
Why Do Ubisoft Games Lose So Many Players?

GameRave.com writes:

''Ubisoft has released three multiplayer focused games in as many years. This is not news or that surprising. Nearly every big name in the industry has at least one title that focuses purely on multiplayer. If successful, a good multiplayer title can support a company for years to come.''

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Garethvk2603d ago

Popular theory is that the games are released with issues, they lose players, they listen to the fans, patch them and add things, then players come back.

PixelGateUk2603d ago

which is funny given how many 'beta' tests they run

naruga2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

i say is the lack of talent that haunts their games ...meaning lack of genuine characters /adversaries, unoriginal plots, mediocre concept art /worlds, boring overused mechanics /gameplay (aka not enjoyable), quick sloppy made games and all of these just shrouded with pretty game engines ..just everything from Ubisoft games cannot touch players ...Ubisoft is like a cheap burger restaurant ....you can eat what they serve but is not the best and it bores you easily

Aeery2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

This guy have zero stats except steam chart so go on with useless, brain dead article. You will get some click now, but zero credibility in future.
They screwed The Division, but For Honor is pretty healthy, Rainbow six siege is still kicking.
Not all the games in this world can be as appealing to a wide audience as Overwatch.

Goldby2603d ago


Its a Free to play model on a retail game.

if you were to earn every little bit of cosmetic and weapon upgrade for just the starting 12 charatcers, say goodbye to 2 years of your life.

or just spend 700$. which every comes easier to you and cheaper i guess.
People who are defending the practice behind this game need to be taught a few things about gaming. how it shouldn't be a chore to complete the game

ABizzel12602d ago

Because the majority of their games are overhyped with above average graphics, slightly above average gameplay, and mediocre storytelling.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2602d ago
2603d ago
IamTylerDurden12603d ago

They patched The Division and it got worse..

Garethvk2603d ago

I think it is much better with the new modes, expanded Dark Zone, and so on.

ChronoJoe2603d ago

Not really true though. Division's players never came back, neither did The Crews, neither will For Honors.

Ubisoft are sustaining these games financially off of pre-release hype and then extortionate MT which only attracts whales. It's a shame but someone will spend £200 or more on For Honors DLC, while it screws the rest of the community over.

The only game that's really sustained a healthy player base, supported a community that's actively grown has been Rainbow Six Siege, and the overlap with the esports competitive communities, and Rainbow Six's existing fanbase really helped a lot there. It's not as if the game itself wasn't broken and full of MT.

But I think most of the problems don't relate to their MT systems, but the fact that the games tend to put people off with their design. For Honor, for instance is incredibly unbalanced right now, with a myriad of bugs and glitches (e.g. indicator glitches) that directly affect gameplay, balance and the overall player experience. That harms player retention and engagement more than anything else.

2603d ago Replies(1)
Seraphim2603d ago

they lose players because their games aren't built to last. They skimp on the meat and add it later in the form of DLC/Season Pass. Even then it's often too little too late. If Ubi wants to retain players they need a meaty, beefy game that can withstand the rigors of not only long term play but in holding interest of players.

UltraNova2602d ago

But then they wouldnt be able to get you to buy their 'new' games each and every year...

Timesplitter142603d ago (Edited 2602d ago )

I think it has more to do with the fact that the average Ubisoft game design process goes like this:
1- Hire 999 human psychology experts
2- Lock them in a room for a year and tell them they need to find the absolute most generic and wide-appeal ideas possible
3- Make a huge game based of this, and focus on quantity instead of quality
4- Invest in a big ad campaign to create artificial, short-term hype

...and then it results in a highly-produced soulless bland game that everyone thinks is "okay" but no one truly loves. Ubisoft is more like a video game factory than a video game studio. They make the game equivalent of Marvel movies

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2602d ago
annoyedgamer2603d ago

Because they aren't very enjoyable?

Compare that with classics like Halo 2 and Bad Company 2 which still have scores of players and would have many more if the companies actually made working remakes.

PixelGateUk2603d ago

Halo 2 would have still been active if it wasnt for it being trapped on services long gone. As for Bad Company 2, the player base was pretty damn small towards the releases of BF 3/4

InMyOpinion2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

For Honor is extremely enjoyable and well-made technically (graphics, gameplay etc).
Problem is that the multiplayer is unbalanced as all hell and the netcode is produced by baboons. It's a damn shame because it was just inches from being one of the best MP experiences ever.

Out of their past titles only Watchdogs 2 is a gem. The seemless MP is awesome and the game is superb overall. It sh*ts all over Mafia 3 which was a big disappointment.

Goldby2602d ago

For honor has more issues than netcode and graphics and such.

they should never have put a free-to-play model behind the 60$ game

Bigpappy2603d ago

I am enjoying the GR co-op. That game is a lot to fun. You and set traps, use the darkness to your advantage by shooting out lights, and you can disable escapee vehicles. Single player is fun but the using the wheel makes some missions too hard. I do prefer to play with people I know though.

2603d ago
_-EDMIX-_2603d ago

But doesn't that just speak to the Testament of how difficult it actually is to make multiplayer games? I don't think this has anything to do with Ubisoft I actually think it just has to do with the difficulty of crafting a balanced multiplayer game.

Even the games that you named are by well-known companies that clearly have trouble capturing that same type of concept long-term.

I think if you simply look at the Call of Duty 4 remake numbers you'll realize that the majority of that fan base didn't just all return in millions to Simply play Call of Duty 4 over again despite and actually selling more than the two games that you listed I'm sorry but I think you're looking at it with Fanboy glasses on because you enjoy the game and you're not realizing that the majority of an install base of multiplayer Gamers actually never return to multiplayer games after a specific point in time

That might have nothing to actually do with the quality of the game and just the nature of the industry.

Sorry but I don't remember that special edition of Call of Duty with the Call of Duty 4 remastered selling 25 million.

Goldby2602d ago

i will have to disagree with you there edmix.

If we were just looking at balancing issues, Ubisoft could have easily had For Honor or even Division in the same boat as Destiny, that game was super unbalanced at the beginning, yet they have managed to keep their fan base somewhat happy through nerf cycles.

But instead of going about it where you need to actually play to get the equipment like in Destiny and many other PVP MP games, For Honor lets you purchase in game currency to unlcok everything, in essence rewarding themselves for their own fuck ups by making it more appealing to throw 20$ at ubisoft to get better gear instead of going through the chore... sorry grind of earning the steel.

No one, and i mean no one should be defending a 60$ AAA retail game that has over $700 of in game MT to complete your game

InMyOpinion2602d ago

Destiny wasn't pay to win but still an overpromising and underdelivering grindfest. I'd rather give a nod to games like Battlefield 1 or Overwatch. Uncharted 4's MP isn't too shabby either. I especially enjoy the Survival mode.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2602d ago
cberg252603d ago

I wonder if saturation is becoming an issue for Ubisoft. They're releasing multiple major multiplayer games a year, each claiming to have a long lifespan of content ahead of it. Those audiences will inevitably overlap.

thekhurg2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

Nothing with saturation. Their games just aren't enjoyable for long term playing.

For Honor has atrocious combat which didn't welcome casual players. It had level advantages which didn't welcome new players post launch. Especially after many people no-lifed AI matches to boost their level. The lack of a large amount of new players meant that whoever was new, was eventually matched with the no-lifers, was subsequently stomped and those people likely quit.

The Division had the dark zone, which for the vast majority of players, simply wasn't fun. Griefing and gear gaps ruined the experience for the bulk of the community, and again, the no-lifers who went all out got the massive advantage and eventually ran off the rest of the community because "git gud". During the beta, I was not alone in trying to tell Massive/Ubisoft that the dark zone was a terrible idea. But because the streamers loved it, it had to be amazing right??

Dunno about Rainbow Six. But it probably also has something to do with being anti-casual friendly. Although that's a 100% pure guess on my part.

LabRat2603d ago

@ theKhurg - Rainbow six is alive and kicking. Probably one of their most successful in terms of long term playability and I hear the player base keeps growing, not shrinking. Since there is no "gear stats" in the game, and just takes learning the maps like every other multiplayer game out there, its more welcoming to new players.

SlightlyRetarted2603d ago

Rainbow Six Siege has like 4 times as much daily players compared to it's release. It has really similar growth since release as CS:GO had. Yes, it has a pretty steep learning curve, but i managed to push through it late last year and now i'm so addicted that i've found hard time to be interested in any other games right now.

Fist4achin2602d ago

I would attribute saturation, at least partially. There are so many games with MP that it is hard to keep gamers interests, when there's so much cool stuff coming out.

joab7772603d ago

That's it. Many publishersbtake years to make a game. Ubisoft pumps out a bunch every year. Definitely more like they are in it for the money. That said, it's quite impressive how damn good so many of them are.

2602d ago
TheOptimist2603d ago

Becuase their games are boring and repetitive and have issues at launch.

PixelGateUk2603d ago

Rainbow Six Siege is pretty damn good to be fair

TheOptimist2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

Agreed, but then that game is an exception to a thumb rule. Also I doubt a PvP or PvE multiplayer only game will become repetitive? I mean I have 1k+ hours in CSGO and I didn't find it repetitive because it's about getting better and thinking two steps ahead of the enemy.

JayPi32603d ago

Siege, For Honor, Child of Light, Grow Home, and then some are some of their pretty good games, I'll agree with their launch issues, but their games are far from repetitive and boring when when they aren't open world and really put love into their work.

TheOptimist2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

10 Assassin's Creeds (Albeit 2 and Brotherhood were the best among them, they were still repetitive as hell, can't replay any of the Assassin's Creed games), 4 FarCry (Again 3 was decent, but can't replay it), The Division, Watch Dogs 1 and 2, Steep (Which was a SNOW rip off), most of their titles follow the same rules like a checkbox list.

Yes there are exceptions and R6Seige is a good game, For Honor could have been if they would have had dedicated damn servers, so much wasted potential. That leaves me with Grow Home and Child of Light, their indie department which is making the beter games.

naruga2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

ubisoft just lacks gaming knowledge

PixelGateUk2603d ago

For Honor and Siege are pretty fresh in terms of approaches, design and mechanics. They just release them with awful servers and a glut of bugs

AcidDvl2603d ago

And with a huge lack of complexity and variety, unbalanced, shortage of content and relying too much on season passes (more money from the consumer), weak plots, generic characters, heavy reliance on 'Ubisoft mechanics' from their other titles (which makes every game somewhat 'familiar' not in the good sense), the infamous 'downgrades', very ambitious promises that are never delivered, relying too much on the same gameplay loop without proper variation...

Their games are short lived (Siege is the exception) because within a few hours you basically see everything the game has to offer.

Goldby2603d ago


Ya lets take a great combat style thats used for 1v1 and throw in more players /s

JayPi32603d ago

I disagree, they're one of the few companies who are willing to take risk outside of Assassin's Creed, like Rayman, Child of Light, For Honor, Siege, and then some. As Pixel said, servers and bugs plague their games.

RosweeSon2602d ago

A Mario Clone they've been banging out for 29 years is a risk? I never got into Rayman myself. Assassins creed 2 was cool and Prince of Persia sands of time, then they just rinse the series dry, new assassins was pretty good mainly because it was in Ye olde England so probably a bit biased but I wouldn't miss Ubisoft if they wanted to take a year or 3 out.

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This year is starting to look like it's going to have an infamous nickname at some point in the future.


Take-Two Interactive is closing two studios, including Rollerdrome developer Roll7

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LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I loved Rollerdrome and was looking forward to a Rollerdrome 2. 😐

Don't want to be melodramatic but as far you can be upset over video-game news ... bit heartbroken.

I feel like there's a trend of well made games like this going largely ignored by the gaming audience. It's quite frustrating. I hope the devs form a new studio but I suppose they'd have to start again from scratch.

JEECE2d ago

"I feel like there's a trend of well made games like this going largely ignored by the gaming audience."

Yep. I'd love to know how many of us actually bought this game, rather than just getting it on Gamepass or PS Plus. Probably a shockingly low number. Steam concurrents topped out at 419.

I know it's anecdotal, but when I think of my favorite indie games, I still largely think of titles that came out in the 2009-2015 range. Maybe with less competition it was easier to stand out then, but I just felt like at that time there was more recognition of the really great indie games that were worth your time.

senorfartcushion2d ago

Plus would have gotten them some extra money.

TheLigX2d ago

Olliolli 2, olliolli world and rollerdrome are some of my favorite indies of all time. This industry is disgusting lately.

solideagle2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

it's not industry's fault, it's the consumers fault. Audience just wants to play shooter/Battle Royale etc...

Christopher2d ago

No. It's the publisher's fixation on profit margins. They only want the most profitable of products. It's greed.

Inverno2d ago

I wouldn't blame consumers entirely either. If shooters and Battle Royal is all we're given then it's all we've got to buy. If the AAA industry wouldn't follow trends so obsessively it'd be better varied.

JEECE2d ago

There is fault to go around. Some of it is on consumers for sure. We whine constantly about live service games, but then we play them anyway and ignore better smaller titles.

But publishers and platform holders bear some responsibility too. You hear stories come out from indie devs who had big hits in the late PS3/360 to early PS4/XONE window who can barely move units now, and some of that is definitely failure to advertise and poor discoverability. During that era I felt like I reliably heard about the worthwhile indies, and now I don't.

Then there is the game pass effect (and PS Plus to a lesser extent). So many consumers have now been trained to expect to get indies with their subscriptions, they don't want to pay $20-$40 for them anymore.

ZeekQuattro2d ago

When voting with one's wallet goes wrong. I prsonally have no problem with AA or indie games. Often times those are some of the best experiences to be had in gaming. Unfortunately a lot of gamers thumb their noses at indies however. There are success stories but there are just as many casualties or at least it feels that way sometimes.

LordoftheCritics2d ago

It's the game.

Was fun for 10 minutes

JackBNimble2d ago

Has anyone actually taken a look at the economy? If you're really looking to blame someone for layoffs and closers, then maybe blame the people at the top making the bad decisions tanking the economies.
It's like some of you live in a little bubble oblivious to what's going on around the globe.

TheLigX1d 5h ago

Hey there big business shilling homie… the game was very profitable.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1d 5h ago
Gamble202d ago

If the games made money the studios wouldn’t be closing. Blame consumers for not supporting “indies”

TheLigX1d 5h ago

The games were profitable, you ding dong.

Killer2020UK2d ago

I've got to disagree with the comments blaming consumers. Yes that is a part of it but by and large the money men are closing studios and sacking staff to increase profitability. Let's not forget the obscene salaries they're on compared to the people who actually make the games. Take 2 are not short of cash, this didn't have to happen.

JEECE2d ago

The thing is, some of the Indie devs closing are really independent. In other words, we can blame Take 2 here, but who can we blame other than the consumers when a fully independent dev shuts down because their games aren't selling? There is an answer to that question, it just isn't greedy publishers, even if they are the most fun to blame.

CantThinkOfAUsername2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Last year, Take-Two president and CEO both got paid 72M combined as a bonus. They could have paid the 600 employees they laid off 60K a year and still get half of that (36M). Strauss' compensation alone is 578:1 compared to a T2 employee's.

TiredGamer2d ago

We created the industry by our purchasing decisions/actions. The industry is slowly imploding. At some point we may be left only with safe mainstays (COD, Fortnite) and franchise/movie tie-ins (Indiana Jones, Spiderman, Batman, Star Wars), along with a contingent of very low budget indie stuff if it can turn a profit.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 5h ago
notachance2d ago

ah damn, I loved olliolli series

monkey6022d ago

I loved Olli Olli.

I wanted to like Rollerdrome a lot more than I actually did. Shame about the studio though

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