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Halo 5 Guardians Xbox One Hands-On Tech Analysis/Frame-Rate Test [Work-In-Progress]

Digital Foundry:

Microsoft invited us to take a look at campaign and multiplayer on Halo 5 Guardians last week, and let's just say that as the game moves into the final furlong of development, it's looking really impressive.

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Genuine-User3182d ago
DarkOcelet3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

That is what i call incredible optimization. Excellent job 343i and hopefully the ones who buy the game enjoy it greatly :)

Genuine-User3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

I agree. Halo 5's performance is absolutely fantastic but dynamic resolution from 1152x810 to 1920x1080p is disappointing.

Here's hoping the final build is dynamic between 900p to 1080p because 1152x810 is really close to 720p.

DarkOcelet3182d ago

I am pretty sure that once you are in the game, you will most likely forget about the dynamic resolution and enjoy the content.

Genuine-User3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

I'm sure I'll enjoy the game regardless. But image quality is important to me.

4Sh0w3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

It's important to me also, I couldn't tell where it was or wasn't 1080p, can you? I mean seriously point out any time in that vid where the game looks less than beautiful, nope it looks freaking great throughout.

-Very, very impressive rock solid 60fps with gorgeous visuals, he said it drops a few frames a handful of times, I must have missed it 'cause it was at 60fps the whole time, even when there was heavy fighting and particle effects on screen.....and THAT is waaaay more important= gameplay, content, features, and performance, which is much more preferable to me than a check in the box hollow always 1080p game.

Great job 343.

Genuine-User3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

Youtube is not an adequate source for counting pixels or noticing dynamic resolution in my opinion.

I'm thoroughly impressed by the rock solid frame rate, even under heavy load, but I can't help but feel disappointed if some areas run slightly above 720p.

What's important to you, might not be as important to others.

Cueil3182d ago

it's likely you wont have even the slightest bit of time to care when it drops that low because hell hath hit the fan

gamertk4213182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

^^^true, would rather have res drop then chugging when the action gets nuts.

RiseofScorpio3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

Again you wouldn't be able to tell when its 1152x810 I'd wager. You claim your a huge Halo fan yet all I've ever seen you talk about was the pixels on screen.

"What's important to you, might not be as important to others"

Oh really? Important things such as gameplay, story and frame rate? Those take priority over what you ALLWAYS seem to talk about, not that I'm surprised or anything.

lastking953182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

I think you'd be too busy dodging rockets, gunfire and knocking elites heads off to notice a rock in the corner looks a bit blurry. Could you tell when it was 1080p and when it wasn't? No? Thought so. (Don't give that YT excuse)

Genuine-User3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

I can tell the difference between 1600x900 and 1920x1080 quite easily. What makes you think I won't notice resolution that's almost 720p?

Maybe you should check my comments history again. I have praised Halo quite a few times.

It's the very fan in me that hopes for the final build to run between 900-1080p. I guess being a fan can cause one to like things less.

Story, gameplay, graphical features and resolution are more important to me than 60fps. These take priority over what you or anyone else prefers.

Sometimes I wish I couldn't see the difference.

I know I'll thoroughly enjoy the game.

iistuii3181d ago

. If they didn't tell you this stuff you'd stick your disc in, say how amazing it looked & ran & that would be that. Then they come along & tell you the exact resolution & everyone gets upset. Tell you what, next huge game that's coming out, keep away from DF, play the game & then you tell me exactly what resolution it's running at, you wouldn't have a clue unless it was a PC & you set it yourself, nobody would. I was reading articles on this very site with people saying how amazing it looked, now they know the resolution all of a sudden it's not as good, very strange they let DF change their mind with a few numbers.. Never will either console have a huge AAA game running at both 1080/60, they are both not up to it at this stage & maybe never will be, the sooner people accept this & play their games the better..

Locknuts3181d ago

Either spend on a decent gaming PC or get used to it mate. These consoles can't handle 1080p at a locked 60fps in most cases.

apostolis813181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

If you like so much 'numbers' in resolution buy a PC and not a console mate. In my point of view I can't see the difference in dynamic resolution when I play epic games like Halo. Thus either you are a tech freak or a Ps4 troll.

Cheers, and enjoy gaming!

p.s resolution is not native it's upscaled to 1080p all the time :)

NatFanBoyRestricted3181d ago

Your full of it. When there's bullets and lasers flying all over the place, and stuff blowing up, you won't notice a thing. Frame rate's what everyone notice from when it's calm to a war zone.

Genuine-User3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )


Not at all. I'm actually disappointed and rather surprised by how similar it looks to Halo 4. I expected a bigger leap in graphical fidelity for Halo 5.

My stance has been consistent. This game is not a looker.


I predominantly played on a PC/PS3 up until the launch of current-gen hardware. I'm not too fussed about 60fps, but I appreciate good image quality and decent graphical features.


That's great for you. Unfortunately for me, I can see the difference quite clearly. I don't really want to invest in a better PC right now, and most of my favourite games are exclusive.

I'm neither a tech freak or a troll. And you should be careful in characterising others.


I won't notice a thing because of its gameplay? What a ridiculous thing to say.

Azzanation3181d ago

Games can still look fantastic under 1080p. I game on PC 90% of the time and I can tell you that res isn't everything. Ryse on the X1 wasn't 1080p yet that game looked absolutely amazing, better then anything I had on PC at 1080p. The game is only as good as its gameplay not the visuals.

TheHaloGuy3181d ago

Dude just get out of here. Critiscize important things like lack of split screen, btb and a classic playlist.

This resolution shit is soo tired and beat to hell.

Genuine-User3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )


I agree with you. My disappointment is not related to your suggestion.


Maybe you should read the title again? It's a 'technical analysis'.

I'm expressing what I feel are its technical shortcomings. Split screen doesn't concern me.

Why are you even here? You clearly don't seem to care about the technicalities of any given game.

Maybe it's you who should "just get out of here".

Rookie_Monster3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Not a single frame drop. Awesome work 343i!! For me, Dynamic Resolution + stabled 60fps > 1080p + fluctuatin FPS or 30fps or using cheat techniques like Black Borders with 30fps to falsely claimed 1080p for a genre like shooter is important to many people or the majority.

But hey, different strokes for different folks.

nveenio3181d ago

810 is as close to 900 as 720. Even when multiplied out for actual pixel count, the difference is negligible. I think what you can take away from the dynamic resolution is that the game will have fewer pixels when you're less likely to be paying attention to detail, and more pixels when you're more likely notice them.

indyman77773181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

I hate hypocrites, when xbox players compare xbox one to wii u, the graphics matter. BUT! They say WHY would you want call of duty on wiiu! The graphics arent there! But when it comes to their graphics being inferior, they say. It does not matter you can't tell the difference between 900, and 1080, and now 810.

Irrational hypocrites. Graphics only matter when your ahead huh. I'm going to play halo5 and I'm going to enjoy it, AND wish it had better graphics because. I'm not going to not notice it. WHY? I also play to PS4, and will not forget the level of graphics just because I turned on a different machine.

I hate all kinds of ostriches.

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Bigpappy3181d ago

Halo5will be a great game because the people working on it love the game, and have put everything the have (talent; work; money) to make it great.

3-4-53181d ago

Halo 5 is going to be a lot of fun it looks like.

PistolsAtDawn3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

This game looks amazing on every level...and every time we hear more about it, the better it sounds. I've never been hyped for a Halo more than this one.

Extremely impressive how well this game is handling, esp considering all the particle effects, and amount of different things going on, all at a quick speed. It's not a slow paced adventure game or that makes the performance even that much more impressive.

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AizenSosuke3182d ago

It's running very well so far and best of luck people.

Davi1233181d ago

How i know you like the PS4 as the Xbone.
I want to make you a honest question.
Why they are so hyped about Halo 5?
If we look for example to Killzone SF, released 2 years ago, looks the same. Even it better. The cutscenes in compared with the first Halos are mediocre. And its a 343 game!... Why? No trolling. I just want to understand.

AizenSosuke3179d ago

Halo is just known to be an good experience overall with a rich universe to explore.

christocolus3182d ago

Awesome job 343i. Can't wait to jump into the campaign and then into WARZONE.

Oct 27 : )

KingKionic 3182d ago

Fantastic as expected. Not one single hitch in performance.

The scale of this games campaign with the amoutn of enemeis on and massive levels at 60 fps has never been done on consoles liek this.

I applauded turn 10 for forza 6 with its 60 fps locked performance and i do it again here with halo 5.

The 60 fps sensation continues.

GrimmQuiorra3182d ago

"Dynamic resolution from 1152x810 to 1920x1080p" gen indeed.

OC_MurphysLaw3182d ago

I think you left out the locked at 60fps

GrimmQuiorra3182d ago

No. Purposely chose not to mention it because the dynamic resolution caught my eye.

I game on PC, so 60 FPS is not a selling point for me. Sorry.


StanLee3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

If you game on PC and can maintain a rock solid 60 FPS, your rig costs more than my Xbox One and PS4 combined. So forgive me, I'll keep my consoles and you can enjoy your marginally better better FPS with crashes, bugs and bad ports.

awi59513182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )


Thats not true stanlee if you have a pc with a gpu slot a 150 dollar gpu will let you play on high to max settings at 1080P @60fps. I bought 2 150 dollar cards have them in crossfire and games like Battlefield 4 runs at 100 fps @ 1080P ultra. I think my resolution is holding me back looking at buying a 1440P monitor soon.

NatFanBoyRestricted3181d ago


What cards exactly did you get at $150 a piece to push Bf4 in crossfire?

FlexLuger3181d ago


"Thats not true stanlee if you have a pc with a gpu slot a 150 dollar gpu will let you play on high to max settings at 1080P @60fps."

Of course its true. Throw in the cost of a mother board, a descent CPU. hard drives, a monitor, case, PSU, cooling, keyboard, mouse and you are closer to a thousand bucks, if your cheaping out.either one of my PCs costed more than a thousand bucks to build.

awi59513178d ago


I got a sale on 280x 3gb cards i bought 2 of them. Also the 270x can max or run on high if it has alot of vram like the 4gb models.

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3182d ago Replies(1)
yarbie10003182d ago

Have fun waiting on it to come to PC then

GrimmQuiorra3182d ago

Oh. I'm on a Halo article so that means I'm dying to play it. Completely forgot.

This logic is solid and I like it.

FlexLuger3181d ago


Crapy sarcasm and denial = trolling...If you are not here out of interest in thegame you are obviously here to try and piss on it. Sucks for you then , that its gonna kill the reviews like forza 6.

3182d ago Replies(1)
Kavorklestein3182d ago

If you game on PC then why are you even commenting about an XB1 Exclusive?

Don't worry tho! I'm sure the PC version which doesn't exist runs at a WAY higher resolution! Enjoy your 4k black screen. This is an xb1 only title and it looks more fun than most games coming anytime soon on any other platform- regardless of resolution.

I mean I shouldn't even be replying to something so blatantly stupid, but I gotta stoop to your level and hope it makes some kinda sense, cuz you definitely dont.

Have a nice day, troll.

GrimmQuiorra3182d ago (Edited 3182d ago )

All this name calling makes it too obvious.

Your feelings are hurt. It's ok. I'm here for you.

Kavorklestein3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Oh yeah.. since saying you're a troll is "name calling"

It's more like a label with you and your kind.

It's not that I'm offended, it's that I wanted to point out how bashing a game your BELOVED PC will never get to render, makes your snarky comment even MORE unfounded than it already was.

I don't need pats on the back or shoulders to cry on, after all I will be getting this game on day one and that is something I have been looking forward to since Halo 5 was announced.

I could care less if this game gets hated on by people that wouldn't know a good game if it shit on their chest and asphyxiated them with a mouse cord.

I typically enjoy a good game, whatever system it's on, but I surely don't make fun of the resolutions of a platform, especially if it's THE ONLY WAY A GAME CAN BE PLAYED... which last time I checked, is what being platform exclusive entails.

PC's are great, but PC doesn't get Halo 5 so your comment is pointless.

Your "I game on PC" comment is more or less like Kanye West saying: "I'mma let you finish, but Half Life 2 was one of the best games of all time!"

(Half Life 2 was great) But this is an article about
an Xbox one exclusive and it's resolution and framerate.
The only way the PC becomes part of this conversation is when someone mentions streaming it to PC via Xbox One and Windows 10.

(Which I'm guessing you probably hate Windows 10 too because it's attempting to get you to OWN the games you play- Like a NORMAL and DECENT person.)

Have a nice life, and next time try being less hateful and snarky.
I had nothing bad to say to you until you showed no logic and chose to be PURPOSEFULLY inflammatory.

Anyway- enough of me wasting my life on you.
After all, this kind of reaction is CLEARLY what you were going for so I'm done giving you that pathetic satisfaction.

Cueil3182d ago

*shrugs* I wish PC games had dynamic resolutions it would make a much better game play experience

sammarshall1023181d ago

Well you left out huge levels with vertical gameplay, 60 FPS, PBR, and 4 player co-op

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

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Remove 343 and dev tags as this is about the games not actually about the studio
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kingnick454d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub454d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91454d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris454d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer453d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris453d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol


GameStop Kicks Off Four Pre-Owned Games For $20 Sale

Daily Video Game writes: "GameStop is running a new pre-owned game sale on over 1000 pre-owned games that offers four pre-owned ($9.99 or less) games for $20 across multiple gaming platforms right now, including PS3 and Xbox 360!"

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roadkillers694d ago

I mean, the deal is alright… Unfortunately for me the Serious S doesn’t have a disk drive and unfortunately for Gamestop a lot of those games are on or have been on Gamepass/PSNow.

Sgt_Slaughter695d ago

Given the nature of backwards compatibility on new systems, this is a great sale in case you missed out on some gems from last gen.

Mandingo2020695d ago

Most of the games on Xbox are on game pass. The Switch games in this sale are trash c'mon farming simulator that's laughable. The PS4 games should be cheaper. I can't wait for the GameStop going out of business liquidation sale.

neutralgamer1992695d ago

Seriously man I don't get the hate on GS and I guess you want even less options and give more control to the publishers

And you want thousands of people to lose their jobs because you don't like a company. One thing I have noticed is how most who hate on GS haven't shopped at the actual stores in years. Many who hate on GS have also done so listening to others negative stories or experiences. People on YT want clicks and hating on GS is the cool thing

SurgicalMenace694d ago

It's not people's hate that would lose people's jobs, it's the shady business practices of the company. So what you're saying is that because people work there individuals should just support what they don't want to? Sound advice; Hitler too had supporters, employees, and advocates but people go around hating him too. They only hate because of other people's bad stories or experiences; they only spoke bad about him because they wanted attention. It's been decades; lets give his way another go. With your logic anything could be made to sound good.🤷🏾‍♂️

neutralgamer1992694d ago


Seriously you used Hitler as an example to say company has shady practices

You don't have to shop at GS there are many other retailers. I shop there and vast majority of my experiences have been positive and most of the employees are super nice

SurgicalMenace694d ago

Just having some fun, bro.🤣🤣

Mandingo2020694d ago

There are other places to work besides GS. Plus, their benefits are trash so why not work somewhere else?

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REDGUM695d ago

And none of those game you speak of you actually own as they are digital not physical & would cost more than $20 as the subscription costs more than that.

Mandingo2020694d ago (Edited 694d ago )

You know you can get game pass ultimate codes for the low on cdkeys or g2a right? You don't need to have a subscription 😂. GS is trash and I'd rather support the mom and pop game store here instead.

BlackTar187694d ago

Why are you people so full of hate? GameStop gives people jobs and provides a physical appearance to see things in the flesh and not just some soulless online experience.

Mandingo2020694d ago

You can get physical at mom and pop game stores plus you can get it online. GS is trash

neutralgamer1992694d ago

Because Mom and Pop shops cost two to three times more for the same product Angie the answer

BlackTar187694d ago (Edited 694d ago )

Mom and pop stores cost more and have even harder time competing against the internet. Also lie to me and tell you have a couple mom and pop stores near you selling games then lie and tell me you shop there.

IanTH695d ago

These sales, while potentially great, really struggle to be valuable given you can't easily parse what games are in stock. You can't just say "only show what is online & what are in my nearby stores". Probably 60-75% of these games in these massive lists are out of stock for shipping, and out of stock locally. It makes it a chore to find anything you'd want, much less 4 of them, much less enough if you wanted to get to a free shipping tier. It's a bummer.

694d ago Replies(1)

10 Best Halo Games

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - There are many games in the famous Halo Franchise that are stellar titles and need to be revered. And some that do not. These games stand out from the crowd and deluge of colossal Halo titles. Games that made Halo great. We do need to iron out what qualifies the game for this list. They have to be in the Halo franchise… Obviously.

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-Foxtrot765d ago

Halo CE over Halo Infinite anyday

Not to mention the impact it had at the time

Flawlessmic765d ago

Halo 3 at the top is correct the only thing id change is swap infinite and halo ce around.

AuraAbjure765d ago

Halo 4 best campaign and multiplayer. Halo 3 best story.

ChubbyBlade764d ago

Are you trying to give people cancer?

AuraAbjure763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Halo 4 has the hottest Cortana too which explains why the MC is the hardest in that campaign and why H4's multiplayer is the illest. Chief ain't afraid to take on teleporting enemies that can one hit melee kill.

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