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10 years of Medal of Honor

If you didn't know, today marks the tenth anniversary of the Medal of Honor series. To celebrate the occasion, EA is releasing the Medal of Honor: 10th Anniversary bundle. Packed in the box is every PC Medal of Honor game from the last ten years. (That's five for those of you who can't count.) Priced at $39.99, that means it's roughly $7.99 per game. The games (Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Medal of Honor Spearhead, Medal of Honor Breakthrough, Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Director's Edition, and Medal of Honor Airborne) combine for over 50 single player levels and more than two dozen multiplayer maps.

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Harry1905734d ago

on the PS1 were the best in my opinion. The first one on PS2 was not bad either. Became a little repetitive and soulless afterwards.

Montrealien5734d ago (Edited 5734d ago )

I may be one of the few, but I had a blast with Airborn. But I do agree, the first ones where something special at the time. And Allied Assault on the PC was amazing at the time, my 32 mg videocard was blowing me away on one of the most intense normandy landing ever at the time.

schmeidenkamp5734d ago

of the same boring crap.
quit milkin the franchise

I Call 9MM5734d ago

Allied Assault was definitely one of the best FPS games of it's time. Spearhead was great too. Breakthrough wasn't too bad either. Actually, it was pretty good itself but faced with games like Call of Duty it couldn't really keep up, graphically or otherwise. Multiplayer in every version was fun though (damn bazookas though).

Pacific Assault got bad reviews, but I always enjoyed it. It was the first (or one of the first) games to explore the Pacific Theater in WWII, and you got to play as the US Marines instead of the Army, giving you a fairly different set of kit to use, never mind the Japanese weapons you could pick up. Springfield rifles instead of M1 garands, Reising SMGS, semi auto shotguns, it mixed things up. It had some slight squad commands (which I mostly used to call my medic, lol), but the game was, admittedly, linear almost to a fault, which kind of sucked. Still fun, I recommend it. Crappy multiplayer though,

Airbourne was alright, played it on the 360. Not the greatest game ever, but still fun. Parachuting into every level was a neat idea, and for the most part it worked well.


Medal of Honor: Airborne Redux Mod released, features FOV options, better leaning, tweaked AI & more

Medal of Honor: Airborne Redux is an overhaul mod that aims to remaster this flawed, ambitious FPS game up to modern standards.

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Community1479d ago

What game's graphics blew you away the most when it came out?

With graphics tech as advanced as it is now, players are typically more focused on art and design than, gasp, mirrors that actually have reflections in them. Not that the former is a bad focus for criticism at all—there's much more to say about it—but it was fun to gawk at screenshots in magazines, amazed by such miracles as curves and faces that almost look like faces. All that in mind, the PC Gamer staff share the games that made their eyes bulge the most at the time of it's release.

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Opinion piece does not mean asking people on here for their opinion...
MaximusPrime_2111d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community2110d ago
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strayanalog2111d ago
DarkVoyager2111d ago (Edited 2111d ago )

A tie between Uncharted 4, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and God of War.

Next will be between Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us: Part 2, and Death Stranding.

darthv722111d ago

If we are only talking modern stuff then by all means... God of War hands down.

But that was to be expected. In fact anything in the last 10 years has been expected. Personally Id say the one game where the graphics really blew me away was Ranger X on the Genesis.

Reason is that the system paled in comparison to the snes but they managed to make the outdated hardware really shine with some pretty amazing software tricks.

The game still amazes me visually 25 years later. Next up would be Gunstar Heroes with all its slick in game tricks as well.

Skull5212110d ago (Edited 2110d ago )

Crysis, Gears of War, Battlefield 3, Ryse, now Cyberpunk though it isn't out so that could change if it takes too long to release.

UltraNova2110d ago

Motorstorm, Uncharted 2 and, Ryse and GoW blew me away when it comes to modern times.

Larrysweet2110d ago

Spidey looks damn amazing as well cyber punk will be end all

Aceman182110d ago

Uncharted 2
Horizon ZD
Gears 1
Detroit BH
God of War(PS4)
The Last of Us
Killzone 2
Grand Theft Auto 5
Final Fantasy X
Mario Odyssey
Zelda Wind Waker

Sciurus_vulgaris2111d ago

Halo: CE, Gears of War, Crysis & Uncharted 2 blew me away the first time I played them. I have played many pretty games this gen, but none have given me that "holy crap these graphics" feeling that earlier games did likely due to the increasingly slower progression of game graphics.

Computersaysno2110d ago (Edited 2110d ago )

Crysis is basically /end. The first, the last, the final word.

Nothing has come close to pushing fidelity that far into the future. It's a 2007 game that looked comparable to high end games 5/6 years later and still beautiful 10 years later.

Crysis looked like this in 2007
and the best console games the same year looked like this

These games were actually released just one week apart. Crazy to think now.

TheFirstClassic2110d ago

It's actually nuts to think crysis was a 2007 game. Not only did it look insane, but there was so much environmental destruction. Nothing else at the time compared.

Sciurus_vulgaris2110d ago

I do think that engine PS3/360 games did mange to catch up to (but not reach) Crysis 1 in terms of graphics due to remarkable optimization. I personally think Crysis 3, The Last of Us, Halo 4, Gears of War 3, Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3 were the best looking console games last gen. However, I fully agree with that Crysis has aged remarkably well, the game still hold up well, and Crysis 3 (2013) on PC is still one of the best looking games on the market.

kneon2110d ago

Crysis looked nice but it was boring, I never finished it. And because I never finished it I never bothered to play the other Cyrsis games I got in the Crysis collection

roadkillers2110d ago

Yeah, I completely agree with Gears.

porkChop2111d ago

Uncharted 4, Gears, Crysis, Saint's Row (first 360 game and had just played through San Andreas), God of War 2018.

Breath of the Wild also blew me away, but not because of raw graphics. The art style is just really gorgeous, YouTube doesn't do the game justice.

rivaldoo7772111d ago (Edited 2111d ago )

Ocarina of time on Nintendo 64
Final Fantasy X on PS2
Uncharted 2 on PS3
Uncharted 4 on PS4
TLOUP2 on PS4 pro(future)

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Top 10 Best Single Player FPS Campaigns

BacklogCritic: "The First-Person Shooter is one of the most popular genres in the world. It’s what most people think of automatically when they think of “video game” in their heads. The perspective is instantly understandable and translatable to any gamer, for this is how we experience the world in our real lives. The genre is also known to be violent and over the top, nothing is more personal than shooting a gun at close range from this perspective, and has garnered its own set of controversies as a result. Even if a gamer only plays a single game, it is likely that the game in question is an FPS, if it’s not an MMORPG. This list is a look at the top ten best single player campaigns in this genre. These campaigns are far more than just a glorified tutorial for the multiplayer that’s so often the focus of these games, and deliver the most memorable moments of gameplay."

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Community2255d ago
howiewowwee2255d ago

Very good list even though you did not go retro.