
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture was the REAL No.1 last week

Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture would have topped the UK charts - if digital data was included.

MCV sources say the interactive story, developed by UK independent studio The Chinese Room, comfortably outsold LEGO Jurassic World, which was last week’s No.1 game according to the Chart-Track UK retail data.

n4rc3212d ago

and if your aunt had a penis, she'd be your uncle.. lol

too bad we dont know digital sales so making assumptions like this are pointless

Spotie3212d ago

It's not really impossible to know digital sales. It's just that they're not tracked by the same firms that do retail.

That doesn't make them pointless, though; especially since "digital is the future" according to so many, knowing that a digital-only game did better than the best retail title for a given period- or overall, for that matter- is important.

n4rc3212d ago

no its not impossible... but publishers arent sharing that info..

so even if the developer themselves told this guy they sold more then the top physical game, it doesnt make it true... and that developer doesnt know what every other title is doing digitally

that firm also didnt track lego Jurassic parks digital sales either so how can they say they beat it?

Spotie3212d ago

Presumably, they'd have some idea of the sales for Lego, as well.

I don't see anything saying their source is the developer, themselves, nor do I see any reason to believe they would ONLY have digital numbers- or strong speculation- for JUST the one game.

strickers3212d ago

You do know who MCV UK are?

n4rc3212d ago (Edited 3212d ago )

A trade publication/website that has no info besides what anyone else does..

Tracking firms like NDP etc use receipts and things that aren't available for digital sales..

Unless the dev/pub or platform holder tells you, you can only guess.

strickers3212d ago

What on earth makes you think a trade magazine has no more info that anyone else?
You really don't know how the world works.

n4rc3212d ago

Yeah.. Sony, Microsoft and everyone else only shares their data with them and not NDP or anyone else.. This website has the inside track right?

Cmon man.. They report on info we can all obtain, digital sales aren't one of them..

Unless this unnamed source is spilling info people have wanted for quite some time which would mean the source works for Sony or the publisher. Also the reason they are unnamed so they don't lose their job.

Maybe think twice before slinging jabs like that.. At least actually say something to try and validate your point

strickers3212d ago (Edited 3212d ago )

You know that scene in Good Will Hunting where Robin Williams points out that Matt Damon mouths off, but basically is a punk kid who doesn't really know anything about the real world ?
That's probably you. Minus the genius bit.
I don't need to present you with some evidence. This is a forum not a court of law. Comments sense based conjecture is something I'm perfectly happy giving you.

n4rc3211d ago

you made my day and described yourself exactly..

nice cop out.. ;)

strickers3211d ago

What a shame you are out of bubbles. Your "know you are, said you are, what am I" reply is pretty much a reinforcement of both age and IQ comments I've made on the average Xbox user. Well done.
I think I maybe entirely on the money suggesting you actually know very little.
Maybe on your morning bin run you'll think of some more attempts to sound intelligent, before your shift is over. That's if you aren't too busy playing all those exclusives.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3211d ago
3212d ago
Chaosdreams3212d ago

I haven't gone to Rapture yet. I hear it's quite the stroll.


Seriously though, opinion from those who've played, is it good?

littlezizu3212d ago

It's good game. 5 to 6 hours, longer if you explore. For 20$ it is worth every cent.

Clover9043212d ago

I thought it was brilliant. It's gorgeous, great mystery, very well acted, tugs at your heartstrings, the atmosphere envelopes you. If you can enjoy a great story about the Rapture, you're going to love it. .

Chaosdreams3212d ago

Heartstrings eh? Then I'd say it did its job. Thanks!

nucky643212d ago

it depends on what you like - did you like journey? if yes, you'll enjoy rapture. if you didn't like journey -pass on rapture.
btw - my trip through rapture was around 5 or 6 hrs....and I really liked the end....... worth the 15.99 I paid

Chaosdreams3212d ago

Just played Journey for the first time two days ago actually. I loved it.

DafunkyRebel3212d ago

the story is pretty good, but you have to play it several times to get the full story because sometimes you miss a cutscene and it just adds to the mystery

shammgod3204d ago

It tells a great story, has a great soundtrack and visuals. It's true, you will be walking around (slowly), but the story, scenery and music are top notch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3204d ago
lemoncake3212d ago

If digital data was included then the top games would be candy crush, clash of clans, etc etc.

lemoncake3212d ago

They are still games generating digital revenue, love em or hate em.

Spotie3212d ago

Not for consoles, they wouldn't be.

lemoncake3212d ago

This article talks about PC games also, it's not limiting the discussion to console gaming. Go read the article, duh.

3212d ago
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5 great video games set in the UK

David at SQUAD writes: "Over the past few months, I’ve found myself lost in a number of books set in my home-land of the United Kingdom. At first, it was by chance, but then I found myself seeking them out. Then I got some games in a few sales -- Assassins Creed: Syndicate and Vampyr, if you must know -- and realized I’d done it again. This got me thinking: does the video game industry do a good enough job of setting games in a diverse set of locations, and how many games are set in the UK anyway?"

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bunt-custardly1440d ago

Ubisoft's Zombi was set in London I believe.

geekmandem1440d ago

Yep, ZombiU was indeed. A game I actually saw recommended a few times. It's weird that it stuck with so many people.

1439d ago

Dying Light, Crysis 3, Battlefield 4 & Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture with Ray Tracing

DSOGaming writes: "These past few weeks we’ve been showcasing numerous games that were visually improved by Pascal Gilcher’s ray traced Global Illumination method/solution for ReShade. And today, since it’s a slow news day, we are bringing you four games that have been showcased with this alpha Reshade version. These games are Dying Light, Crysis 3, Battlefield 4 and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture."

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1792d ago
isarai1792d ago

Again Reshade is not Raytracing, is a screen space post processing effect. Thats like calling SSAO "Global Illumination"


Sumo buys Everybody's Gone to the Rapture studio The Chinese Room

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