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Does PSVR Have What It Takes To Compete With The VR Big Boys?

And so at last, Sony have lifted the veil on the release and price of the eagerly anticipated PlayStation VR HMD. With a price of £349 / €399 / $399 and a release date set for October the Sparks are wild with excitement for Sony’s addition to 2016’s VR releases.

The specs look promising, and as expected, Sony’s contender won’t be able to deliver an experience to match it’s bigger brothers who harness the power of PC to deliver their brands of VR… However, with the specs it does have, the all important existing install base, Sony’s focus on VR as a social experience and of course that all important much more accessible price point, does that matter?

Could we see the leaner and cheaper option being the VR entry point into VR that many have longed for.

The Sparks debate this and wonder if, when concentrating on what PlayStation VR has and what it offers, opposed to just looking at differences between it and the other two big players on the scene, that perhaps Sony is releasing a David amongst us that, if the experience delivered meets expectation, will stand head and shoulders against the Goliath of it’s more powerful siblings resting upon its own very relevant attributes of harnessing that existing PS4 install base, bang for buck and of course, the incredibly positive developer support it has from being part of Sony’s Playstation brand – over 230 devs at time of going to press.

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Community3000d ago
Overload3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

PlayStation is a very strong brand worldwide and has 10x the systems capable of using PSVR, while coming in at the lowest price.

You got things mixed up.

G20WLY3000d ago

Not only that - have you seen the support it's already garnered!? PS VR is set to be the most successful commercially, surely!

amiga-man3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Simple answer yes and is set to prove it.

piroh3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Plus PSVR has the biggest support from developers

edit: g20wly you was quicker than me :)

deanparadise3000d ago

@G20WLY and @G20WLY Not sure where you're getting that from.

Oculus has at least 250+ games currently in developement or released.

PSVR has less than 100 confirmed:

I know neither list is conclusive, but just because PSVR has 200+ developers signed on, doesn't mean it has more support.

G20WLY2999d ago

^Not sure why you didn't reply to my comment, dean, but I'll answer your questions.

I'm getting it from Sony's press releases. The Wiki list is not up-to-date, since Sony has confirmed over 150 games cooking, with 50 out this year. Bear in mind how long Oculus has been around for. Now consider the comparison and you'll get where I'm going.

It's not just about the support though, but the price and the potential install base as well as ease of use. All those factors lean strongly in Sony's favour - it's not about preference, it's just how it is.

_-EDMIX-_2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

@Dean- you're not really factoring that many who are making those PC titles will likely port them to PS4 considering PSVR.

Do you think Sony is going to port their titles to PC to work on OR?

Unless they bought some teams, Sony will have the edge in numbers as independent teams are no longer this rare thing on console.

Anything made on PC by such a team, is likely on its way to PS4. Such development is costly and clearly they need to be seeking a return on other platforms, why not the one that has the largest install base of VR? I would make sense.

PSVR by default will have the majority just based on Sony's own teams, unless Oculus Rift buys up some teams, I see Sony having the edge in numbers.

Even if we count community mods on the PC's side that are not really fully supported, PSVR already works as a display for EVERY PS4 game by default. We are not even factoring the titles that could SIMPLY update to work with PSVR in regards to replacing the joystick for head movement.

Consider for a developer to get a bump in sales, they could just update their game to just work on the movement of head tracking and they would get more sales. ie Dying Light could just update with that and the cost the spent merely adding that would come back tenfold from sales.

I fully expect some existing titles to add the feature for more sales.

bouzebbal3000d ago

Last time i checked the preorders, they showed PSVR is a BIG BOY and all others are pale in comparison.

skydragoonityx3000d ago

the psvr is a "big boy" already

ZeroX98763000d ago

It got the price I'm willing to pay in total to get the VR experience. The price is what's making it an easy decision for me.

I know the rift offers a more in-depth experience when you look at the hardware specs, but I just can't afford one. I hope to get a chance to try them both someday :)

_-EDMIX-_2999d ago

LOL! Agreed.

Larger install base, lowest price and strongest history in gaming in comparison...

I mean....they are the "Big Boys" lol

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ArchangelMike3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

What are you talking about??? You've got that whole scenario the wrong way round. What you should be discussing is if Occulus and HTC have the marketing might to compete with Sony?

For example, does Occulus and Vive have the retail presence to compete with Sony's retail presence? Do Occulus and Vive have a brand name that is as recognisable in the gaming space? Can they compete on the exclusive games front - they have no first party studios, and Sony has how many? Can they compete in terms of third party partnerships - for example, how did Sony score Star Wars Battlefront Excusivity so quickly, when HTC Vive had a deal for Battlefront Trials of Tatooine?

The question really should be how can HTC Vive and Occulus ensure that they remain relevant to the mass market in light of the ease of entry and affordability of the PSVR.

Pandamobile3000d ago

Well they're coming out half a year ahead of PS VR...

Overload3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

To a fraction of the userbase.

Less than 1%' of PCs can run virtual reality

By October the PS4 could be closing in on 50 million VR capable machines.

That's a big deal.

Pandamobile3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

You're talking about 1% of over a billion machines worldwide. Most of which have no gaming capabilities whatsoever.

Either way, this is just the beginning of VR. Hardware sales are entirely irrelevant from this equation because this is just the first wave of devices and content which is aimed at tech enthusiasts with deep pockets. With the rate at which GPUs are progressing, in a few years, practically every off the shelf desktop and most laptops with have enough horse power for VR.

Overload3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

No, I think accessibility is a big deal for the first wave and price of course.

About GPU's in a few years you're correct. But then were talking PS5 and with the amount of marketshare the PS4 is controlling, the PS5 could be massive, if rolled out right.


That too.

uth113000d ago

That doesn't matter.

Look at the whole "Nothing exists until Apple invents it" syndrome. Not many people cared about portable MP3 players until Apple released the iPod, or tablet computers (which existed) before the iPad.

Marketing muscle matters.

kneon3000d ago


Yes in a few years many of the PCs sold will be VR capable. But the problem is non-gamers are buying fewer and fewer PCs. They get by with phones and tablets, so they are more likely to use Gear VR or PSVR than to go out and buy a PC for VR.

Pandamobile3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

And that's fine. VR is going to be successful wherever it lands.

The collective of N4G seems to think that PSVR is the be-all-to-end-all solution, and only it stands a shot of being successful. More platforms, more devices = more games.

starchild3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )


Nonsense. You think the PS4 can run VR, but PCs that outperform the PS4 in traditional games are going to be unable to run games in VR? Get real.

The GTX 970 set of specs is for high end VR. Weaker PCs will certainly be able to run simpler VR games just fine.

Something like a GTX 750 ti has proven to be a fairly close match to the PS4 in current gen games and it will do the same in VR. Now count up all the sales of any Nvidia graphics card equal to the GTX 750ti or higher, then do the same for the equivalent AMD cards. We're talking many millions of gaming PCs capable of VR at PS4's level or higher. And of course new graphics cards come out every year, so those numbers are only going to go up. It's going to get easier and easier to run high end VR on PCs.

Overload3000d ago


Take that up with the BBC.

TFJWM3000d ago

@starchild So your saying that PC gamers that don't have a rig that meet the min specs of Rift or Vive is going to go out and drop 600 or 800 on VR just in case their weaker than recommended PC is going to be able to handle some of the weakest VR games. I don't see that happening...

starchild3000d ago

Yes, I'm sure plenty will. Once the consumer Rift is out in the wild we'll have a better idea what hardware can run what VR games.

I'm sure that lots of PCs with lower specs than the recommended will be able to play many of the same games the PS4 will play. The recommended specs will allow you to get a good experience in even the more advanced VR games.

_-EDMIX-_2999d ago

@uth11- Amazing point! It matters not who comes out first.

Did Sony not release first with motion tech? Yet MS and Nintendo did better in that regard.

This is simply, who has the install base, price, marketing.

The PC's install base in that regard is just so much against it being any threat to PSVR.

I love to see folks little "VS" articles in terms of tech as if that matters.

People think those PC's that were beefed up mattered to a working PS3 or 360 last gen?

How about this gen?

Do folks realize that being the BEST and doesn't actually mean having BETTER sales.

I mean....the worlds best burger is likely not from McDonald's, but we are not talking about the best folks ,we are talking about money and sales.

In that regards, having the best price and working hardware and install base to boot will warrant those sales.

You don't see NASA computers moving hundreds of millions of units folks.

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Timesplitter143000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

While I do agree that the article kinda has the situation backwards, and that PSVR is far from being the one that is threatened, I don't think marketing power is a problem for Vive/SteamVR.

Don't forget that Valve has Steam, which is by very far the biggest gaming platform in the world. And they also have the top 2-3 most profitable games on Steam, with esports tournaments that have 18 million dollar prize pools.

Valve has enough money to buy the Earth, and it's an extremely well-loved and respected company. Their only problem is that they made the Vive too expensive. I don't think it is over-priced, because $800 is pretty much what it takes to make high-quality VR, but it is definitely too expensive for what people are ready to pay now, and they don't have much more than tech demos to show off for it.

tontontam03000d ago


by your logic, ps4 would still dominate the first generation of VR gaming. even with crappy graphics compared to htc and oculus rift.

AudioEppa3000d ago


I'm pretty sure they are one of the big boys, stupid article title, but I'm sure you already knew that... Anything for a few hits lmao

vikingland13000d ago

I agree, SONY is definatly one of the big boys.

Timesplitter143000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

PSVR will undoubtedly win this round even though it is very clearly the lesser of all three in terms of quality.

Oculus and Vive are way too expensive, and they don't have a cult following ready to buy them out of loyalty like the PSVR has

iliimaster3000d ago

pc will allow porn im sure and that wins

timmyp533000d ago

Sony's system has already been confirmed to be getting a media update that supports VR videos(porn eventually)... so killer app?

Confirmation pics :

Timesplitter143000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Videos in VR are kinda pointless. Anyone that is familiar with VR development will tell you it's a bad idea, because it moves your view around without you moving your own head. What VR needs is actual 3D worlds in which you can move around.

I fully expect VR videos to be the kind of thing that comes as a launch app for VR because it seemed like a cool idea at first, but that quickly gets abandoned as people realize that it's actually just a terrible idea.

The first year of VR will be full of those failed experiments, I think. People will start to understand that some things work in VR, and some things don't work at all. I'm sure we'll see people trying to force cutscenes and locked camera angles in VR, because they won't understand that VR is a different medium with different limitations

starchild3000d ago

Passive porn. But will Sony allow interactive VR porn on the PS4?

BABY-JEDI2999d ago

So do you get VR tissues with this? LoL 😂

nitus102999d ago


Where did you get that idea?

When you are in cinema mode will see what the video or game projects as if it were to a HDTV or monitor. Basically no matter where you turn your head you will still see the same image.

Timesplitter142999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

"Where did you get that idea? "
I got this idea from being a VR game developer for over 1 year, and personally experiencing how terrible VR movies/cutscenes are

"Basically no matter where you turn your head you will still see the same image."
And that's precisely what's wrong about it. Anytime you move your head (or don't move your head) and your view doesn't match the movement (or absense of movement) perfectly, it creates headaches, motion sickness, and overall weirdness. Google any article about "VR game design tips" from Oculus, Valve and PSVR and they will tell you the same

Then there's also the fact that the apparent resolution is too low to enjoy a movie in VR right now. It may be close to 1080p, but your eyes are so close to the screen that you can distinctly see every single pixel separated by thin black lines

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timmyp533000d ago

PS4 can support 360 videos through media app though. What is the formatted video type for oculus/pc porn?

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Alien: Rogue Incursion Creator Survios: A History of VR Works

VR veteran Survios is currently working on Alien: Rogue Incursion, so we take a look back at its history of VR works.

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Pistol Whip is Alive and Well With VOIDSLAYER Scenes

Cloudhead Games has announced the VOIDSLAYER update for Pistol Whip, adding three new scenes in June for all supported platforms.

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PSVR2 Firmware Update Shows Early Signs of PC Support via Cable Connection

Recent findings in the latest PSVR2 software update, indicates that PlayStation is already starting to implement support for PC.

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Community73d ago
Garethvk73d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta73d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts73d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos73d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts73d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa73d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.