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Look what happens when you plot Halo’s campaign length vs. review score

Finder has unearthed a startling correlation between the reviews scores of the Halo games and their story length.

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Their data is just straight up wrong. ODST is left off and has a metacritic of 83
OC_MurphysLaw3129d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
average score by metacritic here.
Geobros3129d ago WhoDisagree(2)Agree(0)
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Wrong story type
Should be Opinion piece
Abriael3129d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community3129d ago
SlappingOysters3129d ago

That's really interesting data. I can't imagine it is anymore than coincidence, but seeing it graphed out like that is a bit compelling

NewMonday3129d ago ShowReplies(1)
kneon3129d ago

But aren't those also in order of release? So it could just be that Halo peaked with the first one and has gone downhill ever since.

Concertoine3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

You could say that, but the difference in score between the first 3 games is basically negligible. There's barely a 2% difference between those 3 games, then the percentage starts going down faster.

And that makes sense to me. Halo 1-3 were revolutionary. Stuff like theater mode or forge or custom games still sounds relevant 8 years later because they're still very ambitious ideas. Even Rockstar was 6 years late to that kind of innovation with GTA 5. Bungie were top dog until they started to hit a wall with Reach.

PurpHerbison3129d ago

First Halo is indeed the best one.

awi59513129d ago

First halo was legendary. Halo 2 i hated the multiplay turned the guns to crappy underpowered mess and it was all about camping the super weapons. No one cared about the super weapons in halo 1 because all your weapons were effective. Halo 2 made me switch to the rainbow 6 series and ghost recon series. Because when they made grenades not kill you outright in halo 2 and the assault rifle couldn't kill a person at full health the game was dead to me.

OC_MurphysLaw3129d ago

The study is flawed and wrong..they conveniently left off Halo 3: ODST which is the actual lowest in the series at 83. Other factors like number of reviews per game are also not accounted for. Halo 4 had 87 review scores compared to 68 for Halo CE and Halo 5 currently at 58 reviews. Additionally...the sources of the reviews like wise should be consistent but that isn't accounted for either.

BQ323129d ago

to add to your point, there also seems this gen to be a growing number of clickbait troll views were a hyped up game is given a low score simply to drum up controversy where editorial income is directly related to views and views are directly related to controversy

BQ323129d ago

This is interesting and gives credence to my view that single player and multiplayer should be reviewed separately and adopted industry wide. There are no multiplayer only dedicated sites and in most cases I find that the reviewers are not competitive gamers and lack the skill necessary to
break down the balance and the exploits. A good example is nba 2k, for years that game received top notch scores even while the multiplayer was very frustrating filled with lag, exploits, or not working at all, while on the other hand NHL 15 was bashed in the reviews for lack of offline modes though the game played fantastically smooth online. There seems to be nothing catered to the large base of competitive gamers who mostly just care about playing online, and all reviews of upcoming games so heavily reflect the portion of the game least interesting to them.

OC_MurphysLaw3129d ago

@BQ32 You also raise an interesting point on the reviews being handled separately. Obviously you have to take the product in as a whole but the differences of SP vs MP and the importance each has really has changed over the years. MP used to be a nice to have that was thrown in as a secondary thought. Now we are seeing it given far more importance to the point it is as important if not more important from title to title. Having someone who is experienced in MP modes handling the online review portion & someone who is actively more SP only focused handling the campaign seems like a good move and one I hope the larger sites that could afford to do this will adopt the practice.

awi59513129d ago

Nba 2k is a great game on dreamcast i loved it.

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gillri3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

I think the decline in scores is the same as you get with most franchises as you get to the 3rd, 4th, 5th iteration, mainly through repetition and familiarity scores tend to go down

But as someone who doesn't play Online shooters much anymore (apart from a blast on COD here and there) campaign length is fairly important to me so I'm disappointed in Halo 5's campaign length

I thought it would be the reason for me to get an Xbox One but I don't think so, I'll wait for Quantum Break and Gears 4 now

SlappingOysters3129d ago

Forza is really good fun, but out of the coming exclusives, I like the look of Sea of Thieves and re:core. Shame Project Spark was still born.

sammarshall1023129d ago

Halo 5 is worth every penny plus there's Halo MCC, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Forza 6, Killer Instinct, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Ori

gillri3129d ago

Some great games I know but I dont play fighting or racing games anymore

I havent bought a fighting game since Virtua Fighter 4 or a racing game for Project Gotham Racing 2 I just have no interest in them

gillri3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

Oh I forgot I about Ori and the Blind Forest those kind of games I do like I'm a big metroidvania fan but I believe it is being released on Xbox 360 soon so I'll just get it for that

vikingland13129d ago

Doesn't backwards compatability interest you?

gillri3129d ago

Yes it does but not enough to buy an XBox one, dont worry people I will buy one soon just not this year

UserNameIsNotTaken3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

Loving the multiplayer and can't get enough of it but the Campaign left me wanting more which is what they were aiming for (I think) 'cause Halo 6. It is kinda disappointing but multiplayer can make up for it imo.
I just hoped the game's story was as good as the trailers made it out to be.

Hope that I'm not the only one here that feel this :)

3129d ago Replies(1)
Relientk773129d ago

So the Halo games are getting progressively shorter

Bigpappy3129d ago

If people find the campaign too shot then that is a legit gripe. But the review is neither here nor there for me. I do understand that it hurts the perception of casual players who rely on them though.

creeping judas3129d ago

@Bigpappy, do you think casuals actually go and read reviews before buying a game? I personally think reviews are for the core gamer, like yourself and myself who tend to pay more attention to games then the normal person.

Hoffmann3129d ago

In their defense, Halo games get Microtransactions now at least and probably more dlc than ever before.

Thats good..isnt it?

tinynuggins3129d ago

The free dlc maps are a welcomed addition.

343_Guilty_Spark3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

Sure if you play on Heroic which I think has gotten progressively easier. I still think reviewers should play through on Legendary and receive the proper challenge, instead of blowing through on Heroic.

Halo 1 is definitely not longer than H2 H3 Reach H4 Or H5.

spicelicka3129d ago

How accurate is this chart though?? Halo 5 is wayy longer than halo 4, it has 15 freakin missions when halo 4 had 10....

Darkwatchman3129d ago

The 15 missions could be shorter than the 10???? Ever thought about that???

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Christopher3129d ago

It looks like more of a continual decline over time with a leap in the decline when 343 took over.

Mikefizzled3129d ago

To be fair they skip out Halo Reach which was a full release, scoring 91 it continues the slope down.

Adexus3129d ago

Halo Reach is there, they skipped ODST.

OC_MurphysLaw3129d ago

ODST was Bungie and the worst metacritic at 83.

Mikefizzled3129d ago

ODST wasn't a full price release so I don't think it would be fair to compare. I think ODST launched at $50.

OC_MurphysLaw3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

@Mikefizzled... incorrect sir, Halo 3: ODST was launched with a $60 price tag. I think many people thought it was going to launch at a cheaper price but MS kept it as a full $60 tag figuring the inclusion of Halo 3 mp plus 3 new maps, Firefight and Forge would be enough to justify the cost.

And that was the rub on ODST as the maps included for online were the 21 maps from Halo 3 plus an additional 3 "new" maps. It was basically Halo 3 online and a map pack. It also had Firefight and Forge which were great but the feeling was the online offering was very much short on value.

Mikefizzled3129d ago

That explains it. My pre-order was for £30 so I assumed it was a lower price point title.

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vikingland13129d ago

Yes it does look that way, but for me after recently finishing the MCC and playing H5G 4&5 are my favorites.

Which is your favorite? For me the older Halo games are fun but out dated.

Christopher3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

I'm actually not a fan of Halo in general. I've only seen others play it and never could get into it (like most shooters). Why you won't see me comment on the 'quality' of the gameplay or story. But, just looking at the data, pretty easy to see what I did.

vikingland13129d ago

I hear ya, I'm not good at shooters in general but I try alot of them (and die alot in them lol) but I do like me some Halo.

Back on topic there are too many other factors missing to say why each game scored lower than the previous one. Is it because each game got worse or were there more reviews in total of each game? I don't know.

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

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Remove 343 and dev tags as this is about the games not actually about the studio
cl1983437d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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kingnick435d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub435d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91435d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris435d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer435d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris435d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol


GameStop Kicks Off Four Pre-Owned Games For $20 Sale

Daily Video Game writes: "GameStop is running a new pre-owned game sale on over 1000 pre-owned games that offers four pre-owned ($9.99 or less) games for $20 across multiple gaming platforms right now, including PS3 and Xbox 360!"

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Community676d ago
roadkillers676d ago

I mean, the deal is alright… Unfortunately for me the Serious S doesn’t have a disk drive and unfortunately for Gamestop a lot of those games are on or have been on Gamepass/PSNow.

Sgt_Slaughter676d ago

Given the nature of backwards compatibility on new systems, this is a great sale in case you missed out on some gems from last gen.

Mandingo2020676d ago

Most of the games on Xbox are on game pass. The Switch games in this sale are trash c'mon farming simulator that's laughable. The PS4 games should be cheaper. I can't wait for the GameStop going out of business liquidation sale.

neutralgamer1992676d ago

Seriously man I don't get the hate on GS and I guess you want even less options and give more control to the publishers

And you want thousands of people to lose their jobs because you don't like a company. One thing I have noticed is how most who hate on GS haven't shopped at the actual stores in years. Many who hate on GS have also done so listening to others negative stories or experiences. People on YT want clicks and hating on GS is the cool thing

SurgicalMenace675d ago

It's not people's hate that would lose people's jobs, it's the shady business practices of the company. So what you're saying is that because people work there individuals should just support what they don't want to? Sound advice; Hitler too had supporters, employees, and advocates but people go around hating him too. They only hate because of other people's bad stories or experiences; they only spoke bad about him because they wanted attention. It's been decades; lets give his way another go. With your logic anything could be made to sound good.🤷🏾‍♂️

neutralgamer1992675d ago


Seriously you used Hitler as an example to say company has shady practices

You don't have to shop at GS there are many other retailers. I shop there and vast majority of my experiences have been positive and most of the employees are super nice

SurgicalMenace675d ago

Just having some fun, bro.🤣🤣

Mandingo2020675d ago

There are other places to work besides GS. Plus, their benefits are trash so why not work somewhere else?

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REDGUM676d ago

And none of those game you speak of you actually own as they are digital not physical & would cost more than $20 as the subscription costs more than that.

Mandingo2020675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

You know you can get game pass ultimate codes for the low on cdkeys or g2a right? You don't need to have a subscription 😂. GS is trash and I'd rather support the mom and pop game store here instead.

BlackTar187675d ago

Why are you people so full of hate? GameStop gives people jobs and provides a physical appearance to see things in the flesh and not just some soulless online experience.

Mandingo2020675d ago

You can get physical at mom and pop game stores plus you can get it online. GS is trash

neutralgamer1992675d ago

Because Mom and Pop shops cost two to three times more for the same product Angie the answer

BlackTar187675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

Mom and pop stores cost more and have even harder time competing against the internet. Also lie to me and tell you have a couple mom and pop stores near you selling games then lie and tell me you shop there.

IanTH676d ago

These sales, while potentially great, really struggle to be valuable given you can't easily parse what games are in stock. You can't just say "only show what is online & what are in my nearby stores". Probably 60-75% of these games in these massive lists are out of stock for shipping, and out of stock locally. It makes it a chore to find anything you'd want, much less 4 of them, much less enough if you wanted to get to a free shipping tier. It's a bummer.

675d ago Replies(1)

10 Best Halo Games

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - There are many games in the famous Halo Franchise that are stellar titles and need to be revered. And some that do not. These games stand out from the crowd and deluge of colossal Halo titles. Games that made Halo great. We do need to iron out what qualifies the game for this list. They have to be in the Halo franchise… Obviously.

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746d ago
746d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot746d ago

Halo CE over Halo Infinite anyday

Not to mention the impact it had at the time

Flawlessmic746d ago

Halo 3 at the top is correct the only thing id change is swap infinite and halo ce around.

AuraAbjure746d ago

Halo 4 best campaign and multiplayer. Halo 3 best story.

ChubbyBlade745d ago

Are you trying to give people cancer?

AuraAbjure744d ago (Edited 744d ago )

Halo 4 has the hottest Cortana too which explains why the MC is the hardest in that campaign and why H4's multiplayer is the illest. Chief ain't afraid to take on teleporting enemies that can one hit melee kill.

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