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Despite what Sony says, the PlayStation 4 Pro cannot compete with PC

As Andrew House explained, data has shown that console gamers tend to move into the greener pastures of PC gaming halfway through the lifecycle of their preferred console. A system tends to peak three to four years into its life, and this is usually when some console gamers decide to get into PC gaming. Since this is the case, Sony believes releasing a mid-gen upgrade will keep people on PS4 and off of PC.

Sony may be trying to compete with PC in terms of keeping users on its system, but when it comes to graphics and other factors, the PS4 Pro isn’t even on the same playing field.

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Community2795d ago
Hoffmann2795d ago

Sure it can compete with a gaming PC, and I say that as owner of a $2k machine and a PS4.

Can it compete with the price? Of course.
Can it compete with the controls? Of course
Can it compete with the graphics? No, not even with HDR and not with the PS4 Pro either.
Can it compete with the big amount of games that are available on PC? Not really, but at the same time you have still a lot games being exclusive on Playstation, so it depends completely on your gaming preferences.

And graphics are often damn similar..due to the games being not optimized for PC's and programmed to look similar as on Playstation and Xbox there. The big time of the totally superiour PC versions is over since around 10 years now.

Spectre_StatusN72795d ago

Exactly. PSpro will outperform any PC with a $400 budget by a long shot.

Antifan2795d ago

True. But PC gaming is cheaper in the long run. PSN can't compete with Steam when it comes to game variety and prices. MP is free on steam, which puts Steam far above PSN in my opinion.

Rude-ro2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Not really. It all equal outs. To build a worth while PC(not the "you can build one for $600" ones), you are at about the price of three consoles. On average that is about 16 years of gaming on consoles.
Games are cheaper, no doubt there, but they also eventually push you to upgrade components.
The savings would not be huge overall unless a gamer is more of an indie gamer or free to play gamer. To get the wow factor with any game that is worth while for the wow, one is spending money.

fanboysmackdown2795d ago

And why would you build a $400 pc to game on?

ABizzel12795d ago


Because not everyone has the money to build a +$600 gaming PC, and the reason why budget builds are by far the most common builds on most PC sites in the $400 and less range.

The GTX 970 is the most popular graphics card, and the PS4 Pro is in the same league. The majority of GPUs in current gaming PCs rank below the 970 in performance which means the PS4 Pro is more powerful than most gaming PCs at least when it comes to GPU performance.

The truth is high-end PC gaming is the niche group, meanwhile the majority of PC gamers are getting by with APUs, bottom end GTX 730's, PC quick fix GPUs like 750 Ti's, and the low to mid range from R7 360's - GTX 970's, which represent the PS4 and the PS4 Pro.

Cindy-rella2795d ago

I have a proper capable pc but id rather to buy a ps4 pro and games for it when its released.

Babadook72795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )


"PSN can't compete with Steam when it comes to ... prices."

You can buy discs used for a fraction of the cost and/or sell them used later. Either way the cost of console games is cheaper than steam if you do so.

_-EDMIX-_2794d ago

@ant- I'm not sure why you said PC would be cheaper in the long run and then brought up a list of features on PlayStation 4 that you technically don't need to pay for technically speaking if I'm playing a subscription-based game on PC am I not choosing to pay for it? Can I say console gaming is cheaper because I don't need to pay for specific MMOs and then list MMOs from PC?

No multiplayer is free on Steam on the select games that say it's free.

Multiplayer is free on select few games on PlayStation 4 that state they are free..

You cannot say both in any respect are absolutely free in regards to playing games it's specific on game-by-game basis.

Steam just like Xbox Live just like PlayStation network is a distribution platform technically speaking what you're referring to is not the distribution platform PlayStation Network what you're referring to is PlayStation Plus this subscription-based service that gives you free games as well as the ability to play specific online games.

You could play specific subscription-based games that you purchase from Steam.

You could play subscription-based games that you purchased from Battle net.

If you're going to compare please compare the service is based on what they are why on Earth are you comparing steam the distribution platform against a subscription-based service?

Mind you I own a PlayStation 4 as well as a gaming PC

My PlayStation ID is EDMIX.

My Steam ID is Edmix_the_Shogun

Also the prices on steam are base by publisher I don't know what you're talking about, look up how that pricing Works Sony or valve don't control the prices of other people's games, this seems to be a stupid myth that people keep throwing around, go look at how much Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is right now on Steam and come back at me with that...

Steam , PlayStation Network, Xbox Live origin and just about every other distribution platform is going to have sales simply because the publisher is determining where they're going to be lowering the price of their games.

Console gaming by default will always be cheaper in regards to games simply because you could purchase the disk used I can purchase Black Ops 2 for probably 2 or 3 bucks good luck getting that for that price right now today on Steam you have to wait for Activision to give you permission lol

nix2794d ago

I don't think any sane person thinks Pro is going to beat PC in graphics. Probably when it comes to 400 dollars PC, a possible yes.

EverydayGuy2794d ago

Who wants to build a PC just to outperform the PS4 for a cheap price? If I was spending that much, might as well go for the performance too. The fact of having a Personal Computer it would be more beneficial to invest in a high spec computer than to build just for the sake of outperforming a low price console.

ChronoJoe2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

To counter argue what others say, while it does 'average out' over a large number of games one thing to bear in mind is that attach rates aren't especially high. Often when it 'averages out' is after buying 20 games on top of your system, but that's not the average number of games that consumers buy, and for what it's worth, the sales on the PS store are actually far better than they used to be on the PS4 era.

For instance games like Battlefield 4 and Dragon Age Origins have been sold under £5, even big titles like Uncharted 4 get half-off sales only a couple of months after launch while indies can be picked up for under £3. Saying that steam is the only way you can get good deals and cheap games just isn't true anymore.

Requiring plus to play is an additional cost, but it does recoup that cost with the games on offer.

bouzebbal2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

PC fanboys are locked in their power bubble and generalize to every PC size against Pro specs, which is again pure fanboy way of thinking.
If the argument has to make sense, why not compare Pro with what you can get at the same price in PC? how about first party games?

freshslicepizza2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )


Your argument is very weak about online gaming. Most games now come with some form of online play and both Microsoft and Sony charge on their consoles (not the PS3). You dont pay to play people online on the PC other than subscription based games such as MMO games. So let's stop the nonsense. PlayStation Plus and Xbox live would be severely handicapped in its membership numbers if they dropped the online pay wall and you know it.

I play people all the time on the PC and never paid a dime for that feature.

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PlayableGamez-2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Can it compete with price?
No it cannot. PC is cheaper than consoles.

Can it compete with controls?
No lt cannot. You can use any control input on PC as you please.

PC has better frames higher resolutions higher texture res. Better AA and more... night and day difference.

Kaneki-Ken2795d ago

One thing PC don't have is an exclusive game that have Amazing story telling rather PC have amazing multiplayer exclusive game. This is why I love PlayStation since NaughtyDog, Santa Monica, Sucker Punch, Guerilla Games, Cambridge Games, SIE Japan Studio, SIE London Studio, Media Molecule, more made amazing action pack stories.

TheDreamCorridor2795d ago

"night and day difference."


Oh, I needed a good laugh today.

PlayableGamez-2795d ago

Better exclusives are subjective. PC has more exclusives factual.

bluefox7552795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

When you say "PC has better frames higher resolution higher texture res" Which PC are you referring to? The $400 PC at walmart? Or ANY prebuilt $400 PC? If so, he is right. The PS4 Pro will outperform any prebuilt $400 PC, and probably remain quite competitive against even the savviest, most corner cut, self-made gaming PC for at least a few more years (due to PS4 Pro price drops keeping it competitive). It's not about how it can perform (otherwise Sony would have simply released a $1500 console with the best hardware), it's about performance per dollar. Bang for buck.

Dasteru2794d ago


Planescape Torment still has the best story of any video game and it is PC exclusive. Other classics such as Icewind Dale & Baldur's Gate II are also at the top of nearly every list of best game stories and writing.

Imalwaysright2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )


Go play Planescape Torment. I guarantee you that you won't find a game on consoles with better story than it.

2794d ago
SirBradders2794d ago

There is no way a PC can outperform the ps4 pro even at double the price. Ive built pc's and only a few games might look and perform better.

The overall experience I.e. Games taking full advantage of the pro will be more games better optimises percentage than pc.

I don't know if that makes sense I'm drunk.literaly

Aloren2794d ago

@Kaneki-Ken Well, there's starcraft 2 ?

But the important thing is not that PCs don't have an exclusive game that you think has an amazing story telling, the important thing is that PCs not only have dozens of good or great exclusives in genres that barely exist on consoles (Starcraft 2, Total War Warhammer, SWTOR, cities skyline, League of legends...), but PCs also happen to have 95% of the games with an amazing story telling that come out on consoles.

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bluefox7552795d ago

It can absolutely compete with mid-range PCs. Comparing a $400 console to a $1200 PC is just stupid. Compare the PS4 Pro to a $400 gaming PC, and tell me it "can't compete". This article is silly, and I say this as someone who does the majority of my gaming on PC.

Death2794d ago

What about two $400 consoles in the span of 3 years? Can $800 worth of consoles compete with a 3 year old $1200 PC? What about the $150 on online sub fees for console? Now were at $950 with another $60 renewal fee coming up. Its not as easy as a $400 console vs $1200 PC.

Huguinho2795d ago

funny when comparison comes, PC´s free online gaming is aaalways forgotten.

2794d ago
s45gr322794d ago

Is the freedom of the PC that entices gamers away from consoles.

Free online gaming
Mod Support

Able to choose which gaming input the user wants. Gamepad or kb and m doesn't matter

A wide variety of games and exclusive genres:

Graphic Adventure

This does not mean PC is perfect. Windows is too automated
Maintenance/hardware compability

The PS4 Pro feels like a slap to the face of gamers destroying the last thing consoles had: Hardware that could last 5 years or more. Along with price.

I_am_Batman2794d ago

The thing is most of these are identical on the standard PS4. Controls and games catalogue is exactly the same. Price is a little better on the PS4 and graphics are a little better on the PS4 Pro. I don't think that Sony will successfully keep people from going to PC gaming if they really want to switch. I also don't think that Sony should even worry about people switching to PC gaming in the first place.

Both PC gaming and console gaming have their pros and cons. In my opinion Sony should focus on the stregths of their platform instead of the weaknesses. Raw power isn't even close to the most important factor that distinguishes PC gaming from console gaming anyway.

Hoffmann2794d ago

Hey Bruce, cool to see you again

Cold Greets, Victor

Errorist762794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

Owning a PC AND a PlayStation gives you the best of both worlds.

zb1ftw7772794d ago

Both consoles "compete" with PC fir graphics.

The AVERAGE PC user has WORSE graphics than consoles.

And lets be honest here, only the BEST PC's trounce consoles for graphics, everything else is in the same ball park.

Hoffmann2794d ago

That is not true.

You can build a 600 bucks PC that gives the most Playstation 4 games a run for their life already.

Add that you don't have to pay 60 bucks extra per year to play online and that you get many games cheaper you might even save some bucks over the course of 2-3 years.

Errorist762794d ago


I game on PC and PlayStation and I tell you there are more uniquely amazing exclusive games on PlayStation than there are on a long shot. Of course that matter is subjective.

JackBNimble2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

If you're just buying the parts then you might be able to build a good pc. But if you need the case, mouse and key board, monitor, OS, then there isn't much chance that you're going to build a quality pc the would give the ps4 a run for your money for $600 American.
At least not in Canada where I am from since the Canadian dollar is shit right now.

neoandrew2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

Can it compete with the controls?

WAT? You now you can use a controller on pc? And windows pc will soon have HDR too?

Maybe PC game version look similar, but on pc you always have 60 fps if you want to. And for me this is important.

Hoffmann2794d ago

Fun Fact: You can even connect an Atari2600 Joystick to a pc these days

jmc88882794d ago

Fun fact: Atari 2600, Commodore 64, and Sega Genesis all used the same cord input so you could use the controllers on any of them.

I remember trying the Atari 2600 and C64 controllers on the Genesis and they worked!!!

steven83r2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

Well PC may have more games but they are $2 crap games. As far as exclusives PC can't compete. Especially if we consider actual AAA Games with High end Graphics and not that top down crap. I have an $1800+ PC and have no idea what to play on it. Can you name any games that are not on Consoles and Look like the Witcher? Games like Tomb Raider, Witcher, Uncharted and so on. All i find on PC is Black Desert Crap or LofL and P.O.E. People say console can't compete but i have yet to see a PC exclusive on a sub $600 PC run anything as good as Uncharted 4.

tontontam02794d ago

PC is cheaper in the long run if you plan on waiting a year or more before purchasing a game, so it is only cheaper when you want to play old games.

Mega242794d ago

Can you post your specs, maybe PM them to me if you want.

Zhipp2794d ago

Of all the things you mentioned, I think the number 1 area the ps4pro can't compete in is controls, but that goes for pretty much any console. PC gives you a hell of a lot of options in that department. The PS4pro pretty handedly beats my rig graphically, but I still can't use a Logitech gaming mouse alongside a PSmove navigation controller to play DOOM on it.

Angeljuice2794d ago

Which PC are they talking about? I have one upstairs that I built in 2003 (it was kick arse at the time), my PS4 beats it hands down.

Ate they talking the Average gaming PC(about equal to PS4)? Or high end machine?

It's apples versus oranges.

Artemidorus2794d ago

Backwards way of thinking.

PC games are cheaper
Keyboard and Mouse are superior
Graphics are much better on PC.

The gap for PC and console are BIGGER than they were ten years ago.

The days of consoles matching decent PCs died this generation.

ludicrous2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

so everyone here would say that xbox scorpio is useless because everyone will get a PC that can play all of the games better (Now), but the ps4pro isn't useless because no one have the money to buy a pc capable of running game that are even with PS4pro? Does xbox scorpio have higher spec than ps4pro at a higher price, but everyone here can afford a PC with much higher spec than it, yet no one seem to be able to afford a PC higher than ps4pro now? Am I reading it wrong or something doesn't make any sense here? it is just me or it is N4G? Again, a bunch of BS.

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2795d ago Replies(1)
2pacalypsenow2795d ago

Of course it can, the main reason the Xbox was created was because Microsoft feared Sony would take majority of PC gamers. Consoles will still get majority of the attention from devs and publishers.

ShowanW2795d ago

Xbox was created so Sony wouldnt have complete dominance in the living room...

Nothing to do wit PC

2pacalypsenow2795d ago

Yes because Bill Gates knew Pc's would be in the living room in the future and didn't want Sony to own the market.

Captain_Tom2794d ago

Yeah and MS sure stopped Sony ;)

Death2794d ago

The original PlayStation had no impact on PC. Xbox was created to showcase DirectX capabilities. There are plenty of articles and interviews on the internet about it.

2pacalypsenow2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

PlayStation didn't but Ps2 did it was taking gamers away from PC, and Ms was trying to get into the living room. Sony didn't want to partner with Ms so they went with the Dreamcast (it has Windows CE) and once Sony killed that Microsoft decided to make their own console to combat the Ps2 in part because Sony didn't want to partner with them.

Death2794d ago

Got a link to back any of this up?

2pacalypsenow2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

"Kempin claims that Gates always had qualms that the living room computer would, at some stage, metamorphosise into an alternative PC that could threaten Microsoft's dominance of the traditional market."

MS was afraid PlayStation would overtake PC since consoles were taking market share away from the PC, this was around the same time MS was pushing WebTV and MSN TV and wanted to incorporated into the Dreamcast but Sony ended that.

Here's another good read if you're interested.

“Bill (Gates) was going on one of his annual think weeks, where he goes off with this stack of documents produced by people across the company on various different topics. He requested that we in the DirectX team do an analysis about what was known about PlayStation 2 and conclude whether, in fact, PC gaming was in danger, whether the PC platform was at risk.”

PurpHerbison2794d ago

I personally didn't know anybody that left PC for PS2. Not one single person. I've known PC gamers that played PS2 on the side, but during an era when PC games were at their absolute best... Its hard to think PC was losing people to the PS2. Don't get me wrong, PS2 is probably the best consoles will ever do but I mean... Nothing on PS2 could compete with games like Starcraft, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, Diablo II, Warcraft III etc etc etc

Death2794d ago

Thanks for the link, it's a good read and something I have seen before. At the time of the PS2 launch, Sony had stated they were going after the PC gaming market with the PS2. Work on the Xbox was already being done, but it was a grass roots effort by a small handful of Microsoft employees. Once Gates seen Sony's statement about going after PC gamer, the Xbox became much more viable for Microsoft. It's no secret Microsoft wants to be in as many living rooms as possible, but it's not something different than what was already in place. They had already seen the shift in how people use PC's and wanted to be on the front line when the shift took place. Laptops and tablets and to a degree mobile phones made a bigger impact than PC's hooked to gamers PC's. The plan to have living room PC was already in place with Windows Media Center. Xbox worked more as an extension of the platform.

I'm honestly not sure why Sony targets PC with the Playstation. I don't understand how Sony feels they are in competition with the platform.

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uth112795d ago

It's not going to convert the guys who routinely drop $500 or more on just a GPU.

But for the other 80% of the PC market who isn't invested in the latest expensive tech, it offers an interesting value proposition

bluefox7552795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

This. There is this notion that all PC gamers have a $1500 system, when in reality, most "gaming PCs" are about as powerful as a PS4, perhaps a little more so. The average consumer simply doesn't want to drop a ton of money on a top of the line gaming rig (understandably so).

fanboysmackdown2795d ago

Maybe you believe that but the 99.99% of the rest of us thinks your comment is really stupid.

Errorist762794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )


Your diwnvotes show otherwise.

Death2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

If I dropped $1500 on a PC in 2013 instead of $400 on a console, what am I likely to do in 2016, drop another $400 on an upgraded console or maybe upgrade my GPU on the system I already invested $1500 in? Keep in mind if I play online there has been an additional $150-$210 cost in sub fees with console. The only way $400 vs $1500 applies is if I start gaming today. In reality its closer to $1000 vs $1500 depending on the GPU you bought with your PC and if you game online.

Princess_Pilfer2794d ago

The average consumer (in the US and Europe)can drop 450 USD and get a PC that's over 40% more powerful CPU wise than the PS4 pro (and 11% more powerful GPU wise) *and* they aren't paying for the price of PS+ which means it's actually cheaper long term. If you don't buy anything on sale the PC price hit's about $600, which is about the same as the PS4 Pro assuming that the PS4 pro has a 4 year lifespan. Not to mention PC games being cheaper.

So lets not peddle misinformation disguised as fact, because the fact is if the average consumer bothered to put in any effort or do basic addition they'd know Pc gaming is quite capable of providing a machine that's both more powerful and cheaper in the long term. Consoles are for exclusives and convinience, not price.

Sokol2794d ago

Precisely, as a owner of little bit more powerful pc than my Ps4 - Im finished with spending money on upgrades. Here and there to keep it up to date by the days of maxing out games I'm done with for few years. Best decision I ever made.

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seanpitt232795d ago

...And I and many others don't give one flying f#%K!

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It’s Time for Sony to Bring Back Killzone and Resistance

Sony is in the middle of an FPS crisis, but bringing back two much-loved PlayStation shooters could easily be the solution.

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shinoff21834h ago

I'd rather them focus on a rpg. Shooters can wait

just_looken2h ago

We have alot of rpg's but only cod for a AAA first person shooter unless you toss in xdefient but that is still fixing 2yr old beta issues.

We need more AAA fps games then rpg's

shinoff218348m ago

Yea right. Theirs so many shooters on the market.

Inverno2h ago

I honestly don't think we'll be seeing these anytime soon, if ever. Insomniac is officially on Marvel duty since it seems that all they're working on based off the leaks, and Horizon is more of what the casuals want these days. And I now I'll get a bunch of disagrees, but keep in mind that Resistance last got a game on the PS3 (2011) and Killzone was a launch title for the PS4 (2013). 10 years is a long time to make a game, if had any interest they would've done it by now, add InFamous to that list.

just_looken1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Your right except the dates killzone mercenary was on ps vita 2013 same with resistance burning skies back in 2012

shinoff218347m ago

Infamous should atleast get remastered. I'd be cool with that


Resistance 3 turned me off to the series but I’d love a reboot. KillZone I think can stay dead. Give me a new Resistance like 1or 2 and I’ll be happy.

JEECE1h ago

Except Resistance 1 and 3 were far more similar, 2 was the outlier. 3 was a great return to form after 2 changed so many things from the first game.

Moegooner32m ago

2 was the best resistance game.

Huey_My_D_Long1h ago

I honestly never cared or liked killzone. Huge resistance fan though. I remember so many nights playing melee only on USS Lexington, and I like the alt history vibe.

P_Bomb1h ago

I’ve been barking up that tree for years. 😢

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Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Gets Its First Review, Main Story Length Revealed

The main story length in Sega and Atlus' upcoming role-playing game, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, has been revealed via its first review.

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repsahj4h ago

Great review coming from famitsu! 9/9/9/9 is hard to get from them.


Cartoon JRPG Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game coming this summer

Coming later this year to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC platforms is Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game from PM Studios and Studio Kumiho.

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