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Blizzard Answers StarCraft 2 Questions - Batch 43

Totalling over 230 answered questions, the official Starcraft 2 Q&A series has now reached number 43. This edition kicks off with the community manager Karune telling us what the Development team is currently working on: "the development team is working extremely hard on the single player campaign".

After the introduction he goes on by answering 5 community questions concerning Anti-Gravity & the Protoss Colossus, Critter attack animations, the Zerg Infestor, Art changes and a load of information on Zerg v.s. Zerg matches.

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SCFreelancer5768d ago

Its a really good sign that they are now really focussing on the games' singleplayer campaign. This very fact suggests that they are now working towards a release.

I don't think the game will be released this year, but it should be early next year for sure ;) (I don't have any official source for this claim, its my best guess).

kalos5768d ago

I hope so too. I expect the game's development to be nearing the end of its cycle, and within 12 months having our hands on it. Once again nothing offical to back that on, it just appears that way from my observation.

Leord5768d ago

Well, ofc there ARE no official sources, but I think you are right. Both from what we know of the development, and after playing it. Putting 2+2 together isn't that hard.

Basically they have said they would do SP last, and when we last talked to them they were 30% through. If they are still that active, they should be 50% or so now, and that means they just gonna polish stuff more and then release. A <6 month release date seems likely.

player_729855768d ago

I definetly love these Q&A Batches - definetly prove to be a good & useful read. The single player info is definetly awesome from this article, is definetly getting me excited for SC2!

Leord5768d ago

I wonder how much extra publicity the game has received with these QA batches... Perhaps this is the way of the future of development?

SCFreelancer5768d ago

I think these batches are a great way of keeping us up to date.

As for the single player campaign: I think Starcraft I and its expansion had one of the best single player campaigns I have ever played. I must have gone through it more then 10 times now and I still like it!

Its probably no surprise if I tell you that SP is going to be the first thing I am going to play? :)

Maticus5768d ago

How long has this game been in production? Years it seems.

SCFreelancer5768d ago

Well, it has only been roughly a year since it was officially announced, but the cycle itself is ongoing ever since the last game was released (conceptually). Actual development started when they got their act together after the WoW storm.

TheIneffableBob5768d ago

Development started after they finished The Frozen Throne. So 2003/2004.


It Seems Pretty Clear Why StarCraft 3 is Not a Thing Yet

Even though fans have been clamoring for a StarCraft 3 for years now, it seems like Blizzard really has no reason to spend time making one.

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Community199d ago
StormSnooper199d ago

They sort of ran the story as far as it could go.

Also, it seems like blizzard is more busy with mediocrity at this point in time.

Jingsing199d ago

The problem with Blizzard is they have franchises that don't need sequels. People are happy playing the games that they previously made. What they need is new games, none of this business of trying to transport the old audience into a new version of an old game which only ends up nickle and dime'ing users.


$15 horse for WoW made more money than StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

Jason Hall, currently an indie developer and former Blizzard employee, has been sharing some really interesting stories from his long career in the industry for a while now. Some of them are truly insightful, while others may seem depressing.

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Emilio_Estevez202d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community201d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris201d ago

I’m a little shocked that StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty sold only around 6 million copies. The original StarCraft did over 11 million. Maybe Blizzard was too leisurely in releasing StarCraft 2? Starcraft 2 came out 12 years after it’s predecessor.

Plague-Doctor27200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

Im surprised too. Starcraft was still a huge name in 2010. It was kinda the only new RTS around and other genres like MOBAs hadn't really kicked off yet. I do remember at the time sentiment around the game was
pretty angry the game was being split into 3 but I doubt that would have impacted sales to that degree

Sciurus_vulgaris200d ago

For a long time I believed StarCraft II sold on par or better than its predecessor. There was so much hype for the game. Plus it had a pretty strong E-Sports scene for a few years.

Myself and half a dozen friends all bought StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and played it religiously for a full year. While I bought the expansions, most of my friends did not. RPGs seem to be a generally low selling genre.

Nerdmaster200d ago

I'm not shocked at all. This was an early example of Blizzard being greedy. Instead of releasing a complete experience, splitting Starcraft 2 in 3 parts so it could make us purchase it 3 times if we wanted to know the whole story and play story mode with the other races.

Sciurus_vulgaris200d ago

I originally had that stance. However, Wings of Liberty, was just as long, if not longer than StarCraft 1. The expansions were of decent length too and added a good amount of additional content.

il-JumperMT201d ago

and people wonder why we are having mtx in everything. i blame the people who actual buy them.

Nerdmaster200d ago

It's interesting he used Brazil as an example of the importance of regional pricing. Nowadays many companies on Steam are setting their prices in Brazil as high as, if not more than, their price in USA. I simply refused to buy a few games when I noticed that's the case.

Extermin8or3_200d ago

This right here is the fucking problem.

200d ago

Star Discord is a StarCraft lookalike optimised for mobile by a one-man team, out now

Illogical Games has just announced the official release of Star Discord, the one-man indie dev's charming StarCraft lookalike on mobile.

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XiNatsuDragnel870d ago

I wish for a console version too