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Petition to bring Nioh to PC surfaces

The PlayStation 4 exclusive Nioh released recently and has been met with some pretty stellar reviews. Unfortunately, since the game is a PS4 exclusive, only PlayStation gamers have been able to get in on the action, but the PC gaming community is looking to change that.

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Community2669d ago
freshslicepizza2669d ago

nothing wrong with having games on more platforms, so why should you care if you are already enjoying it on your ps4?

Nyxus2669d ago

It's more of a general statement, if you are interested in the PS4's exclusive library it's probably a good idea to just get a PS4.

UCForce2669d ago

It will kill console. More importantly, exclusive game sell console.

freshslicepizza2669d ago

"It will kill console. More importantly, exclusive game sell console."

no it wont. if you think the only reason people buy consoles is to play games they cant on the pc you are sadly mistaken. you can buy a ps4 for about $250 which is much cheaper than a decent running pc that could play this game. you also get a unified system with consoles that means all of your games/friends/trophies and those sorts of things work seamlessly with one another.

if what you say is true that without exclusives console gaming would die then you are telling everyone that consoles are an inferior way to play games on. i doubt most here would agree to that.

UCForce2669d ago

Yes, it will. Just like Xbox One lost true exclusive.

freshslicepizza2669d ago

"Yes, it will. Just like Xbox One lost true exclusive."

so you are enjoying games like forza horizon 3 on your windows 10 pc, how are you liking it? if you are not buying xbox one games on windows 10 then your answers are fluff. most ps4 software sales are for games that are also on the pc like battlefield 1, star wars battlefront, fallout 4 and the witcher 3. those games run rather well on a $250 console so i dont get your point. people play games on mobile too because there is also a market there.

and nioh is not made by sony so unless sony is subsidizing the developer i see no reason why it shouldnt come to the pc.

Bathyj2669d ago

Well Sony published it everywhere except Japan. I assume that was the deal for exclusivity. They wanted a world wide release, not just Japanese. Sony made that happen. So yes, you could say Sony did subsidise it.

It's ok moldy, we know you don't get it. Apparently Xbox gamers don't understand the value of exclusives.

bouzebbal2669d ago

Would be strange to hear you say the opposite since you are an xbox fanboy.
The problem with multi platform is that nothing justifies the purchase of the console anymore, and the more consoles sold the more games get released on it

AmUnRa2669d ago

Come on moldy, stop stealh trolling. The Masterace wants another Playstation excl.
for their Master PC😭. You want to play Nioh buy a PS4 (pro). If you want to play almost every xbox one (excl.) buy a xbox one...ore you can also play every ecxl. Xbox one game on your W10 PC. Excl games is what the problem is for Microsoft.
And you know that but dont exept it, thats Moldybreads in the flesh...

Thatguy-3102669d ago

Because that's business. These games are tied to the platform so instead of port begging just get the console. It's pointless to port beg for countless of games.

realplu2669d ago

Because Sony invest huge sums of money into this and other IP's. They took the risk. Some fail and some succeed. Should Sony ask the PC community to cover their losses if a game fails?

GtR35olution2669d ago

Im a gamer that games on pc as well but had to have a ps4 for those exclusives i cant play anywhere else. All xbox exclusives are going to pc so a xbox isnt needed. People are lipping about 6 tflops when you can have more than double the compute power on pc with the option of playing xbox games in higher fidelity. Ps4 and a pc is a proper gaming combination. I already have a light switch in my house so thats not needed

naruga2669d ago

buy a PS4 people ...the petions are ridiculous and idiotic ...also as UCForce says exclusives sell a console otherwise PS4 (with all these ridiculous petions to bring bloodborne and now NIoh to PC) would be dead ....

Why o why2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

'It's ok moldy, we know you don't get it. Apparently Xbox gamers don't understand the value of exclusives.'

Tell me about it. Many team X people try to alter the narrative by shifting the goalposts in the hope or guise to devalue the importance of exclusives. I can take the guys who accepted it as a negative for the console and moved on. What I can't take are those who try to swerve through like exclusives aren't one of a consoles lifeblood.

Ms tried to dictate what's important like they've attempted before and some of their fans lapped it up and ran with it. Sony is showing gamers the importance of exclusives. They create desire. . If there's enough desirable titles only found on a solitary system the likelihood of potential buyers of said console increases. It's not rocket science.

trooper_2669d ago

I'm sorry but get your own exclusives. Nioh is fine on PS4.

Kingthrash3602669d ago

Moldy....just stop.
You see all these ps4 games pc gamers want.....they WANT the games. The only way to get the game is to buy a ps4. This is why exclusives are so important. It sells consoles. If it came to pc sony would lose money on consoles and team ninja would maybe make more, depending on if pirating were persistent. BUT this shows why exclusives matter. It give incentive to buy a console you don't own. We'll never see a petition for a xbox console exclusives because pc gamers can play them without buying an xbox. Therefore the xbone userbase takes a hit.

Major_Glitch2669d ago

@Saltybread You poor thing. You just don't get it do you? Exclusives sell consoles. Kinda why the Xbone is losing badly.

Kaneki-Ken2669d ago

PlayStation is the Nioh publisher worldwide except Japan( Publisher fund the games) and PlayStation waisted ton of money on marketing it. So in exchange for free marketing(cost millions on dollars) and publishing their games for free worldwide(Nioh wouldn't have released the game worldwide if weren't for PlayStation), PlayStation keep it exclusive as an exclusive so yeah PlayStation fund it. It like saying why won't Xbox release Dead Rising 3/ Quantum Break/ Alan Wake and more on other Platforms because have the same reason.

Ceaser98573612669d ago

"nothing wrong with having games on more platforms, so why should you care if you are already enjoying it on your ps4?"

YA! There is something called Exclusive and not Play anywhere BS...

freshslicepizza2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

odd, nobody had a problem with street fighter coming to the pc and sony helped fund that game. sony also helped no mans sky and that too was on the pc. someone should have told sony those were bad deals because it hurt ps4 sales according to you guys.

rivaldoo7772669d ago

Than why not have Zelda on ps4 as well?

1Victor2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

There you have folks moldy is advocating for halo forza gear to go to Nintendo and Sony consoles as well/SSS
Just don't buy the next graphic card and you'll have money to buy a PS4 and 5 EXCLUSIVE games 😱

freshslicepizza2669d ago

team ninja is a third party developer, not once did i ever suggest naughty dog or other first party go to other systems.

GTgamer2669d ago

Sony funds these games for a reason

Sparta072669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

@salty, I like my exclusives.
I care about exclusives cause I invested in console. If that console didn't have exclusives, then why bother?
I would just play on pc.

Funny, before Microsoft decided to make all their exclusives multiplayer, exclusives was very important to Xboxone owners. Especially you.😬

AdmGenAladeen2669d ago

From a devs point of view you are correct as having all games on more platforms is a very good thing. I personally don't care but exclusives like this, whether timed or not, sell systems and make the system more appealing. Sucks for non PS4 owners. Luckily I own a pro and just bought NIOH today.

DarXyde2669d ago

It can potentially set a precedent--that if you complain enough, you'll get your way. It's more or less the position of liberal Democrats in the current American political climate.

You ask for Ni Oh, and let's say they cave: should From Software cave on a Bloodborne sequel? Persona 5? Heck, The Last of Us? Granted, two of those are directly Sony studio titles (developed or published) but it sets a bad precedent. I don't mind games being available on other platforms, but you're asking developers to meet PC gamers on this. Can't PC gamers just invest in a Playstation? If you have the money to be a PC gamer capable of running Ni Oh better than a console, I refuse to believe you cannot afford a Playstation.

Dragonscale2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Seems Sony don't follow ms's stance on exclusive games. Who can blame them as it means even more reasons to buy their console. Nioh will stay PS4 exclusive as it should.

@moldy, Sony is the publisher. Cry harder. If you're so desperate to play it get a PS4.

Realms2669d ago

Oh right exclusives aren't important that's why you have these jokers starting a petition. I don't care if goes to PC but it's funny how some PC player's shit on consoles yet want to play some of their exclusives GTFO. Sony published the game deal with it it's up to them. So unless you want to wait for Sony to decide wether they should put it on PC or not I wouldn't bet on it since some people are still waiting for Bloodborne. LOL

DigitalRaptor2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

LMFAO. How did I know professional stealth troll himself, moldybread would be the first to reply to the first pro-PS4 comment of this article?

Listen dude. We know you see the ideas of exclusive games to be damaging or negative (because PS4 has so many of them), and conveniently so, since the console and company you shill for lost them all over a year ago, and now have less exclusive games than ever.... but exclusive software is valued but those who choose to purchase hardware for them. Especially so if they are buying more than one.

What's the point in actually purchasing more than one console, if it has nothing exclusive?

Please provide an answer that make more sense than... "I'm a PC gamer, and I want more choice".

nX2669d ago

Wow moldy must be the biggest moron I've ever seen on N4G. Are you even living in the real world or just something that your mind made up? I can't believe you're still getting away with posting BS on almost every article, back when we had the bubble system at least all your comments were marked for trolling and hidden.

2669d ago
Godmars2902669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Aside from buggy - buggier - games?

Or to put it another way: "Hey Moldy, hows Batman Arkham Knight on PC? Playable yet?"

PC isn't the easy access platform PC gaming fanatics consider it - as they update hardware, beef up their systems, and patch games to fixable levels when publishers can't be bothered to.

2669d ago
thisismyaccount2669d ago

How about you pc fanatics drop $250 on a PS4/XB1 with few games instead of upgrading constantly your PC for absolutely no reasons at all. How come we keep reading "PC Gaming Market reached $30bn this year and will increase next year" ... when Steam with twice as many games has seen a actually drop (revenue).

WHY do you keep upgrading then? If ya dont play/buy any games ... if you can afford to get a new GPU every 10 months, maybe just maybe it´s a good idea to drop those $250 on a PS4/XB1 instead. Always the same pc port beggars ... annoying as herpes on my stick.

_-EDMIX-_2669d ago

Will it largely depends I don't really know how extensive the deal they had with Sony was in regards to publishing.

starchild2669d ago

Once again we see how downright hostile the extremist Sony fanboys on N4G are towards PC gamers and PC gaming. And yet we're supposed to believe you guys all have gaming PCs. At least that's what you all pretend to have when you want to bash the other console and have an excuse to call it irrelevant.

If you really all had gaming PCs as you pretend you would see the value in gamers being able to play a game like Nioh on PC too.

I have a PS4 Pro and Nioh and I love the game. If it's only available on PS4 then that's where I'll play it, but if I had the choice of course I would prefer to play it on my PC.

This whole "if you want the game buy a PS4" thing is stupid. It makes a bunch of dumb assumptions. First of all, I already own a PS4 and the game, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to see a PC version. Having a PS4 and wanting to see the game released on PC are not mutually exclusive. I would prefer a PC version because then I could play at higher framerates on my gsync monitor and have silky smooth motion and better controller response, as well as play it at higher native resolutions instead of having to choose between resolution and framerate. Surely any true gamer can see the value in that.

I didn't sign the petition, but I think all of this shaming by fanboys of gamers that want to see good games come to more platforms is pathetic and has to stop. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see a good game come to your platform of choice. It's sensible and rational and I've seen gamers on every platform express those kinds of hopes.

If these fanboys really had gaming PCs their attitude towards this would be "that would be great if Nioh came to PC too...because those that only own a PS4 can continue to enjoy it just as they are now while those of us with gaming PCs can enjoy it with even better image quality and smoother framerates". But of course we don't see those kinds of comments from most of them because those people don't have gaming PCs. They're frauds. They claim to have gaming PCs when they want to downplay the Xbox One, but in every other example they are putting down PC gamers, playing multiplats on their console, downplaying PC gaming, and fighting to keep games off the PC.

TKCMuzzer2669d ago

This is why platforms have exclusives, its the whole point of them,to sell hardware.

Deadpooled2669d ago

As soon as I saw that headline I realised why I sometimes like going on N4G, sometimes it is a great resource of gaming news throughout the gaming world helped by it's members, sometimes certain websites to take advantage of the privilege by posting flamebait articles/videos/reviews, and the rest of the time it brings hilarious items like this article. Literally burst out laughing when I saw that headline. Certainly it's a small minute fraction of PC 'gamers' who are making and signing these petitions but all they are doing is making the rest of the PC community look desperate. You want PS exclusive games? Jump on the PS platform bandwagon.

freshslicepizza2669d ago

"Once again we see how downright hostile the extremist Sony fanboys on N4G are towards PC gamers and PC gaming. And yet we're supposed to believe you guys all have gaming PCs. At least that's what you all pretend to have when you want to bash the other console and have an excuse to call it irrelevant. "

jack tretton did say they had the most supportive fans and people like jim sterling even wrote an article about the fans (and not in a good way). its ok to enjoy your toys but some are just way too possesive as we can see,

"If you really all had gaming PCs as you pretend you would see the value in gamers being able to play a game like Nioh on PC too. "

they see it as a partnership with sony, they dont see it as just games.

"I have a PS4 Pro and Nioh and I love the game. If it's only available on PS4 then that's where I'll play it, but if I had the choice of course I would prefer to play it on my PC."

well as we can see many dont share your opinion, lol

"If these fanboys really had gaming PCs their attitude towards this would be "that would be great if Nioh came to PC too...because those that only own a PS4 can continue to enjoy it just as they are now while those of us with gaming PCs can enjoy it with even better image quality and smoother framerates". But of course we don't see those kinds of comments from most of them because those people don't have gaming PCs. They're frauds. They claim to have gaming PCs when they want to downplay the Xbox One, but in every other example they are putting down PC gamers, playing multiplats on their console, downplaying PC gaming, and fighting to keep games off the PC."

it goes like this, they like to compare most things to the xbox since that is sony's main rival and therefore the fanatics see microsoft as their rival. they hate having the pc brought up in comparisons because we all know the pc can and will trump most game comparisons given the right hardware. but the irony is they scream out how microsoft is losing exclusives and whats the point of getting an xbox. its a complete oxymoron. how many here talk abouit how much they enjoy sony exclusives and windows 10 games like forza horizon 3? very very few which tells me its all one big bluff, they just want to use any tool in their handbook to go after their main rival.

TankCrossing2669d ago

I wonder what the hottest article on N4G is today? Oh good lord, it is a massive PS4 fanboy circle jerk. And moldybread has voluntarily stepped into the middle of it.

What a mess :(

StanleyRoper2669d ago

Look at those downvotes. Looooook at them!

S2Killinit2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I don't want anyone to be left out in the cold with such a great game. BUT at the same time, I love consoles and I want them to thrive, and Exclusives are sort of important for console gaming's future. Then there is the legal and fairness factors. Sony took a risk on this title, they should be able to reap the rewards. I mean, when they fund a game and it fails I don't see anyone telling Sony that they will help offset the losses (quite the contrary, Sony might even take the blame for the failure of the developer), so why should Sony share the rewards of their hard work when it pays off?

In the meantime, if someone likes Playstation's exclusives, I recommend that they buy the console, I mean you can get one for a pretty good price at this point.

Phunkydiabetic12669d ago

It's published by Sony. It's a PS4 exclusive. Buy a fuckin ps4.

Trash_Report2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Heh you sad PC elitist beggars are like somebody who always pretends his rich and popular w/ girls but in reality can only get ugly chicks if any at all. Always begging after all the bragging is just too sad LOL.

2669d ago
Shakengandulf2669d ago

You are one of the dumbest morons I've ever seen.

Realms2669d ago


Do you pride yourself in trolling so hard? I swear you have replaced rookie as the most nonsensical N4G user. You always troll Sony articles hard no matter what you find a way to talk smack.

ThanatosDMC2669d ago

Wonder what happened to PC master race??? PS4 Exclusives remain exclusive.

rainslacker2669d ago

It's rather funny. I remember when MS first dropped PC to focus their MSGS games on Xbox exclusively. I remember fondly the numerous Xbox fans who said, "Just buy a XBox 360 if you want to play the games".

I'm glad that the Xbox fans have become more enlightened though.

That being said, Sony did publish this game, although they don't own it's exclusive rights as far as I know. If it comes to PC, it'll be through a different publisher, bec ause Sony doesn't do PC anymore, and it's hard to say if the dev would expend the resources to port it to PC.

mikeslemonade2669d ago

I own a PC and don't care if it comes to PC. Since I have PS Pro it won't make much difference. Exclusives should stay exclusive.

Aenea2668d ago


"First of all, I already own a PS4 and the game, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to see a PC version. Having a PS4 and wanting to see the game released on PC are not mutually exclusive. I would prefer a PC version because then I could play at higher framerates on my gsync monitor and have silky smooth motion and better controller response, as well as play it at higher native resolutions instead of having to choose between resolution and framerate. Surely any true gamer can see the value in that. "

But would you own a PS4 (Pro) if ALL games would be on PC? Since you already have a PC that can run Nioh better it seems likely you can run all games better on your PC which in turn would mean you will not have a need for a PS4 anymore.

Which then means Sony stops selling consoles, stops selling PS+ subscriptions, loses ton of income, closes first party studios, can't afford to finance games anymore and Nioh 2 will never get made.........

I agree Sony fans should not ridicule PC gamers wanting a game like Nioh, but I don't think saying "you want to play it? buy a PS4" is all that bad a reply. It's the truth, and without PlayStation the game might not have existed in the first place, so it is indeed weird for PC gamers to even start petitions like this. Many have been done in the past for other games, heck there's even one for Horizon Zero Dawn, a first party game! Nothing has changed because of these petitions and it won't so even to me they seem funny and ridiculous.

freshslicepizza2668d ago

"But would you own a PS4 (Pro) if ALL games would be on PC? Since you already have a PC that can run Nioh better it seems likely you can run all games better on your PC which in turn would mean you will not have a need for a PS4 anymore."

then why do publishers like ea support both? there is a seperate market for consoles and the pc, always has been.

"Which then means Sony stops selling consoles, stops selling PS+ subscriptions, loses ton of income, closes first party studios, can't afford to finance games anymore and Nioh 2 will never get made........."

stop being so dramatic, sony would still sell consoles and their reliance on multiplat games shows how wrong you are. in fact sony has also invested one way or another in games like the new street fighter and no mans sky, both of which are also on the pc. of course they still want their staple games like horizon to push the ps4 and makes games dedeicated to that system but we are talking about team ninja and they are third party. sony is publishing it but they are did that for street fighter and no mans sky. did the ps4 all of the sudden lose sales becuase those games were on the pc?

what i see here is sony fans being overly possessive acting like this would hurt sony when in reality you guys keep buying multiplats on consoles then we also have quite a few on n4g saying microsoft is dumb to support the pc. the nonsense just never ends.

+ Show (51) more repliesLast reply 2668d ago
moegooner882669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Everytime I check a review for a PS4 exclusive on a gaming site or Facebook comments section, I find numerous comments chastising Sony for not bringing their exclusives to PC. Just check the Jimquisition Nioh review comment section. Takes the word pathetic to a whole new level. Sony and Nintendo release consoles, do right by their fans, and make actual exclusives for them, just cause the "others" don't and give theirs the short end of the stick, doesn't mean Sony and N should as well.

freshslicepizza2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

did sony fund this game, if not then what the hell are you talking about?

"just cause the "others" don't and give theirs the short end of the stick, doesn't mean Sony and N should as well."

your reference to microsoft points to how dissilusioned some are. by bringing games to the pc it allows more freedom. such as not having to pay a subscription based model to play online. it also allows gamers to play within their budgets. that means people could in theory play this well beyond 60fps and 4k. its called choices and you rewarding locking consumers out is alarming.

i dont understand how you cannot enjoy your game on the ps4 without worying about how others may want to enjoy it.

moegooner882669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I am speaking generally not about Nioh only. But keep crying perusual please. Your tears are delicious. Nom nom

Big_Game_Hunters2669d ago

Not really, Most of these petitions are for Paid exclusives from third party devs by Sony. Its exactly what People were shaming MS for not too long ago. But its okay when Sony does it.

trooper_2669d ago

moldy, it's called 'buying a PS4'.

GTgamer2669d ago

You act like Sony took the Nioh it literally wouldn't of been made with Sony go do some research.

DigitalRaptor2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

@ moldybread

You are in an article about a PlayStation exclusive game trying to downplay something that you know full well is something that these gamers have valued for a long-ass time. Some of the most memorable exclusive games of the PS2 era were third-party exclusives and the only way those games are available to PC gamers are now through emulation many years later. Boo-frickin-hoo.

PC gamers could probably have played those games at HD resolutions at the time, and with better frame rates. The problem lies in those who have made an active choice to game on PC and nothing else, and didn't see this coming, with years upon years of notice. Not in those who value exclusive games on a piece of hardware that they invested hundreds of dollars into.

mechlord2668d ago

S, N, M => S&M ..where has my mind gone to...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2668d ago
GTgamer2669d ago

The PC masterrace always want console games smh.

power of Black2669d ago

Please don't call them the master race when all they do is beg for console games.

Sunny_D2669d ago

For being a master race, they sure do act like beggars.

Whirlwind_Fanfare_082669d ago

More like waaahhhsterrace because they always crying about how exclusives suck and should be bought to PC.

MRMagoo1232669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

hey I'm a pc gamer but I'm not begging for ps4 exclusives , I'm buying a ps4 pro on Monday. I defend the ps4 often from the xbone trolls.

MadLad2669d ago

Funny how there's equal levels of begging on both sides.
Be careful, GT. Your childish bias is showing :)

UCForce2669d ago

@SlapHappyJesus Nope. What he said is right. Exclusive Game sell console. The PS4 sales have been increasing significantly ever since. Thank to Exclusive game. You can see why Xbox One didn't sell well because MS made a mistake for turning their Xbox exclusive game into multiplatform game. Xbox One lost its own identity.

GTgamer2669d ago

I've never wanted a pc only game so bad that I started a petition 😂😂😂 the thing about PC gamers Masterrace is that they think they deserve it but You all people like you do is bash consoles but when those console manufacturers fund amazing Gamed Yall want a Pc release Gtfo.

starchild2669d ago


Bullshit. How many PC gamers do you see bashing consoles in this article? None, or almost none. But there sure are a lot of console fanboys downplaying the PC and bashing PC gamers.

I'm a PC gamer and I don't go around bashing consoles. In fact, if you look at my comment history I have a lot of good things to say about consoles. Same goes for SlapHappyJesus. Can't say the same for most of you fanatics on this site, though, who on a constant basis bash every platform that isn't made by Sony. Pure hypocrisy.

GTgamer2668d ago (Edited 2668d ago )

Soooooooo you represent the entire pc community :/ denial ain't just a river in Egypt my friend the pc masterrace are always ripping into consoles and it's tiring I can say allot about xbox fans but they literally never tried to tell Me what to buy unlike the Pc masterrace.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2668d ago
StormLegend2669d ago

@Moldybread that's not how it works, having exclusives mean people will buy the console. If we did that then, why not all games come to PC?

Ace_Pheonix2669d ago

I don't think PlayStation is generating any kind of crazy revenue off of hardware. They sell that little tech box for so cheap, I don't think it's about making money off the hardware. I'm sure they make a fair amount off of PS+ and console accessories, but primarily I think they're happy building a budget box to get as many people as they can buying up their software. Microsoft has realized this as well, and really selling your software on as many platforms as possible is the best route to take for a profit margin. They could even put it on their own launcher and publish that way to PC and still have the same gated yard that they currently have. They could even continue to resell games to you based on hardware specs if they really wanted to be awful.

Bathyj2669d ago

No they don't make lots of money on hardware but the more hardware they sell, the more people buy the games. That's how the console business works. And by having exclusives it makes your console more attractive to customers. It's gives them a unique flavor.

Sony knows this. Nintendo know this. Microsoft doesn't know this. They used to. Why do you think they bought Bungie in the first place? People forget this. MS didn't make the first Halo. They bought the company that was already making it because they saw the potential of having it as an exclusive. It was going to be multiplatform at one point. It was even going to Mac.

And it's why they bought gears off Epic, why they pay for timed exclusives, $50m for two DLCs on GTAIV and Tombraider which both belong more on PlayStation than Xbox.

All Microsoft is doing is pouring more water into their jug of lemonade, trying to make enough to spread around for everyone to have a drink, thinking they can sell more cups. But the more they do the weaker it gets until the lemonade, and the console no longer has it's own flavor.

maybelovehate2669d ago

Even though I have a PS4, I would love to have it on PC.

Darkwatchman2669d ago

Just buy it on ps4 then?

I own a 3ds and vita and due to the awful screen resolution, there are certain games that don't make much use of the dual screens that I wish came to vita instead. Guess what I did? Stopped bitching and just got them on 3ds

maybelovehate2669d ago

For those asking about buying it on PS4, I already did. But it is good enough I would love to play a better version on PC.

starchild2669d ago

Your comment is perfectly sensible, but it gets downvoted to hell. A lot of the fanboys here are truly insane.

UCForce2669d ago

You and @starchild need to understand that exclusive game sell console. See PS4 sales and Xbox One Sales, PS4 sales is increasing every months and keep getting bigger thank to exclusive. Xbox One sales is not so much. No wonder why MS didn't want to show it.

MRMagoo1232669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

what's the point in consoles if there are no exclusives to go on them ? what makes them stand out and makes them sell ? those are the things you get disagrees for its not some bias thing like "starCHILD" would have you believe. I mainly game on pc but I'm getting a pro on Monday so I can play those exclusives , if they were on pc I wouldn't bother. Don't let idiots like him confuse you. exclusives matter and they always will.

starchild2668d ago


That's a red herring. Nobody is talking about putting Sony first party exclusives on PC. We're talking about putting a third party game on PC (in addition to PS4).

You make it sound like the ONLY reason people buy consoles is because the console makers artificially restrict certain games to them. If that were true what would be the point of consoles? If all people really would prefer to play those games on PC then Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are being very anti-consumer by making games exclusive.

But of course that isn't the case. There are many reasons people choose to game on consoles. And even if Sony hypothetically put all of their exclusives on PC you would still see Sony consoles sell quite well. Because, again, there are a lot of reasons people choose to game on a platform. Some of you place way too much importance on exclusives. They are but one element out of several that lead someone to choose a certain platform. Even in that hypothetical situation the PS4 would still be the only console where you could play those games and you wouldn't see PS4 sales hurt nearly as bad as you assume.

But we're not even talking about Sony putting all of their games on PC. We're really talking about whether there's something wrong with someone wanting a current third party exclusive to come to their preferred platform. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It seems like a totally rational thing to me. But hey, maybe you guys can start a petition against more gamers getting to play it. Maybe send a few death threats. You're good at that.

Btw, I'm surprised that with all the shilling you've done for Sony over these past few years that you don't even own a PS4 yet. I've owned one since launch and I also upgraded to the Pro. I wonder why you don't hype up the PC or defend it when all of these fanboys are attacking the PC and PC gamers. About the best you can muster is to say "hey guys I'm a PC gamer, but I love and worship Sony as much as you. Screw those other PC gamers!"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2668d ago
Ace_Pheonix2669d ago

I already have years ago, I'm not really wanting to play it so badly that I can't wait and end up having to pay for it twice. I much prefer buying games for hardware that doesn't have an expiration date printed on the box, and on hardware that runs software to the best of it's potential. I don't see why people find that stance to be so unreasonable. If the developers see the demand for PC, it could motivate them to do a little extra work to publish on it. 98% of console games are on PC as it is, 3rd party exclusivity is so rare these days.

lelo2play2669d ago

Most of the times these petitions are worthless...

showtimefolks2669d ago

Than we are told by pc gamers that they don't want our console exclusives

Vegamyster2669d ago

The petition has less than 10k supporters, that's a very tiny portion of the user base and i'm betting most of those people aren't the rabid fanboy kind.

MRMagoo1232669d ago

I am a pc gamer if I want an exclusive on a console I'll buy the console such as me buying the ps4 pro tomorrow which is Monday for me. Don't lump all pc gamers into the same barrel as the stupid ones like starchild thanks.

DarXyde2669d ago

It really goes to show that people are missing the point of exclusives. Games are exclusive to encourage consumers to invest in a specific platform. It's why the platform holders bother paying for content. I would not rule out the possibility that Sony paid for Ni Oh's exclusivity, but it could also be a Japanese company looking out for a Japanese company. Ni-Oh appeals to Japanese consumers thanks to its difficulty, elements, and the fact that it can only be bought on PS4. Could be a move to encourage greater sales in Japan? Who really knows?

I digress. As I mentioned before, this may set a bad precedent. Eventually, the PS4 would be left without much in the way of exclusives. Why would Sony allow that? That would promote PC (which is not their platform) as the platform of choice. A capital reason why people buy PlayStation is the variety and wealth of titles. Microsoft emphasizes Windows 10, and it shows.

PC gamers don't have much of an argument here. They argued and petitioned to get Bloodborne which seemed silly to me. Sony helped to develop and publish that game, so of course it was likely to stay exclusive to PS4. Regardless, PC gamers found it "unfair" because From Software essentially blue-balled them by giving them Dark Souls and wanted in on the latest from them that follows in the same vein. Ni-Oh is not like From Software's Souls series in this way. Ni-Oh has no predecessors that should make PC gamers feel a level of entitlement to the game. Who knows, with its current popularity, it's certainly possible that the game will come to PC, but nevertheless, PC gamers don't have much of an argument.

Overload2669d ago

Exactly, they are the ultimate port beggars.

power of Black2669d ago

Khalina, you talk as if PS or console gamers don't get bashed as well. Don't give us this heart of gamer BS when every time a game exclusive to the PS4 comes out, the PC community goes flocking to the nearest thread/article begging for a port while at the same time bashing console gamers.

Really goes to show how useless your 'i7' or '1080Ti' really is doesn't it?

Drizzy2669d ago

Real gamers don't bitch about a game on another console we just buy all of them and play what we want to. Screw this petition buy a ps4. If you can afford a gaming pc the ps4 is peanuts

AuraAbjure2669d ago

They're still $250 used on craigslist

Mr-Dude2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Pocked change for the MasterRace according to them..

_-EDMIX-_2669d ago

As a gamer I own a gaming PC as well as a PlayStation 4 as I believe that should be the staple combo this generation.

I think my combo for a very long long number of years has actually always been a gaming PC , PlayStation and Nintendo handheld 😂

XanderZane2669d ago

Well, not everyone wants to buy a PS4. Just like not everyone wants to buy an XB1. It would be nice if it was released on all platforms. Unfortunately 3rd party Japanese developers think that the only gaming platform on the planet is the PS4 right now and they are making a lot of exclusives for it. The game is excellent. I've been playing it since launch and can understand why other gamers who don't own an PS4 would want to play it. This is one of the reasons I own all the game consoles, so I get to play ALL the exclusives. If you love exclusive games, you should own the platform that those exclusives are on. It's that simple.

joed26052669d ago

I own a PS4 but I wouldn't play this game unless it came to PC. Nothing against the PS4 version I just prefer playing games on PC.

XXanderXX2669d ago

But that would be a massive downgrade and why would they do that .

UCForce2669d ago

It more than that. It will kill console.

ONESHOTV22669d ago

I already have one but I wouldn't buy it on the ps4 if I get the chance to buy it on steam I want my options like higher res higher settings maybe mods if some one feels like doing them.

Takwin2669d ago

Seriously, I assume most of us are employed adults here. Get a nice gaming rig for over 50% of your gaming needs. And yes, a true gamer will want a PS4 Pro and a Switch. If you have some money kicking around, having a 3DS is cool too. Too many exclusives from Sony and Nintendo to pass up their products. Even if you ONLY play 10 exclusives total on a system, it is totally worth it. Play the rest on PC.

Gatsu2668d ago

I agree ;D, it's not expensive anymore.

Psychotica2668d ago

A lot of PC gamers have PS4's too. They just want it for their PC so it will look and perform better

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 2668d ago
chrisx2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I thought it was PC Master race? This is nothing but dreams. You wanna play NIOH, Buy a PS4

xPhearR3dx2669d ago

And what if you're like me that does have a PS4 and Nioh, but would 100% buy it again on PC for better graphics and frame rate?

chrisx2669d ago

Get a PS4pro or wait for remastered on PS5

Bathyj2669d ago

Then you're out of luck

Rodney252669d ago

It's already at 60 how much higher do you need it?

neoandrew2669d ago

chrisx, why he would buy, a weak ps4 pro instead of a much better pc version if it existed

Clunkyd2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

PC gamers smh

Sparta072669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

😂 please!!!
Go get yourself a PRO

xPhearR3dx2669d ago


How am I out of luck? I own a PS4 and Nioh. I've been playing the game like crazy since release. I'm not the one begging or signing petitions for a PC version. But I'm certainly not against it because I don't care about your guys little console war you got going on. Why wouldn't I want to support the devs by buying their game again, but at the same time get to play at 1080p+ 60FPs, AA, and high res-textures compared to 720p 60FPS, no AA and lower res-textures?

its_JEFF2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

@neoandrew why would he buy a weak PS4 Pro instead of a more powerful PC... because maybe he's into gaming for the games and not for the amount of pixels and fps he can get?

I'm sorry but i sometimes think PC guys get way too caught up in pixel/frames counting. Call me crazy but don't you think it sounds a bit "entitled" for a PC guys to say "this game should be on my platform, cause that's where it would be best!" I'm gonna be honest.. that sounds like when someone says "Ugh... why is he/she with him/her?!? He/She could be with me instead!"

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2669d ago
power of Black2669d ago

neoandrew: Because having better hardware doesn't necessarily mean better games. Hence why these articles and petitions exist. Oh did I mention how toxic the PC gaming community can get?

2669d ago
MadLad2669d ago

I believe it's called the repressed internet nerd community, and consists of those in the console community as well. Cheers :)

power of Black2669d ago

Khalina: Because having a better hardware but lack of developer support is logical?

Also, each time an exclusive gets announced, it's always the PC crowd that begs, brags and trolls. You want a game? Fine, don't go begging. Get another platform.


Aloren2669d ago

You seem to ignore that consoles gamers asked for xcom 2 to come on consoles when it was announced only for the pc, or that consoles gamers also wanted Total War Warhammer or Star Wars the old republic , or arma, CivVI, on their consoles. This is nothing new, and nothing specific to PS4 games. N4G just has a very strong PS4 community.

power of Black2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Aloren: Sure we asked(not to be confused with begged) for those games, but at the end of the day. Did we actually care? No. Because we have better games. Look at the petitions for those games you mentioned, some of them even failed to reach double or triple digits.

PC crowd is still the worse bunch, much worse than the Xbox fans.

Aloren2669d ago

So.... A few hundred people out of many millions is not caring , but 5000 people out of many millions is "begging" ?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2669d ago
Kiwi662669d ago

What is that quote that gets used around here "i won't buy a console for one game" so why should someone spend hundreds to get to play it

Inzo2669d ago

Hey hey hey hey............. come now, take it easy, its not PC gamers fault their platform only has tech demos posing as exclusives.

Night992669d ago

Dreams? This is not a Sony game it is pretty much just a matter of time when it will be on PC and we all will play it in 60fps 4k.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2669d ago
Mr-Dude2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I always thought the Master Race had everything? They smear it in your face whenever they can, but everytime Sony releases a game, they are port-begging.

ShadowWolf7122669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Not just port begging. Port begging would be one thing, I don't begrudge people wanting a great game.

It's when they act entitled or get angry, offended, actually try to shame the developer and attack Sony for it that gets me. They did it for Horizon, too. Got pretty nasty and insistent about it in the comments of that petition. And this petition, too, has the same problem. "HOW DARE SONY!" "This game is too good to only be on console, the devs are stupid for not considering PC first." "I guess they want this to be a flop cuz console gaming is dying even if numbers rove that untrue", etc.

nowitzki20042669d ago

Only about 7,000 people signed it. Lets not act like all PC players are begging for it, a lot of PC gamers already have a consnole as well.

Lamboomington2669d ago

Yeah, sorry, but you're all kind of stupid.

The vast majority of PC gamers are not going to port-beg, they aren't going to shame and attack developers for it. Just because a petition is started, doesn't mean the entire PC community is port begging.

This comment section is filled with ignorant, illogical and stupid comments. Enjoy your circlejerk though.

Cobra9512668d ago

It's . . . wow. Nothing like seeing the rabid reactions to one practically meaningless petition to confirm the worst fears about who flocks to this site. Good thing that bubbles are gone on these boards, right?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2668d ago
Liqu1d2669d ago

This petition is old. I signed it before it was announced that Sony was publishing it.

zivtheawesome2669d ago

a ps4 is on sale now for 249$ and you even get uncharted 4 with it, just buy that please.

TheOptimist2669d ago

Can I get it without Uncharted for more discounted price?

guyman2669d ago

Stealth trolling score: 7.5/10

2669d ago Replies(8)
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Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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Community12d ago
purple10112d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple10112d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO12d ago

The new update is so good...


The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide

Team Ninja: "The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide now!"

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Community997d ago
FallenAngel1984997d ago

At 6 million NiOh is on the cusp of nearly outselling Ninja Gaiden’s 6.8 million with just only 2 titles under its belt

This could mean Team Ninja may see no reason to return to producing new NG games

CaptainHenry916997d ago

But what if a new Ninja Gaiden sells well?

FallenAngel1984997d ago (Edited 997d ago )

The latest Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection had sold 240,000 units worldwide at last count

Unfortunately that may not be as high enough a number to convince Team Ninja to also commit to continuing Ninja Gaiden alongside Dead or Alive and NiOh.

And when they aren’t working on those they’re focused on licensed properties like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

I wish I were wrong but that may be how Tecmo Koei sees it. Hopefully they prove me wrong and produce Ninja Gaiden 4 at some point

Yi-Long997d ago

To be fair, does anyone still trust Team Ninja with Ninja Gaiden*?

Let’s be honest here, it was Itagaki who created Ninja Gaiden greatness, with NG1, NG Black (improved version of NG1), and Ninja Gaiden 2.

The Sigma versions of 1 & 2, done without Itagaki, while decent/good, never lived up to the originals, and NG3 was a mess.

And they half-assed the collection, so many huge fans of the series never bothered picking that up.

I’d be excited if Itagaki would announce a return to the action ninja genre. If Team Ninja would announce a NG4, I’d be skeptical.

To be fair, Team Ninja DID show they’re still capable of releasing greatness with the Nioh games, but with Ninja Gaiden, without Itagaki, they have never been able to reach the quality of NG Black again.

(* … does anyone still trust them with the DOA games, for that matter … !? )

deadfrag997d ago (Edited 997d ago )

Things are not seen from that stand point.Ninja Gaiden Never had a game produced for PS4 or Xbox One from the ground up.Nioh sold 6 milion because exposure and Marketing are way bigger this days than they were on PS3 and Xbox 360 generation.The Ninja Gaiden collection was never going to sell much since theres nothing new on them,this collection is actually worse to what was already available on Xbox 360 and can be play by BC on any Xbox One console.Ninja Gaiden needs a new game that shows new stuff and that gets backed in the marketing like Nioh.This collection games have already been played by anyone that likes Ninja Gaiden years ago it didnt bring nothing new to the table it was obvious that it would not sell very well.

ocelot07997d ago

That's great and it's now free on the epic game store.

FinalFantasyFanatic996d ago

I just picked it up a couple of hours ago, it was a nice surprise to see it there.

jznrpg997d ago

Well made games glad they did well .

Brazz997d ago

they deserve this, Nioh is a amazing game. Hopefully they will expand and make a more ambitious game and have even more sales.


PlayStation Now games for May: Jump Force, Nioh and Streets of Rage 4

With PlayStation Now’s May lineup, you can try to survive unrelenting yokai in feudal Japan, rub shoulders with manga icons, and battle your way across an entire city. Starting tomorrow, May 4, Nioh, Jump Force and Streets of Rage 4 will be available to play on your PS5 or PS4 console.

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Community1127d ago
XboxCore1127d ago

Ohh I always wanted to try Jump Force. Can get back on my fantasy of being Goku :)

1127d ago
1127d ago
northpaws1127d ago

Talking about Goku, I used to like him a lot, but he just became a selfish jerk that only want to fight and left his family behind to rot lol, at least we see Vegeta spent some time with family here and there lol

Teflon021127d ago

Goku's far from selfish. He's just an idiot with an addition.
Also Dragon Ball Z starts with Piccolo basically being Gohan's dad. Not sure how these things became a realization in 2021 lmao

Germaximus1127d ago

PS Now additions have been rocking for quite awhile now.

iwin861127d ago

Street Of Rage 4 is awesome. Big recommendation.

RosweeSon1127d ago

Just bought physical 😏🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣 does look great tho.

1127d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood1127d ago

Nioh was given out on PS Plus around a year ago (most people who have PS Now also have PS Plus) and Jump Force is not particularly good. There's a big gap in quality between PS Plus and PS Now.

Teflon021127d ago

Streets of Rage is a fantastic game. Didn't know about Nioh though. I don't think I have it. Though I'd rather play the ps5 version in the future

Petebloodyonion1127d ago

Streets of Rage 4 is a must-play title if you like beat em up.
Also, not everyone has PS+ so Nioh is still a good game.

1127d ago
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