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Extreme Gamer: Hail to Chimp Review

Extreme Gamer writes :"Hail to Chimp release date couldn't be placed better as the American Presidential race is narrowing down to the last two candidates. Just like the American population putting their faith in a new leader, Gamecock Media Group puts their faith into Wideload games ambitious party game. Hail to the Chimp is anything but normal with its animalistic political satire. Opening the gate to the cage, we investigate the box with the blue monkey.

Hail to the Chimp's comical approach introduces the player to its unique game concept through a politically charged storyline. Based around finding a new king for the animal kingdom, the player takes part in the election process that features the other animals around the globe who are trying their hand (or should I say clam) at democracy. Crowning a new animal king needs a impartial rating system which cues in the clams that serve as the official count for the election. Each animal that put their name in the hat is out for some chowder and you will battle it out with the contestants in a number of basic beat em' up mini-games until a new king is crowned."

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The Ten Naughtiest Games of 2008 (ZTGD)

ZTGD: Last week we delivered buyer's guides to inform our readers what to get the gamer in their life this holiday season. Today we bring you a list of ten games that should, in no circumstances, be placed under the tree for your joystick junkie. This list of games was actually harder to construct than a list of must-haves for the simple fact that there were a ton of games this year that we should avoid at all costs. Each game represented below is a mockery of why we came to love games in the first place.

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Kight5648d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
meepmoopmeep5648d ago

lol. good list.
i wonder which poor souls actually bought any of those games

ruibing5648d ago

Yeah good list, but I thought it was going to be a different type of naughty...

thisguywithhair5647d ago

I bought Altered Species and really enjoyed it. I traded it right after I beat it as there was absolutely no replay value to it, but at least I had fun while it lasted.

Are_The_MaDNess5648d ago (Edited 5648d ago )

lol did fall for IRONMAN right after i saw it at the movies lol
(i get all geeky after have seen a good movie lol(good thing i traded it the next day lol))
i think i borrow sonic from work 2day just 4 the Ts lol

LeonSKennedy4Life5647d ago

You realize you can return a game as defective within 30 days of purchase at Gamestop, correct? (With the exception of PC games, for obvious reasons.)

mastemikegee5647d ago

u said lol 5 times dude... lol...damnit

LittleBigSackBoy5648d ago

Some AMAZING games there.../sarc

Xlll5648d ago

List should be renamed "Ten games to stay away from of 2008"

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GamingExcellence: Hail to the Chimp Review

GamingExcellence: "If all you saw from Hail to the Chimp was some cut scenes and graphics for the game you'd think it had some promise and that's one of the problems, it does. It's plenty obvious that a lot of work was put into crafting the cut scenes and doing all of the voice work but not as much time was put into the game itself. Honestly if this game were taken back and reworked into a cartoon then I'm sure it would be plenty of fun for kids and adults alike due to all the double entendres but as it stands it's an amusing cartoon interrupted by bland game segments."

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Games for Lunch Review: Hail to the Chimp

Kyle Orland writes:

"0:00 I'm a fan of politics, games and humor, so something that combines all three should be a slam dunk. Still, the general reception the game got has me less than optimistic.

0:01 Oh, what a shock, version 1.02 of the software has to be downloaded. At least it's only a 24 MB update, so it should take too long.

0:04 Three minutes of downloading and we're done. That has to be a record for the PS3...

0:05 Cut to a deserted island with a large yellow, mustachioed clam. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls ... let me introduce Hail to the Chimp," says the high-voiced clam. He goes on about how clams have been abused. "Power to the clams ... kneel, things with knees! Kneel before your true masters!" Then, "from the GRR newsroom, it's ... the news." Woodchuck Chumley talks about a democratic election to replace the king of the animals.

0:07 Cut to a commercial for "Just for Gorillas" fur color. "Now silverback is just an honorary title." Heh. Then a stylish ad for Spanish armadillo Santo."

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