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The New Hitman Release Plan Has Killed Fan Hype

A new Hitman release plan hit the web a little while back. After Square Enix removed preorder packages fans got worried the anticipated title would not hit store shelves. Lucky for gamers, this title is set to release but in a very different way than expected. The new Hitman release plan is confusing, odd and hard to swallow.

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Community3045d ago
DirtyPete3045d ago

Very disappointed in the plan. I want to buy a Hitman game with no limits. I feel limited by the episodic release of the game. I want to wait for all of the content to be released but just don't know anymore. Ill have to see how this plays out to see if Im even interested anymore or if its just another sly move from the video game industry to increase income in some way...

Averyashimself3045d ago

It just feels like we're getting small chunks of the game and also less like a legitimate title because of that.

_-EDMIX-_3045d ago

its releasing as a final version this fall. I have no clue what releasing in chunks has to do with the overall game as watching it online, its clear its still a Hitman game.

Nothing has actually changed from the core concept, so you must elaborate on why it feels that way to you.

I mean...examples would be nice.

SolidStoner3045d ago

As a Hitman fan I want, one full blu ray based game! with no limits by episodes, DLC or Pre order BS!

Sad but I will strongly wait and see, and buy only when the price is right in ONE PACKAGE!

We dont need a "Walking Hitman" series.. really a one game with open world stealth missions... how hard can it be?

TheCommentator3045d ago

I'll answer that, Edmix. If the game was produced from start to finish and released on the disc, we would be assured to get the entire game the developers intend to produce. If installments don't sell as well as expected, we may not get all of the planned episodes because it's not profitable enough to continue making new episodes. Ultimately, if the latter holds true we will not get the full experience, ergo a less legitimate title.

_-EDMIX-_3045d ago

@TheComm- "we may not get all of the planned episodes because it's not profitable enough to continue making"

I don't recall reading that the content being made was dependent on episode sales.

They already confirmed many locations and hits that are being worked on. Even if they don't make a lot of money on each episode, clearly they are still making a final product and will get their return else where, so I don't see that as being a factor to even worry about.

So many of those locations are likely already made and I doubt would take 1 month to make a whole set of missions and locations. I think they are merely releasing them month after month and changing due to user feed back.

I highly doubt they are making half a game in less then a year...

I Think many might be exaggerating this a bit too much.

From what I'm reading from the developers, this is more so how they are releasing parts of the game, not how they are MAKING parts of the game. The changes might come from number of hits, methods, placements etc. For all we know most of the game is likely already done and they are changing certain things due to feed back, I again don't think they are making levels and entire areas in 1 month as suppose to arranging certain things due to feedback.

UltraNova3045d ago

In an age when all AAA games are reviewed and lets played to death for you to decide if you want to buy the game, I cant help but ask whats the point of chopping up a game and waiting month after month to complete it?

All I see is publisher who wants to experiment with a new business model just to see if they can make more money this way.

There's absolutely no inherent advantage in this case, at least none I can see other than the pubs low risk -high pay business model beta, one I will not participate in.

I will get the game when its on one disc and only after reviews, user feedback and a couple lets plays can provide me with a rundown of the full game.

And that's my opinion.

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_-EDMIX-_3045d ago

" I want to wait for all of the content to be released"

....then do that. No one is actually forcing you to buy it right now when it first release, you could just wait.

What does others playing it first as episodic have to actually do with you playing the final game in the fall?

So they should lose money, not release it right now, and just wait til the fall for what exactly? So you can get warm feels about old times?

I'm sorry but it has no real bases to get mad at it. Not even slightly.

From what I've read. its releasing in many parts, it will release as a disk based final game and even a final download in the fall, the community will shape the content, buying it right now gets you all the future content to be released for free.

Its as fair as it gets and I've found many who have issues with it, don't actually have real concreate claims.

Many of them are just like this. "feel limited" how? its releasing this fall in the format you want?

"don't know anymore"? What is there to know and what are you even being hurt by exactly?

What is even stopping you from being interested?

Do you not play games to actually play them or based on if others are not playing them?

If Horizon Zero Dawn released today in such a format, I'm still getting the final game in the fall, no questions asked.

I have no clue how it releasing this why right now, actually impacts gamers in the fall waiting for the final thing. If they released The Last Of Us in 10 different parts before its release all while still having a final game by the time it released, what would that really do to you?

You don't actually NEED to play it in that format and I'm finding those that are mad at this concept, don't even get effected by it as they don't even buy the format.

No one is saying a final version is even NOT releasing, I Mean.....your still getting a final version on disk and as download this fall, all added with community fixes based on feed back.

This is a win win, I have no issue with it and it doesn't actually change how I feel about the new Hitman, I actually feel more confident about its release this fall given the community will voice what is wrong with those episodes only furthering the quality of the final build.

but lets ignorantly seeking 1 method, with no one playing it, to release this fall though.

As if a benefit comes with having less options...

FullmetalRoyale3045d ago

A real option would be to slap down sixty bucks, and get a complete game. Can I have that? No?

_-EDMIX-_3045d ago


When did they say they were not doing that? I this the real reason behind folks not liking this? Being uneducated on the topic to begin with?

This is not in place of getting a full game...your still actually getting a full game in fall.

Its not as if to not do this, is to get the full game in March, you actually still not getting it til fall as its not done, thus...its not a either or, you can have both.

THAT is what many on here are failing to reailize, your GETTING BOTH!

It has NOTHING to do with episodes in march vs a full game in march.

I've read numerous times on here of folks citing that they would rather have the full game. Thats fine, what does that actually have to do with what they are currently doing? This is not actually stopping that from happening, its not releasing AS SUPPOSE or RATHER THEN or INSTEAD OF.

Its merely releasing in this format while the final game is being done and using user feedback to make it happen.

Getting it for $60 for the full thing is not an either or, its happening this fall and you can have that then.

This format doesn't stop what is happening this fall and was not done as suppose to getting it in full in March, its not even complete to do that...

-Foxtrot3045d ago (Edited 3045d ago )

Oh come on man why defend these shitty practices.

I understand if Square Enix had hearts of gold but they don't...every decision they make isn't for us it's for them.

You and Kalebninja are doing major damage control for them

N0TaB0T3045d ago (Edited 3045d ago )

Every Hitman was complete at launch, and if anyone is using that True Scotsman fallacy to defend anything, then they should hold their tongue if they turn up disappointed.

Darth_Apathicus3045d ago

I can't understand why some people defend this so much, i can only assume you don't really get what Hitman really is. About having options to wait and don't care about other people playing first is not true, some of this "downloads" and "events" for the levels are only going to be available for specific days and not after that, effectively forcing you to buy it in parts if you want to get "the full experience". Being uneducated on the topic that is.

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AsheXII3045d ago

You can buy the game in full if you want to. On the plus side, people like me who would never buy the game in the first place can now dig in for 15 bucks. Ill buy it for sure.

Episodic content takes a lot out of consumer regret.

TheSuperior 3045d ago

Destroyed every last inch of hype I had for the game. Wait to crap on my excitement just weeks before my most anticipated game of 2016 comes out square enix...

Relientk773045d ago

I don't have much hope for Hitman

Germany73045d ago

When you think Square Enix is getting better...

-Foxtrot3045d ago

Like a Roller coaster

Up and up and up and up and up and.....ZOOOOM...down you go

N0TaB0T3045d ago

Judging from the comments people are already 'okay' with this decision and slinging True Scotsman fallacies left to right. Consumers are pretty submissive these days.

Kalebninja3045d ago

Watch the game sell completely fine anyway its only sites like these where everyone complains but for the main audience that's interested they are going to buy it anyway.

_-EDMIX-_3045d ago

Agreed. Consider they did the same thing with Star Wars Battlefront, as if millions and millions are all seeing the same thing they are lolz.

Game went on to break record sales.

I don't care much for the doom and gloom crowd on N4G as most of them don't even have real concrete examples on why such a thing is even bad, merely that they don't like it.

Nothing about how it hurts gaming, nothing about sales, nothing even about consumers.

Merely that they don't want to wait, never mind that they are still waiting for the final game EVEN if this didn't release in this format LMFAO!

But god forbid if others got to play some of it at a lessor price EVEN WITH THE FINAL GAME COMING OUT THIS YEAR FOR ALL!

LMFAO! I see what Square is doing and its a brilliant idea.

Those that want it each month can get it.

Those that want it in full can get it this fall.

Those that get it early assist the development in fixing certain issues regarding missions, hits etc.

Thus helping the final version for the rest.

This is easily a win/win and I've found nothing to actually show otherwise. Those that don't want it, are also they type of gamers that are scared of change merely due to the concept of any type of change...

Again...a final version is coming in fall as disk and as download. How is this actually hurting anyone buying it this fall?

Soooooooo their mad others are playing it before them? Um....ok then, first world problems it is.

immabadguy3045d ago

What the hell are you even trying to say in your comment? That we should all just shut our mouths and quit speaking our minds about games because they go on to sell well anyways?

_-EDMIX-_3045d ago

@Imma- Nope.

To have reason behind what your saying. Thus far, no one on here has had a real logical reason why this should happen this way and many on here that are even mad, keep citing they have to wait.

You where always going to wait for the final game.

Your still getting a final game this fall.

The feedback helps you as the consumer when you buy the final game this fall.

What I also mean about what folks say on here, is that MOST times its an extreme exaggeration that the majority don't actually agree with. ie the whole Battlefront mess, most actually don't care that much about those features evident by its sales. If its bad for real, the market will reflect that.

You can never tell with forums or news sites etc.

I'm merely saying, if your going to bash this game, list some real logical reasons why this method is either bad, won't work etc.

MOST are saying reasons that are not only untrue, but don't even effect the game or the consumer.

You nor I need to buy this game in this format, we can just wait til fall. exactly is this hurt anyone if your just getting an option of something?

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Hitman celebrates 25 years with new content, events, and more in October

The month of October is going to be filled with excitement as the Hitman franchise is commemorating its 25 years of being in the business.

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-Foxtrot229d ago

It’s the 25th anniversary this year?

I’d have assumed it would have gotten something like a remastered trilogy of the original games or a remake of the first game. Something for a 25th celebration.

Super lacklustre


Ranking the Hitman Games From Worst To Best

Cultured Vultures: With the World of Assassination Trilogy wrapped up, here's our thoughts on the best and the worst in the series.

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A Deep Dive On all Things Hitman With The Voices Behind Agent 47 And Diana Burnwood

From PSU: "Ten years ago, the Hitman franchise was in a transitory state. Blood Money had become something of a classic and with Hitman Absolution there was a clear decision to push IO Interactive’s assassination sim series to a whole new level. That experimental, often divisive, entry turned out to be pivotal in what would follow.

Elements of Absolution, such as its accessibility and player-created content, would be mixed with the more traditional Hitman games’ sense of murderous creativity to birth the Hitman Trilogy 0f 2016-2021. A series that would take its creators on a turbulent journey of publisher changes, independence, and the eventual triumph of being handed the tantalizing 007 license."

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