
The Inner Circle special - DX12 Tech Talk with Brad Wardell

DirectX 12 bringing %300-%400 performance increase.The games currently still being made like DirectX 9 level on Xbox One.

Foehammer3404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

"Massive, massive boost"

"Remember the difference between Xbox 360 launch games and the games that came out years later? X1 will be even more extreme with DX12"


Can't wait to see what comes to X1

Edit @ mikis007, here is the test he's talking about:


Edit 2 @ kingduqc, as Timotim pointed out, your EXACT statement is addressed in the podcast. For the record he agrees with you BUT, and it's a BIG but, 2 things need to happen first:

1) The program needs to be very talented

2) the very talented programer needs a reason to spend countless hours doing the programming himself as oppose to using pre-existing tools to yield a completed product in much less time.

As the Founder, President and CEO of Stardom states:

"DX12 will do 90% of the work for you" meaning all the countless hours if the developers ignored the easy route of using pre existing tools.

TheCommentator3404d ago

I believe in DX12 having an impact on gaming, even on console, but this news seems way different than everything we've heard before. Admittedly, I didn't listen to the interview; 45 minutes is a long time. Can someone explain why this guy feels this way?

yarbie10003404d ago

It's not any different than what we've heard. The idea that DX12 wouldn't have a impact on XBO has been a myth from the start that's already been busted. http://videogamesandnews.co...

bleedsoe9mm3404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

i'm no expert but seems to me like he stressed the ease of use of dx12 for devs on xb1 without having to spend allot of extra time getting programs close to the metal , easier for devs if dx12 features are in engine , without the extra time and money for special programming to get it there .

TheCommentator3404d ago

@yarbie1000 - thanks for the link. I had a feeling Win10 and dx12 would work well together but every time I'd even suggest that it would vastly improve gpu/cpu communication people here would disagree with me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3404d ago
mkis0073404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

There is no context to your quote...are you talking about a 100 foot ladder? A full unabridged quote would help.

kingduqc3404d ago

Console already has low level API for years, DX 12 does this for the pc... you won't see massive improvement console wise.

3404d ago
otherZinc3403d ago

XBOX ONE will demonstrate DirectX 12 with:

Fable Legends 1080p 60fps
Forza Motorsport 6 1080p 60fps
Halo 5 1080p 60fps
This year 2015!

The PS4 has not 1 AAA Exclusive running
1080p 60fps slated for 2015:
The Order 1886
Blood Born
Uncharted 4
Will not run 1080p 60fps in 2015.

The "Secret Sauce" has arrived.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3403d ago
hello123404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

Brad just confirmed what i said on here the 8 core CPU is what is impressive about both consoles and it will be important for directx12 and for gaming in the future. If you think about it the first 8 core CPU PC from Intel only came out in late 2014

If games can utilise the 6 cores or even 7 cores in the future amazing games are coming, Directx11 games function mainly on 1 core.

Directx12 will not change directx11 games at all, interesting.

He said directx11 to directx12 we will see a performance gain, but its not huge and he said if you want to see phenomenal gains devs will have to create new directx12 engines for their games. Phil Spencer was right it really is going to be down to how devs use the new tools available.

DirectX 12 bringing %300-%400 performance increase

People are jumping the gun here and not understanding what he meant. Going from 8fps to 14fps is a 100% increase.

On one 1 games or demo they saw a increase of 500 per cent. dX11 it could not get above 7fps with dx12 i think it hit 43 OR 46 fps

Commentator@ I think everyone should listen he even talked about x box 1 resolution problems and causes and its not what i expected it seems to be a dev issue of not optimising.

He also mentioned the PS4 api and what he heard about it. Worth a listen even if not a x box fan.

TheCommentator3404d ago

Thanks for the breakdown. Has MS confirmed then that they can talk to the gpu simultaneously with all cores? I thought I remember hearing that Xbox One was designed with only one core being able to talk to the gpu, which would limit dx 12 performance on the console.

dreadz743404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

This what makes Dx12 a big deal on XB1 ..Right now only one core can talk to gpu with Dx12 all cores can talk to gpu on the same level.If games are no longer CPU bound imagine how much further they could push it!!He adresses the issue that so many say oh it's to the metal already.Yes it is closer to metal but still only one core is doing the work.Gains will not be as high as pc which is 300%-500% but with only 1 core previously doing the work and now all pushing the same do ppl really think there will be no increase on XB1?I would say 100%-200% increase not this nonsense ppl say that only 10% increase rubbish man...IMO from information and test done from Anandtech PC will see 300-500% increase on high end HW on middle HW 150%-300% and on low end HW 100%-150% this is insane http://www.anandtech.com/sh...

Sorry but XB1 will see a good gain Phil is just tempering expectation watch the article it's very good.. Current games will not look better or get a boost but games built from the ground up on DX12 will look way better..Games must be built on DX12 to see the gains old games will still be the same this is very clear now!!!

VJGenova3404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

I don't know where you get your information from, but I had an 8-core, 16 thread CPU in 2012. As of year ended 2014, I now have a 14-core, 28 thread CPU. Both of these are Intel Xeon processors ...

slate913404d ago

hard to get excited when phil himself has said it wont increase xbox one in a significant way numerous times. At work so i cant listen to the interview. Is this legit? Or more wait and see?

mkis0073404d ago

I really think the only difference between this and last gen is that we finally have a name for the improvements that span the gen.

Gamer7773404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

Phil stated that it wouldn't change the system's hardware. The interview is mainly focused on how DX12 improves multi-threading and allows for more efficient usage of the console's 8 CPUs.

VJGenova3404d ago

If it can really use 8 of my 14 cores efficiently then awesome! I'm sure my GPU will then be the bottleneck. Got to say it just keeps getting better!

XanderZane3404d ago (Edited 3404d ago )

Now imagine games that are already at 30fps getting that same 300%-400% performance increase. Greatness is coming.... True the devs will have to modify or create new graphic engines to utilize the DX12 tools, but I don't see that as a problem. Many devs are already jumping on board. We'll know the whole ramification of this after the GDC.

Phil is under an NDA, just like most devs. You think he's going to spill the beans when he has a muzzle on his head? He can't say anything.

slate913404d ago

Yeah thats true. But why not just tell everyine to "wait and see" and build hype, instead of trying to kill the hype? You know what I mean?

yarbie10003404d ago

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu

corroios3404d ago

300 to 400% performance in a mobile CPU, really? Does anyone believes in this?

This means that the Xbox One will be able to run games 4k/120 frames...

For the PC must be like 3000% performance...

Lenrulesdaworld3404d ago

that's not what he was saying those gains are for pc but xbox one could see similar gains, if devs write for dx12 game specifically so gains are possible but not that high. maybe 100-200% which is only like 30 fps going to 60 fps. something xbox one could use to great effect.

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DirectX 12 Agility SDK Announced and Released Today by Microsoft

At GameStack Live, Microsoft announced and released the new DirectX 12 Agility SDK, which delivers DX12 Ultimate features to a larger base. There will benefits for Xbox, too.

Read Full Story >>
Orchard1140d ago

Pretty cool. Should help devs adopt more modern rendering techniques on both PC & Xbox rather than have to target old versions to cover the majority of their users.

Sayai jin1139d ago

I saw a report that the new Windows update causes a performance decrease in gaming performance.

1139d ago

NVIDIA GeForce 451.48 WHQL released, adds full support for DirectX 12 Ultimate graphics API

DSOGaming writes: "NVIDIA has just released a brand new driver for its graphics cards. According to the release notes, the NVIDIA GeForce 451.48 WHQL driver adds full support for the DirectX 12 Ultimate graphics API. Additionally, this driver supports Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling when used with the Windows 10 May 2020 Update."

Read Full Story >>
1438d ago

Windows 10 May 2020 Update available for download, features WDDM 2.7 & DirectX 12 Ultimate support

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft has released the highly anticipated May 2020 Update for Windows 10. This Update brings support for both WDDM 2.7 and DirectX 12 Ultimate. Moreover, it packs some Xbox Game Bar improvements."

Read Full Story >>
GaboonViper1468d ago

Here comes another feature update that resets my settings.

Profchaos1467d ago

If it doesn't delete your files ala 1809 consider it a minor victory

1nsomniac1467d ago

I’ve noticed they do this as well.

I wonder how they legally get away with stealthily resetting all the privacy settings to allow tracking and monitoring without notifying you. It was only by chance I noticed it last time.

1467d ago
Unspoken1467d ago

Any software you use does this unfortunately.

1nsomniac1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

I think you’re misunderstanding what happens. All your windows settings remain untouched, it doesn’t change any of your settings accept Those related to your privacy. So all those privacy settings you agreed not to share during the installation and other privacy terms that you agreed not to share, within the privacy options page, even your offline linked windows accounts. It secretly enables all of those options without notifying you that it’s changed your selected options that both parties had agreed to. I don’t think they’ll be allowed to continue to do that under GDPR laws so we’ll see if it happens again. However unfortunately for me being in the UK, we won’t have GDPR laws for much longer after we leave the EU.

Hakuoro1466d ago


The term "willingly" is questionable at best...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1466d ago
1467d ago
AuraAbjure1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

Crash restart lockup repeat. Windows. Wonder what will happen to people who take health advice from its creator.

Edgelordsupreme1467d ago


I don't have any problems, so the issue is probably someone who thinks Bill Gates has anything to do with the development of Windows in its current form.

Tacoboto1467d ago

"My PC sucks" = "Bill Gates' billions and billions of investment in vaccines and cures will kill you"?

1467d ago
BigTrain1467d ago

Crash, the END. That's what'll happen.

Asuka1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

As a note: WDDM 2.7 requires you to have updated drivers (which currently no official WQHL driver w/ support is available for Nvidia yet. Only development branch 450.xx). Also you need a 7th gen or newer Intel CPU w/ igpu, or a 10 series or newer Nvidia GPU, or latest AMD offerings.

WGAF1467d ago

Last time I update, the ethernet driver wasnt available so no matter what (even factory reset) I can't go online. The only way to update is to go online lol. Well I always wanted an offline laptop, so I guess got what I wish for :/

Fishy Fingers1467d ago

Use wifi (or tether to the device your posting from now) and download the driver.