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CD Projekt RED's Marcin Iwinski: "Most of The Witcher sales are for the PC"

CD Projekt RED's CEO, Marcin Iwinski, has confirmed that The Witcher franchise has sold more on the PC than on consoles.

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john23014d ago
Nyxus3014d ago

"Consoles began for real with PS2 from Sony, and then with X360."

Kind of a weird thing to say, if you ask me.

LightofDarkness3014d ago (Edited 3014d ago )

They're a Polish developer, likely speaking from Polish experience. I can imagine that the original PS was prohibitively expensive in eastern Europe in the 90s.

Hoffmann3014d ago

My gf is from Poland and moved to Germany in 1998

She is a gamer too but mentioned they had almost no game consoles there until the first Playstation, often they were imported from Germany or the Netherlands and they were very expensive there, same with games. Not as many games were published there and expensive for the people too.

Bet that changed really around the year 2k there. Today, most European games even have Polish translations

neoandrew3014d ago

Im from Poland and i can confirm this, to this day pc games are 25-40 usd here on day one, consoles always 60 usd.

BattleAxe3014d ago

I work with someone from the Czech Republic, and they had never even heard of the NES, so consoles probably did start with Playstation for them.

Glak183013d ago


A lot of a young gamers don't realize that earlier consoles were released by different names depending on region. I believe in the Eastern block of Europe it was referred to as Dendy or Dandy. NES is the mostly used casual term, but many know it better as Famicom.

Just an FYI.

hay3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

PS2 was really popular in Poland, and while everyone expected PS3 will take it from there, it's successor was Xbox360 in terms of popularity. It sounds weird, it looks weird, but that's how it happened. Though there was no Playstation prohibition. Poland kicked out communism in 1989 and 90s were pretty much the beginning of free market growth. And as you might imagine, beginnings aren't always easy. Low revenues, high prices, distribution wasn't as lucrative as it is today. Market required humongous investments and patience, CD Project was among first to do that with games. They actually helped the market to grow with professional localisations and distribution. Gaming in Poland wouldn't be the same without them.

Before Playstation there were two SEGA consoles, but with limited distribution they were expensive, and only most popular games were available therefore only chosen few had them, but many people had computers. Before that almost nobody knew about NES, instead there was a Chinese Famicom clone due to strong Russian-Chinese market connections. Since World War 2 until 1989 Poland was pretty much occupied by Russia.

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AfricanWoolf3013d ago

Strangely, that seems kinda accurate from my South African perspective.

Just happened to be the console that really penetrated the market, deeply. Now there are game-playing folk everywhere.

Just goes to show: use protection, kids. But seriously, PS2 was the start in this here South African's experience.

notachance3013d ago

it's weird only if you are from 1st world country, for example here in south east asia console gaming widely spread only since PS2 era, before that only enthusiasts have consoles.

cd13013d ago

Yea, i didnt really get what he meant by that tbh. Consoles started with the Atari 2600 for me...must be an age thing.

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Relientk773014d ago (Edited 3014d ago )

Well, The Witcher franchise started on PC and I bet it plays and looks fantastic on PC (not that it doesn't on consoles)

ShadowKnight3014d ago (Edited 3014d ago )

Well said!

Christopher3014d ago (Edited 3014d ago )

You also have to realize, these are the guys who promote DRM-free stuff like crazy and treat PC gamers really freaking well. I've stopped buying from Steam and have moved almost entirely over to GOG for my PC purchases.

Hoffmann3014d ago

Its just like with Mortal Kombat.

The game was on consoles for the most time and is a typical console fighting game, it never gained much ground on the PC's. Witcher however is more optimized for PC gaming

blitz06233014d ago

Yup which is I bought it on PC despite being primarily a console gamer. I'm sure there are others like me

extermin8or3013d ago

Gotta remember right or wrong drm exists for a reason...

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CoNn3r_B3014d ago

Seeing as only the Witcher 3 is on both consoles I wouldn't really count this as a surprise. That's like saying that most of Halo's sales are on Xbox One when only Halo CE was on PC.

john23014d ago

Well, The Witcher 2 was also available on X360

arkard3014d ago

Years and years after the pc. Wasn't anything close to a simultaneous release.

Griever3014d ago (Edited 3014d ago )

They are talking about the whole franchise. The first one was not available on consoles. The second one was available on only Xbox 360 and a year after original version released. Only third one released on all platforms simultaneously. No wonder they have sold more on PC overall. However, if we consider just Witcher 3, it has sold more on consoles.

CoNn3r_B3014d ago

@Griever, That is literally what I just said.

Vegamyster3014d ago


"However, if we consider just Witcher 3, it has sold more on consoles."

Using VGchartz & Steamspy

PS4: 3.28 million
Xone: 1.12 million

Steam: 1.43 million

PC did sell more then that since its also DRM free which isn't counted on Steamspy.

extermin8or3013d ago

@vegamyster unless it sold like 3.5million on pc drm free which I do doubt then likely consoles still sold more copies of witcher 3.

Vegamyster3013d ago


Not really fair to combine two separate platform sales to one.

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reallyNow3014d ago

I think it sold more on PC because most of the releases were only on PC or the console versions were released way after. It's no surprise ;-)

awi59513013d ago


They own they have their own games sale store your numbers have huge holes in them. All the real PC witcher fans knows to buy the game off gog so they dont have to cut valve or anyone in on profits. Since steam censored the first witcher which alot of hardcore witcher fans are still mad at them about.

jznrpg3013d ago

I bought thw physical copy, I didnt know the first Witcher was censored on steam, very lame. I loved walking into the taverns, hearing comversations such as "I f*cked a she elf once" or my all time favorite "your mother sucks dwarf c*ck"

Skerries3013d ago

Halo 2 made it to PC as well but you had to have Vista at the time so I don't think it sold well

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Ferrethat223014d ago

Of course it would considering you can get it much cheaper on PC than on consoles.

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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

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Community58d ago
SimpleSlave58d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan58d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



All the Essential Video Games Everyone Needs To Play At Least Once

Given the medium's wild diversity, this primer of the essential video games everyone should try is a good place to start.

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Community82d ago
thorstein82d ago

.... from the 2000s (mostly).

shinoff218382d ago

I can't fk with this list. They missed on alot of games probably before the writers times. Also I know people loved some portal but I was never a fan.

Cacabunga82d ago

Tomb Raider 1
Driver 1
Abe’s Odyssey
King of Fighters 94
Mortal Kombat OG
LINK 2 the past
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 1

Inverno82d ago

Infinite but not the first two games? Witcher 3 but not the first two games?? GTA V but not literally any of the games before it??? Portal 2 but not the first? Also if you're going to play Shadow of The Colossus play the remaster and not the remake. Can't say I disagree with the list but my man it's all over the place.

Name Last Name82d ago

I mean some sequels are objectively better and you don’t need to play the whole series.

Inverno82d ago

But most of these games have a story to follow, sure you can catch up with a YouTube vid but where's the fun in that?

LucasRuinedChildhood82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

A list like this isn't telling you not to play the previous games if you want to. It's just giving you legendary games to play.

But tbh, you don't always have to force yourself to play every entry in a franchise to get to the better ones.

- The vast majority of Witcher 3 players never played the first 2 and had a great time. The first 2 games aren't in the same league.
- The GTA games are self-contained with the odd fun reference. You can easily jump into any of them.
- The Shadow Of The Colossus remake looks and controls better than the original (plus it has a 60fps option while the remaster is just 30fps). New players will enjoy it more.
- Portal 2 is a lot better than Portal 1 and takes the concept much further gameplay-wise. Storywise, Portal 1 is fairly light too. Not that you shouldn't play it but realistically ... you'd love Portal 2 whether you play it or not (at lot of Portal 2 players have never played 1).

Bioshock 1 is the only one I agree with you on simply because it's one the best games of all time and arguably better than Infinite. No other setting like Rapture.

Looking at the list, I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before 2 but no doubt, 2 is the legendary one you have to play.

Inverno81d ago

I get it, but that's just my opinion on his opinion. I just think that before you play a sequel you should still play what came before it. Maybe it's just me but i find it fascinating playing through the first game in a series and seeing how it has evolved through its sequels. Like I said I don't disagree with the list, other than SoTC which I strongly believe the remaster of the original should be played above the remake.

AuraAbjure81d ago

Awesome list! Hot take on Fear (and it's hard af expansion Persaus Mandate!) Bioshock Infinite is stellar, so is the Witcher 3 and you nailed it by having Ocarina of Time. So many fantastic games! Gotta play 'em all! Next one on my list is Prey after I beat Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.

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The Best Video Game Romances of All Time

Wealth of Geeks explores some of the best gaming romances that have stolen our hearts over the years.

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