
Blood Bowl 2 Interview (GameWatcher)

Despite some irritating quirks - it was harder to navigate than London at rush hour, the real-time aspect was sort of clunky and awkward, and the AI could be frustratingly dim-witted – Cyanide’s 2009 board game adaptation Blood Bowl was actually pretty fun, and packed full of the ridiculous, over-the-top character that makes Warhammer so lovable. Flawed but enjoyable, would be my verdict. From what we’ve seen from Blood Bowl 2 so far, Cyanide seems to be working hard at remedying some of the most common complaints, and introducing a layer of TV sports channel polish to complement the on-field gore. I grabbed a quick chat with lead game designer Gauthier Brunet, to find out what the team has in store for the upcoming sequel.

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Community3186d ago

Blood Bowl: A Riveting Fusion of Fantasy and Football

Games Workshops' Blood Bowl debuted in 1986, and since has seen numerous updates, re-releases and video game spin-offs.

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Community150d ago

Multi-Genre Games That Hit Just The Right Mix

BLG writes: "Some things are better together like french fries and ketchup and of course peanut butter and jam. But this isn’t Masterchef. We talk about games here and recently, we’ve been thinking specifically about games that like to mix things up, specifically, multi-genre games."

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Community761d ago

5 Tactical Games for People Who Hate Them

KeenGamer: "These are 5 tactical games you should be playing, even if you hate the genre. The tactical genre has had some great games released the last few years, and these games offer something a bit more than just rewarding and tactical gameplay. Whether that’s unique settings, great stories, or interesting gameplay, there is bound to be something here that catches your eye."

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KillBill982d ago

Completely off the mark, games listed don't entice non-tactical gamers to enjoy them.

Games with good story and free movement outside of combat are the tactical games that entice players that don't usually like tactical games. Games like Wasteland 3, and Mutant Year Zero can really entice you into the tactical play games. As well hard tactical games like Gears Tactics which has a great story. Or non-stereotypical tactical games like The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.

I used to hate tactical games and have learned to love them because of the right game to play.

Teflon02982d ago

Valkyria chronicle is the only one on that list I somewhat like for being different and I hate Tactical games. Those aren't convincing anyone to play though. My biggest issue with them is that they're all just combat. If you want to get into them or play something with tactical elements that can get you into it. South Park Fractured but whole, Trails of Cold Steel/trails in the sky, or games that give elements, Then play the games more and more like them, then actual ones. I actually don't mind it for a combat system. But absolutely hate how the whole gameplay is exactly that most of the time. I'm not going to play a game that's basically all just combat. It's like turn based RPGs, they're great because the gameplay loop isn't just turn based combat. That's why Trails can use a system with elements and still be so great to people who hate that stuff