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Metal Gear Solid V - "I Will Never Play it Again"

TheArabGamer writes: "After beating a Metal Gear Solid game I usually tend to feel satisfied enough to comeback. Metal Gear Solid V is the first MGS game that doesn't make me want to come back at all. At times I wish it never even existed."

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RashBandicoot3168d ago
Kalebninja3168d ago

Guess what. No one cares. This just seems like an attempt to get other people to not play the game. You may not have enjoyed it because of the way you approached the game. You don't want to listen to the tapes yet you judge the story and you refuse to accept that it's not what you expected it to be. Stop b**ching about how the game isn't exactly how you pictured it in your fan fiction. The game was good, the story makes sense, the combat is great.

And here's a thing about the combat. Because you don't even take the time to actually figure out the combat system, there are several ways to take out every enemy. You're only upset because you choose to just blow things up and claim it as being the games fault.

It honestly sounds like you didn't even bother with Quiets story considering you say there was no character development.

_-EDMIX-_3167d ago

100% agreed. The game is what you make of it. No other MGS has ever given soooo much options on how you beat a level.

This is beyond anything any MGS has ever attempted. I enjoyed it a whole lot. I could care less about certain stuff with the story due to already knowing the outcome of Miller, Big Boss, Huey, Solid Snake etc.

The concept of the building of Foxhound happening in front of you had how the first Metal Gear was built imho is enough.

I loved Skullface, Quiet, Baby Mantis (yes..calling him that lol), I over all love this game, easily a MGS i will likely play a lot of over the years.

Freshcisco3167d ago

Thank you guys for thinking was I was thinking above with your comments. I'm so tired of people talking down about this game. If you don't like it don't play it no more.People stop comparing this game to the old metal game solid as well. The funniest part is people didn't like metal gear solid 4 as much because it had way too much cut scenes which didn't bother me. Now in the Phantom pain you get more gameplay and less cut scenes and people want more cut scenes. It's your fault. All the people who was complaining about too much cut scenes now we don't have as much in phantom pain .Lmao like seriously you can't please people. Just enjoy the ride and appreciate what you got in the game because this is the last one. V has come too!!!!

StanLee3167d ago (Edited 3167d ago )

I was ready to type the same "no one cares" sentiment when I saw the title but if you listen to the narrator, he's 100% correct and he makes great points. I feel and share in his sense of disappointment. Disappointment with the game has been well documented and it can feel like many are piling on but the narrator makes his case poignantly.

nowitzki20043167d ago

I love the game, but its a bit overrated. All the areas look really similar the missions are played really similarly. "How you approach a mission" Put him to sleep and hide the body, shoot him in the head and hide the body? Not really that many ways to approach a stealth mission.

I like variety and in gameplay and the map, MGSV has very little variety.

I got bored of it within the first few days have had more fun with Mad Max to be honest.

gosukyomomma3167d ago

Exactly the narrator is spot on in every point. only the previous MGS players who have played (and completed) every game up until 5 will understand. these MGS5 newbies that think this is the best game ever would never be able to even play the others. but i wish they would so they could see the quality of story telling and gameplay that made MGS so popular. then they would realise how weak 5 is as a MGS game

MysticStrummer3166d ago

"only the previous MGS players who have played (and completed) every game up until 5 will understand. these MGS5 newbies that think this is the best game ever would never be able to even play the others"

Such crap. I've played them all, love them all, and love this one. I'm not sure why you'd think MGS noobs who love this one couldn't play the others, since the others are so linear and it's obvious what needs to be done in most situations. If anything it would be the other way around and people who loved the others might have a tough time with this one...

Doodleburger3167d ago

A story made up of cassette tapes is no better than grimoire cards. Kojima spent so much time getting boobs, pooping, and himself in the game that he forgot to actually finish it on time. Now s konami's fault because they gave him multiple deadlines and budgets, and he broke every one of them. You people are idiots and cult members.

Loadedklip3167d ago

Did you pay attention to the video? Even if you disagree with him ... he at least presents his case very well. This is definitely not a troll attempt by the narrator. He establishes his issues and gives reasons for them as well as what could have been potentially better. His version of a final mission especially would have been mind blowing and far superior to what we got imo as well.

It's a great game no doubt ... but the potential for it to be even greater was there.

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RashBandicoot3168d ago

Quiet was a character? Seriously? She might be strong but you might as well replace her personality with a 2x4.

The Phantom Pain has its moments but they pale in comparison to the old MGS games.

MysticStrummer3167d ago

Opinions are fun. I disagree with yours wholeheartedly.

DarXyde3167d ago

It took me a while to warm up to Quiet but by the end of mission 45, she really earned my respect.

She is Quiet, the absence of words. That is her personality. The execution was a bit off through a portion of the game, but I found her character redeemed and mostly validated by endgame. No character is unanimously lauded, so Quiet critics are expected.

I'll abstain from being too expressive as the game is still relatively new and I don't want to indulge in spoilers, but, while imperfect, Quiet is not a bad character. If you don't want to play it again, that's on you. I thought the story was still behind Snake Eater but the gameplay is leagues beyond the other games. And I have to say that The Phantom Pain has some pretty intense moments. Moments that really make you feel a certain way. Cutscenes aside, I have some awesome videos of great moments while playing. In fact I've recorded so many that I have over 20 GB of "man, that was awesome" footage. I'm about 130 hours in and I'm still enjoying it a lot. Different strokes, but yeah, I have to disagree with you.

WilliamUsher3167d ago

I was pretty sure Vamp was unanimously lauded along with Eva and The Boss.

3167d ago
mgszelda13167d ago

More well thought out boss fights (such as skull face) and more cutscenes (I feel they were pressed for time though) would have sent this game over the moon.

DarXyde3166d ago (Edited 3166d ago )


I don't think my opinion offers much in the way of exaggeration. It's not like I tried to imply that what I said was factual. I honestly believe, as a pretty avid Metal Gear fan, The Phantom Pain has mechanics and gameplay that runs circles around its predecessors.

Are you going to offer much in the way of reasoning and explanation, or are you just going to attack me for being "hyperbolic"?


I don't know. The Boss was awesome, but I can live without Vamp. He was kind of an annoying character to me. One opinion I have that I'd consider unpopular is that I think Solidus was a cool villain. A bit cheesy, but I thought his cause and reasoning was admirable.

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twiggytree123167d ago

"replace her personality with a 2x4"

After reading that I instantly thought of this...

MysticStrummer3167d ago

Counterpoint - I'm over 180 hours and still not tired of it.

Bahamut3167d ago

Lol at the people disagreeing with you.

"I disagree with how you are enjoying the game."


81BX3167d ago

I disagreed because im tired of it already. Just waiting for the mp.

twiggytree123167d ago

Some people just can't handle the fact that someone else is enjoying something they have grown tired of.

Concertoine3167d ago


OR maybe they disagree and didn't enjoy the game as much. When you disagree with people who say they didn't enjoy the game, i could just as easily say:

"Some people can't handle the fact that someone else doesn't enjoy what you aren't tired of yet"

MysticStrummer3167d ago

I don't mind disagrees. No game is for everyone and some people have short attention spans or simply move on to other things faster. I just thought the title of the article was funny, and his response up there at #2 tells me he thinks his opinion is solid gold truth so I offered a short counterpoint. In the end neither opinion matters much.

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_-EDMIX-_3167d ago

come bro, you know your not liking it bro! /s

chiefdog113166d ago

Same here. 253 hrs and loving it.

Deadpool6163167d ago

Another opinion piece to stir up emotions for hits? I am shocked!

lightning_gundam3167d ago

I completely agree, i love MG but this is by far the worst MG i have played, the game is insanely boring and the boss battles are lame, they spent more time developing a complicated menu that character development.

_-EDMIX-_3167d ago

yes..having more options then any other MGS factually is boring /s.

Or...or maybe you kept doing the same things over and over again.

Vegamyster3167d ago

The gameplay isn't the issue, it's everything else lol. I got burnt out on it pretty quickly because the missions/world design are so bland.

seanpitt233167d ago (Edited 3167d ago )

Yes 8 hours in and not touched it for 2 weeks. Loved all the MG games but not this I just don't want to play it no more it's just boring take this target out, take this tank out. Free this prisoner etc... No story nothing! the best part was the beginning then that got a bit far fetched even for a Mgs game. I think this game is a love it or hate it game.

nowitzki20043167d ago

Im in the same exact boat. Cant stay interested in even 1 mission for too long before I shut it down.

Gatsu3167d ago

It has story, but it is done differently.

ion6663167d ago

So true. I bought Mad Max and MGS the same day. I had a blast with mad max but I just cant find time to finish MGS. I'm always like Meh maybe later. Then the Destiny expansion pack came out and I haven't seen Big Boss in weeks. MGS is a little too real with the recon. as I wait days like a Army Ranger sniper for my target. Up until till the moment I tell myself F this i'm going in guns blazing.

HmongAmerican3167d ago

Every open world games seem to adopt the same strategy. So I disagree. Every Assassin Creed game for example is by far the worst for doing the same thing in the game over and over. Thats is why I never bought any of them after playing with the first two installment in the series.

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MysticStrummer3167d ago

"this is by far the worst MG i have played"

MGS2 is still at the bottom of the list for me. Gameplay wise, MGS5 is easily the best imo. Though I agree the bosses are lackluster, the basic gameplay is stellar in my book. So many cool moments, and they were all spontaneously created by my actions and the AI's reaction to them, as opposed to being scripted. Story wise MGS5 is very different from the others, but the sparse storytelling doesn't bother me with this game any more than it does with the Souls series, which I love.

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15 Video Games With Realistic Injury Mechanics

Whether it's showcasing damage realistically or simulating fractures and conditions, these games are worth checking out.

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Community191d ago

The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies

The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies, as of September 2023.

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Community212d ago
Nyxus212d ago

Now we'll have to see how much the Master Collection will add to those numbers.

Number1TailzFan212d ago

Too bad it was a lazy release. They could've updated the visuals and everything. Missed opportunity.

Stanjara212d ago

...and yet, they couldn't give more respect and effort into the collection.
What a terrible company.

Minute Man 721212d ago (Edited 212d ago )

Are they counting every game?

Edit: they did

Nyxus212d ago

Yes, these are total lifetime sales of the entire series.

ApocalypseShadow211d ago

.... mostly with the help of PlayStation.

Michiel1989211d ago

Get that Sony tramp stamp while you're at it. No one asked


Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain Review

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is another rollercoaster of a game in the Metal Gear Solid series. Here's what to expect and why you need to experience it.

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Community228d ago
CrimsonWing69228d ago

Yea I don’t get why they’re allowing old reviews to be posted here. Someone did one on Soul Reaver and I got so excited thinking there was some stealth release of an HD Remaster, but no… it’s just someone who had a slow day posted an old review…

Cacabunga227d ago

I liked the game but for me it felt somehow like a military simulator rather than a proper MGS.. i got bored of that

micdagoat19227d ago

I do wish they would remaster all the soul reavers

micdagoat19227d ago

it was done this morning though

goldwyncq227d ago

The author was in a coma for 9 years and didn't get to play the game when it released.

Chocoburger228d ago

This review arrived just in time for launch. Perfect timing!

RupeeHoarder228d ago

Amazing how bad this game looks already. We keep acting like this gen doesn't feel like an update but I think we're starting to see it.

YourMommySpoils227d ago

Looks better than Starfield, Cyberpunk and most recent games out. Still fine.

RupeeHoarder227d ago

It most certainly does not lol.

andy85227d ago

Have you player Cyberpunk since the first day? It's absolutely stunning now

227d ago
1nsomniac227d ago

One of the worst games ever made. Absolute overhyped trash!

Snowb420227d ago

The gameplay was great. It was the tacked on open world and repetitive missions that messed the game up.

Shane Kim227d ago

The game started really strong in that hospital, but after a couple of hours I wondered if it was even an mgs game I was playing.

KyRo227d ago

The hospital section was the only bit that felt like a MGS game.

MGS4 was the ending for me. I totally ignore the fact 5 exists. It didn't need to exist tbh

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