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Titanfall 2 on Xbox One X can go above 4K

According to a dev from Respawn Entertainment, Titanfall 2 can achieve resolutions above 4k courtesy of Dynamic Supersampling on the Xbox One X.

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✔ Fixed
Please. Update the news. Respawn dev respond to possible "6k" on Xbox One X
butchertroll2544d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
✔ Fixed
Wrong source
NeoGaf is the original source, since the reply is by an industry professional.
moegooner882544d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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2544d ago Replies(1)
KingKionic 2544d ago

Beyond 4K on Xbox one X.

More asterisks to add to the beast.

KingKionic 2544d ago

Xbox One X is like Frieza, we haven't seen it's Final Form.

threefootwang2544d ago

@ KionicWarlord222

I thought Golden Frieza was his final form?

Tango2544d ago

Lets not forget game runs at 60FPS!

S2Killinit2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Jesus, Show games please. I hate to spoil your circle j*** but it has to be said. Talk is cheap. Ask them to SHOW us why we need the xbx. Im tired of the PR. Its been 4 years with not much to show for it. At this point they cant dazzle me with specs and claims. Anytime they make claims it just shows that its more of the same. I need proof, and proof is in the pudding, and by pudding i mean GAMES.

2pacalypsenow2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )


And the PS4 is Goku, Ps5 is Trunks.

Babadook72544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )


The thing is its a hell of a lot more impressive to say "It sometimes hits 3200p" than to show the actual image and compare it to a Pro 1800p screen and have everyone go. "Oh, I don't see much difference" That's why your not going to see any comparisons for a while.

bluefox7552544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

You're surely underselling it Septic, I mean, it's probably actually 12k, at 144fps. Should be nothing for the BEAST! It's so powerful that you can get 12k on a 1080p TV! All of that talk about checkerboard rendering and dynamic resolution was just Sony propaganda! I bet PC gamers are going to sell their rig and get a BEAST!

butchertroll2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Quote :

Lmao! The meltdown 😂🤣


Meltdown because Respawn dev said it won't be a native 4k on Xbonex and he confirmed that XboneX is not so powerful as you think it is? Right. Nice try, though!

Respawn dev slapped you in the face, not me.

4Sh0w2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )


I'm with you on the MORE games speech but this is from neogaf talking about a specific game that can render above 4K (That's news since its a first as far as I know, right?)....every Xbox fan wants more new AAA IP's but its perfectly fine for us to still be hyped for the hardware and news about games performance on X1X, especially when about 90% of the best games out will be 3rd party games, which of course now will be best on X1X= 1st party or not, THIS IS ABOUT GAMES!

Personally if I already had a ps4pro because that was my console preference I wouldnt care about this news -as I didnt care as a X1 owner because Xbox is my preference, that said why cant I be excited that my preferred console will now also be the best console to play all those multiplatform games.

FinalFantasyFanatic2544d ago

So I assume they'll run constant 4k, and use the extra processing power for more frames (guaranteed 60fps).

andrewsquall2543d ago

Remember back in June 2013 when the same people like you all thought Xbone "ran everything easily at native 1080p"? Yeah try and remember that folks.

Jason_Plays_PC2543d ago

You wrote that like a young child septic...Very cringey.

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2544d ago Replies(6)
XStation4pio_Pro2544d ago

yeah we have. i've touched it. and played it. and its awesome.

butchertroll2544d ago

You know what happened when Xbone fans believe that PCARS2 would be 4k60 on XboneX? Backpedaling happened. Same thing is now with TF2. Respawn dev said on GAF ( ) :

All that said - Titanfall 2 running on the X1X devkit at my desk does NOT reliably run at any internal resolution. The output resolution is 4K, but its rarely sitting on just 4K. It'll dip and rise constantly, the same way as a PC game running uncapped will never sit at just one framerate. What we've essentially (in theory) done is gone from a locked resolution and variable framerate, to a "locked" framerate and variable resolution. This does not mean the game is always 60 hz, as there are points in the game where we are not GPU limited (or we are GPU limited, but the lower bound isn't low enough to maintain 60 hz - try getting a dozen Scorch Titans all throwing incendiary traps in one spot :P). In instances where we are CPU bound, we actually increase resolution until we become GPU bound. Keep that GPU pumping!

None of this is new tech we're adding to Titanfall 2 as a game. It is already present in the PC version you can play right now, we're just getting it to work on console for the X1X launch. Someone could easily showcase the end result of this by taking screenshots of the PC game with dynamic supersampling on/off and their framerate target set really low, like 5, to ensure the scaling goes as high as possible. I do not know if it'll make its way to other console SKUs, but it might be possible? Would be interesting to see how the PS4 Pro fares, for sure.

As for the "6K" comment - given the previous explanations - I was playing some REDACTED on Wargames and happened to see the scale factor was at ~1.5X while shooting some grunts. 3840x2160 x 1.5 = 5760x3240. As I originally said - no guarantees on internal resolution at any time - but it was pretty amazing to see how high it was going. Good times.


Oh, and "true 4K" - whatever that means. Titanfall 2 on X1X will output at 4K and render at a multitude of resolutions depending on action. There is no such thing as needing "4K assets" to make this happen. If you're playing on high-end PC at 4K you're experiencing an extremely similar game as I'm describing. We will be playing with some detail knobs for X1X (much like how PS4 Pro has some higher details - but nothing major), but it is not "Ultra" PC settings. Specifically, since it was mentioned in here, our ambient occlusion isn't console friendly. As for those asking for higher framerates instead - consoles are limited to 60 hz because of TV displays. If you want higher framerate, play on PC! I love my 1440p 144hz GSync monitors.

OK - back to my corner.
To summarize :

it was running on a dev kit
X1X is going to use dynamic 4K
Dynamic 4K means that it will dip below 4K when under load
6K only happened when there was little going on on screen on a dev kit

You should go back to reality, Xbone fans. Your XboneX isn't so much powerful as you think it is. Please, some disagree votes.

bluefox7552544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Pfft. You're obviously being paid by Sony to discredit THE BEAST! It's the most powerful gaming hardware in the world! I heard NASA is going to use it to run the US Space Station. That's why we call it THE BEAST!

Death2544d ago

I am so confused by this. I have my PC hooked up to my 4K UHDTV. I also run multiple apps that count frames. Why is it I have frames that run anywhere between 25-144fps shown on my display if you guys think games are either at 30 or 60 depending on the TV's refresh rate? I haven't seen many 4K TV's below 120Hz to begin with. Where exactly do you guys see these limitations that I don't see with actual use instead of theoretical use?

Bobafret2544d ago

Holy crap, you are far too concerned about something you have 0 interest in buying. No one is standing in your way of choosing the Ps4, relax.

Gazondaily2544d ago

Lmao! The meltdown 😂🤣

XanderZane2544d ago

Hhhmm... I still believe Project Cars 2 was running at native 4K / 60fps on the XB1X. I don't think there was any backpedaling needed. Doesn't make any sense that a Lead Developer would say this and then out of the blue the CEO says no. lol!! Pretty sure some parity clause is in place on this game. No one will believe anything you say because you are a known troll who has never said anything positive about XBox and its games. All you do all day is downplay anything positive about the hardware and games.

Kiwi662544d ago

Its still a bit more powerful than the ps4 p which is something even you can't deny or change

butchertroll2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )


Quote :

Hhhmm... I still believe Project Cars 2 was running at native 4K / 60fps on the XB1X. I don't think there was any backpedaling needed. Doesn't make any sense that a Lead Developer would say this and then out of the blue the CEO says no. lol!! Pretty sure some parity clause is in place on this game. No one will believe anything you say because you are a known troll who has never said anything positive about XBox and its games. All you do all day is downplay anything positive about the hardware and games.


What parity? What are you talking about. XboneX isn't so powerful as you think it is.

That answer came from same Respawn dev. No problem, there is no need to believe in what i'm saying. But the problem is, I DIDN'T SAY that, Respawn dev said that Titanfall 2 WON'T BE a native 4k on Xbonex. How i can downplay something if i have provide some quote from Respawn dev who said that TF2 won't be a native 4k on Xbonex? LOL. Xbone fans are hilarious. They are blaming everyone.


Quote :
Its still a bit more powerful than the ps4 p which is something even you can't deny or change...
Did i ever said different. I just saod a fact that Xbonex isn't so powerful as you think it is.

Krysis2544d ago

Of course you get disagrees, no matter if you are right or not. I wouldn't know because I will not read your fanboy essay but you get them because you come into their Xbox articles and troll. You are just as "cringe worthy" as the fanboys calling it a "beast"

butchertroll2544d ago


Unrealistic expetations and delusional posts how Xbone is a "Beast" isn't trolling, but when someone put those posts to the ground with facts is trolling? Good.

ArmrdChaos2544d ago

Butcher you need to do yourself a favor....pop a couple Xanax and call it a day.

bolimekurac2544d ago

i take it you have no girl and havent had any tail in a while cause that was a long ass post to hate on xbox

butchertroll2544d ago


Šta te boli kurac!

TankCrossing2544d ago

Why do you keep saying it "isn't as powerful as you think it is"? The hardware specification isn't a mystery. We all know how it stacks up against the competition.

TankCrossing2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

@Death the vast majority of console games sync to the refresh rate wherever possible. Even if your TV supports 120Hz refresh, no current console will even attempt to output more than 60hz over HDMI regardless of the internal frame rate. If your PC is set to output at 60Hz then the same applies, you're only seeing 60 refreshes regardless.

Hopefully that'll change with the advent of adaptive sync on TVs, but that depends on TV manufacturers so time will tell.

FinalFantasyFanatic2544d ago


You clearly have no idea about the technology difference in a high end tv VS a high end monitor.

Alot of 120hz TVs are SIMULATING that frame rate, most tvs are not actually displaying 120 frames compared to a monitor that does. There's also input lag to worry about, Here's some light reading or watching for you:

Condemnedman2543d ago

still pisses all over pro

dantesparda2543d ago

And BOOM!!! There goes their silly little hopes and dreams. MS fanboys are so gullible and naive that its actually embarassing wacthing them get fooled over and over again! Now watch as they all backpeddle and make up excuses just to believe bullsh't.

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XanderZane2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Beyond 4K. What!?!?!?

This story will probably get locked, because it's coming from one source on NeoGaf. Be prepared.

***************************** **************
Didn't come from any PR. It came from a developer on NeoGaf.
Maybe you should go on there is ask him to prove it.
I guess it's also on as well. -

2544d ago
2544d ago Replies(1)
JackStraw2544d ago

I can't wait to be able to play games in 8k at 5fps.

shiva12544d ago

Arent you getting that on pro already? Try the same game on ps4 it will be much better and fun. You can actually count all the pixels as it will be 1 frame per second.

JackStraw2543d ago Show
1Victor2543d ago

"This quote will come back to haunt me, I'm sure, but there were times on Wargames last time I was testing where it was rendering at ~3200p (6K?) internally. The internal render resolution is dictated by the GPU load, so obviously there are no guarantees as to how often it renders at particular resolutions, but essentially we're using 100% GPU all the time. "

Don't go thinking that the whole game is going to be near 6k it's just at some point the game when up to that NOT THE WHOLE GAME it could be on cutscenes so let's wait and see what comes out.
Xb1X is the most powerful console but don't believe everything you hear. More than likely this game will be locked at 4k for the mid gen consoles unless they are forced by Sony and Microsoft to go on pair with the gen starting consoles if so bye bye near 6k

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XiNatsuDragnel2544d ago

Xbox ONE X might be the true golden frieza afterall

Sonyslave32544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Wait wasnt you in the all other articles talking smack that it cant do 4k lol trolling now you singing a different tune.

XiNatsuDragnel2544d ago

Lol I still don't like W10/XB1 exclusive BS

EatCrow2544d ago

Not just that but he thought it wasn't hitting 4k on a different article. Didn't realize what DSR is.

2544d ago Replies(1)
HaikusfromBuddha2544d ago

"And this... is to go even further beyond!"

jwillj2k42544d ago

Exactly, it looses the fight, dies, gets sent to hell, only to reinvent itself as something stronger but ends up getting killed again.

Enturax2543d ago

So... crappy in a crappy show? ;P

XiNatsuDragnel2543d ago

Attack on Titan is way better 😚

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Sonyslave32544d ago

Native 4k and beyond damn X is like wolverine man.

Kribwalker2544d ago

Day one for me. Can't wait to take this beast for a ride

pingthing2544d ago

Release the XBeast,.........

2544d ago Replies(3)
jwillj2k42544d ago

Exactly, an attempt to make it stronger through artificial means only to have its ass beat by the hulk that is PS4.

Enjoy your beyond 4K, dynamic supersampled, ultra res textured, console launch exclusive, cloud powered, dx12, true 4K secret sauce piece of shit games.

steveo1234562543d ago

Wow, that's some serious salt. Bless

Condemnedman2543d ago

the pro can't beat it the vanilla ps4 has no chance .

jhoward5852544d ago

Sounds like the xb1x is a true breast after all.

SojournUK2544d ago

Put a breast on anything and I'd buy it.

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Titanfall 2 Is Still The Smartest FPS Of The Last Decade

The best shooter campaign since Half-Life 2 still hasn't been topped eight years later.

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Leeroyw34d ago

I agree with this. The time travel mechanics. The sense of scale. The relationship with your mech. The bosses all had personalities. It's a wonderful game.

34d ago
mastershredder33d ago

Yeah it was good, but it only did the time travel bit in one level. Dishonered 2 did the same thing. Now how about a game where it's implemented throughout the gameplay? Singularity says Hello (and deserves so much more recognition).


15 Biggest Unresolved Video Game Cliffhangers We May Never Get Answers To

Cultured Vultures: These 15 unresolved video cliffhangers could be solved in the future, though if we’re really honest with ourselves, we all know there’s no chance in hell of that happening.

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Fluke_Skywalker120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger120d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff2183120d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia120d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.


15 Best Mecha Games Of All Time

From mechs of the future and alternate history, suit up and get ready to wreak some havoc in the best mecha games of all time.

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jznrpg249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

A best all time mecha game list without Zone of the Enders even on the list is 100% crap to me. Worth saying twice though not intentional

jznrpg249d ago

A best all time mecha game list without Zone of the Enders even on the list is 100% crap to me.

isarai249d ago

List is void without Robot Alchemic Drive

RavenWolfx249d ago

No Chromehounds? Zone of the Enders?

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