
Top 9 Video Games Kids Should And Shouldn't Play

OK, here's the thing: I'm actually not opposed to kids playing games chock full of violence, “foul” language, or sexual situations. In fact, they can be great teaching tools and an opportunity to explain to children the difference between fantasy and reality and what is appropriate in different situations.

Frankly, your kids aren't going to explode or go on a killing rampage because they see cleavage in a game or play a first-person shooter, and they hear much more harsh language at school while you aren't around than anything a video game will throw at them.

That being said, there are games that definitely aren't kid-friendly and you might want to avoid, especially with the younger ones who may repeat certain phrases before understanding them.

gamamaja2892d ago

kids should play every game. because games build confidence

2891d ago Replies(2)
iTechHeads2891d ago

"In fact, they can be great teaching tools and an opportunity to explain to children the difference between fantasy and reality"

What? Who needs to be taught the difference between fantasy and reality? Lmfao.

2891d ago Replies(1)
InTheZoneAC2891d ago

there are so many kids in GTA:Online. The problem isn't the game, it's how soft and depressed the younger gen is that find themselves unable to control themselves and think half of this would be cool in real life. Not to mention every rap song repeating the n word, probably like most rap videos.

kids these days are easily influenced and not all are smart enough to know it's just a game.

MurkeyWater2891d ago

So know your raising my children, I think I can make my own decisions as to what they play...

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Minecraft Meets Bloodborne With The Help Of A Stunning Mod

YouTuber Potomy has revealed new details about the new Bloodborne mod and that it is now in a playable state for Minecraft.


All the Essential Video Games Everyone Needs To Play At Least Once

Given the medium's wild diversity, this primer of the essential video games everyone should try is a good place to start.

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thorstein51d ago

.... from the 2000s (mostly).

shinoff218351d ago

I can't fk with this list. They missed on alot of games probably before the writers times. Also I know people loved some portal but I was never a fan.

Cacabunga51d ago

Tomb Raider 1
Driver 1
Abe’s Odyssey
King of Fighters 94
Mortal Kombat OG
LINK 2 the past
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 1

Inverno51d ago

Infinite but not the first two games? Witcher 3 but not the first two games?? GTA V but not literally any of the games before it??? Portal 2 but not the first? Also if you're going to play Shadow of The Colossus play the remaster and not the remake. Can't say I disagree with the list but my man it's all over the place.

Name Last Name51d ago

I mean some sequels are objectively better and you don’t need to play the whole series.

Inverno51d ago

But most of these games have a story to follow, sure you can catch up with a YouTube vid but where's the fun in that?

LucasRuinedChildhood51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

A list like this isn't telling you not to play the previous games if you want to. It's just giving you legendary games to play.

But tbh, you don't always have to force yourself to play every entry in a franchise to get to the better ones.

- The vast majority of Witcher 3 players never played the first 2 and had a great time. The first 2 games aren't in the same league.
- The GTA games are self-contained with the odd fun reference. You can easily jump into any of them.
- The Shadow Of The Colossus remake looks and controls better than the original (plus it has a 60fps option while the remaster is just 30fps). New players will enjoy it more.
- Portal 2 is a lot better than Portal 1 and takes the concept much further gameplay-wise. Storywise, Portal 1 is fairly light too. Not that you shouldn't play it but realistically ... you'd love Portal 2 whether you play it or not (at lot of Portal 2 players have never played 1).

Bioshock 1 is the only one I agree with you on simply because it's one the best games of all time and arguably better than Infinite. No other setting like Rapture.

Looking at the list, I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before 2 but no doubt, 2 is the legendary one you have to play.

Inverno51d ago

I get it, but that's just my opinion on his opinion. I just think that before you play a sequel you should still play what came before it. Maybe it's just me but i find it fascinating playing through the first game in a series and seeing how it has evolved through its sequels. Like I said I don't disagree with the list, other than SoTC which I strongly believe the remaster of the original should be played above the remake.

AuraAbjure50d ago

Awesome list! Hot take on Fear (and it's hard af expansion Persaus Mandate!) Bioshock Infinite is stellar, so is the Witcher 3 and you nailed it by having Ocarina of Time. So many fantastic games! Gotta play 'em all! Next one on my list is Prey after I beat Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.

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Saints Row - Where it All Began

Saints Row made its debut nearly 20 years ago, and while the game has aged its still worth playing on modern consoles.

banger8854d ago

Back when games had balls. Now they still have balls, but also lipstick and a dress.

kevco3353d ago

Or an angry purple streak in their hair to demonstrate they're a rebel.

SimpleSlave53d ago

And they claimed this place was one of the outhouses for Gamers™ and gamerGate Incels. Pfft! But look at bangerBro99's amazing display of Homo-eroticism. How far we've come.

So proud of you, bud. Now you go grab them balls and have all the fun. 👍


PhillyDonJawn53d ago

They should remaster the first 2.

1nsomniac53d ago

I think the first one was the best in the series by a long, long way!

Demetrius53d ago

🥲🥲 someone needs to buy this ip and watch dogs, give those franchises a proper treatment sheesh

TheColbertinator53d ago

First 3 games were great. Then 4, Gat out of Hell and the Reboot were flimsy in comparison. Aliens, demons and a weak reboot in terms of intensity made the games forgettable.

Profchaos53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

But even 3 ventured into rediculas territory with zombies and stag. Zombies in 3 to me was just a hey you know what's popular zombies let's do that

TheColbertinator52d ago

The endgame of 3 did get stupid but the game held together at the end. 4 was just annoying all the way through.

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