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Sony gut-punches Oculus, Vive. And Nintendo NX?

Today’s announcement by Sony is going to be remembered for years. It’s impact on the virtual reality market is undeniable and obvious. Outside of that, PlayStation VR could be the non-gaming console that kills Nintendo’s next system before it even comes out. Heck, before it’s even announced! Mario’s makers need to announce something big and soon to convince gamers to stop opening their wallets for Sony.

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Community3001d ago
Kalebninja3001d ago

I can't even right now, I should've figured someone would say something as stupid as that.

Captain_Mushroom3001d ago

Just another no-name website trying to get some attention by being another "Me, too!" Sony fanboy.

freshslicepizza3000d ago

the only thing i can think of is the timing. sony is releasing it in october which would likely be before the nx comes out giving sony an edge in release dates.

wonderfulmonkeyman2997d ago

It's like saying they gut-punched The Invisible Man; you can't exactly hit something when you haven't seen it, unless you blindly flail around and get lucky.
The PSVR isn't enough of an AOE attack to hit the NX.XD

cleft53001d ago

Unless Mario, Zelda, and Metroid is on the Playstation VR Nintendo has nothing to worry about. Also, Sony needs to be careful because $400 is too much for their device considering it will most like be a closed system device.

medman3001d ago

Oh. Ok. Because you deem 400 to be to much for Sony, it must be so. Child, please.

Pongwater3001d ago

"Unless Mario, Zelda, and Metroid is on the Playstation VR Nintendo has nothing to worry about"

Are those games not on WiiU?

3001d ago
Whiskeyjacked873001d ago

Pumped for a new experience. Not a bunch of worn out, old characters.

Taero3000d ago's $300 CHEAPER than occulus right? And that's too expensive? Do people even know how much a good heads up display is that ISN'T VR? They run $800 or higher. But this is way too expensive, okay.

I do wonder how quickly it'll be hacked to have drivers for PC though, I mean the PS4 remotes were closed system and now they can be mapped to mobile phones and PC's. The remote play app was ported to other phones etc. so I don't see it as impossible for it to work on a PC eventually (or even for them to open it up, you still couldn't play PS games and people might buy the headsets for other reasons).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3000d ago
3-4-53001d ago

PSVR is probably going to be pretty cool but it literally has nothing to do with the NX.

What a dumb title and article.

odd site.

DonBugen2998d ago

I completely agree with you, 3-4-5. The audience for VR in general is growing, but it's far smaller and altogether different than the audience for a new console. They're not competing in the same way that Sony and Microsoft compete when they launch new consoles. Now, if NX came bundled with VR, then this argument might actually hold some water, but that's not likely to happen.

Launching in October makes sense, too. Right before the holiday, so you first get the "Day One" fans, followed by the Christmas crowd.

This article just seems really petty and argumentative, with dumb little arguments like "This $400 option is just pennies compared to this $600 and $800 option!" PlayStation VR's REAL competition is coming from Oculus and Vive. Right now, I only see people investing in a single VR device. Even if PSVR is coming out earlier than the other two, the steep $400 price point still means that many gamers might prefer to wait for the more high-tech option.

_-EDMIX-_3001d ago

I like how they beat a system that isn't even revealed yet lol

Yahdaree3000d ago

There are some good points in the article.

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OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3001d ago

Uh so they beat something no one knows about?

miyamoto3001d ago

Maybe he knows something you don't know about?

LG_Fox_Brazil3000d ago

Yeaaaaah... maybe he knows......................... ............................... ............................... nah, don't think so

crazychris41243001d ago

I don't see how it gut punches the Vive and Rift when they are in different markets. PSVR is for the mainstream audience while Rift and Vive are the the PC enthusiasts that dropped thousands on a PC.

Vasto3001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )


For the full Rift experience, we recommend the following system:

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer

Most PC gamers have this or better already.

--Onilink--3001d ago

I dont know about you, but thats pretty close to a thousand bucks unless the rest of the components are pretty crap (plus the $600 on the vr device).

So im not sure what you are disagreeing him for, its not like he was being dismissive in his statement

crazychris41243001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )

You're looking at around $1000 for a PC that meets these requirements. If you want the extra goodies like a SSD, more RAM, better CPU cooler and a great motherboard then you're going to have to pay more. I priced out a solid PC for $1300. Thousands means anything more than $1000, even $1001 is considered thousands, doesnt mean you have to drop $2k.

I wouldnt say most but a sizeable chunk of the market meets these requirements. I defnitely meet them with my i7-5930k, 390, 32 GB RAM, plenty of USB 3.0 ports and Win 10 PC.

Vasto3001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )


Thats a $200 CPU and a $300 Video Card. You can build a VR ready PC for about $800.

He said Thousands and that does not mean more than $1000. That means multiple $1000 meaning $2000 or more.

Oculas and Vive are targeted at PC gamers meaing people that already have a PC.

Now if you starting from scratch its going to cost. Just like buying a PS4 and buying the PSVR.

Also the 970 is Nvidias #1 selling GPU right now.

badz1493001d ago


seriously dude, stop trying to prove that the required PC for the Rift and Vive is somewhat "cheap"! you do realize those are the MINIMUM for those device to AT LEAST work as intended, right?

I've recently built a rig with FX9370, 990FXA mobo, 16GB HyperX RAM and a R9 390 (a tad bit better than GTX970). plus a 120GB SSD, PSU, casing and 1TB HDD, it costs around $1200! maybe less in the US if you know where to look. but $1000 figure still stands regardless.

"Most PC gamers have this or better already." - THAT is a hell lot of assumptions and seriously..."most"? like really? I think you misused the word "most" there by a long shot! at least, Sony is not lying when they said there are around 40 mil PS4 capable of running the PSVR out there.

Vasto3001d ago


Dude, look at the requirments and see what that cost.

You dont need a regular HDD.

You dont need 16GB or RAm.

You dont need Windows 10 and even if you did you can get it free right now. Just go to the website and download it.

Just like I said about $800.

Again, Vive and Oculas are targeted at PC gamers and PC gamers already have a gaming PC.

Vasto3001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )


Where did I say anything about cheap? I said around $800 if you are starting from scratch but let me say this for the 3rd time.

Oculas and Vive are aimed at PC gamers and PC gamers already have gaming PCs.

Read the link. It says FULL Expereince.

For the full Rift experience, we recommend the following system:

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer

If that PC you CLAIM you built cost you $1200 then you dont know how to build a PC.

Who even builds a PC and buys a AMD CPU? LMAO

aquaticDonut3001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )

As someone who has a similar build(Cost me around a grand), I am not paying $600 or $800 on some accessory. Are you kidding me? $800 for a piece of hardware that will only be compatible with a relatively small selection of games. The PSVR at $400 is the absolute maximum I would ever pay for something like that so I for one am definitely going to get that long before I ever think about the Rift or the Vive.

The 10th Rider3001d ago

Well, thousands and thousand are totally different numbers. You could build a VR capable PC for $1000, easily. . .Thousands would be $2000+

That being said, I agree with crazychris's sentiment, these VR devices are targeting different markets.

Vasto3001d ago


Oculas is $600 so if you already have a capable gaming PC why pay $400 for a lesser VR when you can get a better one for $600?

Thats the problem I have right now. I have a PS4, Xbox One and a gaming PC.

Do I pay $400 for PSVR or do I take that $400 and invest it in a better VR?

crazychris41243001d ago

@Vasto its like trying to talk to an infant with you.

What do you mean you dont need a regular HDD?? Where are you storing the games, programs and OS?? Up your ass? 16 GB RAM because it says 8+, I would go 16 to be on the safe side. 8GB of Ram is $40, 16 Gb is $60, why not spend the extra $20. Win 7 is $95 on Amazon, Win 10 is $87. Why not go for Win 10 so you can take advantage of DX 12 and cross platform games like Quantum Break and Gears of War??

The CPU that is $200 and the GPU that is $300 are the minimum requirement, unless you can find some kind of deal its not getting any lower.

Obviously if you upgrade it will cost less but were talking about starting from scratch which also means you might have to get peripherals like keyboard, mouse, headphones and a monitor.

Vasto3001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )


You are adding things YOU want. That does not mean those things are needed. Thats like me saying you need a PS4, 4 Controllers, Bluetooth Stereo Headset, Camera when all you need is just the PS4 and what comes with it.

Again, you keep saying minimum when I linked the specs from Oculas them selves saying Full Experience.

Let me say this for the 4th time.

Oculas and Vive are aimed at PC gamers and PC gamers already have a gaming PC.

You said Thousands and you were wrong so just admit it. Even the PC you put together proves exactly what I said. You can build a VR ready PC for around $800.

You are not a PC gamer thats why you dont have a clue.

M-M3001d ago

If you already have Windows, you can build a nice PC for less than $700 that's ready for VR.

That was actually a build created by a Vive developer as well. I'm not saying that PC VR isn't inexpensive because it isn't, but paying $1200 right now is a bit overkill when you can upgrade later(selling the 970 for a newer GPU for example).

Vasto3001d ago


Thank you.


_-EDMIX-_3001d ago

"Most PC gamers" LMFAO!!! Laughed way, way too hard at that lie..

porkChop3001d ago

Vasto, have you every looked at the Steam hardware surveys? If there's one thing I've learned, it's that most PC gamers have crap, out-dated PCs. The vast majority of PC gamers don't have a PC anywhere close to being ready for VR. For the bare minimum VR experience you need a nearly $1,000 PC.

starchild3001d ago

I already have a PC that meets those specs, so all I'm looking at is the cost of the VR headset itself.

"you do realize those are the MINIMUM for those device to AT LEAST work as intended, right?"

I do think it's funny that some people think you need a GTX 970 and i5 to run the bare minimum VR experiences, but somehow a PS4, which is much much weaker, is somehow going to run decent VR experiences.

Be realistic, if a PS4 can run all sorts of simpler VR experiences then of course a PC with lower specs than those recommended would be able to do the same.

A PC with these recommended specs is going to be able to run VR experiences with much greater graphical fidelity than the PS4 is capable of.

MachuchalBrotha3163001d ago

Alot of people build pc with amd cpu.

badz1493001d ago


"If that PC you CLAIM you built cost you $1200 then you dont know how to build a PC."

yeah...because everybody lives in the USA and have access to newegg or pcpartpicker! /s ever heard of anything outside the USA?

"Who even builds a PC and buys a AMD CPU? LMAO"

like A LOT of people? I don't remember ordering any custom made CPU just for myself from AMD. just bought it off the shelf like any other CPU! don't blame me I don't want to pay for overpriced Intel CPU! having the i5 or i7 maybe nice but they are severely overpriced especially where I live.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3001d ago
crazychris41243001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )

why would you spend $600 on a rift and $800 on a PC for not the full experience?? whats the point?? just a waste of money if you ask me to build a pc that doesnt offer the full experience. What about someone that wants to get into PC gaming and PC VR?? Better to go bang for buck that will last you a while then going minimum and quickly falling behind. Ive been gaming on PC since around 2010, became my preferred platform when I built my first gaming PC in 2012. Now Im rocking this beast that Im always doing something to, just bought the Hue+ lighting kit for my PC so it really stands out.

This is my PC, was a little over $2k thanks to Micro Center and Black Friday deals

Here is my setup, yea it cost thousands

Vasto3001d ago


Dude, just give it up.

I am not talking about someone who wants to get into PC gaming.

Again, there is that word again. Why do you keep saying minimum when it clearly says FOR THE FULL EXPERIENCE.

Thats like me adding things to the PS4 saying why not get the Full Experience.

We are talking about what is needed, not what is wanted.

I am done here.


Better luck next time. :-)

Shinuz3000d ago

My god you're gonna have neck problems with a tv that high...

ScorpiusX3001d ago (Edited 3001d ago )

Nintendo will be fine , they need to be themselves and do what they do best is be Nintendo . As for gut punching those other VR units, those units will do very well. So this hype article is just BS .

KwietStorm_BLM3001d ago

This article is completely silly, but Nintendo isn't even fine *right now.* They haven't been fine for some time now. What happens if the NX doesn't bring back that Nintendo flair? How long are we going to keep saying Nintendo will be fine? Because refuting stupid arguments doesn't make Nintendo's situation any better.

ScorpiusX3000d ago

Am sorry that you feel that way , as for myself i believe Nintendo whos entire existence is about gaming will be fine . In all its years this has been Nintendo first rough period after all this is the gaming company that saved gaming . who DNA is gaming unlike the other companies who got in it out of spite (sony)and the other who wanted to be part of the living room (MS). So my point is Nintendo will be fine and in a better spot than recently and they need not have to follow those others to do so

KwietStorm_BLM3000d ago

That's exactly what I'm talking about. "Nintendo saved gaming." So what? That was close to 30 years ago. What's that have to do with now? Sony got in gaming out of spite? hahah so if you were in their position, you would have just left all the patents and technology and R&D on the table? And Microsoft just wants the living room. So basically Nintendo is the shining Knight because Nintendo.

ScorpiusX3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

If Nintendo had not saved the industry those other two would have never contemplated their venture into gaming . So what if it was 30 odd year ago , Lincoln wrote all great speech, FDR declared war , Nancy Regan said No to Drugs the point is if not for them things would not be what they are today.

KwietStorm_BLM3000d ago

What you're speaking of is theoretical. Nobody knows where the industry would be today without Nintendo, but I'm not arguing their place in history. What I'm asking is what's your point? What does what they did, have to do with where *they* are right now? Because there has been a lot of uncertainty for years now within the company, and lifetime achievement awards won't have any affect on your platform gaining traction.

ScorpiusX3000d ago

If not for them we would still be running to stores to play arcade Games. My point is am not worried cause Nintendo will Find its way back ,as for uncertainties it's the first time Nintendo has endured such a period .

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PlayStation Aims to Entice PC Gamers to Play Single-Player Sequels on Consoles

Sony aims to release live service PlayStation games day & date on PC and PS5, but single-player games will have more "strategic approach."

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Community3d ago
-Foxtrot4d ago

How? I’m sorry but how when they literally port their games to the PC now after not even 2 years, it’s rumored GoW Ragnarok is next.

The best thing they could have done is focus on the generation before with PS3 / PS4 titles and when it got to the PS6 then start porting PS5 games so people will want to get the sequel on the new console

Now PC gamers just wait it out because they know it’s coming

Redemption-643d ago

Rock Star does the same thing. Release 1st on consoles, wait a year or two then release on PC. It's clearly a strategy that works for them.

They don't need a lot of PC gamers to move to Playstation, but they just need a few who would also buy into it and possibly double dip. There are some very unhappy gamers on Twitter, who wanted to hear day and date for all games.

Cacabunga3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Your analyse is not accurate..

If sony keeps things the way they are then they will grow the business. Some pc gamers who really liked God of War for example might buy PS4 or 5 to play Ragnarok. Same if they announce ghost of tsushima 2 or a new Ratchet game.

-Foxtrot3d ago


Yeah I loved playing Red Dead Redemption on PC…….


I highly doubt it, PC gamers have their setups, if they didn’t budge for years to get a console despite all the cool exclusives then they aren’t going to budge now knowing a new PS5 game will get a port 2 years later

Crows903d ago (Edited 3d ago )


Basically you're functioning under the assumption that PC players are impatient, rich and stupid.

Most will not budge. But if the hype is real enough they'll get a few. But those few won't actually be invested in the platform.

shinoff21833d ago

Those unhappy gamers will just have to suck it up. I'm sure Sony sees how thats worked out for Xbox. Why tf would they follow in their footsteps

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3d ago
thorstein3d ago


According to Sony, by co launching live service games like Helldivers2 day one, then enticing PC players to want to play sequels on the console for SP games.

That's how. If you play Ghost of Tsushima and Sony launches GoT 2 on PS later this year, you're more apt to want to grab the console and play the sequel instead of waiting.

3d ago
ThinkThink3d ago

Yeah, pc players are the most patient of players. They will just wait for the game to come to pc.

Tacoboto3d ago

You're just spitting back out the Sony PR line.

PC-first and PC-centric gaming is a different beast. Helldivers 2's popularity and GoT's popularity are because they're good solid games, not because they're from PlayStation publishing.

It's the same PlayStation that put Helldivers 2 for sale internationally, then pulled their PSN-Steam removal card. The same PlayStation that released Returnal with UE4's dreaded shader stutter. The same PlayStation that released TLOU Part 1 in a broken state.

If Sony's PS4 slate of titles didn't convince PC gamers, if their current PS5 titles still don't, ports of games they've had *years* of knowing and reading and hearing about aren't going to convince them to finally buy a console.

Don't fall so easily for the same PR BS that fabricates quotes from their own studio heads.

VincentVanBro3d ago

Nah I’ll wait for the best version on PC lol

JEECE3d ago

I mean that's certainly the thinking, but for most PC gamers that just won't work. Like in a rare circumstance if someone was already on the fence about a console that might get them to take the plunge and buy a PlayStation, but it will be the exception rather than the rule.

-Foxtrot3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

PC gamers are super patient

There's no f****** way, for example, they are going to get a PS5 the moment Ghost of Tsushima 2 is announced just because they played the PC port of the first game

The mindset?

"Ah cool GoT2 has been announced, really enjoyed the first game. Anyway I'll just play on the dozens of other games I have while I wait for the obvious PC port from Sony in like 2 years"

Not a chance they'll all wait now.

thorstein3d ago (Edited 3d ago )


"You're just spitting back the Sony PR line."

I literally said: "According to Sony."

I was responding to someone who asked "How?"

I gave Fox an answer that reflects Sony's thinking. Maybe read the OP's comment and then reading a reply to that person as if it's an answer to their question instead of sounding off in such a bizarre way. See Jeece's reply to mine.

@Dom I do. Sony may not, but then again, they've made billions in the gaming industry and you've made $0.


@thorstein PC gamers have been condition to wait... Epic Games exclusives don't sell well and EA, Ubisoft, and MS have all come back/or arrived on Steam and that's all for preferred store front that doesn't cost money at all so to think people will rush out to spend 500 dollars on a console (whichvcould be used to help pay for PC upgrades) is a bit naive.

shinoff21833d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I think some of yall are giving pc gamers to much credit. Not every pc gamer is gonna be the same. I'm sure sony isnt expecting all pc gamers to switch, that would be foolish. Idk how many pc goers are there. 500 million 400 million idk really. Say son bgets 5 million of them to it was worth it. If you say none imma call bs

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romulus233d ago

You're mistakenly speaking for all PC gamers, there are bound to be some people who are not willing to wait and for Sony those are potential console buyers.

RaidenBlack3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

eh, no ... if a PC gamer is playing on a PC, they'll continue to do so ... there are tons n tons of games on Steam alone and the steam gamers' backlog stories are one of the most discussed topic you'll find in PC forums ... indie is already huge there, plus early access, PC-exclusive titles, VR, big publishers' titles and now Sony's ports too.
Realistically speaking, usually there's not enough time to complete the backlog alone, than go buy a separate console altogether.
The only game that has the power somewhat to make a PC gamer to get a console is GTA VI.
PC gaming existed and proliferated well before this recent Sony's PC decision.

StormSnooper3d ago

True, there will be new gamers who will be exposed to PlayStation IPs, and they will possibly obtain PSN accounts, both of which make people more inclined to purchase PlayStation.

VincentVanBro3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I don’t think you understand PC gaming. We have sooooo many games to play it’s kind of ludicrous. The insane Steam backlog is not a myth. So, we’ll happily wait for the best version of a game.

outsider16243d ago (Edited 3d ago )

How these guys think that they're only pc gamers that won't buy a console, I'll never we're talking about the whole world here..not a few guys on this site or reddit.

Edit: in fact there's posts on reddit how they bought a ps5 after having played a few exclusives on PC.

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romulus233d ago

"Not a chance they'll all wait now."

You don't know what all of them will do. Some may wait some may not.

StormSnooper3d ago

Well, if they want the games when they release, they will need a PlayStation. If they are ok with waiting, then they can do that. I think it’s a sound gameplan for PlayStation. The release of games on PC, will generate additional fans for the ips.

kaos893d ago

So who cares how / when someone chooses to spend or not spend their money? Sony gets their money for their game sold either way whether its on PS5 or PC, so in the end what does it matter?

Resistance_lord3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

PC gamers will wait a year to get a game $10 cheaper lol. they ain't gonna go out and spend $500 on a system to play 1 game. people underestimate them big time.

outsider16243d ago (Edited 3d ago )

It actually works, i know some of my friends and cousins who cannot wait and bought a Ps5 to play Horizon FW. In fact they cannot believe that "ps has amazing games" lol

Sure there's others who can wait a whole year or two but then there's others who have to play as soon as possible.

Christopher3d ago

*** Now PC gamers just wait it out because they know it’s coming ***

I think a lot of people who would abandon consoles entirely don't because of the wait. Sure, they aren't drawing new users from PC like they want, but they are maintaining while getting more from PC-only gamers (possibly even double taps from those who own both).

Einhander19723d ago (Edited 3d ago )

The PS5 Pro is going to be WAY above the average PC of users on Steam.

The PS5 Pro will be able to play every single game they have released on PC at PC settings with a minimum of 60FPS and higher with unlocked framerates.

Jingsing2d ago

I agree, there is zero logic from Sony on this. Sony completely underestimate how stubborn a PC player is. They can wait, I'll now wait as I've stopped buying games for my PS5 and will now acquire them for free on PC.

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helicoptergirl4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

"While Helldivers 2 was released day and date on both PS5 and PC, don’t expect single-player narrative-driven games to be released in the same boat by Sony anytime soon. - This was confirmed by PlayStation’s soon-to-be co-CEO Hermen Hulst in Sony’s business segment presentation"

There you have it. Won't be 'day and date' single player games on PC anytime soon or for the forseeable future. They understand single player games are Playstation's backbone.

CrashMania4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

So much for the nonsense narrative that playstation is somehow failing so they are going to immediately start releasing every single game day and date on PC lol.

Elda3d ago

That is what the competition has to deal with.

3d ago
Elda3d ago

Agreed. First & foremost Playstation not only wants to sell their AAA first party games but their gaming consoles to play them on that is why their AAA first party games come to PC later after it sells on PS consoles.

ocelot073d ago

I was told that Playstation was doing so bad on here and on X that Helldivers 2 was going to release on Xbox and Sony was going to start releasing all games on pc day and date with playstation. Why do people constantly lie on the internet!!!!!

Hofstaderman3d ago ShowReplies(1)
Fishy Fingers3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

We've gone from you'll never see PS games on PC, to you'll never see any PS games day one on PC, to you'll see some PS games day one but have to wait for others.

I mean, its kinda looks like it's heading one way no? That "wait" is going to get shorter and shorter.

Fishy Fingers3d ago

It's happening.

God of War 2018 - 4 years
Horizon Zero dawn - 3 years
Horizon Forbidden West - 2 years

StormSnooper3d ago

Well, with MS going full PC/multiplatform, PlayStation will need to adapt. Luckily, they are in a position to hold the fort for all lovers of console gaming. Otherwise, if MS’s business model was the norm, we can all kiss console gaming goodbye.

Thank god for Sony.

HankHill3d ago

Exactly. As usual, the usual suspects on here are coping and moving goal posts.

darthv723d ago

Ragnarok is now 1y and 10m between PS-PC release. Its only going to get shorter over time.

outsider16243d ago

Well, change of leaderships on Sony did that, under Jim it looked like a lot has changed. Who would have thought eh?
Who would have thought under Big ole Phil xbox games would come to Playstation eh?

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XiNatsuDragnel3d ago

That's a smart move because at the end of the day playstation is a hardware business and need to sell hardware folks

Software_Lover3d ago

Meh, I'm done with consoles altogether.

Bathyj3d ago

Considering the amount of bangers PlayStation and Nintendo make, your name doesn't sound very apt.

darthv723d ago

Well I think he means that on PC, all software eventually is playable on it. Which is true.

Consoles just are a convenient way of playing some sooner than later.

ApocalypseShadow3d ago

Darth, all software eventually is playable on PC through emulation and theft of games. You forgot that part. It's not through legal means.

andy853d ago

Most, not all. Unless you're talking emulation

Mad_Matt3d ago

Apocalypse- You consider emulation theft of games? LMAO
Way to shill for corporations.

Software_Lover3d ago

This gen has been trash. I was already on the fence but caved and bought the consoles, I have regretted that decision. Most of the games that I would play come to PC anyway. I'm done with consoles. I have had the best time with PC this gen and a good amount last gen that it just pulled me away.

XiNatsuDragnel3d ago

Emulators and emulation are legal not rooms you're inaccurate

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Alien: Rogue Incursion Creator Survios: A History of VR Works

VR veteran Survios is currently working on Alien: Rogue Incursion, so we take a look back at its history of VR works.

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Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

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Profchaos13d ago

Great news it shows that Nintendo intends to continue developing ports of AAA games to its next gen platform

H913d ago

Buying studios from embracer now is a great deal, they must be dirt cheap at this point, Nintendo is a opportunist, they wait until someone fall so they get their best deal

OtterX12d ago

That is some serious brain gymnastics you have going on there. 🤔

H912d ago

I didn't do any gymnastics I can assure you, honestly I don't know why you think that, not hating I seriously don't see why you think that

ZeekQuattro12d ago

Yeah I don't know where that came from. It's rare for Nintendo to flat out aquire studios. Guess they were trying to be edgy but why flex on this studio. 🤣

Kneetos11d ago

At least they are safer from layoffs with Nintendo then any other company

banger8813d ago

I hope someone buys Piranha Bytes, their future isn't looking good right now. I love their RPGs, they're janky as f***, but they have heart and soul.

Relientk7712d ago

Nintendo saw the Mortal Kombat 1 Switch port and were like, "Yeah, these guys are worth acquiring."

You can't make this crap up lol

Profchaos12d ago

Mortal Kombat 1 was never going to port well I'm sure they told wb it wasn't going to work but wb wants that sweet sweet 140 million install base

In the end wb approved the project cleared the milestones and allowed the product to release

SonOfOsiris12d ago

Yeah this guys ported MK11 which is great, Hogwarts Legacy which is great, and MK1 is now ok, play it every day