
Sony PlayStation VR review: Broken promise: newatlas

On paper, Sony’s PlayStation VR is the virtual reality system to buy. If only Sony had delivered a stable experience that captures the magic that made VR desirable in the first place.

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Misleading review/clickbait. Extremely poor quality, and should not have been approved.
NJShadow2756d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
article is pure clickbait. the system is not broken, works fine. review should be removed
Goldby2756d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(5)
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Site name has to be included in title for reviews, that's ABC of submitting reviews. This way wannabe journalists can be identified.
moegooner882757d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(4)
Bennibop2757d ago WhoDisagree(2)Agree(5)
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Community2757d ago
PeaSFor2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

"The oh-so-promising but embarrassingly broken Sony PlayStation VR is available now."

im very sorry newatlas thing, but Thumper, Tethered, Rez Infinite, Until Dawn:Rush of Blood, Headmaster is pretty much destroying any form of credibility this blog is attempting to imply.

sorry again, but you lost, big time.

Red_Renegade2757d ago

i read it. i want my time back.

Cindy-rella2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

Psvr is flipping amazing so imo this article is rubbish. Ill disregard it. Im having a hard time going back to playing traditional 2d / 3d games because i love psvr so much

A lot of people were sceptical about psvr and how the games would look because they said the ps4 is a weak console. Sony made an amazing product that makes you be closer and more immersed in a game than anything a 2d / 3d game can ever do. The psvr is real and works without needing very expensive products to experience it.

GamingIVfun2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

Click bait, mostly untrue, clearly a fanboy article written by someone who thinks his nonsense will bring Sony down. Same shet different day. At least that's how the article read to me.

I own a Vive and have tried oculus, neither have perfect tracking all the time., they both have jitter with the headset and the controllers on the Vive. Vive has the edge with controllers but PS VR move controllers work pretty well most of the time. In my opinion the PS VR screen implementation works better than either the Vive or the Oculus Rift, No glare or god rays, screen door effect is the least noticeable on PS VR, Screen clarity is on par and in some instances better than the PC headsets, especially in cinema mode. Comfort is much better with PS VR, which alone for me is a big plus. the instructions and set up are easy to understand and implement. All the VR headsets have to be calibrated regularly and drift is a problem on all three especially in cinema or 2d mode. The tech is not perfect yet, VR headsets can be very immersive if given the chance and some of the shortcomings become unnoticeable once you get immersed in the experience. PS VR in my opinion is the best over all VR headset available for mostly the reasons I give above.

thorstein2757d ago

This is why reviews can no longer be considered "Opinions." This isn't an "opinion." It is an out and out lie. It should be removed.

thejigisup2756d ago

What has been read cannot be unread. :(

2756d ago
thorstein2753d ago


Read my comments. I don't talk about Xbox. Nice try though.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2753d ago
darthv722757d ago

It's cool and all but for me personally... I can't wear it for long periods of time and i don't like being totally secluded visually from the outside world. Someone could tie my shoes together and that could end my experience real quick (and ruin the HMD in the process).

short bursts of immersion are okay, especially if nobody is around to mess with me.

Sparta072757d ago Show
PeaSFor2757d ago

i also have to take a 15 min break after 1hr of gameplay, mostly to drink something and stretch a little, i would never use it 2-3 hrs non stop anyway.

2757d ago
gbsrnctaln2757d ago

Sounds like you get bullied a lot.

Protip: take your shoes off.

TKCMuzzer2757d ago

It seems you may have created an issue that does not really exist, I do have a solution for you and something mums always say....."DON'T wear your shoes in the house"

Lilrizky2756d ago

When people get parnoid over hardware.....

Sound like those kinect government conspiracy theorists

Aenea2756d ago


Pffrt, I've had 4 and 6 hour sessions already, had those on the same fricking day as well, sure occasional pee break and the reason it wasn't one long session is 'cos I had to go eat, hehe...

I need a nurse and an IV for fluids/food/coffee!

Aenea2756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

I have a friend tho who I play Driveclub VR regularly with who has a neighbour who always walks in just like that, past weekend he came in, walked around my friend for a bit, took a picture of him, touched him gently which my friend thought was his cat!

It's pretty freaking immersive!

I have found a solution for outside sound tho, read it in Reddit I believe, when PSVR is on (the option doesn't appear when not using PSVR), go to Settings->Devices->Audio Devices and the bottom menu item is something called sideline or something, starts with 'side' at least. When you click it you can change the Off setting to 1...5 and allows the mic to pick up sounds from outside your VR bubble! Great to hear doorbells, your kitty/kids, neighbours or people trying to tie your shoe laces! :)

Maxor2756d ago

Only basement dwellers can be in VR for more than an hour at a time. For me it's impossible, between the occasional text, phone call or GF running around it's only a matter of time before something or someone breaks my immersion.

This is why I don't even bother with my OR until after 12 am when my entire world are asleep.

morganfell2756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

When did you finally get a PS4? The last time I heard you did not own any current gen consoles. Suddenly you sprang for a PS4 AND PSVR after all the time you spent trying to downplay Sony? Why the sudden comeuppance? If you can't detect that with the PSVR on its called scepticism...

thejigisup2756d ago

Do you get up and walk around with the headset on?

Kurdishcurse2755d ago (Edited 2755d ago )

agreed. not to mention wearing that thing for hours is frankly quite embararrassing. its ok desperate ps4 fanboys, dont let your bias squeeze out dislikes too much, my opinion stands with all vr machines not just sony. you can rest easy now.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2755d ago
GottaBjimmyb2757d ago ShowReplies(2)
generic-user-name2757d ago

His PSVR must be different to my PSVR because mine has been the breath of fresh air that I've needed in my gaming.

stuna12757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

He must have the China knockoff!?

@Apocalypse Shadow

Lol,you wrong for that.

ApocalypseShadow2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

Stuna, he might have been a confused fanboy trying to save money on his preorder and thought his move controllers worked with this

His disappointment set in when it didn't work and he went on a rant creating this busted article. Lol!

Dabigsiebowski2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

Haha this is Clickbait to the max. Moldybread probably wrote this piece.

I bought the basic 400 dollar VR with Rigs, Thumper, and Wayward Sky. All three games are still giving me plenty of reason to go back and keep playing. And as far as VR functionality goes, you have to abide by simple rules that make it the experience that was intended.

1. Make sure the camera is on a higher surface more evenly proportion with the headset. (Not on the ground)
2.Make sure the back strap is at the right angle on your head while being comfortable. This will seal out most of the light.
3.Always cover and gently wipe off the lenses with a microfiber every other use.

I play in a recliner and it works perfectly as intended. When I stand up I adjust the camera a bit and that's all.
Articles like this makes me feel like the guy walked into gamestop and tried it rather than actually spent much time with the actual full product without hindrance.

The VR delivers, it's worth the purchase in my view and I'll say to anyone who is a naysayer and hasn't tried it then you are a tool and should actually go experience it first hand. It truly is groundbreaking and has an excellent chance at sticking around for the long haul.

Oh and bring on REVII.

raztad2757d ago

newatlas.com most likely got a broken unit. They should ask for replacement LOL

TKCMuzzer2757d ago

Tethered is great, Imagine Command & Conquer in VR!!!

2757d ago
kamisama2756d ago

I literally just tried thumper and I'm hooked it's so damn good.

YAO-BLING2756d ago

yeah, this guy really went out and bought it and reviewed it. lol.

C-H-E-F2756d ago

To add to that list,
Kitchen, The Deep, London Heist, RIGS, Battlezone, Wayward Sky should I continue or just say etc. etc. etc.? lOl

2756d ago Replies(3)
rainslacker2755d ago

I haven't played a single VR game yet that only lasted an hour.

BossBattle2755d ago

@rainslacker how long do they last? All the reviews say an hour but they also said Gears 4 was 6 hours.

BenRage32756d ago

Saying other people liked it is not an argument. That's like saying you tried Christianity, couldn't find God and ultimately abandoned it, but oh wait it works for all these other people so um it's valid. Until you've sat down and spent time with PS VR you cannot defend it based solely on testimonial evidence.

It's one review that has raised some serious concerns. No reason to blindly accept the criticism nor blindly defend Sony from it. Don't be a fanboy.

lxeasy2756d ago

Yet another click bait article

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2753d ago
lastking952757d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

Vr simply isn't worth the money imo.

PeaSFor2757d ago

lasking95: "Yes vr in general is a gimmick. Anything that is simply an add on to the main item is a gimmick."

immersion is on the complete opposite spectrum of being "gimmicky", blatantly look like you never used a decent vr headset, sure you can be broken or jealous.... but dont be a silly goober about something you clearly dont grasp mentally.

lastking952757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

False immersion is not on opposite ends and vr is in fact a gimmick. Gimmick doesn't mean it's bad. Just talking to a coworker planning to buy it and even he knows it's a gimmick. Many things in gaming are gimmicks like rumble in controllers(his words but i agree) but it's good and cost nothing. Gimmicks are good it's about the price and support of them that can be bad. The fact you cant admit this only proves I know more than you. For $500 its not worth it imo.

Artemidorus2757d ago

Every time someone declares the VR is a gimmick people shout you haven't tried it.

Well I have tried it and it's still a gimmick.

PeaSFor2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )


sound like you are stuck at regurgitating and ruminating the same word without even know its definition, btw are you still playing with a black and white old cathode tv since with your definition of "gimmicky" using a color & hdtv is obviously not worth it? ...or maybe you are a fan of double standard?

on that, thx for proving my point, you did it like a champ.


meh, talk is cheap.

i went to mars, its just too hot and overrated so dont waste your time.

gbsrnctaln2757d ago

Seems like a lot of people dont understand the definition of "gimmick" around here...

2757d ago
kenwonobi2756d ago

It scares you because it looks like it won't be a gimmick. Just embrace it in Xbox then you won't feel left out. Kinect? You do know this isn't the only VR system being sold. As far as sakes I'm sure even though this thing just barely launched all the other VR units from other companies including portable phone VR have surpassed Kinect in sales. VR is in phones now, computers, videogames. That's officially not a gimmick. It's a form of medium .

johndoe112112756d ago


Well, thank GOD we have your co-worker to tell us what's what. I have no idea what we would have done without his opinion. I'm currently trying to decide whether or not to have that operation on my kidneys that I so desperately need, could you ask him what I should do?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2756d ago
Blank2757d ago

I dont think other people appreciate you talking for them thank you very much.

ShadowKnight2757d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

I'm sure it will do a lot better than the Kinect in the long run.

BizarroUltraman2757d ago

In what way tho? Sales, or that it does what it suppose to do?

jholden32492757d ago


Not sure how this is relevant. Kinect sucked (tech didn't suck- the tech was awesome, but its practical use sucked), and most didn't want it. I only use it because it was a Christmas gift and the voice commands are kind of nice (But motion commands? Forget about it- garbage)

But I wouldn't go comparing the two because I can promise you there's a lot more Kinects in people's homes than VR.

kaizokuspy2757d ago

Yeah I'd be pissed if i was forced to purchase something I didn't want regardless of how I felt about it. S/

Kinect only has more units out because it was forced on buyers in thr beginning, but I'm pretty sure in 2 years, psvr will have easily outpaced kinect. So compare away.

sammarshall1022757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

Actually chances are it isn't if you're talking about sales

The first Kinect did 10 million units within 3 months

PSVR isn't going to reach those numbers for a long time if they do get there (that's a big if)

lastking952756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

@shadow 26-28 million? Unlikely
And irrelevant
@kai kinect 2.0 is over 6 million they unbundled it before the system sold over 3 million. Count 1.0 and its not a debate. Not doing yourself any favors comparing sales.

XanderZane2756d ago

We'll know once Sony gives us some sales numbers.

EyeAmTJ2756d ago

with ur logic its doing better than Move & PSeye....but since u most likely a Sony stan u only mention Kinect since its Microsoft...I got u

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2756d ago
Sparta072757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

Do you own it? NO
Did you try it? NO
Do you own a PS4? NO
So why are you here again?
AREN'T you the first to complain when an Sony fan comments on a micro article?
Yet here you are..... lol

freshslicepizza2757d ago

well you were in forza horizon 3 articles so...

not sure why people are not allowed to comment on things they dont own, are you suggesting this person who wrote this review didnt try it? if you enjoy it then fine, why do you care if this person thought differently?

Sparta072757d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

@ moldy you still mad forza didn't sell that well?
It was an article about sales not about a product that you and lastking don't own. So....
Yeah try harder.
Nice to see you in another Sony article 😂

trooper_2756d ago

Lol @ moldy.

There's people who don't own XBox and the minute they criticize Microsoft, you guys are the first ones to jump down their throat.

Don't play the victim mentality please.

Utalkin2me2756d ago


Sorry dude thats the dumbest thing i have read in a long time.

"not sure why people are not allowed to comment on things they dont own"

How are you going to make a objective opinion if you dont own it. Its obvious you care alot about PS, cause you're always in the articles. Things i dont care about i leave alone and move on to things i do care about.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2756d ago
DashArrivals2757d ago

That's simply not true, but it does differ from person to person.

If you were a really poor person struggling to pay the bills and buy clothes and things, then of course... but if you're a normal working person that has a PS4, then to me it's a no-brainer. Totally worth the money.

Your friends and family will thank you. Your Dog will be pissed off because he can't sit next to your leg and gets rejected when I try and shove him away LMAO

TKCMuzzer2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

I do fear are struggling with the word gimmick, a gimmick is something that is used to increase attractability without serving a purpose. Well thats bollocks if you don't mind the terminology. I was playing Tethered yesterday and it completely changed the way to view and interact in a strategy game. I now wish all strategy games like this were created in VR, it improves on the experience no end. If this improves and offers better or alternative experiences it's not a gimmick as it sets a standard.
I would also that rumble is not a gimmick and why? because everybody notices when its missing, you don't miss gimmicks.

lastking952756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

Highly false you dont miss gimmicks? Bs and you know it. I turned of the rumble in my controller (save battery life) and dont miss it. Gimmick confirmed according to you? So if you miss it that mean it's not a gimmick? Lol wow.
What is vrs purpose? Can you an equal experience without it? Now compare these answers with 3D......you get the exact same answers yet 3d is considered a gimmick. Its like you guys are taking the word gimmick as some that's trash which it's not although many use it that way.

Ppl say motion controls are a gimmick when in reality it's less a gimmick than vr. Infact motion gaming isn't a gimmick (can be used as one though) many games require and only use motion such as fitness, dance and fighting. ofc some just use some tacked on gimmicky crap thats unneeded which most support was nothing but gimmick uses. Vr is an add on and not a requirement for any game and EVEN USE MOTION! Funny how 3d and motion are considered gimmicks yet vr which is similar combination of both isnt.

@Utalk so I should ignore responses? You guys keep bringing up PSVR when my opinion applies to VR as a whole. Im not a company shill or hater like most of you. Go look back on my comments about MS announcing scorpio will have VR heres a 3 word hint of what you'll find . "Don't" "two" "S***s:

Utalkin2me2756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )


Wow, you're as lost as last years Easter egg. You seem to be trying a little hard in this article. PS and PSVR must mean alot to you. You have commented more times in this article then me and i'm a "SONY Fanboy". Maybe you can try it for yourself one day. Or i mean when MS releases one and you say how great it is and that its not a gimmick.

sammarshall1022757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

Especially not for $400

That's too much money for these short "experiences"

kraenk122757d ago

Give it a rest Sam. We all know you'll be all up in praise next year when MS will eventually release their own headset.

JackBNimble2756d ago

Funny Sam, the more you xbox guys down play psvr and try to say it's shit , the more I want one.
I have never had the opportunity to try or demo VR of any kind, but I've read mostly positive experiences from the Ps4 fans here over the last few months who have.

So tell me sammarshall, do I listen to you xbox fanboys who do nothing but troll anything psvr or ps4p ?Or do I listen to Ps4 fans who actually own the hardware?
You xbox fanboys are waisting your own time trolling and down playing anything Sony ... don't you have anything better to do?

By the way , my psvr arrives on friday

I will always listen to the fans over some troll review or just trolls in general .Thanks for all your input guys, that is what convinced my to order my own psvr.

Aenea2756d ago

Haha, you don't wanna know how much time I've already invested in Driveclub VR alone!

"short experiences" LOL....

Utalkin2me2756d ago

Guys actually sammarshall102 is a Sony fanboy. I mean you have to be extreme fanboy if you post in this man PS articles and not be a Sony fanboy. I mean he is such a Sony fanboy he states his opinion without owning anything Sony. He likes keeping the articles hot, hence the reason for him posting in them all the time.

cyber_daemonx2756d ago

@samm, still crying, still salty lol.

@JackB, you're in for a real treat Friday. Rez is an absolute must buy, its fantastic, also Thumper is really cool as well. Have fun.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2756d ago
thenerdiestcool2757d ago

That's because you don't have the money. If you had $500 expendable cash then you wouldn't have a problem picking it up. Either way, it's not for you. It's buyers nor Sony will be upset about you not getting it. Everyone will sleep just fine. You don't know more than anyone. You just think you do. Get outta your head and stop trolling.

lastking952756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

Trolling because i dont think 500 is its worth? I feel Ps4 and XO wasnt worth $500 at launch. Funny you mention expendable cash considering I'm spend $586 tomorrow on my car (not a monthly payment or maintenance )

I dont believe 4k tvs arent worth 1000s i guess im trolling tvs now. Just made a comment yesterday saying the switch sweet spot is $200- $300 i guess im trolling. Instead of being hurt by someone opinion on its price why not ignore and go play? Didnt say anything negative just felt it was overprice kinda like what they say about oculus and vive(which is highly true 800 is bs) yet where are you calling them trolls?

My ps1, ps2, psp, sony tv, walkmen, ps vue say wazzzzup. I think i had a dvd vhs player by the too.

Red_Renegade2756d ago

trolling cuz you shouldn't even be here. cuz you don't care about anything sony anyway.

sammarshall1022756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

Do I have the money? Yes, I'm a day 1 Xbox One buyer and I bought two games for a total of $600 something with tax

Would I buy PSVR if I owned a PS4 not a chance in its current state

Utalkin2me2756d ago


Instead of being hurt by the price of VR, just ignore it and go play. You're a total hypocrite. And its obvious your downplay is not working and it seriously just makes you look stupid.

P.S. PS4 wasn't 500 bucks at launch.......SMH.

And btw, from this day forward we need to flag them as spam. They add nothing objectively to the conversation on something they dont even own.

cyber_daemonx2756d ago

@lastking, PS4 was $399 at launch.

lastking952756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

@cyber and Utalk Clearly must of you have comprehension problems ps4 wasn't $500 NO DUH my point is i wouldnt pay $500 for ps4 or xbox at launch whether they launched at that price or not is irrelevant it's a value point im trying to make doe doe. So if im not will to pay $500 for a game console wtf would i pay that for an add on that has problems, lacking games, and wont use 100% of the time?(bet they still dont understand lol)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2756d ago
kraenk122757d ago

Of course not...if you had the money you'd already bought it...if you weren't such a Sony hater.

lastking952756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

I agree and even said that 😂 ps4 nor xbox was worth 500 at launch guess you missed that comment huh? Smh (or 400 for those with comprehending problems)

trooper_2756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

And...you haven't tried it.
Hey, nothing wrong with saying that, but keep in mind that it's *YOUR* opinion. You don't speak for others who want to try or or have tried it and enjoyed what it offered.

mogwaii2756d ago

Vive and occulus isnt, no.

TKCMuzzer2756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

When Sony released the PS3 it released with the Sixaxis controller, that controller was missing something, can you remember? because it caused quite a storm, so much that they settled an issue financially to finally bring out the Dualshock 3, so you see were I am going. There was an extremely vocal out cry about 'rumble' missing from the controller and how for a lot of people it made their experience 'worse' whilst gaming, that is not a gimmick, if it was no one would have given a crap about it. Six Axis was a gimmick.
If something improves the experience and is used by a vast amount of people that own it, it's not a gimmick. A high percentage of PSVR users will use it regularly just as millions of gamers use rumble instead of turning it off 'to save the battery', it would not still be in controllers 15 years on if it was a gimmick.

stuna12756d ago

Well said!!!

By some of these people standards everything in the world is a gimmick !? I wonder if that applies to life as well Hmm!?

lastking952756d ago (Edited 2756d ago )

Its a gimmick and rumble is gimmick like i say gimmicks can be great and make something even better. Rumble adding no real game changing experience but was nice feedback. Did it make you more accurate? Happier? Die less? Add convenience? No, its a gimmick.

Realms2756d ago

"Vr simply isn't worth the money" you should add in your opinion. The fact that it's already sold out it means that the hardcore audience of PS supporters have bought into PSVR. It could be seen as a gimmick until you try it and realize what the possibilities will be when developers harness games in VR. Just because you don't believe that VR will be a viable way to play games doesn't mean others can't see what the possibilities this new technology will bring. Motion control was a gimmick until it became an added way to implement new ways to play games.

stuna12756d ago

Another excellent reply! Truthfully I can't see how anyone can consider something a gimmick off of another persons opinion or even their own opinion without thoroughly exploring the pros and cons and experiencing a hands on demostration of that that's considered the gimmick.

Cars, Boats, Planes, Clothes, Shoes, Radio, TV's ETC. In so many ways going by the commenters everything I listed were gimmicks, but they had to start from someone''s ideal ! Which from a certain point caught on and was adopted as a standard.

rainslacker2756d ago

Really depends on your value of PSVR.

Sorry you don't feel so. I think it's worth it. Been having a lot of fun with mine.:)

Mega_Volnutt2756d ago

At least it's optional, not like Nintendo with the Switch, forcing you to buy a gimmicky gaming tablet with probably underpowered specs and not investing in hardware to bring up every game they can on their console. At least PS VR is optional.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2756d ago
gigoran2757d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Pistol Whip is Alive and Well With VOIDSLAYER Scenes

Cloudhead Games has announced the VOIDSLAYER update for Pistol Whip, adding three new scenes in June for all supported platforms.

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Community10d ago

PSVR2 Firmware Update Shows Early Signs of PC Support via Cable Connection

Recent findings in the latest PSVR2 software update, indicates that PlayStation is already starting to implement support for PC.

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Community53d ago
Garethvk53d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta53d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts53d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos53d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts53d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa53d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.


The VR Escapades of Rick and Morty Could be at an end

Warner Bros. Discovery is closing down Adult Swim Games, delisting its published games. Thus putting Rick and Morty VR in jeopardy.

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Knightofelemia62d ago

Hence why physical will always be better then digital.