
Drawn To Death is Free for PS Plus Members This April

Surprise! David Jaffe's outrageous shooter makes its PS Plus debut on April 4 with six playable fighters, over-the-top weapons, and the wildest taunts you've ever seen.

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G20WLY2636d ago

OMG this is great news! Let It Die is already a great fun free game, but this looks mental fun, especially with friends!

UCForce2636d ago

I really need to try this one.

Relientk772636d ago

Will definitely try this game out

joab7772636d ago

Not that Sont isn't already laying waste to the field this yr, but they just brought it again! If I read one article about the free games we get each month...

Corpser2636d ago

I thought it's a free to play game?

Fishy Fingers2636d ago

Nope. Looks like it would of been better suited to that model though.

Genuine-User2636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Jaffe confirmed that it won't be free to play back in 2016.


rdgneoz32635d ago

It was going F2P for a while. I was in the beta for a bit and the thing was set up as F2P till like Nov when he changed course. It's great that it'll be going the way of PS+, as with a $20 price tag I'm not sure it would have made them more money than a F2P model could have. Still wish the game wasn't caped at 2v2.

FullmetalRoyale2636d ago

Excellent. That's a clever way to get people into it, and still charge for it after it(hopefully) gets some good word of mouth, and make it profitable.
I planned on buying it when it launched, so this is great news for me!

subtenko2636d ago

yea plus its david jaffe and his crew and the game looks good, they deserve te industries support

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Drawn To Death Dies Today, Servers Shutting Down

The servers shut down today (March 25th, 2019), less than two years since the game launched.

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Blastoise1896d ago

This game just wasn't good, which is a shame because I was one of five people that actually liked the artstyle. It had a cool tutorial though, I'll give it that much

Snookies121896d ago

I liked the art style a lot, it was really unique. Never actually gave the game a try though.

crazyCoconuts1896d ago

how about in the tutorial when it told you to try the voice commands. i fell for that crap lol

KickSpinFilter1895d ago

I loved the artstyle on this but it was severely lacking in animation between the key frames of animation and was hard on your eyes. If it felt smoother and was 60fps I would have kept playing it.

mastershredder1896d ago (Edited 1896d ago )

I was kind of underwhelmed when Jaffe and crew delivered this one. It felt, looked and played like a leftover ps2 era project. However, it was true to its roots.

AspiringProGenji1896d ago

Go back to Santa Monica and make a new Twisted Metal Jaffe

AnubisG1896d ago

I think that guy is done man. He created GoW and TM but other than that, not so much good stuff. Just like Cliffy B. Let them go.

zombiewombie1895d ago

He's started the planning phase for a horror game. He talks about what hes up to on twitter, all the time.

CanadianTurtle1896d ago (Edited 1896d ago )

Jaffe stated many times that he has no interest in making AAA games anymore. He said that he's already made his mark with the first 2 GoW games on the PS2. He's solidified a legacy with those games. Also, he doesn't want to get back into AAA games mainly because it would tear him apart from his family which he said is his main priority these days.

Hardiman1896d ago (Edited 1896d ago )

He seems kinda bitter really. He also said he hasn't played the new God of War, or at least that's what he said a few months back. Seems strange that he directed the first and with what Cory and Santa Monica did with the new game was incredible! You'd think he'd want to support it. But he's more worried people being pissed about Beyond Good and Evil 2 being multiplayer!

TiredandRetired1896d ago

God of War spoiler: David Jaffe is one of the giants who has fallen and died at the end of the new game. His legacy lies in the mountains though for others to build upon.

Except for Drawn to Death. Let that s*** stay dead. The thing was more like one of the turds the giant sha* out in his pants as he fell to his death.

KickSpinFilter1895d ago (Edited 1895d ago )

No please don't, TM was awful.
And with God of War?...well there's a new God. but thanks for GOW 1,2,3 anyhow.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1895d ago
salmonade1896d ago

I can honestly say that this was the worst PS exclusive in history IMO. I only played it for 10 minutes though.

Kiwi661896d ago (Edited 1896d ago )

Not quite the worst one as Life of Black Tiger comes to mind

thatguyhayat1896d ago

I almost forgot about those... God those were awful

salmonade1896d ago

Life Of Black Tiger doesn't count. It was a tiny game with no advertisement and no press. The only press it got was because it was hilariously bad indie game

1895d ago
AK911896d ago

Sorry Jaffe I love most of your games but this one was a complete mistake.

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Telltale Should Prioritise Their People Over Clem, And Drawn To Death Is Done

In our latest editorial, we discuss Telltale's handling of their studio closure, Sony's decision to pull the plug on Drawn to Death, and the reveal of a new legendary Pokémon.

FloydianAndroid2077d ago

It’s a noble notion to say they should take care of their people and not worry about finishing the game, but that’s kind of a stretch realistically. Finishing the game may be the beatnik they can do at this point and it’s better than nothing. My only problem with this whole situation is how did the suits not see this coming. They were hiring couple of weeks ago and now theyre belly up. Did the finance department not know how dire things were? That part doesn’t Add up.

JTGA2077d ago

Apparently it has to do with a major financial investor suddenly pulling out. But if the company was on such a knife edge, surely it's their legal and moral obligation to communicate to their employee's? The whole situation is a mess.


Drawn To Death Servers Shutting Down In March 2019

The inevitable has arrived for David Jaffe’s Drawn to Death.

gangsta_red2077d ago ShowReplies(5)
madforaday2077d ago

Don't make your PvP game pay to win...

Patricko2077d ago

This game was sentenced to death right from the start... PVP game with Pay2Win elements? Good luck with that...

madforaday2077d ago

I replied with the same thing just after you. I was excited for the game, got the game and saw it was pay to earn all of the characters and moves. He did something similar with the PS3 version of Twisted Metal. I think has a problem trying to find that balance for PvP and progression.

Spurg2077d ago

Creator of God of war has been reduced to this.
Single player is where his strengths are at, he should focus on that instead.
Also, I didn't even know the game released.

Palitera2077d ago

He was a late victim from a dying trend. Felt for the trap real good... Everytime some golden egg comes around, lots of people fall for it and fail.

madforaday2077d ago

You do know he is the creator of Twisted Metal, a very PvP influenced game.

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