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There's No Place For DOOM In Today's Landscape Of Video Games

Gaming Central says, "DOOM is a watered down experience meant to appeal to the console player. The once grand-daddy of First Person Shooters is now looking to learn from modern shooters."

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Krussail2971d ago
equal_youth2972d ago

Yeah, maybe in terms of the multiplayer but let's not forget what an awesome single player game wolfenstein the new order was. It might fall flat compared to UT or Quake but i bet the single player will be pure madness.

Krussail2972d ago

Same here, even I am cautiously hopeful for the campaign. However, i really was looking forward to a AAA arena shooter for consoles. I guess I'll be waiting for Overwatch,

kraenk122971d ago

Better check Cliffy B's new game!

Vegamyster2971d ago


Lawbreakers isn't on consoles, it's a PC exclusive.

Erik73572970d ago

Lawbreakers but it's PC only

LackTrue4K2971d ago

The multiplayer is shallow, it's a day one for me. I'm only interested in the story/main game.

ravinash2971d ago

I'm getting it for the single player campaign as well.
As for the MP, there has been a lot of people making up their mind about a beta.... I'm at least waiting till the full game comes out before saying if it's going to be crap or not.

ManAnimalX2971d ago


"but i bet the single player will be pure madness."

hmm, it may be "madness" as you say but madness doesn't mean "a good or great campaign", a good or great story driven campaign", if this Doom had ANY CHANCE of being a noteworthy campaign it would have been marketed as such.

It will appeal to some just like any game, but it will not be viewed as a good campaign, far from it, in fact I imagine it will be viewed as a not so good campaign, with a not even worthy of mentioning story campaign.

equal_youth2971d ago

The reveal had a very big Focus on the campaign and people freaked out over it.
I still have a good feeling since Bethesda knows how to do Singleplayer.

DLConspiracy2971d ago

I agree but I still like the MP anyway.

Vegamyster2971d ago

I'm a little more cautious, ID Software's last new game was Rage, it wasn't a bad game but it felt kinda flat.

Fin_The_Human2970d ago

I don't know man l, I know Doom is the grand daddy of the FPS but why does it look and feel so much like Gears and Halo?

The graphics also have this plastic shiny look then which makes you feel like you ate playing with toys instead of humans.

prankster1012970d ago

May is going to be madness with Uncharted 4 and Doom both coming out, Glad Mirrors Edge got delayed.

And yes, Wolfenstein was unbelievably good - but let's remember that it was Machine Games behind the campaign, and they have a reputation for single player campaigns. iD however don't, and Rage wasn't exactly the best game on the planet - even if it was quite fun.

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Genuine-User2971d ago

I loved the last beta. Is there no place for gamers with taste like mine? :(

Gitgud2971d ago

I don't understand why people are hating on the game. I enjoyed the beta, might even get the game too.

Genuine-User2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

I think most haters might just be old school fans. I've heard some people complain about the lack of horizontol-only camera mode.

ravinash2971d ago

Some people want it to play exactly like how they remember the old Doom.
Others want it to go more modern (Probably mean COD style).
Fact is, a name like Doom comes with a lot of baggage, and you'll never make everyone happy.

CoDsuperstar2971d ago

Most old school gamers dont have a problem with change contrary to popular belief. the problem with the doom multiplayer was that it just wasn't good. even if it was a new IP it still wouldn't be a good game.

DLConspiracy2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

Were people this upset with Doom 3? I can't remember. This one seems closer to the original than 3 was.

It's weird. I was only really looking forward to the campaign. Then I played the alpha, closed beta and open beta MP. I'm now excited for both. Not only did I enjoy the MP but ever since I played it. Everything else feels slow and boring in comparison. It seems that only the PC crowd is disappointed. Which sucks to hear but I guess when you have access to tons of older games you don't need to play it. People need to stop putting this game in their perfect little box not allowing it to grow.

equal_youth2971d ago

Yeah i remember doom3 had more of a survival horror touch to it. I remember people expected something else at this time as well. But now Doom goes way more back to it's roots with all this hord like enemy waves.

DLConspiracy2971d ago


Yeah I vaguely remember some complaints but now I hear mostly positive from people about it. It was definitely different from the original. Wayyyyyy more so than this game is seemingly. I'm looking forward to jumping back in and so are a lot of my frienda. So works out for me. Haha.

Genuine-User2971d ago

I don't remember. It's been about 13 years since I first saw the game. That said, it was an absolute visual treat for its time.

DLConspiracy2971d ago


Yeah they were using a new engine when that released. It was definitely visually pleasing. It was intense I enjoyed it. A little frustrating sometimes too. Can't wait to jump in again.

wellard2970d ago

I remember people complaining that it was too dark. I for one enjoyed doom 3, if I recall I even treated myself to a new gaming mouse just for it.

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Paytaa2971d ago

I honestly loved the Alpha and Beta. I had fun with it and yeah maybe it isn't a "pure" arena shooter by definition but it sure feels old school in a lot of ways.

The more I played, the more I wanted to just buy it already.

Genuine-User2971d ago

It felt like Quake in the best possible way. It was quite refreshing to play something old-school with a modern touch.

warriors_132971d ago

it's a dumbed down, generic modern shooter. it's made exactly for you.

Genuine-User2971d ago

What have they dumbed down?

Do you want to rush towards your favourite weapon in the beginning of every match?

SharnOfTheDEAD2970d ago (Edited 2970d ago )

Yeah I always remember Doom for it's RPG mechanics and being a fully fledged tactical style shooter where you had to think about each encounter rather than just running around shooting stuff.... oh wait...

warriors_132969d ago

if you need to ask it already proves you know nothing and you are a casual. exactly why it's made for you.

everything that took skill is gone. map knowledge, item timing, map control, its near impossible to miss with the slow movement, they give you wall hacks, the "rail gun" aim cursor covers half the damn screen.

there's a reason why guys like thresh would win every doom match. because they were the best at what they did. when games were more underground and didn't need to cater to the masses the way gaming is popular now. now developers need to even the playing field so the casuals don't get destroyed and make the game accessible for new users.

hardcorehenry2971d ago

i had no expectations for it and enjoyed it immensely. I have been playing doom since it first landed on PC but not so deluded to think we would be getting a perfectly traditional shooter. Its 2016!

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Dipper2971d ago

So you don't want Doom to be a generic shooter so it should be like modern shooters, which are all generic?


ZombieGamerMan2971d ago

There's no place for your stupidity on the planet but we haven't deported your ass to mars so leave Doom alone

2971d ago
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purple10140d ago (Edited 40d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

40d ago

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shinoff2183118d ago

I've looked and wished we never did get here.


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phoenixwing126d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.