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Digital Foundry: Hands-on with Ark: Survival Evolved on Xbox One

Technologically speaking, there is a long, long way to go before this game reaches the kind of standard we expect from a major release. From a resolution perspective, we're looking at a game currently featuring a sub-720p resolution (1088x612 or somewhere in the region), which is a first for the current console generation and obviously something that needs to be improved. High contrast scenes suffer the most, but when switching to locations set in lower light conditions, the presentation does appear slightly smoother. Regardless, it's not an ideal situation, with a lot of distracting pixel-crawl attributable primarily to the lack of resolution.

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Community3062d ago
Neonridr3062d ago (Edited 3062d ago )

early access title, so there is still time and hope that the devs can get things sorted out.

And it looked like that 14fps was a frozen section of the game, notice that everything completely stopped for a second before it jumped back up to the 40's again.

Looks like the devs need to at least ensure 30fps however, anything below that is just unacceptable.

Utalkin2me3062d ago

Also if you watch the whole thing. You can see in the swamp area it averaging in the teens. Which IMO is unplayable.

Wallstreet373062d ago

Seriously like 90% of games we have played in beta or early access form with their issues have made it into their final retail version. That narrative that most games get fixed coming out of beta is just false nowadays. We are lucky if even 5% coming out of beta get optimized better.

Not to mention according to Pc players that version is crap too.

user99502793062d ago

Actually Elite Dangerous on X1 was extremely choppy in beta, and has been massively improved. My Early access experiences are limited to pretty well just that.

Wallstreet373062d ago (Edited 3062d ago )


One game you mention performing slightly better after early access doesnt say much compared to the many that dont get improved from beta or early access. Your one game falls into the 10% that do get improved hence my comment "90% of games we have played in beta or early access form with their issues have made it into their final retail version" 90% being key term.

Good example was "Assassin Creed Unity" was early access on steam and other forms and still ended up being a bug fest. Theres more than just Assn Creed by the way. This isnt a slight at Xbone or Xbone early access, its just a criticism as most these developers not releasing games up to par so lets put the defense shields down.

Neonridr3062d ago

@Utalkin2me - oh absolutely. I was merely referring to the OP comment about the 10 second mark. The game literally is freezing for a second at parts, so the framerate plummeting isn't really a fair assessment (for those parts).

But that swamp part, ouch indeed.

dantesparda3062d ago

This game looks DISGUSTING, its so low res and ugly, objects fade in and out in a very cheap dithered way, the animations are supbar, everything is very low on polygons. The framerate is terrible as the video shows. This would be a very ugly game on a last gen system. Shame too, as it looked so good in the advertisements. Defnitely caught my interest, then I downloaded on the X1, and DAMN!

Gazondaily3062d ago

Even the PC version suffers a lot so this is not surprising. It does run quite badly from what I played.

Loads of people are loving the game though.

AndrewLB3062d ago

I've been playing the PC version since late October and absolutely love it. Even so, i'll be the first to admit there are some serious performance issues and highly annoying bugs. The developers have been adding content at an incredible rate which is great for established players like myself, but they haven't given performance and bug fixing the time it really is beginning to require. Up until early December, the game was running quite well for me but after they added "seek free packages" and did a server migration and storage upgrade, things went downhill from there.
Out of all the current issues the ones that really MUST be fixed soon are the server-side save which happens every 15 minutes or so and literally lags the game for 10-15 seconds. There is no excuse for this and it's likely caused by an overly complex timer system on most objects in the game as well as running too many instances on each server (i've heard 6-8 Arks per server).
The other is referred to as the "harvesting bug" and typically occurs when a high number of users are on the server. It's basically a problem where your metal, wood, or stone harvesting dino wont actually gather resources even though you're attacking rocks/trees. This is likely also due to overloaded servers since it doesn't seem to be seeing the dino you're riding as active in that area. It can sometimes be fixed by moving that dino from the area for a few minutes and then returning.
I've been told by many players that these two server related problems are not being experienced in the Xbone version, and if that's the case then it's clearly due to their version being hosted on dedicated Microsoft servers which are much better than the ones the developers are using.
As for framerates, I'm running an i5-4670k @ 4.4ghz and a GTX 780ti @ 1149mhz and i can run 1080p with every setting on high, with post processing, anti-aliasing, and view distance on Epic, and maintain 35-50fps. Turning textures up to Epic drops it down to 25-40fps. If you're not running the PC version on an SSD, you're going to have much worse performance due to poor streaming optimization.

The PC graphics are quite nice even though there are some issues with TrueSky as well as reflections. The game has outstanding subsurface light scattering effects during early and later hours of the day. Here is a screenshot i took of one of my Argentavis the other day. I included EVGA Precision's OSD to show the FPS because i know people with PCs that have problems that the framerates i'm getting are not possible.

Bdub20003062d ago

I played the beta and really can't get in to it. The graphics are poor, way too choppy, so many frame drops. And the game explains nothing, but not like "oh you gotta figure it out" and it's kinda fun. It's more like, this is boring. Expect to die, a lot. And then sit at a loading screen to start over. A lot.

Just not my kind of game I suppose.

tuglu_pati3062d ago

I don't know where to begin, 1088x612 :O

That's unacceptable.

bf0007779663062d ago Show
ASSASSYN3062d ago (Edited 3062d ago )

I just love how people complain about the performance of an ALPHA! And yes it is absolutely and alpha. Early access is always alpha not beta.


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Genuine-User3062d ago (Edited 3062d ago )

I saw it drop to 8fps. And the game is lower than 720p :-|

What the fudge devs?

I know it's an early access preview but damn this game is a technical mess right now.

Christopher3061d ago

Just poor programming all together. They should have used something like Speed Tree or the like. It's obvious that foliage is a primary cause of increased issues in framerate.

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Lulz_Boat3062d ago

You really think the game will change a lot in the final version on XBONE?? LOL.

3062d ago
frankdrebin723062d ago

Why is it deemed acceptable to review games based on early access, betas, alpha,...
For clicks, for the fanatical fanboys of other consoles to puff out their chest and strut their stuff like a peacock on heat.

ritchi453062d ago

I don't honestly care, just as long as the dev irons out the bugs and boosts performance ready for the PS4 version.

Utalkin2me3062d ago


Dont count on it. Heck the Xbox1 averaging in the teens in the swamp area YIKES. Would give me a headache playing it like that.

IIFloodyII3062d ago


Because they charge money for it. Why is it acceptable to charge someone to beta test your game, is a better question.

frankdrebin723062d ago

No one is going and paying for this game unaware it's a work in progress.
At the end of the day if you or I wish to spend our money on this then it is OUR choice.
The fact still remains that the usual suspects all crawl out from beneath the stones and declare crap on any gameplay footage review of a beta,alphaor work in progress as this is.
So maybe the important questions are..
Why has digital foundry decided to run a review on an unfinished game?
Why do certain gamers think that this is the finished version of the game?

After all it's no different than film critics rating and reviewing a film based on a trailer.
An art critic reviewing an unfinished price of art.
Too much mouthing off by people in the shadows who haven't the wit to stop their own egos writing crap just for clicks,attention and notoriety .

This practice is damaging developers, and the gaming media.

I accept reviews on finished games. But unfinished ones no.

After all Sonys very own Driveclub was released unfinished, missing features was it not?
Yet today after many months work , after people paid to play a completed game , it has now ironed out and sorted the lack of content albeit slightly.
So to return to your own question , Ark is released as work in progress, we know it we decide if we buy it.
Driveclub was released bare bones and issues, people bought it, thinking it was a complete finished game.

The issue is with the ever click bait thirsty for dirt media sites

AndrewLB3062d ago

Yes. Because if you actually played the game you'd understand that it's constantly changing with content being added multiple times per week.

Check out how much has changed in the game since Early Access began in June. This link is the patch notes showing what they've been doing:

lvl_headed_gmr3062d ago

While I'm playing it now and enjoying it very much...I only paid $30 for it and will be getting all the updates and bug fixes. By the time it's on PS4 there shouldn't too many will also be $60.


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343_Guilty_Spark3062d ago ShowReplies(1)
Wallstreet373062d ago

nuff said....
You guys kill me with the narrative that games are running poorly due to it being a beta or early access.....

Seriously like 90% of games we have played in beta or early access form with their issues have made it into their final retail version. That narrative that most games get fixed coming out of beta is just false nowadays. We are lucky if even 5% coming out of beta get optimized better.

AndrewLB3062d ago

This is one of the few early access games that truly is a work in progress. They're constantly adding content to the game and since I began playing the PC version in late October... its now a completely different game. Most early access games don't see substantial changes, but with Ark we see substantial changes (both for good and bad) just about every week. I don't see how this game will be ready for June/July though. It still needs a lot of work.

Wallstreet373062d ago


I loveeee Dinosaur games and i hope they do fix the severe issues in time for release but i find it unlikely.

Hope we get a new Turok too.

IIFloodyII3062d ago

@ Frank

I have no problem with them testing unfinished builds of games, sure in a few days/weeks/months it's pointless, but it can point a dev in the right direction for what needs work.

I do have a problem with devs and consumers deflecting any criticism to an early access game, with "it's not finished yet, so don't criticize it", especially when way too many early access games just release unfinished anyway.
Should they take into account it's not finished? Definitely, but should that give it an automatic free pass? No, as all that would do is give us an Inferior product when it releases again.

user99502793062d ago Show
IIFloodyII3062d ago Show
Liqu1d3062d ago

@martinstrings ARK is scheduled to release June 2016 on PC, PS4, XB1. It is not a timed exclusive so stop lying to defend your choice of plastic.

user99502793062d ago Show
IIFloodyII3062d ago (Edited 3062d ago )


Except no it isn't, it's they don't deserve a free pass, because they are in early access, criticizing or defending it is optional. Nice try though.

frankdrebin723062d ago


It seems to be only an issue with those who do not understand it's a work in progress, something the devs have reiterated time and time again.

As for voicing criticism and not allowing a "free pass"....
Constructive criticism is good.
Down right uneducated criticism is another.
To criticise about an unfinished game, a work in progress and base all "your" assumptions of that game on the gameplay is foolish and foolhardy.

It's a work in progress.
Basing ones criticisms on unfinished work defies logic.
To do a damned review of the game is just plan stupid, aimed at who??
It would seem that some sites relish and I for one am very disappointed a site like digital foundry has to stoop so low.
Yet is this not the norm in media now?
Whipping up the fan boys till they are frothing at the mouth?

It's a game.
It's work in progress.
Purchasers know that.
So what really is the issue?
Media sites out for clicks.

user99502793062d ago

A "free pass".... lol. Wtf does that even mean? You feel obligated to pile on this early access game? Speaks volumes about the type of person you are.

IIFloodyII3062d ago


In what way is DF analysis (not a review) "uneducated criticism"? Is there not literally minutes of footage backing everything they say up?
If you charge to access, you are open to criticism, DF aren't giving it a score, or saying you shouldn't buy it, they are just giving people information on the state of the game, and leaving the decision up to them, if they should pay to access it.

Hopefully they keep up with any updates, and keep us informed on the state of the beta.


This and every other early access game that releases and stays in an almost unplayable state for months, they've had since when? Early October to improve this on PC, and barely have, I wouldn't be surprised if like most of the games that release in early access and blow up, making the poor little devs millions, it'll be dump out still unfinished.

Anyways, I'm tired of arguing this, enjoy paying for something companies used to pay people to do.

user99502793061d ago

I have already very much enjoyed it, thank you so much for your good will floody! I knew you were actually just a good positive guy who wanted nothing more than for me to enjoy this game underneath all the malice and poor sportsmanship that you have demonstrated. We are bound to be good friends when all is said and done.

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Utalkin2me3062d ago

Been in early access for almost 9 months now. Official release right around the corner. Have a long ways to go still.

Immorals3062d ago

Not been on Xbox preview that long

Utalkin2me3062d ago

Did anybody say anything about Xbox preview?

Immorals3062d ago

Well,considering this is an article about the Xbox version..

MRMagoo1233062d ago

I think the point utalking is trying to make is it's still running badly on pc and it's been there for almost 9 months what are they going to be able to fix with the xbone version in way less time.

Excited2play3062d ago

That's too bad. When the game was first announced i was really excited, i mean who doesn't want to explore lush green environments and interact with awesome looking dinosaurs?

But they indeed have to buckle down and get the performance sorted before i would even think about purchasing the game.

IIFloodyII3062d ago

It definitely isn't "perfectly fine", with high end PCs struggling to hit a consistent 30+ FPS on high settings.

nowitzki20043062d ago

I got a 970 and it never goes below 45fps... Stays above 50fps easily.

Wallstreet373062d ago

Funny you said that as on PC forums thats the first point they make lol that it runs like &ss on PC too. Everyone is complaining on neogaf too.

AndrewLB3062d ago

As someone who has played it on PC since october, what you say is absolute bull****. My PC runs 1080p @ High/Epic settings @ 35-50fps but there are major server side save pause/lag issues, hitching, and the "harvesting bug" which they need to fix NOW.

Don't get me wrong, i still really like the game. It just has a lot that needs improvement.

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spence524903062d ago (Edited 3062d ago )

90% of the time my game doesn't drop below 60fps. I run it with a 970 and have the optimized launch setting enabled. Maybe play it and find out for your self?

OpenGL3062d ago

Yikes, 1088x612 is unacceptable on current gen hardware. I have heard people claim that Ark is a triumph in terms of optimization because it has high requirements on PC, well this is why. Its not even 720p.

3062d ago
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ARK Development Kit Gets 'Major' Update

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