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Community3151d ago
madmonkey013151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

looks good, i wasnt a fan of beyond two souls but loved heavy rain, hope this is good and unique too.

Genuine-User3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

kara + Humans + Ex Machina = Detroit

amiga-man3151d ago

The KARA demo made such an impact, it was an obvious choice to build his next game around it.

DevilOgreFish3151d ago

I thought this trailer was very much like Ex Machina, but then again i thought Ex Machina was like the Kara tech demo which came first. looks great.

PreAtaric3151d ago

I laughed when he said the city was Detroit but it does make sense.

I'm just glad the Kara video is being made into a game after all!

FATAL1TY3151d ago

Looks amazing

PS4 wins, fatality -_-

ABizzel13151d ago

AWFUL name, they should have just named it Kara.

But I can't wait for this.

BLizardXD3151d ago

Looks alright, i was expecting to see the quality of the sorcerer tech demo return.

AngelicIceDiamond3151d ago

Is this in game!? This looks epic.

Relientk773151d ago

I loved Ex Machina and this looks frigging awesome

b163o13151d ago

QD final sells pitch to Sony lol, seriously Sony needs to buy this studio. B2S, probably slowed the process of acquiring them, but you can't deny the quality of games.

3151d ago
Testfire3151d ago

Hell freakin yes! Tune to start saving for a PS4.

Minimox163151d ago

Those faces o_O! and facial expressions! OMG!

NukaCola3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

It's got hints of Ex Machina, Blade Runner, and AI in here. I like it!

Was Heavy Rain's Shelby yelling at the android at 1:51?

linkenski3151d ago

Yeah, I really wanna say they're copying Ex Machina but their idea actually came first.

(but the whole idea of synthetic life and AIs is really classic sci-fi stuff anyway)

3151d ago
AliTheSnake13151d ago

Kara looks like that girl from the tv show "the following"

Valorie Curry.

ChickenOfTheCaveMan3151d ago

I wasn't sure but when I saw her/it being built..instant smile! I'm not sure the Kara demo had a clear direction but they seem to have built a wonderful story around it. Just after Ex Machina, great timing.

That's like Ex Machina a few years in the future, there's a commercial usage of the robots but there's loose canon in the bunch and it can impact the others, for good or evil/extinction of the human race, great premise.

BLizardXD3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

@ taco

Consider the disagrees as dislikes. There's no denying the facts about Andy Serkis and his studio. His work on the planet of the apes movies were great. And the face scans are pretty impressive for Star Citizen.

Testfire3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

@ Taco, what the hell are you on about? All I see is comments about it looks good/great/amazing. I don't see anything about it's the best looking game ever or the facial tech is the best ever. Calm down and stop trying to crap on other people's parade.

And yeah there is hype, you know why? When the Kara tech demo was released it was so emotional, and presented so many possibilities for a great game/story that we have been wanting it for years. We were told there wasn't going to be a game and now out of nowhere we find out there is, so yeah, hype is through the roof.

Bathyj3151d ago

Thats because it is her.

So youre saying they should have chose their next project based on the fact a PS4 demo looks better graphically than a PS3 demo? And youre serious right?

Kara struck an emotional cord with many gamers and David Cage felt it was a story he wanted to tell. Thats why theyre making the game. What does graphic quality of two tech demos which is obviously going to be better on newer hardware have to do with it?

And the Star Citizen comparison? Who cares? Youre trying too hard.

saywat2473151d ago

that girl is a real actress she was in the fox show the following with kevin bacon

Eonjay3151d ago


My PC is more powerful than my PS4 and I can say that I have never seen anything with this level of fidelity and attention to detail running in engine on my PC... unless it was a trailer for Detroit for PS4. But seriously, the graphics and art direction are incredible.

DevilOgreFish3151d ago

They made a wise choice picking the ps3 demo kara as the next subject. better to make this into a game than to have people wishing it was. And there's no point in debating which tech they should have picked because the two demos ran on the same engine.

Eonjay3151d ago


There is still a chance that we will get the other demo as a game too. This proves its possible.

SniperControl3150d ago


You are comparing a PS4 exclusive game to a PC exclusive game, those SC shots were no doubt taken from a monster rig PC, even then Detroit looks bloody amazing, this is coming from a PC gamer with a high end rig.

hesido3150d ago (Edited 3150d ago )

@Taco: A city full of people looks slightly less detailed in places, to a demo with 3 characters on screen inside an enclosed environment. Congratulations of spotting the difference!

(Btw, the wizard demo which had time constraints for making it to the how was missing dynamic normal mapping for wrinkles, which Beyond Two Souls had, so I'm guessing this one will have it)

Also, here's some rain drops for you guys to enjoy:

RedDevils3150d ago (Edited 3150d ago )

Yes I've been waiting for this, first day buy if there a special edition I buy it too lol

frostypants3150d ago (Edited 3150d ago )

@Taco, you're comparing design renders that will require an ungodly expensive GPU to run in-engine smoothly (if that level of detail even makes it into the game) to a running demo on a $350 console. Talk about comparing apples to purple monkeys. Are you familiar with Chris Roberts games? They invariably run like garbage on all but very high end hardware, BECAUSE they are so graphically aggressive.

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starchild3151d ago

This should be awesome. I really enjoyed Heavy Rain. I love this kind of subject even more.

starchild3151d ago

I've owned a PS4 for a long time, almost since launch. Or were you talking about yourself buying one?

-Foxtrot3151d ago

Holy shit they did Kara as a game

OB1Biker3151d ago

Exactly what I thought. thats a megaton on its own. Just awesome!

nveenio3151d ago

Of course they did. Letting that go would have been a crime against art itself.

ColonelHugh3151d ago

FFVII, shenmue, TLG, a game from Kara demo. What's next, Sony saved P.T.?

OT: I am REALLY interested in seeing the philosophy and morals of this game after all they've accomplished before. Their games have always been more on the cerebral side of entertainment, with melancholy tones that make you feel what you experience rather than see it.

Moe-Gunz3151d ago

If you haven't played Indigo Prophecy you should.

DarkOcelet3151d ago

Great game until it turned into Matrix though.

BlackTar1873151d ago

Amazing game and like said below until it turned into some elaborate Xfile season 6 nonsense.

LordMaim3151d ago

Fantasic game, as long as you turn it off 10 minutes before the end and just make up whatever ending you want.

Palitera3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

That's because, differently than the very tense Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls plays itself and, no matter how much you try to change the story, usually there is only one forced outcome, making the majority of the gameplay a series of quick times events without any impact on the story whatsoever.

I hope they learned and surely will check it out for myself!

Thatguy-3103151d ago

No force outcome in Heavy Rain. Not sure what you played. That game had so many outcomes for each individual character that you controlled which affected the overall story. I'm hoping this game follows the same steps as heavy rain an offer that variety.

The 10th Rider3151d ago


I think you misunderstood, he's saying that Beyond Two Souls had forced outcomes and lack of genuine player choices, unlike Heavy Rain (which didn't.)

freshslicepizza3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

the technology is not there to allow total freedom while conveying emotion. that's why his games struggle at being games. he is more interested in creating a timeline in which you follow a set path, this way the engine allows the emotion to come through. the trouble is he is not a very good writer.

it used to be done with cutscnese, now we are seeing games that have a limited amount of actions presented to the player to feel as though they are the ones controlling the story, which isn't true. so until we get artificial intelligence that is able to learn as we play we will continue to be stuck with forced paths and clunky mechanics while admiring the beauty of the screen.

user99502793151d ago

so is this the sort of game that can be played or one of those narrative-focused choice-based dealies? if its full open world detroit that would be badaz.

Veneno3148d ago

I would like to explore those abandoned houses or maybe a robot factory :)

timmyp533151d ago


Come on bro give cred where cred is due.

kenshiro1003151d ago

Holllllly craaaaap this looks incredible.

showtimefolks3151d ago

this is kind of unfair now, sony is just flexing it's development muscle now and we still have PlayStation event coming up

i hope this game is more inline with heavy rain than beyond 2 souls. also i hope that david cage actually has some gameplay other than QTE(i am a huge david cage fan but his games lack in gameplay department)

either way i can't wait to play this

Veneno3148d ago

It will be interesting to see where Detroit lies. Unless you play as multiple characters it will be more challenging to make it as varied as Heavy Rain, which is where Beyond 2 Souls suffered a bit.

keki3150d ago

i'll leave the original was on ps3 demo tech

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Mikefizzled3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

I know Robocop when I see it. Can't fool me, Cage.

miyamoto3151d ago ShowReplies(7)
Mikefizzled3151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

Are you really making fun of Xbox, something entirely unrelated, when I was making a light hearted joke about a robot in Detroit?

I don't get this website sometimes.

amiga-man3151d ago

Yeah I think he missed the joke, Never mind have a bubble.

The 10th Rider3151d ago

The sad thing is the number of agrees he got.

TricksterArrow3151d ago

I think Ex Machina comes to mind, maybe even A.I.

Not RoboCop, though.

T2X3151d ago

Actually, If you didn't tell me what this was, I would swear it was a sequel for the film Ex Machina. Right down to her escaping into the world to experience freedom. Also, if anyone digs that concept, check out the TV show Humans as it is pretty much the same exact idea. Can't wait!

LeCreuset3151d ago


Robocop takes place where? Get it now?

3151d ago
TricksterArrow3151d ago


I didn't get it because I don't see any similarities other than where it takes place...

LeCreuset3151d ago

@raiden11 and TricksterArrow

You two are way overthinking a throw away joke. Don't be that guy/gal.

maniacmayhem3150d ago

I actually thought AI also.

andibandit3150d ago


Theres nothing to get, Robocop and this game are worlds apart, and the comparison was the funny part.

Mikefizzled3150d ago

The key thing that is that I haven't seen Ex Machina. Looks good though.

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Bathyj3151d ago

I'd buy that for a dollar.

3150d ago
specialguest3150d ago

Hey careful there! You used a Robocop reference and you might offend some enough to lash out at you about your joke lol

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Thatguy-3103151d ago (Edited 3151d ago )

Amazing!!!! Glad they're taking on the Kara story. Really emotional driven concept. Valorie gives an outstanding performance and actually makes you sympathize for the character. Really loved the tech demo so seeing a full blown continuation of the story gave me chills.

SpaceRanger3151d ago

Exclusive and exclusive after exclusive…this is ridiculous Sony! I am beyond excited for Detroit. I was taken away with the Kara demo years ago. It's so great to hear they kept it.

This is what the company holding a 50% market share gets its players, and I am beyond satisfied.

TheGreatGamer3151d ago

"This is what the company holding a 50% market share gets its players, and I am beyond satisfied."

Market share has nothing to do with this relationship between Playstation and Qunatic Dream so you can stop beating your chest. Their relationship came about when Microsoft refused to publish Heavy rain due to the child kidnapping plot and Sony got behind them (A VERY good move) but nevertheless, saying it's about market share is just spreading fanboy lies.

SpaceRanger3151d ago

"Market share has nothing to do with this relationship between Playstation and Qunatic Dream"

I never said that? Sony announcing exclusive after exclusive is the result of a high market share is what I used it in context with. How is it a "fanboy" lie? Am I not allowed as a consumer to enjoy what they have to offer from their continued success? Nothing about what I said is being a fanboy.

Look at least I'm not on any Halo articles talking about how divided the fanbase is on the new story line.

Letthewookiewin3151d ago

TheGreat shouldn't you be playing your new Xbox 360 game today. Can't remember the name what with all this incredible Sony news and all.

LeCreuset3151d ago

"Am I not allowed as a consumer to enjoy what they have to offer from their continued success?"

You're not allowed to acknowledge sales matter, anymore, among other things. Because simple truths shatter fragile feelings.

fallacious3151d ago

says the fanboy with master chef as their profile pic

kenshiro1003150d ago

Uh, no it's a combination of market share and the fact Sony welcomes innovation better than Microsoft.

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Ben Dover3151d ago

Love it! What is it like to be human? Definitely a serious question which will be answered through a game!

andibandit3150d ago

Imagine ingame, she creates an account on N4G, and starts trolling.

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Detroit: Become Human has sold more than 8 million copies

Quantic Dream has sent Gamereactor a press release stating that Detroit: Become Human now has sold more than 2,5 million copies on PC, making it surpass 8 million across all platforms.

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Community511d ago
Nerdmaster511d ago

That's great. Quantic Dream took everything they learned from their past games and built the most refined, coherent and interesting game and story yet. I even bought it on both PS4 and PC.

Seraphim511d ago

I preferred Beyond Two Souls. Still, Detroit was an exceptional experience just like Heavy Rain. Definitely happy to see the game has sold well over the years.

Fist4achin511d ago

Beyond was outstanding. Their other games were great, but BTS was my favorite so far.

CrimsonIdol511d ago (Edited 511d ago )

It took them nearly 5 years to accomplish that compared to a game that's just come out. Willing to bet a majority of those sales were heavily discounted too. Quantic Dream games were always heavily spruiked by Sony as exclusive graphical showpieces for the Playstation, so I'm sure that helped out too.

For reference the original Dead Space sold 2 Million over its lifetime, so some new IP from a new studio approaching that in its first year or so really isn't that bad.

sagapo511d ago

Great game, really enjoyed this one.

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Best Player Decision-Based Games You Should Check Out

Interested in learning more info about player decision-based video games? This compounded list of games offers some of the best choices.

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Detroit: Become Human Surpasses 6.5 Million Units Sold

PSU writes: "Detroit: Become Human has surpassed 6.5 million units sold, between both PS4 and PC, after hitting the six million mark last July."

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Community815d ago
NecrumOddBoy816d ago (Edited 816d ago )

Nice. This is a must play and by far the best of QD’s titles (although I have huge love for Heavy Rain).

ApocalypseShadow816d ago

Agreed. This was a very good game. But I guess I love the genre that deals with humans and android like Almost Human which was cool watched in order but was cancelled, Humans, Ex Machina, I Robot, etc. I watch them all.

Cage definitely got this one right. It goes over similar material as other TV, movies and books, but it was put together well. Glad it sold.

S2Killinit815d ago

There is a very interesting show on HBO for you. Its called “raised by wolves”

porkChop815d ago

Almost Human was great. Yet another show that Fox killed with their meddling. I remember the show took two separate 2-3 week breaks in the middle of the season, just a couple episodes apart.

TallDarknWavy815d ago

This was a massive missed opportunity. Instead of really exploring the narrative that AI will one day replace humans, David Cage instead made a racism and slavery allegory with some of his dumbest writing to date. Just like all Cage games, he has the most condescending view of homeless people, who always have some secret society going on and are simultaneously the most moral, upstanding, ethical people, especially compared to anyone with money or power, who are cartoonishly bad. We get it Cage, you're a communist.

shadowT816d ago

love this game, Played it so many times and always got different endings. Even the main story line keeps the same, your actions and decisions can create a whole new plot.

816d ago
Godmars290815d ago

And? By all counts Quantic Dream/David Cage imploded their own reputation.

815d ago
Orchard815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

To this day, I am still very surprised that Sony did not buy Quantic. Especially after the HR, Beyond and Detroit era. Perhaps they tried but weren’t successful.

And now they’re off making multi-plats. Interested to see how their new title is.

CaptainHenry916815d ago

The same way I feel about Microsoft not buying Remedy 😁

Orchard815d ago

I’m glad that didn’t happen. The Microsoft back then is not the Microsoft of today, it would’ve limited their creativity and ultimately ruined Remedy.

A Remedy acquisition by Epic seems more likely nowadays.

SullysCigar815d ago

^ they didn't even need to buy Remedy to achieve that. See: CrossfireX

CaptainHenry916815d ago (Edited 815d ago )


I guess you're right. Crossfire X is definitely one of the worse games I have ever played. I couldn't even finish the game.

815d ago
Orchard815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

@SullysCigar That hasn’t ruined Remedy though, most people associate CFX with SmileGate, not Remedy, and they still have a good reputation and will continue to have creative freedom - I have high hopes for AW2.

@CaptainHenry God, if you think CFX is one the worst games, you should try out some of the games that scored even lower than it :p I recommend Ride to Hell 😂

Knightofelemia815d ago


You will probably see Remedy snatched up by Tencent before Epic even makes or considers making a move on Remedy.

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TheCaptainKuchiki815d ago

Quantic Dream didn't want to be purchased. Y'all act like a company can buy another anytime and without their approval.

kneon815d ago

If they are publicly traded then you can try, but QD is private company and are free to reject an offer for any reason, or no reason at all.

CrimsonWing69815d ago

Thank god they didn’t or anything from them would be censored worse than Indigo Prophecy was back in the day.

Godmars290815d ago

Likely because they don't have a sustained, ongoing IP. Something that could be done as a trilogy or series.

"The Microsoft back then is not the Microsoft of today,"

MS has really yet to show that they've changed.

815d ago
815d ago
Godmars290815d ago


"Ori alone is more unique than the naughty dog clones and map marker open world trash sony craps out."

You put one indie title MS bought into after the fact of its popularity then made a co-op sequel against the entity of a Sony 1st-2nd party studio, and *I'm* the one in some kind of worship bubble?

As for console wars? There are none.

Nintendo's doing its own, low tech, thing, MS is more concerned with streaming than hardware, buying over making games and, as you said, Sony's more focused on open world action/drama.

Its really all about branding at this point and MS is struggling for something other than subscription online multiplayer when all they've done is subscription online multiplayer, as they transition to subscription gaming.

P_Bomb815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

“Ori alone is more unique than the naughty dog clones and map marker open world trash sony craps out. Maybe get out of ur sony n4g worshipping mentality…”

Um, Detroit: Become Human thread?

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Christopher815d ago

With how long they take to make games and how long they take to reach 6.5m sold with AAA budgets and being multiplatform, I can see why they didn't.

Orchard815d ago

Those are fair points. I guess back in the day I just assumed they’d end under Sony and they didn’t.

gamer7804815d ago

I love QD but I like new ip and story so I’m a bit disappointed there are making a Star Wars game.

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815d ago
porkChop815d ago

Hell no. This is the one with the least amount of plot holes and red herrings.

babadivad814d ago

Why did Todd tell you to put down food for the child?

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