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2K Games not improving BioShock visuals for PS3 version

Some bad news for PS3 owners hoping for some improvements in the graphics department for upcoming shooter BioShock. Publisher 2K Games has confirmed to that it's concentrating on matching, not bettering the visuals seen in the Xbox 360 version.

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MaximusPrime5796d ago

im not interested in the game but fair enough.

i_eatbreakfast4lunch5796d ago

its hard to make the graphics better for a system thats harder to dev for

to be honest

ChampIDC5796d ago

It's also hard to make the graphics better when they were already just about top of the line.

ape0075796d ago

is that your true thoughts

or just because of ps3 vs 360 bla,bla,bla

man will this people ever grow up

fantastic game

you'll be fully immersed into the world of bioshock

Shortstop5796d ago

Though it is easier to make the graphics better for the more powerful system.

ape0075796d ago (Edited 5796d ago )


double post

tplarkin75796d ago

Ports on PS3 are often uglier and chuggier. We'll be lucky if it looks and plays the same.

StephanieBBB5796d ago

Can't understand what you people see in this game. I've been watching alot of gameplay footage of it and im not impressed of the graphics nor intrieged by the gameplay or story.

MGS4 has much better graphics than this and the gameplay is ten times more satisfying.

It feels like the only people that promotes this game is people that have bought this after halo 3 and if you compare those too I can understand why you think that Bioshock is the new revolution of gaming.

shine13965795d ago

the visuals were already good for me on the 360, the cinematography was brilliant, just concentrate on the the things we're not likely to notice, and keep adding to things in the background, cause that's where I'd rather the push the ps3. still going to be a first day buy for me.

Overr8ed5795d ago

the Devs did say that the Graphics are about thee same but the Ps3 version is going to be in a high res.

cyclindk5795d ago

"Though it is easier to make the graphics better for the more powerful system."

I agree, the PS3 has more power to wield, but it doesn't work that depends on the nature of the architecture of the system and dev familiarity with that architecture that determines quality of output; PS3 has new, unfamiliar architecture.

vickers5005795d ago


Seriously, if you've never played the game, then don't speak about it. You obviously know nothing about BioShock so why comment about it? Aside from MGS4, BioShock is considered to have the best story this gen (and imo its better than mgs4, but thats just me).

Don't post your uninformed opinions, they are worthless.

JsonHenry5795d ago

The game looked crazy good on the 360 already. On the PC it was mediocre at release compared to other PC games though..

TVC155795d ago

Bioshock, GTA IV and probably MGS4 (haven't played it yet)

are my favorite games of this gen and have my favorite storylines.

Bioshock was just brilliant and fun. For me, it was all about the exploration, and all the audio things you'd find were just amazing to find and listen to.

Bloodwar5795d ago

You make not a damn bit of sense.. I guess since the PS3 version is in "high res" I guess the Xbox 360 version is in High Definition. Take your fanboy comment else where... you had no clue how to even pronounce definition and you must not have been able to spell resolution. Its okay. You are forgiven; now go back to your room.

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paul_war5796d ago (Edited 5796d ago )

The better PS3 visuals for Bioshock argument was getting thrown arround a lot here, lets hope they can match the 360 version.

Even if it does come off worse this is still a great game, highly recomended.

gw4k5796d ago

If 2k can at least match the 360 graphics I think customers will be happy.

It is about time us PS3 owners have a game that looks as good as the 360!

Jamie Foxx5796d ago (Edited 5796d ago )

do you actually realise how unintelligent your comment was?

guess youve never played uncharted,ratchet or MGS4 on your so called 'ps3'

ChampIDC5796d ago

Yeah, saying PS3 hasn't had games looking as good as 360 games is just stupid. I'm sure the PS3 version will be on par with the 360, or maybe just very slightly lower if they have a little trouble with the development, but I doubt it'll be noticably different.

hi-tower5796d ago

Why are devs so scared of making a game as good as it can be? That surely is what everybody wants, lets push the boundaries, lets see exactly what is possible? Not hide behind these childish 'it will only be as good as'...'we can't make it any better than'...

When these comments come out it just sounds like they are simply out to rinse gamers...'We can't be bothered with this to be honest, just going to do the minimum we have to so no-one will complain too much, then get it out there and go have a bath in all our money.'

badz1495796d ago

I've expected something like this, hell it's like common sense! have anybody played Lost Planet PS3? they can only improve so much from the original of 360! why? it's not that the PS3 is not capable of doing better but really, why do they want to do that?? they don't even have to because the game itself is already highly acclaimed with the way it is! so, the smart thing to do is to make a successful port and add some extra and trophies to lure gamers to buy it on PS3 even if it's being released after more than a year later than the 360! polishing everything will cost more money and what's the point of making multiplat if you're going to churn out more money out of your pocket just to satisfy some whinning graphical whores? Bioshock is a GREAT game, period! I've played it on PC and it's higly recommended for all gamers! cheers!

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Expy5796d ago

At this point, nobody really cares how "ports" look anymore. Gamers know that thee games are being ported from other machines and that isn't the most optimal way of "improving" visuals.

We all know that the first parties will be the ones to take full advantage of the systems hardware, it shouldn't come to a surprise that these other 3rd parties won't make the effort to push the hardware.

Still a good title going to the Playstation 3 with additional content built-in.

SilPho5796d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself. As long as this port isn't unplayable and ugly as sin, I'll definitely be venturing in to Rapture.

ChampIDC5795d ago

No need for another Orange Box...that's for sure. I think PS3 owners wouldn't complain much if the graphics end up slightly toned down somehow as long as the game isn't broken.

socomnick5796d ago

yea guys even with worse graphics its still probably the best game on the ps3. It is the single best game I have played in over 10 years. Amazing work of art.

Truplaya5796d ago

i bet he played on different TV at different res. I played it through 3 times and never noticed the jaggies he speaks of.
If it looks the same or better who cares, still a gorgeous game on both systems.

The water, lighting and other effects havent been beaten on any game. And i loved the syling of the whole thing, as you say, it was art.

The story and gameplay is even better than the graphics, PS3 owners are in for a treat.

Ghoul5796d ago

i forgot to lay a dead sheep in front of your cave this morning,
i'll never forget it again so you dont need to come out again.

now back to the cave

thewhoopimen5795d ago

I've played Bioshock on my friends 360 and while I found it immersive, I thought there would be alot more uses of the touted 'water' in the underwater city besides mini-floods and dousing out fire/conducting electricity on enemies. Frankly, Socomnick after comparing water effects of bioshock and then showing my buddy uncharted water effects (going up the river on a jetski) there wasn't much to say that hasn't been done already on the PS3 side. The gameplay is fun but distinctively PC-ish. The graphics looks like it's supposed to be run on your PC rig. Storywise, it is pretty good that you discover the mysteries behind rapture, but with the spawn points, the game was too easy and the "horror" element was greatly diminished.

coolfool5796d ago

Didn't this guy just go on a rant about how great the visuals now are for the PS3 verion?

How could he have seen all that when in actual fact they are the same?

Mr_Showtime15796d ago

even bigger than that, is this developer said they where improving them...

Maldread5796d ago (Edited 5796d ago )

Yeah, i found that strange too.

Well, i guess i`ll see how it turns out when the reviews are in then (if they`re consistent that is). A stable framerate is more important than improving the visuals for me, not that a visual upgrade wouldn`t be appreciated though ;)

Fototherapist5796d ago

I saw the interview on X-play last night and one of the developers stated that they were able to enhance some of the visuals over the 360 version.

coolfool5796d ago

either the websites are posting inaccurate reports or the devs are contradicting themselves....... i guess we will really see when the game is reviewed and released.

In my opinion though, I think the devs would be missing an opportunity by not even attempting to improve visuals to create one, a nice selling feature, and two, make an excellent game as good as it possibly could be.

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Bioshock: A Rapturous Revelation

Hey Poor Player's James Davie Takes Us On A Bio-Shocking Deep Dive Into Irrational Games' Nautical Nightmare.

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Five Nights at Freddy’s, SAG/Aftra News, Bioshock And More Skewedcast

Gareth, Justin, and Michael at Skewed and Reviewed look at timely and topical entertainment news on their latest show including the latest video game movie and news of another in the works.

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Community218d ago
ROCKY28217d ago

The movie was absolutely garbage !!!
BH needs to do better - since Halloween Ends - Exorcist , Freddy is Shyte - STOP IT !!!!

Garethvk217d ago

Didn't the creator write it? It also made a fortune based on the budget so from a business standpoint it is a massive success.


Why BioShock Deserves the Dead Space Remake Treatment

Dead Space recently received a popular remake that was faithful yet constructive, and the original BioShock is also deserving of this treatment.

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Community425d ago
banger88426d ago

No it doesn't need it. It was remastered in 60 fps last gen and still looks and plays great. Would be a waste of time, money and resources imo. It's games from 3 or 4 gens back that could use the remake treatment.

FallenAngel1984426d ago

There have already been 7th gen remakes of games already

Dead Space in particular already proves that just because a game looks good on original hardware doesn’t mean it cant look and play better

Jin_Sakai426d ago

Agreed although I’m ready for some new groundbreaking IP this generation.

IamTylerDurden1425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Agreed. Remasters already happened and still look n play fantastic. DS was a different animal. It needed a remake, Bioshock doesn't NEED it. Infinite Remastered for example is extremely viable even today. What we do need is Bioshock 4. Rumors that equated to zip. Where is it? Ken really blew the pooch as well. Left to go do what? He was inspired by Tell Tale or something and went off to become irrelevant. Nice. And Bioshock Vita was scrapped. Fantastic.

toxic-inferno425d ago

Bioshock 4 is definitely still in development. News trickles out about it every couple of months.

And Ken's next game (Judas) looks great from the teaser trailer.

IamTylerDurden1425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Yeah. Pretty much. I understand why they did it with TLOU to coincide with the show but certainly it didn't NEED a remake desperately. Obviously u are trolling and expect me defend anything Sony but idgaf about all that. I say what i feel is the truth.

Just like TLOU i wouldn't be upset if Bioshock received a remake but it doesn't desperately need it. I'd probably even play it bc like TLOU, i love Bioshock, but in these aren't identical scenarios either. Ppl kill ND for TLOU Remake yet it wasn't even their project originaly. It started as a potential Uncharted remake and passion project via Visual Arts and was passed to Bend i believe? ND took over bc the project obviously wasn't where it needed to be. And yet they still had Factions and possibly TLOU 3 in development as well. Bioshock has been dormant for a decade bar the remaster. Rumors of a sequel haven't materialised. A remake without a sequel would be disappointing. TLOU Remake is more tolerable knowing sequel/spinoffs are in development. Like i said, dif situation.

neutralgamer1992425d ago

It's not all about looks only

Tweaks to story
Tweaks to characters
Improvements to gameplay

Original bioshock have the worst puzzle solving system and can get frustrating quickly

WiiU-Dude424d ago

The last part you said I agree COMPLETELY!!! Game companies need to mine games from the Sega Saturn, PS1 and N64 days and even the Dreamcast, GameCube, and PS2 days to give a full update to. I know those would require more work, but there are PLENTY of gems from those days that people would LOVE to play again or for the first time with a facelift!!! I know I would.

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425d ago
Binarycode425d ago

The games that need remaking are.

Resistance fall of man.

PS5 would produce something special.

There's been such an advancement in tech since the PS3 days. It would be awesome. DAY 1 BUY for me.

Storm23425d ago

I would kill for Resistance 1-3 Remake/Remaster. Same with MotorStorm series and Killzone series. Man, I loved my PS3. Can we also get the Metal Gear series and rescue MGS4 off the PS3? There is a rumor of MGS3 getting a remake. One of, if not my number 1, favorite game of all time.

On topic, I played Bioshock like 6 months after release after hearing from everyone and their mother how incredible it was. I know I will be in the minority on this, but I couldn't get into it. I think my expectations were too high. Totally my fault. Maybe I should give it another chance...

IamTylerDurden1425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Agreed, Killzone as well, but Sony has no interest in the future of those IP. It won't happen. If they cared about Motorstorm they wouldn't have axed Evolution. The last remaster from a dead studio "Wipeout" was exceptional yet nobody supported it. Even with a free VR inclusion. If ppl want these remasters...actually support the ones that release. Medievil same thing. Ppl cried for Demon's Souls Remake, The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 and the sales didn't match the cries. None of these games sold as u would imagine given the internet pleas for these titles over a decade or more. DeS Remake did alright but given the circumstances it should've sold better. 92 Meta, PS5 launch exclusive, stunning visuals, and the first of the genre in an age where Eldin Ring will push 30 million units. Yes, DeS is only one platform but still.

Binarycode423d ago

I do agree mostly with what you said.

I bought killzone,2,3. Did not like 4 other then it's graphics.

I bought infamous 1,2. Second son never did it for me apart from again the graphics, so parts were good. But world felt too empty. Probably needed a PS5 to do it justice.

Bought all the Resistance and Motorstorms, those games were awesome. They 100% need a remake.

PS3 was just an awesome machine, I know it was a pain to develop for, but it had some many titles that I loved.
I really enjoyed the Bioshock series, the first 2 were best. Very good games.

As for Demon souls.and the souls series in general. They never have had massive sales. I think because they are very hard games. we are talking a million or less. I think the remaster did 1.4million.

Motorstorm pacific rift did 1.4million PS3.I think.

Hopefully some of them will come back.

-Foxtrot425d ago

I would love this

Expand on the lore

Incorporate Bioshock Infinite and Bioshock 2 plot lines

Add room rooms or maybe even an extra area

Maybe new plasmids

Give Jack a personality and add voice acting, it worked for Isaac. Jack did speak at the start of the game so adding onto that and giving him convos between Atlas or Ryan would be great

Aussiesummer425d ago

Man could you imagine what bioshock would look like in ue5 with full raytracing, phwaaarrrhh.

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