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Konami Is Doing Everything In Its Power To Ruin Phantom Pain Launch

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain launches tomorrow and is highly anticipated by many as one of the biggest games of the fall. This is astonishing considering Konami’s current stance on gaming, with gambling quickly becoming their main focus along with a vested interest in mobile titles. Perhaps this is why Konami is acting like The Patriots, controlling and censoring information with an iron fist and a cold heart. Everyone following games have been inundated with news about Konami concerning The Phantom Pain, and there were just enough bits to add onto the pile today to make summarizing the entire ordeal make some sense.

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Maybay3203d ago

It's foolish to have microtransactions in a full priced game, though how do you expect companies to make money?

I don't agree MT's - though games are getting bigger, and gamers want software that's akin to movies in the fmv department. Publisers can't up the price of retail software because that'll condense their average profit margins, and ''on disc DLC'' is out of the question since Capcom had to learned the hardway with their Street Fighter VI title (gamer backlash).

It's a; ''between a rock and a hard place'' scenario, and there's only a couple of options available.

The_KELRaTH3203d ago

They could maybe go back to creating games and forget the movie part!

Zeref3203d ago

Games are getting bigger but they are also getting much easier to make. A slightly above average 8 year old can make a game nowadays. With tools like Unity and Unreal Engine. Games nowadays are easier to make than ever. The hardest part is actually getting it to be played by people.

Aenea3203d ago

Ah yes, an 8 year old pumps out a AAA game in mere minutes these days, it's so easy! /s

Even with Unity and Unreal Engine you need to be able to code and code well, especially when it comes to consoles. Games these days aren't made by 1 to 3 people in 3 to 6 months like what happened in the 80s, now it takes several years by 100s of people...

People these days have absurd ideas how stuff works *shakes head*

bmf73643203d ago (Edited 3203d ago )

The tools are available and free, and if it's so easy why aren't you making a game?

And AAA games are getting bigger and thus more expensive to make. In some cases, microtransactions in AAA games (like GTAV) are justified when it doesn't mean much to tip any sort of scale in PvP. (i.e. P2W) I haven't played TPP yet (steam unlocks the download ability at 1p.m. ET) so I personally don't know if Konami's model is P2W but given current reception from Gamespot, it's not looking good.

guyman3203d ago

"A slightly above average 8 year old can make a game nowadays"

Wow ok, that's ridiculous.

uth113203d ago

If they were getting easier to make we wouldn't be waiting years for releases. In the old days, if it took a year or more to make it would already be outdated on release, it would also be considered "vaporware"

Zeref3197d ago

I said "a" game. Never said anything about the quality.
I know that with Unity there are tools that help you make a game without knowing code at all, it does the coding for you but i know . I'm not sure about Unreal Engine. But I'm sure there are tools to help you use minimal code as well. Of course it wouldn't work for huge AAA games but most Indie can be built this way.
So yes 8 year olds are making games, just look it up. And have you forgotten about Project spark? It's coding made easy.
I am making games. I love how people like to judge other people without knowing shit about them.
I said that the most difficult part is getting people to play your games because i know.

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Mrveryodd3203d ago

This is the most expencive stand alone game to date $110 au not to mention that $49 demo ... me thinks thay could go a little lighter on the micro Bs

extermin8or3203d ago

Tbf for a story centric game it appears to be very long like.... There is ALOT of content for your money.... I know other games have lots of content and dont charge more but I suspect this game had a particularly large budget.

abstractel3203d ago

Creating a game for PS1 with the tools that existed back then is not the same as creating a game for a PS4/XB1 with the tools that exists today. And innovations on the content generation side are happening very quickly. It won't be long before indies are putting out AAA type games. Perhaps not in scope (though sometimes; No Man's Sky). It really comes down to the skills of the people creating it.

Not saying we are going to see an Uncharted 4 from indie developers anytime soon, but you really can't compare development costs even to last gen as you have to take so much progress on the software development side.

MT, if they are basically cheats, I don't mind. It's akin to cheat codes back in the day. As long as I can play my $60 game and get the full experience I expect without MTs. So far in MGSV, I haven't experienced them to be an issue.

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N0TaB0T3203d ago

This disease is even more out of control than it had ever been.

God bless this generation. It needs Jesus.

DafunkyRebel3203d ago

Forget Jesus we need the dark lord chin chin

benji1013203d ago

Wow.. These sites are desperate for hits. Nothing to write about so...

OhMyGandhi3203d ago

amazing. I'd say they are absolutely cold blooded, but that would be an understatement. They legitimately don't care. They may very well be vacating the industry altogether. And they should. Because they are handling this like a bunch of belligerent 6 year olds who are stomping their feet and plugging their ears because things aren't going their way.

I'm sorry Kojima became too big for you guys. That he was the face of multiple companies, and became your goose that laid the golden egg, that he most likely became a handful with his ambitious game designs, and that he is a perfectionist at heart, like all master craftsman.

I can't wait to see what happens with him, though. He could walk into any studio in the world, and people would welcome him with open arms.

extermin8or3203d ago

He couldn't to any publisher in the world and they'd likely fund him setting up a studio. (Sony - as the Japanese usually stick together and they worked closely for a long long time; would seem the obvious one to be talking to kojima at least.)

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Metal Gear Solid 5, Nearly After A Decade, Is Still A Timeless Classic

The Metal Gear series, led by Kojima, pioneered the stealth genre, creating a masterclass in storytelling and gameplay.

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SimpleSlave3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

No. But MGS5: Ground Zeroes might actually be one of the greatest Game Demo ever, if not the best.

xHeavYx3d ago

I know a lot of people didn't, but I actually liked that story twist at the end. The game was fun and all, but I wouldn't call it a timeless classic.

Cacabunga2d ago

Metal Gear legend stopped with number 4.
MGS5 needed a year or 2 more of development to be maybe among the classics.. it was clearly rushed, especially at the end. The story teaches us absolutely nothing new.

just_looken3d ago

A demo is free that was a $40 cry for help as later we would know konami did not want to fun hideo and his team anymore that is why we got the unfinished phantom pain.

-Foxtrot3d ago (Edited 3d ago )


Great stealth gameplay but the game was just average.

Bland open world that felt lifeless, the story felt shoehorned in, unfinished story etc. The whole thing was just average to me compared to the other main titled games.

I would have rather preferred it if they kept Ground Zeroes for the main game as the opening and the rest of the game turns into a Metal Gear 1 & 2 remake to bring things full circle.

just_looken3d ago

If you dig around they had old behind trhe scenes of phantom pain vids and books wrote around the time.

Before funding was puled the main idea was to keep peace walker coop it was in the games early builds and that end game were your building your base that was suppose to be metal gear one.

You as the fake big boss was going to make your own metal gear one map aka your base (outer heaven) then me as sold snake use the mode that is in the game invade/defeat the base even fight your current version of metal gear that was in the game but not finished.

So your idea was on the table bit got canned.

CrimsonWing693d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Like hell it is. That was the first time I became aware of being sold an unfinished game and was blown away about blind fanboys saying it was some perfect game.

Yea, the first few chapters were great until they do that thing halfway and make you replay all the missions again. Then little things like capturing animals but only seeing a JPEG unlike 3 where everything was modeled out. Areas were massive, desolate, and boring to look at.

Game was a massive let down for me and the potential was so high for it. Honestly, this was one of the most disappointing games I ever played. What’s worse is it starts off brilliant. You literally play through until you get to the point where you could tell they just stopped developing and then quickly used glue and construction paper to “finish” it and then sold it. Quite frankly, that’s insulting to consumers and fans.

Inverno3d ago

People have selective memory. This game had huge drama attached to it, what Konami did to Kojima and this game was horrible. Now they praise Konami cause they revived Silent Hill, even though SH looks half arsed too.

CrimsonWing693d ago

I dunno if they’re getting much praise after the Silent Hill 2 debacle. Makes me scared sh*tless for the MGS 3 Remake…

Michiel19892d ago

I don't wanna defend konami, but Kojima had 7 years to make the game, it's not that weird for a publisher to expect a game to be finished in that amount of time.

Also no one is praising konami from what I've seen, they're just excited that a Silent Hill game is releasing

CrimsonWing691d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )


You’re absolutely correct. Look, the dude is a visionary and has brought us some incredible games, but he constantly would go over budget and could never stick to a deadline. I don’t know if people remember the MGS 4 trailers but it became a joke when you’d see a release date and then they crossed it out in the next trailer to give another.

What a lot of people don’t know is there’s a certain amount of money given for development and marketing. When you go over the budget and add additional marketing over the deadline it isn’t cheap. MGS GZ and V were laughable to me for the amount of time he had to develop them and he spent even more time on the engine that wasn’t anything revolutionary to me. I mean, GZ was nothing more than a demo and they released that art like $40 I think, probably to further help fund V. He then spent money for Kiefer Sutherland who did nothing for the character, which I think Kojima just wanted because he’s a fan.

Konami just had enough and said this is the deadline and you’re done after this. It’s business, but fans took it personal. I mean look at this Overdose game he’s been doing.,, like when is that ever coming out?

Michiel19891d 10h ago

I kind of forgot about overdose but yeah exactly my thoughts. He has made some of the best games out there and definitely deserves time to create his new masterpiece, but it's not a bottomless well.

This is pure speculation but I imagine he got around 4 years to make the game excluding pre-production. If after those 4 years the game is nowhere near being done, the relationship will be strained between them one way or another.

about the konami being praised thing, if let's say blizzard announces world of warcraft 2 today I'll be excited as hell for the game, but that doesn't mean my opinion of blizzard changes only a tiny bit cause they're still trash.

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Yui_Suzumiya1d 18h ago

Yeah, it was the only MGS I didn't play and this is coming from someone who got back into gaming after skipping a generation due to MGS4 back in 2008. It just seems to be the complete opposite of the MGS I always knew and loved (1-4).

JEECE3d ago

Yes and no. In many ways in was a great game; there's a very strong argument that it has the best gameplay of any MGS game, and that it is one of the more interesting open world "playgrounds" we have gotten, in terms of how the world operates. But as an MGS narrative, it is pretty far down the list, for many reasons.

Storm232d ago

I don't think there is any argument. The gameplay was incredible. But yeah...disappointed in the rest. Could have been incredible but...well...we all know what happened...

JEECE1d 6h ago

I don't think there is much of one either but apparently some people found the world very boring compared to the more linear structures of other entries so I didn't make a definitive statement in order to acknowledge the outliers.

DarXyde2d ago

The thing about Metal Gear Solid is that the narrative is what determines which is your favorite because the gameplay had ALWAYS improved with every mainline entry. It's amazing.

If it was gameplay, we'd all say The Phantom Pain, but the story is what truly sets them apart.

For me, that's Snake Eater, which is also my favorite game of all time.

JEECE1d 6h ago

That's my favorite too, particularly if we are talking about the subsistence version with camera control.

Fishy Fingers3d ago

For me, best gameplay, worst, everything else.

Storm232d ago

Yeah...gameplay was so damn good.

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Silent Hill Transmission Livestream

Konami has announced that a Silent Hill Transmission will take place on Thursday, May 30, at 4pm PT/7pm ET that will reveal game updates, a "deeper look at the film," and new merch. Join us at IGN to find out what's next for this beloved franchise.

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RaidenBlack9d ago

Hope SH2 gets more polish before release.

P_Bomb9d ago

I’m not paying $94 CAD for what they’ve shown me. Looks rough as sin.

Fishy Fingers9d ago

Ive seen better lip syncing during a Punch and Judy show

Sonic18819d ago (Edited 9d ago )

This looks terrible. Capcom should have done the remake 😂 The animations and gameplay looks stiff.

-Foxtrot9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Okay. I was saying before in another article how SH2 looked better than the last trailer, which is true but damn this looks rough as hell.

I wanted RE4 / Dead Space remake quality

Sonic18819d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I wouldn't buy it for $70 dollars. Maybe when it's on sale.

-Foxtrot9d ago

Yeah full price, deluxe editions, Konami are f***** tripping here.

CrimsonWing699d ago

The characters look terrible to me… like it’s distracting.

repsahj8d ago

I will give this game a chance!!! let's go!

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Konami Marks New Record With 70% Profit Increase Driven by Games

Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid publisher Konami has reported record profits this year, driven largely by its video games and amusements.

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CS729d ago

Interesting that Konami is releasing nothing of note and still enjoying high profits. I guess this is the allure to companies.

VenomUK29d ago

It was probably due to the half-hearted release of the Metal Gear Solid Collection v1.

Imagine the extra sales Konami could’ve made if it had put some effort into it.

JL293028d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Half hearted? MGS: MC is the best collection of Metal Gear games you can get with tons of bonus content.

Why are you mad? Because they didn't make the games 4K so you can see the low resolution textures and warping better? Most of you cry babies never even touched the MSX Metal Gears.

SimpleDad29d ago

Of course, they rereleased MGS series on modern platforms. Thank You Mr. Kojima.

shinoff218329d ago

Suikoden 1 and 2 remasters any day now wtf konami