
With I Am Setsuna, Square Enix Tries to Prove They Can Still Make a Traditional JRPG - Twinfinite

Ed from Twinfinite: "For years, many old-school JRPG fans have clamored for a return to the PS1-era golden age. Sure, JRPGs still live on through indies and handhelds, but it’s quite rare to see classic turn-based JRPGs from “big” developers anymore on home consoles. There are games like the Persona franchise and others that still release and utilize the power of modern home consoles, but it’s hardly the golden age where JRPGs were the big ticket item.

Enter Tokyo RPG Factory, a new development studio made up of Square Enix employees that was put together to not only deliver a classic turn-based JRPG to the PlayStation 4, but also take advantage of the modern hardware. The fruits of their labor come together with I Am Setsuna."

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EdMcGlone2965d ago
gangsta_red2964d ago

Nice, like to see more retro type of JRPG games make a comeback for consoles.

Yi-Long2964d ago

As long as they can be bothered to include the Japanese voices, I would love to check it out and support it.

kraenk122964d ago

It seems there are no voices, just text.

Eidolon2964d ago

Niccuuu! There's 90 mins of gameplay on Youtube if anyone is just barely hearing about this game. I'm digging it, definitely an oldschool vibe.

-Foxtrot2964d ago

If they could they would have done it with Final Fantasy

EdMcGlone2964d ago

SE seems to think traditional JRPGs can't be mainstream anymore. Hence FF's shift to being more "accessible." However, I played I Am Setsuna, and I have no reason to think they still can't make an awesome old-school JRPG, because so far it's great.

-Foxtrot2964d ago

Well I think Lost Odyssey proved them wrong last gen

A traditional JRPG with turn based combat and it beat the shit out of FF13.

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

"SE seems to think traditional JRPGs can't be mainstream anymore" They can't, as to why many of those titles barely move past 1 million units.

@Fox- "Well I think Lost Odyssey proved them wrong last gen" Did it? It didn't move more units then FFXIII soooooo not sure what you mean by "beat" lol If anything you've just proved it sorta can't. I don't even think that game moved past 1 million...

-Foxtrot2964d ago


Are you serious

You are comparing a multiplatform game to something which was only released on one console, the Xbox 360 which targeted audience at the time couldn't give a shit about RPG games. I think it did pretty well all considering.

If you are the type of person who goes off sales instead of quality to decide which is the better game then I honestly pity you. I guess COD is the best game of all time right?

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

"You are comparing a multiplatform game"

A game that moved MORE units on PS3, then that game though bud.

Sorry but FFXIII on 1 platform moved more units then both games COMBINED.

Ni No Kuni moved 1.1 million on PS3...

Sooo did PS3's "audience at the time couldn't give a shit about RPG games." too? Did you not consider anything not called Final Fantasy in the world of JRPGs were not moving such numbers?

"If you are the type of person who goes off sales instead of quality" ? Not sure where you got that from bud, my point was about its sales, not about if it was a good game or not, how I personally feel about the game is sorta irrelevant. I've heard folks state FFXIII is the best FF....seriously. lol

That isn't what I'm saying even in the slightest. If anything ,better define what you mean by "beat the shit out of" lol "beat" in what regard? Couldn't I say Madden 2003 "beat the shit out of" Lost Odyssey? lol

and fyi, FFXIII sold 3 million on PS3 alone....

Again, very little games not called FF will come near such an amount, like none lol. Even ON PS3 BUD! Look at the numbers!


Unless some JRPG outsold Final Fantasy on PS3 or 360 that I didn't know about, I can't really say Lost Odyssey didn't sell based on 360's install base.

Ni No Kuni didn't move that much more units on PS3, so there goes that little theory bud...

Its not that its on 360, its simply because it isn't Final Fantasy, MOST JRPGS DO NOT move such units. Seriously look up those sales numbers to get a better idea what your really talking about.

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gangsta_red2964d ago

FF is now like blockbuster summer movie sequels. No way is Square going to go backwards with that series.

Expect that series to get bigger and bigger with each sequel.

-Foxtrot2964d ago

Final Fantasy: Transformers

EdMcGlone2964d ago

First, I wouldn't call it backwards. If what they're doing sells more copies then whatever, I guess it makes sense. I have no way of defending my opinion that it doesn't. But still would love to see a traditional FF again, like how they brought IX out of no where after a couple of "modern" takes.

BUT, don't sleep on I Am Setsuna. It's a made for modern day home console traditional JRPG, developed by SE staff. Other than over the top graphics like you see in FF (it's not low budget graphics like you see in indies either though), there's not a whole lot missing here from what old-school JRPG fans want.

EdMcGlone2964d ago

... I'd play Final Fantasy Transformers.

gangsta_red2964d ago

Final Fantasy: Furious and Fast

I'm not sleepin on this, trust me. I have said in the past I would love to see FF get back to it's original roots in terms of game design. I would even be happy to see the old school meeting a character by chance and recruiting him to your team like the old school FF days.

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

@G-Red- I wouldn't say all that. With Bravely Default, its sequel, I Am Setsuna, World Of Final Fantasy, its clear they have a series of games they wish to use their old school concepts with.

Not the main series of course as the sales just won't justify such a move. I've read many times on here folks asking for such concepts, yet neglecting to even know Bravely Default is that...

Basically, Bravely Default is the older FF's without the name, legit...it has even some of the same items, concepts, classes, battle modes, everything. That game didn't move MEGA MILLIONS, enough to really have Square justify doing some high budget game with those concepts that doesn't meet respected returns.

Fans want progression, they want evolution of etc. MOST I would say do not just want those old concepts, evident by the sales of Bravely Default.

I mean...its no Pokemon lol. I love it and its easily one of my favorite JRPGs to ever release, I'd say its in my top 10 favorite JRPGs to ever release. I haven't added a game to that list since 2009 lol

What we like, isn't always what the majority likes. I'm fine with how they are doing FFXV and I'm fine with how they are doing I am Setsuna, World Of Final Fantasy and the Bravely series. They all make sense in terms of their concepts and their budgets based on their receptions.

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Muzikguy2964d ago

I'll be laughing my ass off the day Final Fantasy flops and let it go, because they were chasing the big money and changed the formula to appeal the more casual audience. Almost happened with 13. They'll probably say something like "we should've stayed true to the roots of the game. We're sorry......blah blah blah" /rant

Time will tell how 15 turns out, but I like this game right here. Will have to check it out this summer

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

I don't know what you mean. If anything FFXV is the older roots not "casual" as the older FF titles had open world, towns, airships for travel etc.

Even the games conceptual director stated he wanted an old school feeling.


A lot of that is do to the return of open world, towns, airships etc. You remember the last FF that had that? Sorry but FFXIII was NOT open world like the older titles.

Muzikguy2963d ago

I'm hoping it does I'm just doubtful with SE that's all. FFXIII was definitely not open world so I do get the excitement for their new game in that aspect.

I do hope this new studio does well and we see more of these games in the future

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

They are with World Of Final Fantasy. They also have Bravely Default

gangsta_red2964d ago

I was speaking about the main Final Fantasy series.

Any off shoot or something like this Square can play around with and get back to the original JRPG roots.

But I doubt for the main series of FF we would see a return to this style of JRPG play design.

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

@G-Red- does the name really matter? "main" with FF is merely a title. They are all different and for all we know, if we called Bravely Default, Final Fantasy XV and FFXV "Bravely Default" would it really matter that much? lol

Really, really think about it. Give Bravely Default a chance and you'll find its actually a continuation of the older concept you've been asking for.

if you need a sticker on it that states Final Fantasy to play it, I'll provide one lol I don't see the main series ever doing that as the series is progressive, they have the Bravely series, Setsuna and World Of Final Fantasy to cover those concepts.

In terms of the turned based design where you hit a button and watch an animation, I don't see them doing that with a main series. Sure, us hardcore would love that, but we are not the majority in mega millions so..

But again, if you want one that is at its JRPG roots, legit buy Bravely Default and Sequel!


3DS is only like $100 used.

The name Final Fantasy is just that......a name. You want the game, if the concept of what you are asking for exist, why not seek to play them? Is the name that important?

gangsta_red2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

I really don't know what you are arguing about or even trying to tell me.

I never said I wouldn't give Bravely Default (or I Am Setsuna) a chance. In fact I am all for this type of JRPG gameplay as I have stated above and many time before in the past. In fact the very first comment I left on this very article is me saying as much. So again, what are you talking about?

I was merely speaking on Foxtrot's comment that he would like to see the main FF series have this type of gameplay and that will probably never happen because it has crossed over and has become mainstream. So not really sure where you are getting this whole 'name' thing from.

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

"what you are arguing about" Who's arguing?

What I'm saying based on the name is Final Fantasy is its just that.....a name. Consider they are all different, meaning if we just called Bravely Default, FF __, I'm pretty sure you would not really know, it has all the features from previous FF titles other then the name.

Thus...who cares? If you are getting the concept by them else where, does it really need the FF name to some how convince you of something? Especially considering all the FF titles are different in the first place?

I think maybe you guys are making a big deal out of something pretty minor, especially consider Bravely series, World Of Final Fantasy and I Am Setsuna.

If Capcom released a game that wasn't called Resident Evil, yet it had limited ammo, limited saves and limited heath and REAL Zombies, not just dudes that shot at you, all while having major bosses and puzzles...I wouldn't be crying much about what it was called considering.

Consider you don't really now what the main FF series is other then what they tell you it is. Could we not just call FFXV, World Of Niflheim? What would that really change for you? What you want again is the game play, you want the "original JRPG roots" well....Bravely series is actually just that.

Different name sure, but the Final Fantasy series in regards to the names are sorta irrelevant, they don't have much to do with each other to really matter and what you want is a concept, a concept that actually exist by Square for a while.

Seriously check out Bravely Default, an amazing game! In regards to a main FF doing such a thing, again...don't see that happening. The numbers just don't support such a move in regards to budgeting. That concept is just so niche and many don't favor that style any more. I mean...you and I do, but you and I are not the majority, not when Ni No Kuni is moving 1 million units...

gangsta_red2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )


Seriously...I'm going to try this again one more time because it is painfully obvious that either you are not reading my comments or you just have no concept of understanding.

This is your quote from above:

"Not the main series of course as the sales just won't justify such a move."

And that is exactly what I was telling Fox. That the main series won't move to a more old school traditional JRPG design. But other games from Square like Bravely Default (as you mentioned) and this one in the article can. I am basically agreeing with you.

Edmix...I...AM...AGREEING...W ITH...YOU!

I have no idea what you are talking about when you are talking about the FF name since that was never the subject of this conversation or mine and Fox's point.

And I have no clue where you got the idea that I would not try Bravely Default or any other RPG series that has this type of gameplay.

_-EDMIX-_2963d ago

"I have no idea what you are talking about when you are talking about the FF name"

Because what a main Final Fantasy is, is based on what Square decides to call a game.

Thats it. It merely means that what you consider a main Final Fantasy most times is based on a name and nothing more. Some key things follow the series, airships, items like potion, phoenix down, tents etc. Thus when you take those features, put then in an RPG, it pretty much is in concept a Final Fantasy, thus...what anyone considers "The main series" is sorta up to Square's naming.

Bravely could be called that you'd never know. All I'm saying..

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8 Underrated JRPG Games That You Can Play in 2021

From Xfire: "The golden era of JRPGs has long since passed, with more traditional RPGs having planted themselves firmly under the spotlight for the better part of the past two decades. However, while there's not been as many JRPG games released in recent years, there's still enough of them being released that results in certain titles slipping under the proverbial radar."

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jznrpg1194d ago

The only game I don’t own and never heard of is Fell Seal , I’ll look into it

NecrumOddBoy1194d ago

Highly recommended if you like FF Tactics. I believe it was Colin Moriarty's (Last Stand Media) GOTY last year.

Positivelypositive 1194d ago

Most of these are the weak story jrpgs which is why its an easy pass for myself. I don't have love to turn based or tactics battles systems but I enjoy the other aspects of jrpgs. The most important aspect to me is the story. I have put up with playing horrible battle systems and mini games that should never exist to enjoy the lengthy and amazing stories these games have. For some reason around the PS3 days they seemed to think, who cares about story just worry about battle system and crafting. So if those are the things you're looking for then this list is for you.

Zeldafan641193d ago

You must not have been playing RPGs for almost 30 years.

Unknown_Gamer57941194d ago

I’ve been trying to get back into playing JRPGs lately. With the recent release of Persona 5 Strikers, I finally decided to start playing Royal. I don’t know if I can make the time for just any JRPG though, and Persona games are always an experience and a half.


I Am Setsuna - Brutal Backlog Review

I Am Setsuna came out in 2016 but does Tokyo RPG Factory's debut still scratch that 90s nostalgic itch? Jump Dash Roll lines has ATB in its sights for today's Brutal Backlog.

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What do you need to know about Tokyo RPG Factory

There are certain smaller studios out there making Japanese games that are gradually growing in notoriety. One of them is Tokyo RPG Factory, a developer that most people probably know as the one that is owned by Square Enix. (Other acceptable answers include “the one that makes sad games” or “the one where all the games look a lot alike.” It’s been five years since its founding in 2014, and the company has kept on trucking. In fact, it has a new game coming out this year! Which means now is the perfect time to figure out more about it and why you may want to take an interest in the team’s games.

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phoenixwing1753d ago

Their prices are pretty steep.