
Just Cause 3 - Mech Land Assault preview | Gamereactor UK

"Mech Land Assault promises to be another explosion-packed expansion to the already overflowing action game that is Just Cause 3. It brings some interesting mechanics to the game that will give players the opportunity to inflict new kinds of chaos on the world. However, it quickly lost its lustre when we sampled it so there's some concern as to the lasting appeal of this new slice of content."

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Community2927d ago
A2X_2927d ago

This game is currently in an unplayable state on consoles. Patch 1.03 completely ruined it, the framerate is really, REALLY bad at times. Instead of getting their sh.t fixed they keep putting DLCs out. Way to go.

5p4c3d2927d ago

Really hoping with this update comes a stability patch. Havnt been able to finish the game because its like a slideshow most of the time. Very frustrating after the good job they did with just cause 2.

badz1492927d ago

Definitely one of the most terribly optimized game on consoles out there! Played on PS4 since launch and the game crashed A LOT, long load times for challenges and terrible fps drops all over the place! It got a bit better after the first update and I managed to force myself to Platinum it and have never went back since! Aside from the technical mess, it's boring, uninspired, terrible voice acting, crappy animations and most importantly has lots of wasted potential. The game is basically one huge grappling hook and explosions simulator created by Michael Bay!

esmittystud1012927d ago

I have this on PS4........its a framerate mess and this is coming from someone that usually overlooks mild hickups in games. This is a trainwreck. Every wing suit, alot of explosions at once. Really anything stressful, graphic wise, is a mess. Ever since the last update.....its like things got worse and the update was to improve framerates...........I think they made them worse.

I sat this game down over two months ago.......it still not getting picked back up until fixed. Even if it is PS4.5, I will wait. Its like they don't even care.

starsi3602927d ago (Edited 2927d ago )

Yep, I won't be buying any Avalanche games in future. Just Cause 3 was fun but parts were unplayable due to the frame rate. Get knocked over with an explosion and the controls become unresponsive while the frame rate chugs along and then you die. Very frustrating when you feel you're failing and it's not due to your own incompetence!

They should fix their game before putting out DLC. I stopped playing after 3 hours and waited for it to be fixed... and waited.... and waited. Probably never go back to it now as it's been so long, so that's £50 down the drain on the digital purchase.

Some people defend it by saying it's because there is a lot going on.... well then the developers need to be less ambitious and work with the hardware they have to provide an enjoyable experience. Although at a guess I'd say a better developer could have done a better job of optimisation on this.

Very shoddy. My money is going to developers who do care about releasing a polished product... Doom 3 is a good example.

Yukonsbud2927d ago

I rented JC3 from redbox and was glad because frame rates are worse than FO4


Games with average storylines but great gameplay

Some games make up for a lackluster story with excellent gameplay. These are some games with average storylines but great gameplay.

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Community418d ago
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gamefreaks365418d ago
shinoff2183418d ago

Who decides if a games story is average idefinitely ain't listening to no reviewers. I don't agree with most of then anyway. I think alot of them are to harsh on games so they can get clicks

banger88418d ago

Every Soulslike game ever made.

refocusedman418d ago

zelda has a story line? Actually do any nintendo 1st party games have decent (not even good) storylines?

NotoriousWhiz418d ago

Does Xenoblade count as 1st party? That's the only one I can think of.

NotoriousWhiz418d ago

Also, Ocarina of time definitely had a decent (but not great) story.

Brazz417d ago (Edited 417d ago )

Zelda average story line!? Zelda Story sucks, most time It comes to "save the princess", Nintendo sucks at story outside Fire Emblem and perhaps 1-2 other IPs.

DOMination-417d ago

Actually the Souls games and Zelda games share something in common, which is that they reward gamers for seeking out the story rather than thrusting it in their faces. Not saying this is better or worse, but it's unfair to say they don't have them.

People will be surprised to learn that if you dig a bit deeper into Zelda games, there's a whole lot of really dark and crazy stuff happening.

RaiderNation417d ago


Thrust in your face??? I assume by that you mean basic story-telling 101? Lol.

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P_Bomb417d ago

I platinumed both Niohs but for the life of me, couldn’t tell you what happened in the story lol! I can namedrop Nobunaga, but that’s about it.

ChasterMies417d ago (Edited 417d ago )

The pinnacle of bad story but great gameplay is Destiny and Destiny 2. What is the Traveler? What is the Darkness? What the heck is happening? No one knew. But shooting the aliens and robots felt so good.

Brazz417d ago (Edited 417d ago )

Article os about "average" story. But If you wanna talk about bad story but great gameplay you need to look at Nintendo, they are the masters at making poor shirt story on great gameplay.

HeliosHex417d ago

@deus. If you want more of the story fleshed out in detail I'd recommend the destiny grimoire anthology 1-6 25 bucks each. It's really good I loved the backstory on the guns.

Relientk77417d ago

"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."

Is my favorite line from Destiny's "story" lol

GotGame818417d ago

Sorry, but the princess is in another castle.

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Deals: Just Cause 3, and Mass Effect Legendary Ed. Cheap This Week

This week in gaming deals we have Mass Effect Legendary Edition the cheapest it's been so far, along with great deals on other games

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Top 10 Most Overpowered Guns in Gaming

Overpowered guns can often ruin the balance of a game but they can also be a ton of fun. Unless you're on the receiving end, of course.

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