
What if the Xbox One Scorpio is actually the Xbox Two?

Microsoft could be starting from scratch next year with a brand new generation of Xbox four times as powerful as Xbox One.

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Community2925d ago
Eonjay2926d ago

The console doesn't come out (allegedly) for over a year so there will be time to market it as either or (and maybe both).

Shubhendu_Singh2925d ago

iPhone events happens a month before they're officially released. (but ofcourse many expects those dates)

Still...3-4 months is quite enough for marketing your console in this day and age where information travels fast. If XB2 releases Sept2017, obviously they will reveal it in E32017 in June. Plenty of time as you said.

never4get2925d ago

Surprise, it's a Windows Gaming Console!

darthv722925d ago

It's prowess just seem more inline with what a 9th gen system could entail. With the 9th gen NX releasing in 2017... it makes sense that Scorpio would equate to a 9th gen system as well.

Eonjay2925d ago

If NX and Xbox are gen 9 then why not Neo?

2925d ago
Rookie_Monster2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

It will more than likely be forward/backward compatible with 8th gen games so it doesn't matter what it is called as it will be a beast! Also, words on the grapevine is that The Scorpio is also powerful enough to be a full fledge Windows 10 PC rig and can run all the apps on it including Steam. The games on Windows 10 store will indeed be the same code used and crossbuy/play between PC and Scorpio.

Stay tune, Jun 13

Eonjay2925d ago

Something about this seems redundant.

How does Microsoft make a play for PC while keeping the Xbox a separate brand? I predict that Xbox Itself will become a service within Windows 10 or possibly a brand of Windows 10 PCs. If what you predict is true then the rig that Microsoft offers will be a Windows 10 PC that can play Xbox One discs. The part I can figure out is how the UWP works into all of this. Does Xbox become a part of the UWP platform? Microsoft wants one store that you can use to buy games for all devices.

hells_supernova2925d ago

I think the Xbox scorpio is just a Microsoft branded windows 10 PC. it will be like steam boxes. It will be the eventual end of Microsoft as a "Console maker"

darthv722925d ago

@supernova... you make that sound like a bad thing. Hell, even sony knows that branching out with playstation being built into smart tv's and other devices is increasing their reach instead of focusing on just one market. They want to take the PS brand into more things. Renaming certain aspects of their service under the PS naming similar to Ms and the xbox brand in regards to Xbox music and Xbox movies.

these boxes are simply just the gateway to something more. It really does not surprise me if consoles as we know them do become just service oriented media / game players. It's essentially what they are now.

Rookie_Monster2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

" It will be the eventual end of Microsoft as a "Console maker""

If you haven't notice, both XB1 and PS4 are basically Mid level desktop PC with things like having to install data on HDD, patch, updates, and now mods. The only different is the Scorpio will have a full fledge Windows 10 OS running on it in additional to the XBOX OS.

This is where Console is heading just like how your phone is becoming more and more like your PC.

@lord of Cinder below,
The XBox Scorpio will be $500 vs $1000 plus for a similar PC rig. That is heck of a difference for people looking just for a Gaming console in their entertainment center but also have a full fledge desktop as a bonus.

The thing will sell like hotcakes

Lord_of_Cinder2925d ago

If what you say is true, then what is the purpose of getting and Xbox over a PC? On a PC you will have Steam plus xbox games without paying for xbox live.

dcbronco2925d ago

The play for Microsoft is simple, Xbox becomes your reference platform for gaming. If you look at the direction of computer devices the last year you find Microsoft setting the tone. At Computex this week it has been one answer after another to mainly two products. Surface Pro and Surface Book.

Xbox can serve that same design reference for gaming machines. AMD and Microsoft work closely together. They have been for years. Microsoft admitted in an interview they have a couple of hundred of their computer engineers working at AMD facilities and vice versa.

The OS in Xbox One offers some unique opportunities I believe. And console design offers great opportunities for R & D as well as device design you will never find in PC. There will be an Xbox app for PC and other devices. But future Xbox units can offer design choses not found in off the shelf parts. That will become more and more the case as low end PCs become good enough for the majority of the public. Consoles will bring new ways to push technology. Ignore the past where PC pushed the majority of the new tech. Consoles will lead the way in exploiting that tech.

Budrazor2925d ago

All the negativity! That's definitely not what they wanted to hear.

_-EDMIX-_2925d ago

...lol, not Rookie.

I agree with Eonjay, it makes no sense based on what we know MS to be currently doing. Who would support a new platform with a lessor install base? Sounds stupid and sounds like MS would basically be failing from the start.

2925d ago
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Tsar4ever012925d ago

Short answer, it's and iterative upgrade of the Xbox One. Xb1 is iterative generation "0" or "1", depending how you look at it. Ps4 Neo is a iterative upgrade of the Ps4. No more generation cycles, just hardware upgrades of the same AMD *APU(*Cpu/Gpu), memory & HDD upgrades, but the software that runs them will always remain compatible. Forwards and backwards.

darthv722925d ago

"If NX and Xbox are gen 9 then why not Neo?" well... it could be yet the rumored specs seem to be a bump in performance as opposed to a full on generational leap like what the NX is supposed to offer as well as the rumored scorpio.

Neo is to the PS4 what the 32x was to the Genesis. A mid gen upgrade that has some improvements but ultimately is not the same as a real full blown 9th gen platform. At least... that is what appears to be the rumored design. It could turn out totally different, just have to wait and see.

Fin_The_Human2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

I wonder if MS does reveal the XB $corpio with specs , will Sony still reveal the Neo if it was planned to be announced and the specs are as rumored which is less power than the Scorpio.

Could be a smart move for Sony to hold off and pump up the Neo specs...that is the advantage of going in stage after your competition. MS should demand with the E3 committee that they rotate who goes first each year.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2925d ago
Shubhendu_Singh2925d ago

I wouldn't lie that this didn't crossed my mind. If rumours are to be believed, XB1S sports some serious power which can be considered as a generational leap, as Nvidia/AMD took a gigantic leap from 22nm to 14/12nm fabrication process.

Imagine 2017, XB2 with Halo6 as launch title right in Sept. And if this E3 I hear ReCore, Crackdown 3 and even ScaleBound shifted to 2017, what a scary launch lineup. (like how NX seems to be doing)

but I still highly doubt it. I remember reading in the leaks that it XB1 with XBS launch will become backward and FORWARD compatible. Atleast nintendo will have 4.5 years with WiiU when they will launch NX in march. XB1 will have only 4 years if XB2 launches in Sept-2017. Even with that spec boost, I think this short life will piss off some Xbox fans quite a bit.

Crimzon2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

You raise a valid point. Given the schedules of their first party studios the launch of the Xbox One could theoretically have Halo 6 and Forza Motorsport 7 ready to go, along with other potential launch titles such as Scalebound & Crackdown. If we don't hear much of the latter two at E3 this year, I think it's safe to assume that Microsoft would be saving them for Scorpio which seems reasonable given the vast scale of both titles, they would benefit tremendously from the huge leap in horsepower.

You're right as well, both Microsoft & Sony are playing a dangerous game with the hardware upgrades here, but at the same time seeing how anti-consumer practices have spread throughout the industry with little resistance, I have a feeling that most people would actually embrace new hardware, even if there's vocal opposition on the internet.

Sharky2312925d ago

If this is true and they make Scorpio exclusive games then that splits the fan base! That would be bad for business!

NotAFanboyyy2925d ago

If they push Recore, Crackdown and Scalebound all to 2017, 2016 will be a terrible year for the Xbox. What will have been released? Quantum Break, Gears and Sea of Thieves? Sorry but that's not gonna cut it given what Sony has released thus far and what is still on the Horizon, pun intended.

Hold_It2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

@Not A Fanboy

Imo last year Sony's first party exclusives didn't hold a candle to the lineup that Xbox had last year. What all has PS4 had (exclusively) so far this year that is worth talking about besides Uncharted 4?

If the Xbox One doesn't really have anything more than Gears 4 (Xbox One Exclusive), Quantum Break (Microsoft Exclusive), Sea of Thieves (Microsoft Exclusive), Halo Wars 2 (MS Exclusive), KI Season 3 (MS Exclusive), Cuphead (MS Exclusive) that's still four new Microsoft exclusive IPs vs Sony's No Man's Sky (Multiplatform), Uncharted 4 (PS4 Exclusive), Street Fighter V (Multiplatform), Umbrella Corps (Multiplatform), and potentially Horizon (PS4 Exclusive) Dreams (PS4 Exclusive), Persona 5 (PS Exclusive).

They're both about the same this year as far as games coming out, as so far it just comes down to what interests you the most for the console or consoles (if you have a XB1 and PS4 like myself) that you own.

I do know I will be picking up Horizon : Zero Dawn as it will be interesting to see Guerilla Games break away from doing FPS games, and will be picking up Persona 5, Halo Wars 2, Gears 4, and possibly Sea of Thieves depending on what kind of game Sea ends up being.

MatrixxGT2925d ago

For what it's worth I'm sure forza horizon 3 this fall

Hercules1892925d ago

There's also below, cuphead and maybe another fallout 4 type of reveal having a new major game announced and arriving in a few months.

Budrazor2925d ago

It's tolerable. At least the Scorpio will have a few games at launch then. How many did they advertise for the Neo?

moegooner882924d ago

Lol @Hold_it. Go do a Google search kid lol.

mark_parch2924d ago

killer instinct season 3, quantum break, sea of thieves, halo wars 2, gears of war 4, forza horizon 3 and I believe phil said there is another unannounced game coming this year. I'm pretty sure recore and crackdown 3 will come this year though. that's a cracking year also cuphead, ashen, below and inside

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javauns2925d ago

All their games are gonna be scaleable, thats why they are using for the UWP and they are combining pc and xbox as one. They will be in a position to have their phone running their UWP games. Thats the goal. Develop once and run across many devices, and you can only get that through their stores. I just hope they mae the scorpion powerful enough to last 5-6 years or allow some kind of modular or add on upgrade. maybe a external cpu since dx12 supports dual gpus. And imagine if the scorpion can play all the games on the windows store, their won't be anymore computer exclusives so only sony and nintendo games won't be on xbox brand. can u imagine playing a star citizen and ashes of singularity and civilization on your home console and its not the watered down version.

Pancit_Canton2925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

Maybe it's a sign that Bill gates is going to run the Xbox game division as well. His zodiac sign is a Scorpio. lol

Or the fact that it's Xbox 15th year anniversary this November.

2925d ago Replies(1)
Oreic2925d ago

Finally, someone else agrees with me.

andresegr2925d ago

That would be a wise idea.
That way they can compete directly with the NX.
It is more than obvious that Xbox is not a competition to Playstation, theres nothing wrong to compete in the B-Leagues.

Ipunchbabiesforfun2925d ago

What the hell are you talking about?

thexmanone2925d ago

Hate to burst your bubble, But Sony will have the weakest console of the three. I`m sure that will turn off a lot of gamers. Sony will need to step up there game if they want to stay in the this so called competition you talk about.
In my opinion Neo will be Sony`s last console. Just check the stock market.

Lord_of_Cinder2925d ago

I don't know in what world do you live but first of all, aren't you from the group that preached that "power doesn't matter" and also, did people on PS2, the weakest of the console at that time, jumped to the more powerful consoles? Nope, and still the PS2 dominated. Also, has an xbox console ever in history surpassed a PlayStation console? Nope, the xbox has never won a single generation all this years.

agame9142925d ago (Edited 2925d ago )

ps2 was weaker then the og xbox and gamecube but sold more then them both combined so whats your point? either way MS is going to get trounced

DoubleM702924d ago (Edited 2924d ago )

Even though Sony has the mindset of the General Public Xbox does have a chance of turning it around based on how well the 360 sold. PS2 sold well because it played DVD's out the box. I personally bought 3 PS2 over the years. The new generation of gamers are very Tech savy these days, so power does mean allot.

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"Metal Slug Tactics" is coming to PC and consoles this Fall (2024)

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CrimsonWing696h ago

I’m probably the only one on the planet to say this, but I’m stoked for this.

Michiel19896h ago

I've been waiting for this as well ever since it was announced. I think it was supposed to come out way earlier, but at long last!

DivineHand1254h ago

If it doesn't have Microtransactions then I am interested.


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