
How Sony can compete with Xbox's backward's compatibility in two, easy steps

With Xbox's backward's compatibility out in full force for preview members, what steps can Sony take to compete?

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Sureshot3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

"Of course, this is all free as long as you own the game of course and have a Gold subscription." wrong, it's free with or without Gold come it's release in November. Completely free and available off line once game has been downloaded once.

LOL this guys solution is for Sony to charge a lot less for psnow! I'm pretty sure if Sony could afford to charge less they would. Psnow is too pricey and always will be since it costs a lot of money to stream gameplay for hours on end.

Sony's best solution would be to try and emulate the ps3 2 and 1 like the x1 does. Though it's probably impossible due to cell's unique design.

Ridiculous article.

Enemy3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

Xbox's backward compatibility isn't selling any consoles, and it's barely impressive considering not all games are backward compatible. There's nothing to compete with.

StrayaKNT3210d ago

There's nothing to compete with because you cant compete with it. Microsoft literally ended the console war when backward compatibility was announced and people absolutely love it. My second cousin traded in his ps4 for an xbox one last week and guess what? I'm not even joking. That speaks volumes.

Majin-vegeta3210d ago

@Strata Hahaha ha yea man a feature that is half arsed really ended the console war.By your logic MS should be selling millions of X1 and surpassing Sony in sales.

aceitman3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

@stray really ended the war he traded his ps4 for an Xbox so he can play 360games that doesn't even start yet. Y doesn't he get a 360. People get next gen systems for next gen not to play last gen it was done with the ps3 and 360 last gen and the support didn't last long.
And also there was not a spike on sales after the announcement, u say bc ended the console war as if x1 surpassed ps4 on sales it didn't

slate913210d ago

"Barely impressive." Lol, this guy. Its barely impressive to get an entire xbox 360 running on the One and to be able to play online with 360 players and chat with them. Barely impressive that all you need to do is pop in the disc. Barely impressive that the only thing holding a game back from being added are the publishers.

Barely impressive.

Enemy3210d ago

@ Straya: Your cousin doesn't equate to the masses. PS4 is STILL outselling it in NPD month after month. It will never catch up. You're right, though, the console war is over. PS4's lead ended it.

Enemy3210d ago

"Look ma, I could play old games" isn't going to sell consoles. People buy new consoles to play new games. BC didn't affect a thing. It would be a waste of Sony's time.

Tedakin3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

Emulating the 360 on XB1 and adding DVR, crossplay with 360, streaming, and snapshots to 360 games is very impressive.... If it was so easy Sony would do it. They haven't figured it out, and are choosing to charge you to stream games you already own instead. How anyone can say that's better is beyond me.

mhunterjr3210d ago

People who have yet to upgrade, might choose the console that allows them to play their old games as well as new ones...

No, people aren't going to buy an console just for BC, but it could push you over the edge of you haven't made a choice yet, especially if you plan to trade in your console.

ocelot073210d ago

Holy crap people this guy's cousin traded in his PS4 for a Xbox. The console war has been won by Microsoft!


BattleAxe3210d ago

I have an idea for Sony to be able to compete in just one step:

1. Come out with backwards compatibility.

dcbronco3210d ago

BC probably isn't as hard as Microsoft makes it out to be. And the author is wrong that they did BC trying to close the gap. The true genius of Xbox One BC is the Xbox One OS. It was designed to do this from day one. It's a hypervisor already running two OSs. It's not that big of a deal to run a third. Computers can run bunches of VMs at the same time.

They will eventually run an Original Xbox OS and a OS for pc games too. They could run one for PlayStation games if they wanted and I bet somewhere in Microsoft there is an Xbox running PlayStation games someone threw together on their own time.

Over time this feature will make a difference. Along with the cloud. It ain't over yet.

Blurmobjet3210d ago

Did I miss something? Do they need to compete?

PistolsAtDawn3210d ago

How do you have so many bubbles?

I'm not sure many (if any) people believe that a BC feature alone will sell consoles....it's just another great feature to use if you so choose. It's nice when gamers have options...not sure why you are so against the idea. It literally costs nothing to X1 gamers if they don't want to use it...if they already own the game it's still free to use...if they wanna buy an old 360 game...it probably doesn't cost much.

It's a nice feature, I can't say I'd buy a console for BC, but it's another straw on the camel's back.

remixx1163210d ago


Dude you say some of the stupidest sh*t, the simple fact that you call it a "war" shows your mental age and fanboyism.

Also if BC is what decides the victor then that means the Wii U won before the new consoles even launched.........oh but wait that counters your whole statement huh? Guess its time to move that goal post again.

BC is great, idiotic fanboyism is cancer.

Foehammer3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

"Look ma, I could play old games"

lol, you are conveniently missing the point.

The console can play new games AND play previous generation favourites with NO ADDITIONAL COSTS OR FEES.

If it wasn't a BIG deal it wouldn't be one of the top features ask for by the fanbase.

Apparently Sony things it's a BIG deal, since they spent $380,000,000 for Gaikai. Sony also thinks it's a BIG enough deal that It's fanbase will pay a fee to stream those old games.

Both Sony and MS also thought it was a BIG enough deal to put on last gens consoles.

But I guess you know better, lol

Yetter3210d ago

Lots of 360 gamers waiting to upgrade out there. I know a ton of em. If they aren't gonna lose their game library this is enough to keep with team XB instead of joining the Sony camp

Army_of_Darkness3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

oh wow, enjoy those x360 games from last gen with no enhanced anything, while we have to deal with mainly next gen games on the ps4 like the upcoming MGS5 at "1080p/ 60fps" instead..... I wonder what console will sell more when it releases next week ;-)

DarXyde3210d ago


I think it'll attract a decent crowd. You have to wonder how well Wii U would sell if it had access to Nintendo's entire physical catalog history. That would be the harbinger of industry chaos in the best way possible.


Your second cousin sounds like a big deal. Can't wait to hear about them again.

Azzanation3210d ago

Do you always think these things are done just so they can outsell the PS4? Not everything is about PS4. BC is to help the current 360 owners to move to XB1, PS4 has nothing to do with this. COD still sells best on the 360 which tells you something, there's still a large market of gamers playing on 360 today. Sometimes companies do good things for there customers and lets face it and be honest here, MS and Xbox are doing amazing things for there customers. Sony can if they want to however because of fans like you, they don't see the need because you clearly don't care just like many others on this site.

Rhythmattic3210d ago

Yep Yetter

Totally agree.

All the gamers on 360, waiting to upgrade, PS4/One...?
Its a no brainer.... Upgrade to a One and sell the 360, and still play your last gen library.

They can always buy a PS4 later.

XisThatKid3210d ago

This is a easy question, Don't. Let the still purchasable PS3 do it's job.still has at least one more year in it. 10 year plan in all

Kiwi663210d ago

So guess you don't use ps now seeing as that lets you play last gen games on you're new gen console

badz1493209d ago

Am I the only one here thinking that BC is not as huge a feature as many fanboys here trying to make? Don't get me wrong. It's a nice feature but is it a must have? Personally, I don't think so.

Just like how xbox fanboys are saying 1080p vs 900p doesn't matter. Only the PS fanboys say so. I guess this is a similar case. BC only matters because xbox fanboys say so.

Mr Pumblechook3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

"it isn't humanly possible with the naked eye to see the difference between 1080P and 900P"! - Mike Boccherini Gamezone.

Ha ha! Where do they find these people? Just because he doesn't want to believe that his favourite console may be visually disadvantaged he makes a sweeping statement about what is scientifically possible for the eye to see! Excuse me Boccherini but are you a qualified research ophthalmologist?

XBLSkull3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

Sorry, from a guy who owns both consoles, PS4 isn't even close to great of a console as X1. Sony may not need to catch up on sales, but on features the PS4 hasn't even matched the 360 yet. Luckily I only play PS4 exclusives on my PS4, and Bloodborne is awesome. It is a bummer though that after 2 years and that is only cool thing about PS4. Glad I had a ton of used games to pay for mine and I didn't drop $400 cash.

DLConspiracy3209d ago

Regardless of who does BC. It is a feature people have wanted since consoles had several versions. Why wouldn't anyone want to play games they still play on a single console?

Malacath3209d ago

First of all BC isnt out until november that why there are not a lot of games yet. Only preview members get it at the moment.

When november comes there will be plenty for Sony to compete with. With new BC games added regularly plus games with gold giving xbox one members free 360 games as well as x1 games every month. PS Now just cant compete with that even if it gets a subscription service.

Retroman3209d ago

not replying to u enemy

ok guys xbox360 and xboxone been circulating for awhile now. lets use their abriviation names here on. no need type playstation 4 when we type ps4 right .

360 and X1 or Theone

Maddens Raiders3209d ago

Glad I bought a PS4 so that I could play PS3, PS2 and PS1 games. I guess by this logic, MS has already won this generation by allowing gamers the ability to play old games on their new system? Who knew? Brilliant!

That of course is all sarcasm.

Hey look, I think the idea of BC is great. It was wonderful when it was on the original PS3 phats back in '06, but it wasn't something that sold me on buying a PS3. Does that make sense? In other words I think it's a great feature and one that is another welcome option for the X1, but to think that SNE has to actively "compete" against this small yet fun feature in order to remain viable in this race overall is short sighted, wishful thinking , and fool hearty at best.

3209d ago
Hold_It3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

@enemy is it too hard to not be partial? Backwards compatibility sold me on one, and they also sold me on one by having better exclusives for the end of the year.

At the end of the day Xbox's games are games. They aren't trying to be $60 movies with little to no gameplay, and unfortunately that's the path that PS exclusives are going down.

Yeah Playstation had a decent launch library, but at the moment besides Bloodborne which I already own, there aren't really any OMG I have to buy this console because of these games. Infamous was alright, but it has no replay value, Killzone was fun but also has no replay value on Single Player.

Playstation is charging more for their service to "match" Xbox live, but don't have any improvements to server quality at all. They are constantly down for maintenance, which people on here will blindly defend that, but sign-in issues and PS's twitter will confirm this is true. The point is Playstation has become too arrogant since they have taken the "lead".

I don't care for games like Uncharted and The Last Of Us. When I spend $60 I want to play a GAME, and I want it to feel like a GAME. Not a smorgasbord of cinematics. Metal Gear Solid is fine with this because they keep the game interesting, and balance the gameplay out with the cinematics.

Lately it seems like all console gamers want is Multiplayer and omg graphics graphics graphics instead of substance and a lengthy but solid single player experience. The former is a pattern i'm starting to see with Playstation.

princejb1343209d ago

You really think backward compatible ended the make believe war?
360 in my opinions didn't have much variety to play.all i saw was forza, gears, cod, halo.

Hozi3209d ago

People saying that they trading PS4 to get X1 because of BC are silly. They should wait to see how it plays out first. I am all for BC, but I gotta see it working with 90% of the games from Xbox and XB360.

As for Sony...a clever way to compete with this would be to allow emulation for PS2 AND PS1 on PS4.

Professor_K3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

If sales are the only thing that make your console better, your fucked!

Xbox is the better console so far, enjoy Your "sales"

scientificreasoning3209d ago

LOL at Straya...you can't make up that kind of dilusion.....PS4 keeps outselling x1, limited BC is not changing that. No one cares about playing old games on a new system this far into a gen.

Gamer Muzz3209d ago

It's tragically pitiful when people fail to see the reality of some things.(often times blinded by some type of brand loyalty that I'll never understand.)
BC is a fantastic feature and pulling it off as they have is something really cool for gamers. Calling it barely impressive is biased rhetoric.
It will sell consoles. In fact, I own a video game store and it's been the topic a lot of my customers have been talking about since the announcement.
and the question on all their lips is "When is Sony gonna do it?"
Do not underplay the impact this feature will have on gamers and the industry.
I'm not saying it'll put MS on top of Sony in worldwide sales. Thats silly, But it will definitely sell consoles and help close up the gap a bit.
And the gamers who wanted the feature will definitely appreciate it.

MysticStrummer3209d ago

I don't see any indication that Sony needs to do anything to compete with something that's been available on past consoles and has never been a "killer" feature.

"My second cousin traded in his ps4 for an xbox one last week and guess what? I'm not even joking."

Wow that's some powerful testimony. /s

Speaking of cousins, I was at a birthday party for one of mine a couple of weeks ago, well after the XB1 BC announcement. 10-15 kids, all around 12-14 years old, playing video games for hours. They had 3 TVs set up with 3 consoles, a Wii, a 360, and an XB1. The next day was my cousin's actual birthday, and being a relative and fellow gamer I went with him to spend his birthday cash. He bought a PS4. All his friends want PS4s. The kid who brought over the XB1 is the odd man out, and these are all (american) 360 fans from last generation. There's nothing wrong with being the odd man out. I was that guy last gen when my friends all bought 360s. By the end of the generation they had all switched to PS3s, now they all have PS4s, and guess what? I'm not even joking. That speaks volumes.

TheCommentator3209d ago

@Gamer Muzz

It's plauable to assume that people who never played on Xbox before would appreciate all the great games that were made in the past. Kids getting started in gaming today could play a whole series they enjoy instead of just the new stuff. Gamers who just never gamed on Xbox could play all the exclusives they've missed or relive past experiences on great 3rd party. Even 360 owners can benefit by selling their system while keeping their games and save data, saving them money. These scenarios, these benefits, should be obvious to anybody who thinks about it for 5 minutes.

Sony doesn't have a solution to BC, not one that can let you play games you own for free, and that solution may never come. That's what this article is about, and it will be a deal breaker for the people who don't count pixels.

Oh, I know competition isn't always about sales, but...
It doesn't really matter how great an improvement comes from BC being added to XB1, because each and every improvement sums up. So it's things like BC, better games lineup, Cloud powered games, Win10, DX12, dashboard overhaul, etc., that will all contribute to overall sales in their own ways.

Kayant3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

Just wanted to laugh at StrayaKNT comment but ....


"BC probably isn't as hard as Microsoft makes it out to be." - Right which is why all Xbox games had BC on Xbox 360, why there is emulator for all consoles on PC, emulator for all PS2 games on PS3 even with PS2 CPU with the console in the earlier revision... oh wait.

"The true genius of Xbox One BC is the Xbox One OS. It was designed to do this from day one. It's a hypervisor already running two OSs. It's not that big of a deal to run a third. Computers can run bunches of VMs at the same time." - "Right which is why it's only coming now and I quote - There are, but we’re not done thinking them through yet, unfortunately. It turns out to be hard to emulate the PowerPC stuff on the X86 stuff. So there’s nothing to announce, but I would love to see it myself." - Frank Savage(Partner development lead) as in helped with the OS and creation of XB1's architecture. Also -"Millions of people made investments in 360 content," he said. "We thought the right thing to do was to make that content go forward, but we didn't know [how difficult it would be]."

"[Emulation] is hard," admitted Spencer, explaining that the company was dealing with having to harmonise PowerPC architecture with x86" - Phil Spencer

"They will eventually run an Original Xbox OS and a OS for pc games too. They could run one for PlayStation games if they wanted and I bet somewhere in Microsoft there is an Xbox running PlayStation games someone threw together on their own time.

Over time this feature will make a difference. Along with the cloud. It ain't over yet." - The delusion is real...


JasonKCK3209d ago

"Xbox's backward compatibility isn't selling any consoles"

It sold one because of BC right here, so there goes that theory.

Pogmathoin3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

Still at this? Sony fans are not interested in BC.... They have all said it since X1 BC announcement..... This article is scraping the gutter.... Charge less for something you own is a good thing.... Yeah right.....

Edit, love some of the comments here.... Tagged as well said too.... When otherwise its outright trolling.... Good consistency here as usual...

_-EDMIX-_3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

Whats funny with the disagrees, is I agree....to a degree.

it will sell someone, not all, not most. Why? People buy next gen to play next gen. Wii U storta shows that even last gens best selling console being put in Wii U...didn't just make it number 1.

Lack of 3rd party, lack of great games etc. Thus...BC is not a major selling point. 3rd party support and great first party support is, period.

I mean....those gamers can copy and paste this post when XONE wins the whole gen because of a last gen featured on it.

Agreed with Mystic too.

Personal experiences has no real baring on if it can sell to the masses on that note alone.

Wii sold better both PS3 and 360 last gen, why isn't Wii U selling better then both if you factor that it has a Wii in it?

I mean dat logic doe, lol.

So the worst selling last gen, put in XONE in a limited form will make XONE the best selling? LMFAO!

Really now people...

If the best selling last gen, couldn't make the Wii U the best selling this gen, I'm not sure what strange magic would make that apply to XONE, fanboys these days.

Pogmathoin3209d ago

What are the lifetime sales of PS3 and 360?

gangsta_red3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

"Wii U storta shows that even last gens best selling console being put in Wii U...didn't just make it number 1."

Because the Wii was a fad, a console that was aimed at a casual market with a focus on motion controls that was hot for a quick second. The Move and Kinect should tell you that.

Are you really trying to say that the Wii's library is more interesting and has more hits than the 360's back catalog?

The WiiU not selling well has nothing to do with the feature of BC with the Wii. You keep trying to hammer this point but it's absolutely wrong. For the life of all that walks and crawls I have no idea why you keep trying to compare WiiU and X1's BC.

"Wii sold better both PS3 and 360 last gen, why isn't Wii U selling better then both if you factor that it has a Wii in it?

I mean dat logic doe, lol."

Because the WiiU doesn't have third party support, hardly any appeal to hardcore gamers and lost all support from casual gamers. Has absolutely nothing to do with BC for the 100th time.

BC is a great addition to the Xbox One. The minute people start viewing this as a great addition to an already great line up of games and stop trying to pretend and argue that BC is some system seller the better we can all move on and enjoy the console.

Saijahn3209d ago

Barely impressive? Troll much? The list of bc games will continue to grow over the years while the competition will still be charging you to play your old games.

+ Show (44) more repliesLast reply 3209d ago
Rookie_Monster3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

Sony invested tons of money in Gaikai and also bought out Onlive so there is no way Sony would do something like giving PS4 gamers that owned PS3 games to stream them for free. Think about it, you have to even be a subscription member to PSN plus to get an anemic 1gb of Cloud saves, that in itself say how unlikely the scenario of PSN plus subscribers on PS4 getting to stream PS3 games they owned for free will happen Anytime soon.

But hey, if Sony somehow find a solution to do it, then I am 100% for it as I still have a dozen of PS3 games that I definitely don't mind playing again and are just sitting there in my drawers after I'd sold off my PS3. Would definitely welcome it and would be a nice jesture on Sony's Part.

Rhythmattic3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

Sony won't be able to Emulate the cell... I believe all the PS3 games on PS Now is running on PS3 style hardware... Not emulated on X86 architecture..... That says something...

Its not that the PPC CPU's can't be emulated, its the SPU's (Combined "The Cell")

After all, Apple had PPC code Running on Intel Chips using their Rossetta code in 2006. I ran G5 PPC games on my MacIntel without a hiccup.

kneon3209d ago


It's possible the SPUs could be emulated on the GPU compute units.

But at this point it's just not worth it, BC is most valuable at launch, not two years into a new generation.

JasonKCK3209d ago

"Sony won't be able to Emulate the cell"

But they seem to know how to emulate the cell when it comes to remasters.

The "cell" excuse is simply that, an excuse.

Funny how PC modders can get it to work for nothing but mighty Sony can't.

nitus103209d ago


Emulation and remastering are totally different.

Basically software emulation is software which makes the game think it is still running on the original hardware it was designed to run on.

Remastering is modification and recompilation of the original games's software so it can now run natively on the target console. This is nomally called porting.

As and example. Take the source code of a PS3 game modify as required and recompile for the PS4 architecture or any other architecture for that matter and hopefully do Q&A on it before releasing.

If the original software is well written using common libraries then porting can be fairly easy otherwise it can be very difficult and possibly not economically worth it.

Rhythmattic3206d ago (Edited 3206d ago )


Apple ran PPC code on intel years... YEARS before MS.... FFS, MS 360 dev kits ran orig on Apple G5 hardware..

Cell is not your run of the mill PPC architecture.
Talk to the hand.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3206d ago
Bigpappy3210d ago

People try to say that the games aren't free like that is something new or negative about BC. BC means you can play your old games without having to repurchase them. If you never owned them, of course you need to purchase them. That has always been the reality.

Mrveryodd3210d ago

So true , if you don't own said games they are as cheap as chips to buy .

Azzanation3210d ago

Take to account most of last gen games are also dirt cheap and pre-owned copies are also steals. Its not like you have to spend a lot to purchase old 360/PS3 games.

triple_c3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

I agree. Sony should at least add PS1 and PS2 backwards compatibility. I understand that the PS3's architecture is a nightmare to work with but there's no reason PS1 and PS2 backwards compatibility shouldn't be added. Microsoft has done a good job on this front and they seem to be listening to their fans the most. I'm a PlayStation dude but I gotta call Sony out on this. Sony is starting to get very arrogant again now that they're in the lead. Don't get me wrong, Sony has been listening to their fans but they haven't been listening to their fans enough as of late.

Even other PlayStation fans have to admit it. Lately Microsoft has been doing a very good job and they've been listening to their fans way more than Sony has.

dboyman3210d ago

Well if Sony offered this option. Have a PS4 phat with Cell/RSX processors inside. It will be bigger ps4 unit and be more expensive but you will get 100% PS3 BC...

comebackkid98913210d ago

Agreed, forgoing PSX/PS2 BC is inexcusable.

ThanatosDMC3210d ago

Completely agree with you about PSX games.

iceman063209d ago

I wouldn't say that Sony has "started getting arrogant again...". What has happened is that MS has had to go into all out, reactionary attack mode in order to remain competitive. Some of the things that we are seeing, while they might have been part of the plan, have probably been accelerated (or at very least altered) to spur demand for more Xbox sales. Remember, the always online idea had to be scrapped and MS basically had to re-align their vision with customer expectations. (removal of Kinect, temporary price drop, permanent price drop, addition of BC, etc.)
Sony has had the run of things. They haven't HAD to react to many moves simply because the moves by the competition haven't shown (yet) that they are moving the needle in any significant way. So, they have pretty much stuck to their initial roll out plan. (for better or worse)
That being said, neither company (even this gen) has shown that they aren't capable of adapting to consumer demand. With competition getting heavier, I don't think that either one will simply be resting on it's collective laurels. Therefore, I don't think that it's truly a matter of "not listening to fans enough" as much as it is trying to figure out how to integrate what we want and balance that with the things that they already have planned.

Kombatologist3209d ago

"Sony has been listening to their fans but they haven't been listening to their fans enough as of late."

No kidding. I'm still waiting for an option to disable the annoying Discover popup.

_-EDMIX-_3209d ago

While we are at it, Nintendo should add NES, SNES and N64 BC to all their systems.

I mean...can we at least try to be logical with how and why as suppose to just begging for free features.

Its is profitable for them, is it a feature that is really that demanding, is it even worth all the R & D?

That is like saying Nintendo hasn't been listening enough, the 3DS isn't a Gamecube yet...

Or Wii U doesn't play N64 games..they clearly are not listening.

At some point we need to come to reality with what the feature is.

The system with zero BC is outselling the 2 systems with BC....

You sure gamers want more old then new? You sure what sells next gen systems is old gen systems?

I mean..logically really look at what your saying.

nitus103209d ago

The PS3's architecture is only a nightmare to work with if you are writing software that "goes down to the metal" although the same could be said for any architecture.

If you look at the start of many games you may see "Powered by Havoc" or "Blink" as examples. These are game development systems and libraries (API's for those in Microsoft land) that make game development easier.

To remaster or port a game it needs to be modified if necessary and recompiled for the target architecture. if you have only been using generic development tools then the process is usually so much easier. Of course the developer still has to do Q&A (well we hope they do) before releasing the now ported game.

In the software industry and I am not just talking about games a developer has to look at the costs associated with porting. Basically it is possible to port all software to any architecture it all boils down to the developer's expertise and will to do so and the costs involved.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3209d ago
Foehammer3210d ago

Well said, those are all valid points.

There is another issue as well.

Based on the shear number of ppl on the Crackdown destruction demo, that stated they don't want to be hooked up to the internet or that a lot of areas have poor internet, one can only conclude that this would not be acceptable even if it was free.

Aenea3210d ago

What I do see as a possibility though is Sony adding an option that you can insert a PS3 game into the PS4 so they know you own it and then you can stream that game for free using PS Now without a subscription.

Yes, it will cost money to stream them, but let's face it, I think after a while not many people will be using this feature all that much or at all and it would be a nice PR stunt...

(might also get people to use PS Now who didn't want to before and even lure them in to rent games they don't own or go for a sub)

extermin8or3209d ago

So someone explain why the original ps3 sold sobadly they dropped backwards compatibility. And to those that say it's impressive but that "sony couldn't do it" tbh they almost certainly could but as it used the Cell processor which was more complex than 360's internal parts- any emulation is also much much more demanding and harder todo therefore so no the xbox one b/c isn't as impressive as it could have been. And no backwards compatibility.

Death3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

The PS3 didn't sell poorly because it had b/c. It sold poorly at launch because it was over-priced and under-performed the competition. The Blu-ray drive is what made the PS3 so expensive, but Sony needed Blu-ray to succeed over HD-DVD so it had to stay, not to mention a format change after launch is unheard of and would be a very bad thing to do. Ditching the PS2 hardware lowered costs so they could lower the price more. Instead of saying this Sony told gamers they removed it because no one wanted it. Same excuse was used for dropping the 20 gig PS3 that lost Sony more money at the time to sell than the 60 gig. They stopped production and quit shipping them to retail. Then they said they were pulling the SKU due to lack of sales.

extermin8or3208d ago

That's my point b/c didn't make it sell... People would rather pay less than have it so... It can't be that desired

showtimefolks3209d ago

here we go again .

on n4g one day we need a article about Xbox one have BC

next day its about cloud gaming and crackdown 3

3rd day it's about Xbox one having more elusive this fall

but noNE of that is helping Xbox one sell more, otherwise July sales would have shown some impact

and the so called Xbox one exclusives. ps4 has more exclusives and more highly rated exclusives than Xbox one. and yhis isn't some made up statement, it's a fact

I wasn't aware of the fact that people buy next gen consoles to play last gen games. xbox360 can be had for so little now that I am not sure how big of a feature that is.

more power to you if you think that it's a killer feature but it will not help Xbox one as much as you fanboys make it out to be

just like Xbox one won't be the highest console on NPD every month of holiday season(so far September and November goes to Sony and october goes to Xbox one. December is a toss up)

September mgs 5 bundle japan and Europe and exclusive marketing world wide

taken king bundle and exclusive content along with exclusive marketing

October halo 5 Xbox one. assassin creed syndicate bundle ps4 and exclusive marketing along with uncharted collection ps4. and as big as Xbox fans make halo, no halo game since halo 3 has made same impact console sales or software wise

November Xbox one has tomb raider, ps4 has star wars bundle and exclusive marketing and call of duty black ops 3 exclusive marketing

December is rainbow six and just cause 3 for Xbox one(exclusive marketing wise) Ps4 has Hitman

so holiday season could be split between both Xbox one and ps4. also IMO neither console will out sell the other by a huge margin

world wide sales will favor ps4 like always

seriously last gen games on next gen console is suppose to be a damn killer feature

I guess that's why Sony removed it from ps3 because not many were using it

most of you touting about this feature won't even use it. but just because one console has it and the other does, that by itself makes it a killer feature in eyes of fanboys

ilikepizza3209d ago

Wtf are you on about lol the Xbox one did double the ps4 the last holiday just behind halo collection.

This year is 5 heavy hitters, consoles bundles that actually cost the same price as a standard console.I already have an Xbox one and paid off the forza bundle and halo 5 bundle along with halo 5 lendary collection (at best buy)

Factor in that and the only game PlayStation has over Xbox is a vita game you are being silly. Not only that expect to see Xbox 360 software sales go up as well.

Death3209d ago

"I wasn't aware of the fact that people buy next gen consoles to play last gen games"

"seriously last gen games on next gen console is suppose to be a damn killer feature"

"I guess that's why Sony removed it from ps3 because not many were using it"

I'm guessing you missed the memo about PSNow. It's the game streaming service Sony launched on the PS4 that allows gamers to rent Sony's back catalog of games and stream them to their console. Sony spent $380 million for Gaikai in 2012 for this. http://www.engadget.com/201... They also purchased Onlive earlier this year for an undisclosed sum of money. Sony disagrees with you about playing old games on new systems. A matter of fact they are banking on you being wrong since they have invested close to a half billion just to get a business model up and running for it.

Sony never removed b/c from the PS3 "because not many were using it", they did it because they needed to cut costs so they could lower the MSRP that was keeping people from buying it.

showtimefolks3209d ago


brother just stop it please show me 4 straight months whee Xbox one doubled the ps4? I will wait for you to provide me a simple link

guess what man like I said Xbox one will no doubt sell well and very will take 2 months of holiday season(October and December)

but I guess you over looked the damn fact where I said IMO I don't think either console will outsell the other by a huge margin in the usa

meaning even if ps4 sells better in months of September and November even than Xbox one will be right behind it

and if Xbox one takes month of October and December than ps3 will be right behind it

last generation xbox360 made its living from 3rd party deals and this holiday season some of the biggest 3rd party games are alligned with ps4.

but I don't think you will understand. halo 5 will sell so well but how many halo have already bought the Xbox one?


whatever makes you happy, psn now is garbage there I said it. but that doesn't make BC any more important

if both ps4 and Xbox one had this feature than no one would be talking about it. just because it's a console exclusive feature Xbox fans want to make this the killer app

it's sad that some fanboys consider playing last gen games on next gen console a killer feature. think about that man

Clarence3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

I agree with u sir
The sales for the xbone double because M$ dropped the price during the holidays.

Halo collection was a bust.

Nice try though.

If Sony decides to drop the price of the PS4 this holiday what do you think will happen?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3209d ago
parkesy783209d ago

Everybody is really overthinking things all sony has to do is update the ps4 too SEE ps3 discs and then let anybody whos bought a ps3 game digitaly or has the game in the drive have it rental free on ps4 playstation now

nitus103209d ago

Somehow I don't think that will happen although I would buy a PS4 in a heartbeat if that was the case. It would also be nice and very feasible to allow DVD PS2 games to be played as well.

BTW: The PS4 does not have CD reader capability which prevents reading of all PS1 and a few PS2 games.

I still have a huge PS3 backlog of games and I still see games that I like being made for it. I even have a BC PS3 and I do on occasion play some of my PS2 collection. Basically these are the main reasons I don't have a PS4 yet and cost is not the issue.

gangsta_red3209d ago

If Sony could charge the same price as say Netflix streaming then PSNow would be the ultimate answer to MS's BC.

Imagine paying 8 bux a month for unlimited access to PS/PS2/PS3 games. IMO this is Sony's killer app, you just can't beat sony's back catalog of games of past generations.

ziggurcat3209d ago

I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. Sadly, though, I don't think Sony would be generous enough to go this route.

Another possible thing they could do is simply not charge people to stream the games they already own/still have the disc for. I think it would be easy enough for them to check your digital licenses, and run a quick disc verification for disc-based titles like what MS does for their BC service.

thisgamer5033209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

Unfortunately Sony wouldn't be able to just pick and choose whatever game they want. Sony themselves have a decent back catalog but it's the SYSTEM that has a huge catalog. A lot of those games are third party and would need licensing and approval by the publishers. It's pretty much the same issue as to why the BC support on xbox one is so low right now. They have to wait for permission to allow certain publishers games

3209d ago
ChuckTheIceMan3209d ago

Psnow is laggy ass, and I wouldn't pay a cent for that service.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3206d ago
Chug3210d ago

I've still got my PS3 and 360 so I'm not too worried about backwards compatability. It's a nice feature for the X1 though I wouldn't say Sony needs to compete with it.

Masterchief_thegoat3210d ago

sony is not worry.. i like bc for xbox one cause i don't have 360 no more. is a nice feature

3210d ago
Malacath3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

I still have my 360 and ps3 as well.

If my 360 were to break down I would be able to play my 360 games on my xbox one.
But if my ps3 broke down I would have to either buy a new ps3 or pay to stream games I own on my ps4.

Backwards compatibility is a great feature. Its total nonsense when they say it wont happen because of cell processor. Sony are on a money grab with remasters and PS Now and as ps4 is the number one selling console they are too arrogant to bring BC.

TKCMuzzer3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

I see, another tech genius posting in the comment section of an average gaming site spreading his technical knowledge and insight into success in business, at the same time ironically slagging of a company for remasters but lauding a company that not only remasters games but doing so firmly in the knowledge their going to be adding BC to the console as well. 'Console wars', funny and ridiculous at the same time.

Professor_K3209d ago

Must be a pain in the butt getting up and doing all that work just to play all your games.

With bc you dont have to do that

Also what if your old consoles break?

Chug3209d ago

All that work? I don't think you understand what work is. And if they break I guess I'll use the X1 for the 360 games that are compatible and either forget about last gen or get new last gen consoles for the rest.

Professor_K3209d ago

I meant setting up your consoles, back to back just to play both old and new games.

This is next gen, gamers shouldn't put up with such nuisance.

TKCMuzzer3209d ago (Edited 3209d ago )

Western world problems eh, I mean life is such a chore for so many. :/

Isn't funny how you say 'this is next gen' but your whole issue is around last gen games.

I don't miss last gen games one bit.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3209d ago
THC CELL3210d ago

sub for ps plus members or put game in ps4 that u own and then it scans psnow and boom we are in

Yetter3210d ago

this seems like the only viable solution assuming PS wants to compete with this feature. Let me stream a game from PSNow for free if I already own it.

extermin8or3209d ago

except that service was not freeto setup and the price of your game didn't include potential PS now game rentalltime...

Death3209d ago

Do you really think 360 owners paid to have their games downloadable on the Xbox One back in 2005? I would imagine there is a cost on the Microsoft side as well. From what everyone is saying, nobody wants to play their PS3 games on the PS4 anyhow. Why not release this feature since the cost will be nothing since it won't be used.

crazychris41243210d ago

Just make it cheaper, add 6 month and yearly price options with discounts and if you already own a game that is available on PS Now you can get free unlimited streaming.

Rimeskeem3210d ago (Edited 3210d ago )

I say to start they can either make PSNow free or incredibly cheap (like a dollar a month) for Ps+ members.

idk, also make PS1 and PS2 games compatible.

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PlayStation rebrands Savage Game Studios as Neon Koi following exec departures

The console maker’s first mobile game studio acquisition says it is making “action games with epic stories”.

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isarai197d ago

Rebrand before you release a single game? That's weird 🤔


The Death of the Videogame Mascot

KeenGamer: "The concept of the videogame mascot is dying out. Learn how abandoning the need for a mascot can lead to better and more diverse console exclusives. PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo all have differing strategies, for better or worse."

Read Full Story >>
anast1121d ago

Mario and Zelda are still going strong.

Knightofelemia1121d ago

Depends on the character and how relevant they are or were, was the game they were in a good game that left an impression on you as a kid. If the character is over saturated and has shitty games like Sonic has had then people are tired of that character until they are rethought out and reworked from the ground up. You need a mascot for a brand when people see Link or Mario the first though that comes to mind is Nintendo, you see Kratos, Nathan Drake, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank you think Playstation. When you see yes Master Chief you think Xbox but when I see Marcus Fenix I see Xbox I am not a big Master Chief fan myself. You see Mega Man, Chun Li , Ryu you think Capcom. I have never played Blinx the Cat but his game from what I read sounds like it was poorly thought out and just slapped together to try and lure children into getting their parents to buy an Xbox. You need the character well thought out relatable and to have a fun game Super Lucky's Tale could have been an Xbox mascot as well but the game felt generic and bland. Mascots are needed to help push a brand whether they are old characters from older consoles or well planned out relatable characters that bring in a fun game to play. If mascots were truly dead then Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Ratchet and Clank, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot would not need games but they do. If I had a kid I wouldn't mind introducing them to Mario, Sonic, Spyro show them how fun these characters are. Then when they get older introduce them to Kratos, Nathan Drake, Marcus Fenix. Mascots will never die you need mascots whether its a video game or Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse they are brand recognition.

Godmars2901121d ago

More like "The inability of Sony and MS to develop and support mascots."

Hell, as badly as they've managed games, Sega still has Sonic.


Sony invests $250 million in Fortnite maker Epic Games

Sony has invested $250 million for a minority stake in Fortnite maker Epic Games, the companies announced today. With the new money, Epic Games has raised $1.83 billion to date. The companies said the deal cements an already close relationship between the two companies and reinforces the shared goal to advance the state of the art in technology, entertainment, and socially connected online services.

Read Full Story >>
1428d ago Replies(10)
Daniel21831428d ago

What games have epic released recently ? All I can think of is fortnite ?

moongrim1428d ago

Its the only one they need apparently.

Fantangoooo1428d ago

It does make a crap ton for them in revenue

SierraGuy1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

Rocket league?!!

That must be a cash cow 🐄.

Unspoken1427d ago

See that comment marked spam up above?

Censorship at its finest. Exclusively on N4G with superfast loading of down votes and flagging the truth. Echo chambers can't get any better than this.

Epic is laughing all the way to the bank with Sony's 💰. I don't want to say I told ya so...but...🙄

Man, Sony fans have to be in such a dillusioned state, I think they are going to need some hugs after this one.

Babadook71427d ago (Edited 1427d ago )


What are you talking about? This partnership is beneficial for both companies. The cash helps Epic, and in turn Sony will make profit on their investment. Nothing wrong there. Furthermore Epic and Sony informed each other regarding next gen, for years. Thats a big win for both there too, and theres nothing wrong with any of that. Unless you're an xbox fan boy of course.

As for your comment marked spam. Many people are using the system to silence opposition. Which bites. I didn't see it but I only mark actual spam as spam.

darthv721427d ago

@dook... Epic is part owned by Tencent. If they need $$ they just get it from them. And MS also paid more than sony for the use of UE over the course of three console generations.

morganfell1427d ago

What MS did generations ago is immaterial. This isn't Unreal 3 its U5. As Janet said, what have you done for me lately.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1427d ago
CaptainCook1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

Good job Microsoft acquired Gears of War IP from Epic lol

StoneyYoshi1428d ago

Even if MS didn't, this investment doesn't give Sony any rights to control Epic or any of its properties.

Harryvok1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

It is a tired old franchise now. I'd be quite happy to never see another Gears game ever again.

Hakuoro1428d ago

Godfall is going to be on PS5.

dumahim1428d ago

And? That's published by Gearbox and developed by Counterplay.

borneFROMblood1428d ago

I bet it's mostly for Unreal Engine

rainslacker1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

It'd be for whatever Epic does. Sony has a stake in the company. They don't control the company though. They'll get dividends based on whatever Epic makes, which is usually a lot.

Sony isn't likely to want to change up whatever Epic is doing. Restricting Epic's marketplace just means it isn't making as much money, which means less of a return. Epic I guess wanted an infusion of cash, and Sony gave it to them.

People saying it's anything more don't understand what investment means, and are reading more into it than is really there.

morganfell1428d ago

Sony has Decima. And UE licenses are not that expensive

1428d ago
Father__Merrin1428d ago

any publisher that has fortnite really doesnt need any other game its a quality title and is free to play

BLAKHOODe1428d ago

Well, there is that Unreal Engine thing. I hear it's in a few games.

Kyizen1427d ago

It is one more game than Valve haha

1427d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1427d ago
lelo2play1428d ago

All that praise from Epic has a explanation now...

borneFROMblood1428d ago

*Invested* is not Paid
Sony still owns the money and they will get paid in huge back, they are making this bet anticipating the blowup with Unreal Engine 5.

throne1428d ago

logic doesn't apply to them, they see what they want to see

Atom6661428d ago

I mean...isn't it even more clear now that we learned it was a major investment? It's one thing if it was maybe 6 figures to do some cross promotion, but we're talking 1/4 billion Paid here.

StoneyYoshi1428d ago


It isn't considered a Major investment. Article states they invested in a minority stake. You know what "minority" means right?

MadLad1428d ago


250 million is a large investment, even if it's into a billion dollar company.

StoneyYoshi1428d ago

Yeah its a large amount of money but its still a minority investment in the company like the article says...
250 Mil invested into a 17 Billion dollar company is definitely not a major or large investment.

Atom6661428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )


That made be chuckle. Isn't this investment larger than the check they wrote for all of Insomniac?

Name me the marketing deal that comes close to 250mil. That's the point. They invested a truckload of cash here, and it's mutually beneficial to promote UE5 on PS5.

There's no reason or way to spin it as "no big deal." It's a meaningful move for both, and explains a lot of things.

rainslacker1428d ago

Someone should explain what Epic gains from this besides $250 million dollars, and if they really believe that Sony felt that $250 million was what it would cost to get Epic saying nice things about them.

To me, if Sony's investment was contingent on having Sweeney say the PS5 was a good console, and talk up the SSD and other features of the PS5, that seems kind of like him selling out. One thing I've never considered Sweeney to be is a sell out.

Sometimes, the simplest answer is the real one....not some made up conspiracy or extrapolating extenuating circumstances to try and find an answer that doesn't exist. Epic has nothing to gain by talking up the PS5 now. It would tarnish their reputation, which has generally always been fairly neutral. Even when MS was funding Gears of War for them, they didn't hold back the PS3 tools for Unreal, nor were they prone to talking crap about it.

JackBNimble1427d ago

It's only a 1.4% investment, that's a tiny sliver of the pie.
$250mil may seem huge to the average person but these are multibillion dollar companies.

This doesn't give Sony any decision making power over UE5 and it's not going to stop MS or anyone else from using this engine.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1427d ago
Cmv381428d ago

Y'all are truly weird. So the ps5 isn't actually any good, epic is just lying because Sony invested in them 2 months after the praise..... yeah ok

UltimateRacer1427d ago

Exactly, it must mean that every other developer that’s praised the PS5 must secretly be working at or owned by Epic lol.

Fantangoooo1428d ago

Invested yes... do you really think after Tim Sweeney and Sony Ceo would toast pinacoladas under the sun, Tim wouldn’t throw in a free hype marketing for ps5?! Of course he would.. not saying the ps5 is bad in anyway but he kinda went hard on that. Probably the most vocal Tim I have ever heard Tim ever!

sushimama1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

It doesn't mean what they said is not true though.

throne1428d ago

it no use, the fanboys are in full droves in this thread, I guess what Tim said really cut them deep to conclude the guy is a shill. proof is in the pudding when the games come out

Atom6661428d ago

True. But it means what they DIDN'T SAY can be explained now.

UE5 will be utilized to great results on XSX and PC. We now know why they "chose" to really highlight only one platform.

Your efforts to defend Sony aren't necessary. There's nothing to defend...it's just business.

aconnellan1428d ago

You’re correct, I think what they said is still true.

Problem was a lot of people were saying the *reason* they came out and said those things, made the exclusive tech demo etc was out of the goodness of their hearts, while others suggested that money looked like it had changed hands.

This shows the latter - doesn’t mean what they said isn’t true, just implies they were incentivised to come out and say it

rainslacker1428d ago

So, Epic games promoted Sony, held off on talking about Xbox, all for the hope that Sony would invest $250 million in their company? Seems rather precarious to do such a thing unless the investment was contingent on that, and I can't imagine any $250 million dollar investment would rely on something so fickle.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1428d ago
mark3214uk1428d ago

they must own all devs then as most have said good things about the ps5 ssd

MadLad1428d ago

Said good things, sure. But there are devs also saying good things about the new Xbox as well.
Epic is a giant name in the industry, and they chose to concentrate only on the PS5 - of which Sony invested a quarter of a billion dollars.

This is straight up marketing. Not a sincere developer simply commenting on a piece of tech.

Sweeney's comments were literally an ad for PS5, as far as I'm concerned.

rainslacker1428d ago

Yeah....that the PS5 is a really good console.

Pretty simple explanation.

You think Epic couldn't raise 250 million from any number of sources? They're worth billions. Sweeney has never been one to pander to companies just to raise money, and has never had a problem praising or criticizing. He even criticized MS when MS was making them money with Gears of War.

Kavorklestein1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

Of course epic could raise 250 million some other way. And they do, all the time. The question is, if 250 mil really is such a small amount like some fools say, then what could Sony really be helping them with by giving it to them? The fact is, it's NOT a small amount of money.
Destiny 2 and Halo Infinite had/have a 500 million + dollar budget. That's huge. 250 Million was paid for the kind praise for PS5 and maybe as a financial Vote of Confidence and Support for Epic's advances in technology. But more than anything, it was to get an Exclusive promotion from the Stunning and clearly industry Leading tech giant of Game engines to say good things about the PS5.

You say Sweeny has never been one to sell out or pander? Are you freaking kidding me? He is the PC KING of sell out practices and has done all kinds of deals back and forth on both sides of the PC digital marketplace with
Epic Game store exclusivity and Epic does all kind of deals with Fortnite all the time.

Get over your delusions.
It's really not some huge deal Sony did this, it's just business. What is pathetic tho, most of all, is people like you deflecting the obvious because it makes you feel better about PS5.
PS5 didn't need to go this route to be successful and dominate tho. It's a good system supported by a Company with a big and broad vision for gaming. And we reap the benefits of that vision all the time. Is should make you worry so much either way you look at it. And you are clearly worried about something. You and many others on this site...
Worried Enough that some, (like you) create denials and excuses.. Over something that isn't even really that big of a deal in the first place.
It's kind of bad form, trying to Make it seem like it could only be done on a PS5, and to take money to act like the PS5 is what made it possible instead of Epic's engine, but oh well.
Life goes on.
If MS did this people would talk about how MS is the poison of the games industry probably. But no, it's just business and all 3 of the big 3 do things like this.
Dollars go to and fro with big tech companies all the time. If you ask me, The secret from now on should be transparency so people can decide which ethics and practices to support instead and marketing programs to support or buy into instead of making it seem like a promotion wasn't part of the boost in Positive comments and hype.

tontontam01428d ago

All that downplaying of the ps5 ssd architecture by exclusive ms developers has the same explanation.

_dangerclose_1428d ago

Yeah they're really excited for PS5 and its architecture, it was self explanatory.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1427d ago
italiangamer1428d ago

Pffff look at the saltiness in the comments from the green camp hahahahha

Zodiac1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

Ewww, a console war gamer, gross 🤢

Ricegum1428d ago Show
Sunny_D1428d ago

Funny how they were quiet when it was confirmed Dirt 5 would run at 120 FPS on PS5 as well lmao.

aaronaton1427d ago

You shouldn't make derogatory statements about a marginalised community like that.

Saijahn1428d ago

No saltiness here. Them turning a profit will only help Sony crank out some better games in the end. Good for the Sony consumer 👍🏽

1428d ago Replies(3)
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