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Deus Ex Creator: Uncharted, TWD and Heavy Rain Fail to Make the Most of Video Game Medium

Chris Mawson writes: "Veteran developer Warren Spector has encouraged designers to create more games than encourage player agency and ‘collaborative storytelling’, while singling out the likes of Uncharted, Heavy Rain and Telltale’s The Walking Dead for failing to make the most of the medium."

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Genuine-User3148d ago

I respectfully disagree with him.

pivotplease3148d ago

I disrespectfully disagree. Uncharted is supposed to be a cinematic, linear experience just like a film. Heavy Rain is pretty open-ended in many ways and really pushed the medium imo. TWD is mostly just a watered down Heavy Rain that is really linear and gives you more of an illusion of choice.

turdburgler10803147d ago

I got to say he's fairly spot on. Folks around here just don't like having their artworks negatively critiqued. That's all this is really. He still goes on to say he likes the games but wishes everything wasn't on rails basically. I think a lot of popular series play it safe because they are sacred cash cow. On a side note I'm amazed no one has made a Phil spector joke. Dat hair;-)

NukaCola3147d ago

No game can make full use of the medium. There needs to be limitations. That's the story and direction the developers take us. If a game did everything it would take 100 years to make.

UserNameIsNotTaken3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

I disagree with him as well... I don't think that he knows Uncharted well enough to put it there with Heavy Rain and TWD... it's a totally different game.. you don't have dialogue choices in Uncharted like those other games.. he's basically talking about the illusion of choice which is in Uncharted, non-existent.. because like I said above.. uncharted is a different genre.
So of course uncharted will give you the same ending because it's (again) a different game that doesn't have choices and stuff.

frostypants3148d ago

I liked Deux Ex, but it was hardly above the criticisms he's making.

christian hour3148d ago

While I love those games, some of my all time favourites, I would agree they don't make the most that the medium has to offer. Although throwing uncharted in with TWD and Heavy rain seems quite odd.

Very few games have truly taken advantage of the medium of interactive art/entertainment. I would argue Deus Ex 1 and 2 (I havent played any since) also do not take full advantage of the medium.

A game like Journey, now theres something taking full advantage of the medium. There are others of course.

Also this title is VERY misleading, he gives all the games mentioned in the title incredible praise, just mentions that video games can and have been so much more.

They took a candid discussion that was probably just a single topic in the conversation, and blew it in to a news worthy attention grabbing click bait piece.

JackStraw3148d ago

The whiny video game culture has spilled over to developers now. GREAT!

OB1Biker3147d ago

lol funny because true bubble

GamingIVfun3147d ago (Edited 3147d ago )

His Mickey Mouse games were the epitome of game play and had a good story too......not, both were pretty boring, and I'm a Disney fanatic. I know he helped to make some great games in the past but they were guilty of the same things he has problems with in Uncharted games, which in my opinion have great Story and game play and technically out way his past efforts. If games could be so much more, why isn't he helping to make them?

When he says something negative about games and gaming, he involves Sony games somehow, not the first time.

medman3147d ago

I like Warren Spector, but I think he's lost the plot.....

Christopher3147d ago

There's an assumption here that every future game as to make the most of the medium.

First, let me point out that 99% of games out there don't make the most of the video game medium as he outlines. Call of Duty, Destny, and pretty much any game where the story is set and the design is linear-designed. For the most part, it's only RPGs that do what he wants.

But, on top of that, if a person wants to create a genre-specific game, such as one focused on storytelling and aimed at people who previously played those type of games, then they're not going to suddenly change gears and evolve gameplay to fit his model of waht is making the most of the medium. Why? Because people want those games.

People didn't pick up TWD Season 2 because they expected to see something more completely different, but because they liked what they had in the first and wanted a new story in the same setting. And, those games would be entirely different if you change how they play. And would that be beneficial overall? Who knows. Would people who likes the first like the follow up? That's extremely hard to tell, but I can say that if they liked the first enough then they would likely pick up the second if it felt familiar but told a different story and offered new options in choice.

The_BlackHeart__3147d ago

He thinks he can do better than Naughty Dog, Quantic Dream or Tell Tale when it comes to story telling? Prove it, and then you will earn the right to open your mouth.

showtimefolks3147d ago

he has a right to his opinion but this is what makes gamers different. some of us may like open world games, others may like story driven liner game and some love the point and click adventures etc,,,

personally heavy rain to me was an amazing experience, when you had to cut your own finger or when she had to dance for that guy. those were situations where i generally felt bad and or awkward and that's hard to achieve in gaming

uncharted 2 is the perfect action adventure game and because of uncharted's success we got a reboot for tomb raider

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Big_Game_Hunters3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

I think its time we stop using the word "video games" for everything just because its on a console.

Heavy rain, walking dead, beyond two souls, until dawn, wolf among us. They are not video games. They are a form of interactive entertainment, Closer to reading a comic book or watching a movie than actually playing a game. No idea why he said uncharted though.

Also obligatory "David cage makes B movies" comment. Srsly though, i get that there is a market for interactive story games, but how does david cage still have a job. He doesn't make good stories, his work is hollywood teen flick tier.

Paytaa3148d ago

...but I love Heavy Rain and Beyond.

OT: I like Deus Ex but this guy is wrong. Especially by throwing Uncharted in the mix.

b163o13148d ago

David Cage is probably one of the best developers in industry. He's games are like no other, and are experiences that everyone should enjoy. Indigo prophecies was a Cult classic, Heavy Rain is a Masterpiece, Beyond 2 Souls was OK(IMO). But he's track record is better them most, considering all his games a new IP's. Most developers keep making the same game over and over again. His a breath of fresh air in our industry, and I expect his new game to be great...

Ragthorn3148d ago

Just a quick note, which Deus Ex game did you play? He doesn't have a hand in making Human Revolution and Mankind Divided if you played those because he made Deus Ex 1. I will be honest, I do not like David Cage's games. I don't feel they are designed well, but that is just my opinion. This guy makes very valid points, but that doesn't mean that I don't like Uncharted and The Walking Dead. He makes a point in how they are basically scripts that we follow because it is true in that they are directed experiences. Telltale's games have the "illusion of choice" because your choices only have changes during the middles of the games and such. The absolute final conclusion is always the same. That doesn't detract from the enjoyment of the game though.

Antifan3148d ago

Know the definition of video games before making that statement, because Interactive Entertainment = Video games. So there you go, TWD, BTS, HR are video games.
It's nothing like a comic book or movie because the reader or watcher doesn't have control over the narrative or play a part in it.
Interactive entertainment represents all video games. They are one and the same.

Big_Game_Hunters3148d ago

Video games are a form of interactive entertainment, not the other way around. Being interactive entertainment doesn't automatically make it a game.

wellard3148d ago

Think of it this way, all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs.

christian hour3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

I've been campaigning for this for a while.

The term "video game" is too limiting to waht is actually possible with the medium. Interactive Digital Art/Entertainment is much more encompassing to the varying experiences you can deliver with the medium (the term digital is essential, as interactive entertainment could easily mean sports, or reading etc).

When people say games like TWD and Heavy Rain "aren't video games" it's because they have a very narrow view on the medium, and that is partly due to the term we use for the medium, "video games" or "computer games" or whatever you want to call it.

christian hour3147d ago

If you're going to disagree with my opinion, you could at least have the decency to counteract with your own, maybe get some constructive debate going on in here?

All a silent disagree tells me at this point is that you are happy with the medium being restricted to a narrow limited field, rather than grow and expand to a multitude of incredible experience that go beyond moving a person or vehicle that shoots/fights/races things.

DrJones3147d ago

I agree with you. N4G is filled with conservative geeks who can't see anything beyond their narrow field of view.

B1uBurneR3148d ago

Uncharted ... is the odd ball.. in that sentence. Movie potential type game or movie style?

Darkwatchman3148d ago

He seems a little...I can't describe it. Bitter, maybe? Slightly. I read his quotes and the way he comes off describing each game, he does make valid points, but at the same time, he's taking it too far. "It's a better story than I'll ever tell, but it's not a player story".

If it's a better story than you'll ever tell, then why are you so quick to single out these games???? It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Player agency certainly is important and is one of the reasons I am looking forward to Mankind Divided, but I don't think that level of player agency needs to be in every story driven game ever. Different kinds of experiences for different people and different moods and different effects. Variety, people. Relish it.

Timesplitter143148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

Even though TWD and Heavy Rain have been some of my favorite games in recent years, I understand what he's talking about, and i kiiiiinda agree. Player agency is what makes games really shine.

I'll give you an example of what I'm talking about:
An on-rails car chase scene in an Uncharted game for example is infinitely less fun interesting than ending up having a real car chase with other actual real players that want you dead in a game like DayZ.

In the Uncharted example, you know this happened because it was already planned for you, and everyone will experience the exact same thing. However, in the DayZ example, you know this car chase is something that's ACTUALLY happening to you. It's not just scripted. It makes all the difference

pivotplease3148d ago

Both types of experiences can be enjoyable. Nothing about the idea of dynamic events makes it wholly superior to scripted events. There is more room for polish and literary value with a script. You get a better narrative usually. Dynamic allows for more originality and freedom on the other hand. They are two different genres and calling one bad or inferior is just ignorant.

It's like when David Cage talks about moving the industry forward like his preferred way is an evolution. In reality there are many ways gaming is evolving. It runs in parallel lines; it doesn't all converge. ND pushes forward gaming in it's own way as does Quantic Dream. This guy's criticism is the same as saying he doesn't like reading novels because they don't give you enough agency.

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Celebrating Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 15-Year Anniversary

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Community572d ago
Nyxus572d ago

I hope they make another Uncharted game some day.

MIDGETonSTILTS17572d ago

I hope they don’t make another until the end of the ps5 lifecycle…. Show us a better jungle

Minute Man 721571d ago

It's 15 years already....time flys


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