
Far Cry 5 Key Art Revealed: Confirms Modern Times, Religious Cult Theme, and Showcases Antagonist

Ubisoft unveil the official Far Cry 5 key art, revealing a healthy slab of information.

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Community2566d ago
-Foxtrot2566d ago

Yeah looks very like the Wild West to me guys...


Looks and sounds awesome

UCForce2566d ago

Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.

FITgamer2566d ago

Yes I'm so hyped on this. FC is my favorite Ubisoft franchise and this setting sounds amazing.

Mr Pumblechook2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Considering the times we live in, what's the betting that Ubisoft do the same thing they did with Assassin's Creed and make the bad guys based on Christians?

UnHoly_One2566d ago

They might as well, Pumblechook, everyone else treats them like the bad guys nowadays.

gokuss1220022566d ago

@Mr Pumblechook

That's because the whole world is controlled by Satan, and to be 'successful', you have to mock Christ (the one true God); and promote sin (the transgression of His law). In Ubisoft's defense, at least in regards to AC2, the Roman Cat.. I mean... AntiChrist system is the bad guy[s]; and secretly is the governs the Freema...I mean... Templars.

This will probably be my first FC game.

sinjonezp2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Every far cry game has included some form of religious beliefs , I like the idea of this one using the neo Christianity (snake holders, etc) as the antagonist for this game. Judging the background could we see a setting around the Appalachian mountains , Virginia, Carolina, only question is the type of animals that they will use. We will see but very excited at this premise.

moegooner882565d ago (Edited 2565d ago )

@Unholy_One, only a privileged blind fool would say something like this.

pinkcrocodile752565d ago (Edited 2565d ago )

@Mr Pumblechook

I love that you brought up SATAN. They came up with Satan in the 1500's, great isn't it, sort of like the first religious DLC pack. The second has to be the None involvement of the vatican in WWII.

I love religions, (all of them) they are the best form of fantasy fiction known to man. Absolutely brilliant.

I love that in the Christian religion they came up with eating fish on a Friday as a way of ensuring peasants in Britain started eating more healthily. GENIUS.

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OC_MurphysLaw2566d ago

Well not afraid to say I was definitely wrong. I suppose in some respect I should have expected the more modern setting not only buy the trailer images but Far Cry in recent iterations has had lots of weapon variety with upgrades which isn't exactly a staple of the Wild West weapons.

-Foxtrot2566d ago

Well that was my point

People didn't like Primal for two main reasons

1) It felt like a new IP with a FC formula...the Wild West theme would do exactly the same

2) Being set so far in the past meant a lack of weapons, vehicles, other features.

People want to move forward, they want more variety in weapons, vehicles and cool upgrades. Hell if you look in the art you'll see a plane...A PLANE. We might finally be getting more air vehicles.

Erik73572566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Primal also used the same map from Far cry 4 and was just overall a piece of shit

It looked like at some point it was supposed to be far cry 4 dlc like blood dragon but they changed their mind and added more content.

Not a coincidence there is no season pass for far cry primal

_-EDMIX-_2566d ago


I think you underestimate man's love of killing.

Trust me there is enough Weaponry During the period of the wild west to do a Far Cry game or really any game.

CorndogBurglar2566d ago

I haven't played a FarCry game since the original.

This setting definately has my interest. I'm in.

_-EDMIX-_2566d ago

I haven't played Far Cry since Far Cry 2 and I actually definitely recommend you play that because it brings such a breath of fresh air to the series.

That being said I'm actually excited to try this game out.

notachance2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

I hope the supernatural bits are creepier than past FCs, something along the lines of rural americans superstitions or the likes. Maybe ancient indian magic vs creepy religious cults? there's a lot of freaky setting potential in there

_-EDMIX-_2566d ago

They actually could still have a western theme set and modern times similar to that show Justified or No Country for Old Men.

Western as a genre is not 100% actually exclusive to a specific time period.

A lot of the iconography and cinematography as well as tropes of that genre could actually be done in any time period.

I mean jokingly you're actually simply saying it doesn't look like what you know of a western to look like but then again you may not know all westerns in the first place.

The person that leaked the rumor of it being a western might have simply been looking at some of the themes of the actual game that mirror lots of modern westerns.

Maybe not specifically some exact time Period

-Foxtrot2566d ago

I know the different types of Western

Point is...it's not what we were told which was WILD WEST

End of...

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IxWoodstockxI2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

im guessing this is just another Anti-American propaganda game. Calling us all racist and psychos.

Edit: I'm still going to play it. I'm just not going to take it serious.

Grap2566d ago

Well to be honest at that time you were.

OC_MurphysLaw2566d ago

What? "at that time you were"???? What time would it be you are referring to? Please clarify ... I am curious.


True, true. I think it's a brilliant idea for a Far Cry story! 'Merica!

annoyedgamer2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

You ever been to Asia? They are all racist. And thats right now. But its ok for them.

Watch Dogs 1 was based in the present and it had the same rather tiring message.

Grap2566d ago

Before Civil Rights Act.

gums0072566d ago

Hey, who you calling "you"

The7Reaper2566d ago

This is modern day the weapons are a dead giveaway especially the compound bow

2565d ago
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-Foxtrot2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Oh remember when they did Assassins Creed 3 and it basically was "We won't get involved in the war...we won't pick a side...we will show both sides...Conner is neutral"



All that despite the fact in past games the codex pages showed us that George Washington used the Apple of Eden to win the war and he was a templar...yet suddenly Haytham and his other British goons were the real evil ones. Basically going against what THEY wrote to not offend Americans because heaven forbid they made the founding fathers be evil.

See what I mean...no one complained then....SORRY no Americans complained then because it was "F*** Yeah America*

bluefox7552566d ago

So you're saying Americans are more offended by something anti-American than pro-American? Nah, can't imagine that being true.

andrewsquall2566d ago

And the game was made in Canada so they had even less a reason to care if they offend Americans lol.

-Foxtrot2566d ago

They cared about not making American look evil because they knew how the news media and people would react...they were basically scared incase it hurt sales. The fact they went against what they wrote and laid out in the past games shows you how desperate they were.

I mean wouldn't it have made more sense if instead of Haythams group at the start of the game it was George Washington and the other founding fathers as young adults. This would have showed you that being templars that they had a plan for an upcoming war for their "cause"...a cause which if it worked out (like it did) then they could control a future America THUS why in the present day setting the Assassins have died off and the Templars control almost everything, Abstergo being a MASSIVE world wide organization with influences in everything.

They start a war, they make the British look like the bad guys (when really they are full of Assassins), the Redcoats loose, the Assassins die out, George Washington is made the first President of the United States...a new world they control. It would have made SOOOOOO much sense.

If they did it that way then Haytham, which was an awesome character, could have been the main character.

ShadowWolf7122566d ago

...the Villain was an actual Colonial General, dude. How is that not being even-handed?

Gh05t2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Maybe you should go back and play it again... or just read up on the story. George Washington was not a "GOOD" guy in Assassins Creed 3. Not by any stretch, If I remember it was the "Patriots" who were going to exterminate the Natives on orders from Georgey boy himself. Maybe in your world that is not so bad but considering they are taking one of if not the greatest presidents America has ever had and turned him into Andrew Jackson one of if not the WORST presidents we have ever had.

Please correct me if I am wrong because I could swear that George freaking Washington is still the BAD guy throughout the whole freaking game, precisely to keep it on track with the past games.

Angerfist2566d ago

I guess in AC3 they probably had to have the main character side with the winners. In the first Game they talk about the Horrors of the Crusade though, but not the jihad that made it necessary

_-EDMIX-_2566d ago

@Fox - they should have not been making exceptions for the media in the first place they should have simply made what they wanted to make.

This is a piece of art
it is fiction
it is a video game that is being made for entertainment.

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1nsomniac2566d ago

Don't worry we have some of your white Christian extremist nut jobs over here in the UK too! It's not just America.

bluefox7552566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Yeah, I heard about the one that blew up that concert and killed a bunch people and kids. Disgusting if you ask me.

andrewsquall2566d ago

Err, I don't think he was Christian.

OCEANGROWNKUSH2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Religious extremist nutjobs originated in europe... america was founded for that exact reason, to escape religous persecution.

2566d ago
bluefox7552566d ago

@redface Right, I forgot that the media covers it up when those evil, white Christians blow up concerts, shoot up malls and nightclubs in the name of their religion. My bad.

annoyedgamer2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

You should have thought about that statement before making it.

moegooner882565d ago

Lol at your disagrees. The American snowflakes are in tears probably. Keep these tears coming kids.

1nsomniac2565d ago

The guy in Manchester wasn't white or Christian. It was a white Christian that went to the streets to kill the women MP (I forget her name) about a year ago... of course he wasn't a "terrorist"... because he's white....& a Christian...

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Liqu1d2566d ago

Or maybe it's just a game designed to be entertaining.

annoyedgamer2566d ago

Ubisoft hasn't made games for "entertainment" in years. This will be a politically charged title. Believe me.

boomtube19872566d ago

@IxWoodstockxI would u rather play game with muslims and brown people as enemies like other 100 games or would u like to try something different for a change.

JEECE2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Lol I like how you pretend like "Muslims and brown people as enemies" is a universal thing and fighting Americans/White people is never done in video games. You sound like a writer for Polygon or Kotaku who never plays video games and just regurgitates inaccurate stereotypes. I'd be curious to hear whether you can actually support your position with actual examples or if you'd just generally cite FPSs.

2566d ago
moegooner882566d ago

Please get out here with your common sense.

ZombieGamerMan2566d ago

@ JEECE he's right, you know those Aliens in Prey, they're actually Muslims and brown. We just refused to see it but it was right there in front of us

annoyedgamer2566d ago

Russians have been the boogiemen lately, not Arabs.

rainslacker2566d ago

I believe anyone can be evil. Race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation are inconsequential to being a sociopath. I believe in equality, and as such, evil or good, the superficial stuff is mostly moot. Sometimes, people's evil side is motivated by all the things I listed, or sometimes nothing at all if they're psychotic, but I don't like to classify evil people into a larger group of people who aren't actually evil.

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2566d ago Replies(1)
Cy2566d ago

Exactly what I thought too. More French-Canadians lecturing Americans about racism crap from Ubisoft. Definite skip for me.

_-EDMIX-_2566d ago

Are you seriously as narrow-minded and slow as to believe the entire game is a 100% depiction of 300 million Americans and not just a specific group of people?


These type of militia anti-government terrorist groups actually really exist in America it's not some lie or myth or fake propaganda they've actually already killed state troopers and police officers...

I don't really see the point of trying to paint another country with an entire brush with the assumption that they're trying to paint another country with an entire brush

For god sakes there's not even a single hint that they're simply assuming this about every single last American when on Earth has gaming become this slow where the users are not able to fully comprehend the game about specific people is not a representation of 300 million?

So if there was a video game about police officers in America are you going to say you can't believe they're making a video game that depicts 300 million Americans as police officers? I mean using that logic are you even smart enough or intelligent enough to even understand any game in the first place if this is the type of assumption you have? 😂😂😂

2pacalypsenow2566d ago

Europe and Asia are the most racist places in the world. But since eveyone loves to hate the United states, they act like they are the most racists.

Just attend a soccer game in Spain where they throw bananas on the field and the act like US is racists.

Ashunderfire862566d ago

Good play it and don't take it seriously.

_-EDMIX-_2566d ago

So the truth?

Buddy you can't keep trying to call everything "propaganda" that takes a peek at American culture from The View you don't like

I love being an American but I'm also not going to pretend that this is not a concept that doesn't exist in this country simply to make your feelings feel better.

In my state of Florida we have a really bad militia problem in some of these Outlaws have actually killed state troopers and have armed themselves and are actually trying to fight the government they basically are a domestic terrorist group in this state. But you have to understand that those type of anti-government terrorist militias actually exist in other states as well.

So that isn't propaganda that is real you could actually look that up for yourself as opposed to getting your feelings hurt by facts

so were they supposed to sugar coat it to make you feel better? Is this what Gaming's become? Where any single time somebody has a specific view they want to convey they now need to alter it because you're getting emotional about a damn video game?

So what do you mean by "calling us?" I mean you would basically assumed this game is generalizing the whole damn country which doesn't make any sense do you not have enough common sense to realize it is simply depicting a specific type of people that exist in this country and not the entire country itself? Seriously I know you're not this slow as to believe the game is saying 300 million Americans all are doing this 😂😂😂

2566d ago
foaby2565d ago

Haha, it will be fun shooting stupid fucking american rednecks. Defenitly gonna buy this game

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2565d ago

Hell Yeah! Friday will be interesting, Im all aboard!

DashArrivals2566d ago

I'm extremely excited for this game. Very pumped for the game reveal

MasterCornholio2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Better not make any red neck jokes in front of those guys or it will be your last supper.

bluefox7552566d ago

So...Outlast 2? Meh, I was interested with the Wild West thing, but not so much this.

-Foxtrot2566d ago

Outlast is a horror game

It's not an open world sandbox where you have a loaded arsenal and can ride cars, boats, planes, ride gliders while coming up with a hundred ways of killing your enemy at outposts.

bluefox7552566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

I'm talking about the premise, not the genre and mechanics. I'm aware they are very different game types.

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

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Community80d ago
DefenderOfDoom280d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot80d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor80d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos80d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius80d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8880d ago (Edited 80d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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Far Cry 5 Has Surpassed 30 Million Players Worldwide

The 2018 first-person shooter has reached this milestone exactly 5 years after its initial release.

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Community431d ago
Profchaos430d ago

When you're free on every single service it's eventually going to happen.

Profchaos430d ago

Part of PS plus at the moment

ChasterMies430d ago

Far Cry 5 is “free” if you pay for PS+ Extra.

gangsta_red430d ago

Going to have to try and get back into Far Cry. The formula for Far Cry may be fun, but it gets repetitive very fast.

Demetrius430d ago

Been playing this series since far cry 3 I love the adventuring vibe this series gives off even far cry primal is so good, but experiencing far cry 5 in 60 fps crisp graphics on ps5 for the first time is dope it adds life to it, I wana give far cry 6 a second chance couldn’t get into it at first I wonder if it’s worth it


Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles now

Far Cry 5 Official Twitter: "You've been waiting long enough… Welcome to Hope County! Experience Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles … NOW! Far Cry 5 will also have a FREE WEEKEND from March 23-27 on all consoles & PC. Enjoy!"

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Community444d ago
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Nyxus444d ago
banger88444d ago

Damn. I replayed it recently on SX with fps boost, and to achieve that they had to downgrade the resolution. Game played great but looked like ass. Wish I had've waited.

blackblades444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

So you saying fps boost lowers the resolution to achieve 60fps? Cause that culteastwitch was praising in a fanboy cok suking way.

Darkwatchman444d ago

It depends on the game. Some keep Xbox One X resolution. Others drop to base Xbox One resolution and settings.

Knushwood Butt444d ago

Waiting to play this on Extra but have had too much else to play.
So is this a native PS5 version or does the PS4 version run at 60fps on PS5?

Jin_Sakai444d ago

As expected, Far Cry 5 will now run at 60 frames-per-second on PS5,

“as part of a patch that optimises the PS4 game on Sony's new-gen console.”

Knushwood Butt444d ago

Downloading now. I might do a bit of pancake gaming this weekend.

Eidolon443d ago

Not native PS5. But still looked pretty good on PS4 Pro, and at a solid 60fps, definitely a good experience. Sadly games can't break out of PS4 Pro resolutions, for some reason.

LucasRuinedChildhood443d ago

PS4 games can run 2-2.5 times better on PS5. They're basically just changing the framerate cap to take advantage of that. They could actually change the resolution but it might affect the framerate - it's not a native PS5 game so it can't properly take advantage of the hardware. 1620p isn't bad, tbh.

Eidolon443d ago

Was really hoping to read that New Dawn would be upgraded as well. :( Already beat Far Cry 5 + and only like 1 hr into New Dawn.

KeeseToast443d ago (Edited 443d ago )

Pretty nice 👍
Now we’ll only need fps boost for:
Arkham Knight
The Last Guardian
Assassin‘s Creed Unity
Shadow of the Colossus
Gravity Rush 2

Did I forget something?

Welshy443d ago

The worst part about AC Unity is that it *does* run natively at 60fps, but only when running the 1.0 version from the disc. If you allow the game to update, future patches applied a 30fps cap for some reason.

I don't see any reason it would be difficult to just lift the cap that they added.

CML2443d ago

Shadow of the Colossus already runs at 60fps.
Its possible to play The Last Guardian at 60fps with an unpatched disc version too.

Stanjara443d ago

So why not unlock framerate cap on the latest version? Can't be that hard.

CML2443d ago

Probably because the studio doesnt exist anymore. 🥲

LucasRuinedChildhood443d ago (Edited 443d ago )

Absolutely. RDR2 still sells very well so the lack of a next gen version after GTA5 next gen is really annoying.

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