defend this.

Why would anyone support a split player pool? Worst yet, these are the same people that bitched and moaned about MS not allowing FFXIV, yet now, suddenly they are all for blocking off crossplay.

This site is officially the breeding ground for the dumbest, most hypocritical group of online fanboy trolls I have ever seen.

Ricegum2500d ago

"This site is officially the breeding ground for the dumbest, most hypocritical group of online fanboy trolls I have ever seen."

Yep, those Microsoft fans are the worst. It's laughable.

GottaBjimmyb2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

@fullmetalroyale with the new fanboy narrative --- "PC cross-platform play ruins my experience."

So they must really hate, SF5, FFXIV, DC Universe Online, Paragon, War Thunder, werewolves within and multiple other PC/PS4 crossplatform games. Weird I never recall you guys complaining before now. Hmmm..

I don't know how you guys don't get dizzy from all the spin you do to defend anything Sony does.

@unreal Not saying there are none, but if you really think the 4 or 5 MS fanboys on this site outweigh or even compare to the hundreds of trolling PS fanboys that will die on the sword to defend anything Sony does, you are just lacking sincerity. Also, are you 5? The only response you could come up with, was not to explain how I was wrong, but to say "I know they are but what am I?" You are a perfect example of what I am saying.

Sunny_D2500d ago

If you want to complain about the number of Sony fanboys versus Xbox fanboys, you do realize that logic dictates the larger install base is most likely going to have more fanboys right?

GottaBjimmyb2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

well, it certainly isn't 2:1 on this site, more like 10:1, and that is ignoring that many here are nintendo fans, PC fans, Or own and love both consoles, etc (you just assume everyone loves Ps4 and only PS4)

But regardless of proportion or anything, MS or Sony fanboy, I think being a shill for anything the company of your choice does is stupid. More so, I find it odd, that the only part of my message you guys seem to be addressing is the factual pointing out of the bias this site's userbase has, completely disregarding the fact that you and multiple other brainless drones are fighting against something that only benefits actual gamers. Guess it is really important to you to try to explain why you being and other being mindless zombie fanboys is ok, because "they do it too."

The only ones who benefit from no cross-platform play are shareholders and Sony themselves, because it makes people have to buy their hardware to play with PS4 players.

Again, many of the same people whining SPECIFICALLY, have bashed Ms in the past for not supporting cross-platform, about FFXIV. (rightly so)

Just a few examples:

gangsta_red2500d ago


Have to love those links you left and the concern in most of them asking MS to open up and allow crossplay. Also seeing the celebration from the comments for Sony being so open, but now here we are with people "not caring" when Sony has now rejected the idea and MS and Nintendo (of all people) doing it.

And I do agree, there were no concerns of "online threats", attacks, vicious fanboys when games featured crossplay with PC but for some reason these are hot topic bookmarks with console crossplay. It makes little to no sense other than an excuse of not having it.

Let's not forget Jim Ryan specifically said it wasn't because of any of those reasons and had more to do with the *kids* and more importantly stakeholders.


That statement really isn't a compliment, you're basically admitting that the PS4 has more d-bags than the other two consoles. Maybe it is for the best that Sony not allow PS4 gamers to play nice with others.

rainslacker2500d ago

Yeah, it's not like the Xbox fan boys aren't in this thread with their same tired arguments based on nothing but their assumption about why Sony won't allow cross play. Nothing mindless about them at all. Moldy has been saying the same crap for over a year, and he won't even consider any possibility about why it doesn't exist except that Sony is anti-consumer and evil. Despite the only 2 people who probably have the best reasons stated why this isn't a thing pretty much explained it. Tekken Producer basically said it was a security issue....which means policy in terms of IT, and Jim Ryan pretty much said that it was a matter of they can't moderate players on other consoles.

Stating possible reasons why it isn't a thing, or trying to convince others to see those possibilites isn't spinning. Spinning is taking facts and twisting them to meet an end. Since there is no explanation to show the facts, those stating their arguments as if they're based on facts are spinning. Those explaining possibilities are just discussing.

GottaBjimmyb2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

@rain Yea, you got it man. Nintendo, MS and Steam have no clue how to interface or secure their services. Only Sony does. I mean, it definitely wasn't Sony who has had the only major breach of the 3.

You claim not to be spinning BS, then you go and claim Sony has some security concern that apparently MS, steam and nintendo just don'tcare about? Makes perfect sense.

Also, for the games, that I listed, that sony has crossplatform play with on PC did Sony just ignore all those security concerns and only become concerned suddenly now? Specifically, Sony has no way to moderate SFV, DCUO (especially now that they don't own it) or really any of the PC games it has had cross-platform play with, yet you just claimed it as the main reason you are right. (See quote from you below)
***"Jim Ryan pretty much said that it was a matter of they can't moderate players on other consoles."***

Even worse than all that? You are literally using Sony's own PR speak word for word:
****"Sony doesn't seem against cross play in principal"****

You have been brainwashed. Or maybe you spun so hard your brain fell out and you forgot to put it back in before writing your message.

zerocarnage2499d ago

Sony could be doing all sorts of wrongs and still the fanboys on Sony's side would side with them. There's no getting through to them that this Benifits gamers all the way.

If there is a way to move or advance this industry forward, then it should be taken by developers.

I also remember as broadband came out, all the talk of how wonderful it would be for console wars to take place on games itself not these forums.

There is tons that cross play can bring as it roles onto new games, tournaments, console wars across games as clans v clans from different platforms compete, new features, increased support for games, bigger communitys, less chance games will die and I'm sure I could name more.

What morons would honestly deny or want to not go with crossplay, call yeselfs gamers yeah rite, you are the reason this industry wouldn't move forward if it was left upto you idiots.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2499d ago
Aceman182500d ago

Here's an idea since everyone keeps b*tching and moaning on about this. How about everyone involved log into independent servers so everyone can play together, instead of having to create an LIVE acct.

I know for myself i wouldn't want my PS login ID logged into LIVE.

M$ should not be the ones dictating terms when they themselves refused Sony when they asked last gen. To me they look like hypocrites, and they still haven't accepted SquareEnix request for crossplay for FF14.

So let's keep independent servers going for all 3 companies if they want crossplay. If not stop b*tching about it.

ForeverTheGoat2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Minecraft is owned by MS so it would make sense to use their servers. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Redemption-642500d ago

And then, those PS4 users, will be counted as new Xbox users.

zivtheawesome2500d ago

after sony announces cross play in MC phil spencer in an interview: "our active user count has been increased by 10 milion this past month" jk

Aceman182500d ago

Ok then, just let Sony users log into separate server that connects to theirs and isnt counted as new users on LIVE.

Death2500d ago

Realistically all PS4 owners have a state of the art gaming rig that they are using to play Xbox exclusives just so they can say Xbox has no exclusives. They needed to create an Xbox Live account when they bought the titles through the Xbox app on Windows 10. They can simply use that account for Minecraft.

See how easy that is, problem solved.

aquamala2500d ago

^^^ it's not even a live account it's a Microsoft account , yi already have one if you use hotmail or skype

2500d ago
Goldby2500d ago


some of us though choose not to upgrade to Windows 10. dont plan on purchasing from windows 10.

my PC games are from Steam and GoG.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2500d ago
Xx_Pistol_xX2500d ago

We have to wait and see how it's implemented. It could also use Xbox Live. As of now we know that Rocket League was the first game to use Microsoft cross Network play.

ShottyatLaw2500d ago

“We run all the servers,” Dunham stated. “The way that it works is we connect everyone through our own system, we handle everything ourselves.”

2500d ago
GamePeace2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Jim Sterling has always been a little bit too silly in my opinion and why should I want to play games with a brand (Microsoft and Xbox) that doesn't have games other than some multiplatform titles I don't really care about ?

I know, my opinion is hard to swallow, but so is the truth ... I don't bother about the disagrees.

LightofDarkness2500d ago

You're not playing games with a brand, they're people. Nice window in to your disturbed little mind though.

Ricegum2500d ago

Silly reply. You're calling him disturbed for stating his valid opinion? What is wrong with you.

GamePeace2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Ask those brand people (if this definition is better for you) what YOU are for them. Those people run a billion dollar business, you're just another little consumer that will get shafted if you don't use you're brain more often. Do it, instead of calling out people you don't know.

2pacalypsenow2500d ago

Wow another article on cross play? Give it up people.

EddieNX 2500d ago

Just accept that Sony are being outrageous dickheads, spoiling THE ONE THING every gamer has always dreamed of, the ability to play together regardless of console. Just give up, I mean were so close and Sony have spoiled the fun for millions. Its ok though cus its Sony just "Give it up people"

2pacalypsenow2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

"THE ONE THING every gamer has always dreamed of"

Lol right the only company that's pushing out brand new IP's and exclusives are the dickheads, do you have a source that says every gamer has dreamed of cross play? Funny because Sony has been doing cross play for years (Still has cross play), and now it's everyone dream to have it?

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2500d ago

If every gamer was dreaming of this then there would news stories, petitions, and mass outrage. As of this moment, the only people I see crying about this are Xbox fans.

SpineSaw2500d ago (Edited 2500d ago )

Clearly my friend this is not "the one thing every gamer has dreamed of" as there is no support for this from the
"4 The Players" crowd and let's be honest that's a pretty big crowd that games on the Sony system and if there was any support, any at all for it you would hear it. Time to face facts Sony said NO and they need no explanation and they need no explanation or reason because the Sony user base that makes up the "4 The Players" crowd simply does not care. This dead horse has been beaten enough it's time to move on. But, to be honest I really do enjoy reading the articles and watching the videos on this topic each day because you can feel the pain, the real Butt-Hurt come through as those that produce these things cry and whine as they explain why Sony is so wrong. Lol!

trooper_2500d ago

Oh stop with this ridiculous nonsense. Sony *HAS* done cross play before but it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint to do it with Microsoft.

I'm still waiting on that petition that shows a lot of gamers want this.

EddieNX 2500d ago

Why are u defending Sony? This isnt a debate its a fact, EVERYONE HAS AGREED EXCEPT SONY. I have an XB1 my bro a PS4. We could play destiny 2 together , but we cant BECAUSE SONY ARE BEING BABIES. END OF DISCUSSION. I hope/ pray Sony go bankrupt.

Ricegum2500d ago


"I hope/ pray Sony go bankrupt."

Wow. So because you can't do crossplay with your brother you want Sony to go out of business? Haha. Honestly, your comments are getting more and more trash as the days go by.

Anyway, back to my endless dreams of cross-platform play 😂

TKCMuzzer2499d ago (Edited 2499d ago )

Your comment is utter nonsense i'm afraid, this is not what gamers dreamt of, when the 360 was flying high no Xbox gamer gave 2 cents about cross play and now all of a sudden its a big thing and for just one game. We are talking about a game owned by MS, on every format, it is about making money and if you can not see that you are as blind as your fellow comrades. MS don't care about you, its about bleeding and controlling a franchise. Were are all the other games MS are pushing? No where, its about making money, getting more email addresses, pluggin more advertising for DLC etc.

Realms2499d ago (Edited 2499d ago )

Why should Sony give in because both MS and Nintendo fanboys want a feature that many PS fans aren't even asking for? It makes no sense and just because some of you are but hurt won't change that. Where was the outrage when MS refused Sony last gen? In the end MS and Nintendo would benefit more than Sony and to be honest PS fans aren't the ones pushing for cross play either otherwise Sony would have already done something.

I don't blame Sony for not wanting cross play why should they agree to give MS or Nintendo a huge advantage specially since both companies have burned Sony badly in the past. There is a reason why Sony doesn't want to get mix up with either company.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2499d ago
rainslacker2500d ago

I would welcome one from Sterling, but he doesn't know the reasons why Sony isn't doing it, nor does he actually address the underlying reason behind Jim Ryan's explanation, which is moderation. His argument is superficial because of this, and his subsequent argument is flawed becacuse it's based on nothing but assumption or misinterpreted information.

jairusmonillas2500d ago

Most of cross play articles are MS sponsored that's why.

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Minecraft Meets Bloodborne With The Help Of A Stunning Mod

YouTuber Potomy has revealed new details about the new Bloodborne mod and that it is now in a playable state for Minecraft.


All the Essential Video Games Everyone Needs To Play At Least Once

Given the medium's wild diversity, this primer of the essential video games everyone should try is a good place to start.

Read Full Story >>
thorstein52d ago

.... from the 2000s (mostly).

shinoff218352d ago

I can't fk with this list. They missed on alot of games probably before the writers times. Also I know people loved some portal but I was never a fan.

Cacabunga52d ago

Tomb Raider 1
Driver 1
Abe’s Odyssey
King of Fighters 94
Mortal Kombat OG
LINK 2 the past
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 1

Inverno52d ago

Infinite but not the first two games? Witcher 3 but not the first two games?? GTA V but not literally any of the games before it??? Portal 2 but not the first? Also if you're going to play Shadow of The Colossus play the remaster and not the remake. Can't say I disagree with the list but my man it's all over the place.

Name Last Name52d ago

I mean some sequels are objectively better and you don’t need to play the whole series.

Inverno52d ago

But most of these games have a story to follow, sure you can catch up with a YouTube vid but where's the fun in that?

LucasRuinedChildhood52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

A list like this isn't telling you not to play the previous games if you want to. It's just giving you legendary games to play.

But tbh, you don't always have to force yourself to play every entry in a franchise to get to the better ones.

- The vast majority of Witcher 3 players never played the first 2 and had a great time. The first 2 games aren't in the same league.
- The GTA games are self-contained with the odd fun reference. You can easily jump into any of them.
- The Shadow Of The Colossus remake looks and controls better than the original (plus it has a 60fps option while the remaster is just 30fps). New players will enjoy it more.
- Portal 2 is a lot better than Portal 1 and takes the concept much further gameplay-wise. Storywise, Portal 1 is fairly light too. Not that you shouldn't play it but realistically ... you'd love Portal 2 whether you play it or not (at lot of Portal 2 players have never played 1).

Bioshock 1 is the only one I agree with you on simply because it's one the best games of all time and arguably better than Infinite. No other setting like Rapture.

Looking at the list, I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before 2 but no doubt, 2 is the legendary one you have to play.

Inverno51d ago

I get it, but that's just my opinion on his opinion. I just think that before you play a sequel you should still play what came before it. Maybe it's just me but i find it fascinating playing through the first game in a series and seeing how it has evolved through its sequels. Like I said I don't disagree with the list, other than SoTC which I strongly believe the remaster of the original should be played above the remake.

AuraAbjure51d ago

Awesome list! Hot take on Fear (and it's hard af expansion Persaus Mandate!) Bioshock Infinite is stellar, so is the Witcher 3 and you nailed it by having Ocarina of Time. So many fantastic games! Gotta play 'em all! Next one on my list is Prey after I beat Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.

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Minecraft Bedrock Introduces Official Add-Ons To Marketplace

Minecraft Bedrock is introducing add-ons to the marketplace. The add-ons can now be added to many existing and new worlds.

Jin_Sakai72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Nice! Next up, shaders on consoles.

“A new update is improving how mods work for Minecraft Bedrock. Mojang has introduced add-ons to the marketplace.”

“These add-ons can now easily be added to new and existing worlds instead of being tied to a single world.
There are plenty of free and paid add-ons that will let you customize just about anything in your world.”

OtterX71d ago

So RayTracing is no longer locked to the NVIDIA maps? I know there was a workaround, but it will be nice to have easier access to all worlds.