
Kickstarter MIA : Xeko's Missing $257k

Julie Morley writes: "The Xeko campaign was a teensy bit on the controversial side, leaving about 973 backers without rewards, no game, and bent out of shape. With Xeko, there's a lot of miscommunication, or a lack of communication altogether and some really in depth legal complications that makes the entire situation really confusing."


5 Terrifying Kickstarter Video Game Campaigns

Greg Micek writes: "As much as I love Kickstarter, and crowdfunding in general, I have to admit that it can be pretty scary at times. Scams, incompetence, emotional breakdowns, and general sketchiness seem to be just as common as starry eyed developers full of dreams. Given that we typically cover the starry eyed angle here on Cliqist I figured that for Halloween it was time to change things up a bit. I give you… (queue spooky music) 5 Terrifying Kickstarter Games."

Spenok3471d ago

Impossibly high expectations for Star Citizen? No... never lol. For the most successful crowd funded game of all time, I'm sure people's expectations are higher than just about any game. It does, however, look utterly fantastic. I have yet to fund it myself though. I will end up picking it up when it comes out at least. It looks too good to miss.

garyanderson3471d ago

I think it'll be better than the author fears, but I'm still pretty skeptical theyre gonna deliver on everything.

Spenok3471d ago

Yeah it would be pretty hard to do that all at once... unless they delay it a significant number of times. Or just don't talk about a release date until it's pretty much done. When that will be is anyone's guess though.


Amy Tucker Discusses Her Desire to Revive the Environmentally Aware Xeko | RipTen

Games that educate players about real-world topics often carry the unfortunate stigma of being about learning first and having fun second. While this is not often the case, players have certainly flocked to worthy titles that blend the two and erase any line of distinction. Yet even a franchise as popular as Assassin’s Creed has attempted to educate players about the locations and characters in the game, though this was done separately from gameplay.

PaladinXII4315d ago

Neat concept and great interview.

BlackjackCF4315d ago

It's an interesting concept. I don't think I've ever seen edutainment done like that.

chrisyoung04224315d ago

Good interview.

I will have to check Xeko out!


Diehard GameFAN: Kickstart My Heart: Volume I, Issue VI

DHGF: Welcome back to the sixth installment of Kickstart My Heart, Diehard GameFAN’s look into the world of crowdfunding for the gaming industry. Last week, we looked at good reasons to pull funding from a campaign. This week, we talk about what happens when a project that makes its funding goal falls apart and you don’t get your stuff. We’ll also look at what I personally have backed since last week, and ten up and coming products that you might want to back yourself.

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