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Brianna Wu launches Patreon campaign to battle Gamer Gate with feminism

Examiner's David Leavitt writes: "Today Dec. 19, 2014 Boston Mass. independant video game developer Brianna Wu launched a Patreon campaign to battle Gamer Gate with feminism."

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Community3453d ago
gangsta_red3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

I really don't know what Gamergate is all about, but I have seen many articles of women claiming to be harassed from people from there.

Don't know if it's true or not but seeing the way certain people act and post on here just makes me think that these allegations are not all just baseless complaints from women seeking attention.

I am actually going to base this off of N4G and the internet in general. I am a member on other websites and as much as I hate the bubble system, I have to appreciate it sometimes when i get comments on other sites.

Yes, I never see full blown attacks on women on this site, thank goodness. But the comments and attitude towards women is still concerning. I mean the recent article about GTA having a woman protagonist and the comments that followed where really disheartening.

-Foxtrot3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

"Don't know if it's true or not but seeing the way certain people act and post on here"

You are going to base this all on N4G...really, not the best place to do that don't you think.

Besides even if you did use N4G I never really see any users hating on women, maybe the odd immature "Giggity Goo" comment but nothing which would come across as a full blown attack.

Thing is most people are too bothered about games, consoles, fanboy wars, sales, resolutions, frame rate etc to bother "attacking" women for no reason.

Docknoss3453d ago

Anita sarkeesian debunked in under a minute.

Abash3453d ago

The media can keep throwing "Gamer Gate" in my face and I still won't care. Everyone is at risk to be harassed on the internet, whether you are a man, woman, or child.

DragonKnight3453d ago

They are all baseless complaints from women seeking attention.

GamerGate is a consumer revolt against corruption, nepotism, cronyism, and the general lack of ethics in the gaming industry.

The people claiming it's about harassment are doing so based on the experiences of 3 women. Zoe Quinn, who sleeps around with anything that moves to advance herself (she slept with her own married boss)

Anita Sarkeesian. I'm sure you know of her.

And this woman here, Brianna Wu, whose very first interaction with GamerGate was to call it a bunch of autistic children.

It originally started when Zoe Quinn filed a false DMCA claim on a youtube video about her FREE "game" Depression Quest, not long after that her ex-boyfriend posted a rather long blog detailing how horrible a person she is and information came to light that she successfully shut down a program designed to help women enter the gaming industry by claiming that said program expected women to work for free. Funny that because her "game" was free so the outrage is odd.

The blog mentioned 5 guys that Zoe slept with and one of them was a journalist for Kotaku, so it was believed she slept around for positive press for her "game", though that was an unfounded claim. All of this operated under the tag TheQuinnspiracy.

Shortly after that, the gaming press decided to rally around her and authored no less than 10 articles declaring gamers to be dead, prompting actor Adam Baldwin to coin the tag GamerGate and shifting all focus to the blatant collusion going on within the gaming press.

4 months and counting, the movement has always been about the same thing. People like Zoe Quinn insist they want to move on with their lives, yet keep inserting themselves within GamerGate, calling it a movement of harassment against women and trying to exclude women from gaming despite thousands of women supporting GamerGate. Those same women who support GamerGate receive vicious harassment for being on the "wrong" side all the time.

gangsta_red3453d ago

Interesting, I'm going to have to do some more looking into. Because like I said, I see a bunch of articles of this coming up on this site but I never (rarely) comment because I really don't know what Gamergate or any of these women actually do.

Godmars2903453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

At this point "Gamergate" has become nothing more than a trigger word for extremist feminist like terrorism has become one for government leaders to justify excessive use of deadly force against anyone they deed to use it against.

SuperBlur3453d ago

"I mean the recent article about GTA having a woman protagonist and the comments that followed where really disheartening."

What was disheartening exactly? People clearly stated they don't care whether or not its a female , they just dont want it to be forced , if R* create a story about a guy and change it to include a female in place , we don't think they should only to cater to these people just so they can shut up , art is art is art , you don't go around telling people what they should paint or not . Imo

Somebody3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )


Now, instead of helping gaming all this rush to add female characters to appease some activists or popular view presented game devs an uphill battle when they try to do so and gamers are not particularly wrong in their cynicism. If they want to release a new female game character, make her an interesting one. Focus on her character and her abilities-make her awesome. Don't give her an external baggage(added due to pressure or agenda from outside party) that will certainly kill any interest on her.

Remember Me was initially interesting but when they focus so much on the female character's development-how difficult it was to bring a female character into a male dominated market- instead of how awesome she is with the game mechanic, I lost interest. I want to know about the character, the game world and mechanics, not the politics.

Now the same dev is making a new game with more female characters called Life is Strange. So far the game looks interesting and they have a good trailer that nicely presents the world, characters, plot, tone and potential gameplay elements-exactly what they did in the early promotional phase of Remember Me. I hope they don't mess it up again by shoving some politics or agenda guiding their decisions down out throats like in the later promotional phases of Remember Me.

Godmars2903453d ago

"Remember Me was initially interesting but when they focus so much on the female character's development-how difficult it was to bring a female character into a male dominated market- instead of how awesome she is with the game mechanic,"

No. The central game element was of vary limited value to the overall game. There were only a very few instances when it was used, and then only one result was possible. If there had been multiple result which then resulted in branching story lines, then it likely would have been a different story. And then again such would have had to have been done right.

What sex the character was, was not a factor.

ginganinja3453d ago

This Gaf post gives you a pretty decent rundown of what's actually happened (as opposed to what's been alleged);

or this one;

viperman2403453d ago

I wouldn't take anything from NeoGaf as fact.

As anyone who is pro GG gets banned. Just look at boogie2988. They are the biggest echo chamber around and PC (politically correct) group you will ever find.

Just look at what they did to Tekken 7.

TheTwelve3453d ago

I like Gaf but they have decided to be anti-GG. I wish they would just be non-biased about it.

ginganinja3453d ago

They are as unbiased as they need to be. If you have a decent argument against something there and relevant stuff to back it up with, you wont get banned.
If all you do is throw out accusations or assertions based on nothing but theories pulled out of the air, then you're going to get pulled up on it.

Besides, the Gaf post basically is just a good source for a selection of articles that give a solid basis on what has happened.

DragonKnight3453d ago

ginganinja: gaf is the worst place to gain information about GamerGate. One of the admins went on an anti-GG powertrip all over twitter and has banned so many pro-GG'ers that you could never say they are neutral.

JohnathanACE3453d ago


LOL WUT? Neogaf is a terrible place. I try to avoid any website that bans it user just for their opinions. Its pretty disgusting if you think about it.

ginganinja3452d ago

I think you'll find most places are 'biased against gamergate', including the wiki page on it;
(along with it's co-founder Jimmy Wales)...

madjedi3452d ago

Gaf is a good place for discussion about anything but gamergate or social representation in games.

There is no alternative points of view there, you either follow the herd in these threads condemning males.

White males or gamers in general as scum of the earth or your banned, all the while anyone and everyone can free attack you as the mods do nothing. If they don't join the mob in stringing you up.

At least on n4g when someone insults you or tell you to fuck off, they don't bury it 2 to 3 paragraphs of touting their own superior morality, while treating you like the spawn of the devil.

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PeaSFor3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Brianna Wu launches Patreon campaign to spin misandrism.


Godmars2903453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

"Brianna Wu launches Patreon account that has no financial accountability to its backers."

Now its fix.
(For the - third? - time.)

Riderz13373453d ago

"Brianna Wu launches Patreon campaign to steal peoples money and laugh in secrecy while she does it"

My take =)

PoSTedUP3453d ago

oo, nice cash grab, i want a piece!!

viperman2403453d ago

How can this be a cash grab when you can get money from mommy and daddy when ever you want?

Yet Brinna wants to talk about privilege

DragonKnight3453d ago

LMFAO! Brianna Wu is literally poking every bee hive she comes across, and kicking a hibernating bear at the same time by trying this. Feminism won't stop GamerGate because GamerGate isn't about women.

It's absolutely hilarious how someone whose first interaction with GamerGate was an insult meme, who was apparently so afraid for her life (based on a threat an INDIVIDUAL made with no association to GamerGate yet GG getting the blame for it) that she could appear on multiple national broadcasts where she avoided mentioning (or completely downplaying) the fact that she insulted thousands, who creates sockpuppet accounts to attack people unironically whilst saying NotYourShield is a giant sockpuppet account and that her sockpuppet account was "a joke", and who (like the other LWs) continuously claims that they just want to move on yet constantly inserts themselves in places no one cares about them, would even think about doing something like this.

This woman, who received $200,000 from her parents to start her own gaming company, who epitomizes privilege is going to try and bilk people out of money with a Patreon campaign of such a frivolous, B.S. nature. Anyone who supports her deserves to be conned out of every red cent they possess. This is so sad I almost can't laugh at it.

xxBiG_BoSSxx3453d ago

All I read from people like you is how gamergate is not about women, or attacking women. But you never talk about what it is. Your whole comment is about Wu, and basically how terrible she is. All I read from you is negative and hateful toward any article dealing with women. People get harassed or threatened, and you attack and discredit them instead of the ones doing the attacking. Its strange to me how you fail to see that all the negativity focused towards gamergate comes from comments, and attitudes like yours. Gamergate is meant to be about ethics,cronyism, and nepotism in the games industry. But all I ever see is comments like yours, or worse, flat out insults and threats. You all use SJW as an insult, but if any of you actually cared about the things you claim gamergate to stand for, thats what you would be. I thinks its sad you're not, and I don't think its funny.

-Foxtrot3453d ago

Christ sake....people have statated over and over what it is, the problem is you and others don't listen

DragonKnight3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

This article is about Wu isn't it? Why wouldn't I talk about Wu if the article is about her and how she's trying to attack GamerGate?

GamerGate is about trying to end the corruption, the cronyism/nepotism/collusion in gaming media. That's always been it's guiding principle. How is that hard to understand?

"All I read from you is negative and hateful toward any article dealing with women."

False. You read my negative comments against SPECIFIC women. Don't try to make the claim that I'm anti-woman because I'm anti-con artist and anti-feminist.

"People get harassed or threatened, and you attack and discredit them instead of the ones doing the attacking."

Again, SPECIFIC people. Plus I always say that I don't condone death threats and the like, but these 3 examples are people who either actively seek out harassment so they can make money off of it, or claim to want out and yet consistently reinsert themselves within the environment they claim is so hostile towards them. If GamerGate is about harassing women, why do thousands of women support it? Kind of an oxymoron don't you think?

"Its strange to me how you fail to see that all the negativity focused towards gamergate comes from comments, and attitudes like yours."

No it's not. The negativity comes from the SJW echo chamber who completely ignores the women, the PoC, and the LGBTQ people who support GamerGate and tries to completely silence them by claiming they don't exist or they are internalizing various forms of hate.

"But all I ever see is comments like yours, or worse, flat out insults and threats."

Then you've never been to the twitter feed.

"You all use SJW as an insult, but if any of you actually cared about the things you claim gamergate to stand for, thats what you would be. I thinks its sad you're not, and I don't think its funny."

No it wouldn't. Getting rid of corruption in gaming media has nothing to do with society or social justice. Which is precisely why GamerGate isn't about the harassment of women on principle alone. The SJWs have inserted what they claim to be social justice into the industry and attack anyone as anti-progressive for not falling in line. And personally, I don't give a damn what you think is "funny" or not. Enjoy your echo chamber.

003453d ago

I use SJW as an insult because I'm sick and tired of these so called progressive hipsters saying that they speak on my behalf for my minority status, and why I tell them they don't they act and say they know better then me when its coming from a white male hipster who probably never faced any hardship in life. this is why #notyourshield was made to not let this people continue acting so goddamn condescending and they can't handle that fact we don't need them.

-Foxtrot3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Brianna Wu is such an attention seeker, when articles and journalists were trying to use Anita and Zoe as "victims" against GamerGate she just popped up out of nowhere and it came across like "OH I WANT TO GET INVOLVED ASWELL, I'M A VICTIM TOO".

She then runs her mouth at the SMALLEST things, then when people calmly try to debate with her she pulls the victim card and makes it all about her. When these calm people start to get annoyed because she keeps making her mouth go she makes out like they are getting aggressive towards her.

Just one of the many things she does (Might have to zoom in a bit). Causes arguments out of nothing.

She's honestly trying to make this whole thing about her when it's really not. GamerGate then have to stop trying to focus the REAL ISSUES and waste their time defending themselves from people throwing false allegations at them while the corrupt journalists just sit back and think "Oh thanks for defending us...SUCKERS"


viperman2403453d ago

That RalphRetort picture is golden.

It just proves how much of a victim complex he/she has. If this person seriously felt threatened, she wouldn't continue to go on news sites and stating where she is staying or go to shoot.

This just proves what we all speculated. The whole "Im scared so I wont be home for who knows how long" shtick is now clearly a facade

Anon19743453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Exactly! Why won't she just do what the bullies and harassers want and just shut up already instead of standing up to them! Dammit, be silent, woman! /s

Funny that Gamergaters have enough time to go back and comb over photos to reveal that Brianna Wu did interviews out of her office (I know. Shocking!) or search back through years of comments to hang their latest target with but couldn't be bothered in the beginning to simply Google reviews of Depression Quest to see there was no truth to ZQ's ex-boyfriend's claims.

Considering GG is supposed to be about ethics in journalism, it certainly seems to spend a lot of time raging against feminists and game devs yet next to zero effort actually going after journalists or finding evidence of any widespread wrongdoing. Odd that.

Here's hoping we see some arrests of GG's soon now that the FBI is involved. I'm sure Gamergaters are also excited to finally expunge those bad elements from their midst so they can get back to...umm....

Wait, what the hell do they want again? Does anyone even know?

DragonKnight3453d ago

darkride, GamerGate has long since moved on from Zoe Quinn while you're stuck in August. It's frickin' sad.

"Considering GG is supposed to be about ethics in journalism, it certainly seems to spend a lot of time raging against feminists and game devs yet next to zero effort actually going after journalists or finding evidence of any widespread wrongdoing. Odd that."

You're blind. Every day there are boycott goals of the day targeting journalism sites known to be corrupt. Of course you wouldn't know that because you're too busy watching Wu's MSNBC segment on repeat ad nauseum every day.

"Here's hoping we see some arrests of GG's soon now that the FBI is involved. I'm sure Gamergaters are also excited to finally expunge those bad elements from their midst so they can get back to...umm...."

Yes, here's hoping the FBI finally shuts people like you up when it discovers that the threats being made had nothing to do with GamerGate and likely came from a Wu supporter trying to make her a star.

"Wait, what the hell do they want again? Does anyone even know?"

Everyone but you SJWs darkride, everyone but you SJWs.

Amuro3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Wu it's a well known liar at this point. It has been proven that she never leave her home and many other things. In fact, she got caught lying again yesterday. lol

Just take a look at this and laugh:

Bonus for more lulz:

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Game developer Brianna Wu plans to run for Congress in 2018

Brianna Wu, a game developer who stood up for women facing harassment in the game industry, has decided to run for the U.S. House of Representatives.

“My main agenda will be economic. [...] I think we can do a much better job keeping startups here in our state. Also, look at the game industry, which has been devastated here in Boston with the loss of Irrational and others."

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This isn't game-related.
ziggurcat2715d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
not gaming related
SIdepocket2715d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
✔ Fixed
This is very lame and tired.
UCForce2716d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
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No it's not fixed. It's still lame.
ninsigma2716d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
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Why do we care?? Not gaming news.
ninsigma2716d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
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Pozzle2716d ago
Littil_Devil2716d ago

As if America needs another nutcase in power...

2715d ago Replies(5)
johndoe112112715d ago

"Brianna Wu, a game developer who stood up for women facing harassment in the game industry" stopped reading at that point. I refuse to click.

thorstein2714d ago (Edited 2714d ago )

Yeah. I too rather like to rely on snap judgments and won't read anything that might educate me on someone's stance and platform. What purpose would that serve!?

I also like to announce to the world that I refuse to see how someone who is seeking to represent us all thinks about those she chooses to serve.

johndoe112112714d ago


Who the hell is this "all" that she represents, because she certainly does NOT represent gamers. And if you think she does then you two deserve each other and the sjw bs I'm sure you'll love when she regurgitates it.

thorstein2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

When someone runs for office, they represent all of the people. Whether you wanted Clinton or Trump they represent all of the people (We the People). That is how it works.

You also misunderstand me. Check my comments. I have always argued for journalistic integrity before gamergate, during gamergate, and after gamergate. After reading through these comments (people refer to her as "it") I have to wonder what the motivation is for commenting.

I am sarcastic because your comment doesn't even allow you to hear out what the person has said.

I don't actually disagree with what she has said in this article. I don't think many people would. Despite comments during gamergate, I would want a representative to be at least mildly aware of what is going on in the digital age. Just look at the science committee (full of science denying morons.) But this is what she said from the article (again, ignoring gamergate)

"“My main agenda will be economic. Here in Massachusetts, taxpayers spend an amazing amount on subsidizing education – particularly with infrastructure. But then students and entrepreneurs take that investment by our state to San Francisco or Austin,” she said. “I think we can do a much better job keeping startups here in our state. Also, look at the game industry, which has been devastated here in Boston with the loss of Irrational and others.

“I’d hope to serve on the House technology subcommittee. It was very disturbing to me to see members of the House tie the Mirai botnet (malware that hijacks computers) to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), simply parroting special interests. It’s an example of how our tech policy doesn’t serve the American people. We need people making policy that actually understand technology, that understand the assault on our privacy. It’s a national security issue, and we’re failing badly.”"

GrimReaperGamer2716d ago

O' look, another feminist/SJW nut job running for office. I would say I'm thankful to be living in Canada, but we have our own problems with these type of people up here.

Dacapn2716d ago

While I think political correctness can be ridiculous at times, to say you have a problem with people standing up for other people just shows the narrow lens through which you view the world. Honestly, it's people like you that are the reason these SJWs, as you like to call them, exist. It's easier to sweep things under the rug and move on like the dirt isn't there, but we've clearly tried that, and it doesn't work. People don't know history. That's the bulk of it. You can't move forward if you don't know where you've been, which is why socially, we keep making the same mistakes over and over again. And when you see these SJWs they are a reminder that things aren't okay for everyone. But when you intentionally choose to ignore that fact, or fool yourself into thinking things are fine, or weigh your irritability above the rights of other people, you're a passive contributor. I just don't understand why SJWs would ever offend you if you don't represent the very ideals they're fighting against.

That being said, this lady can run, but I wouldn't vote for her purely because her platform is to make video games great again? I'm a gamer, but if you're a game developer and you're out of work, you have massive amounts of coding experience. You can get a job literally anywhere.

Gh05t2715d ago

"context" I applaud those who have the fortitude to take a stand especially at great risk to themselves. I dont support people who are just as vulgar and vile as the ones they are standing against. She is no saint. She is vile, nasty, and hate-filled. If I am to believe the news we already have one of those as the soon to be commander in chief. Do we really need more, or is it okay because its the side you believe in?

These are the people we DONT need, these are the people who cause problems not discussions. We need true leaders who actually have ETHICS and MORALS. If you do an easy google search you can clearly see she has none by her responses to adversity.

uth112715d ago

You can advocate to fix problems without going full SJw. SJws actually hurt the causes they claim to support because they end up. Alienating the people they need on their side

DragonKnight2715d ago

"to say you have a problem with people standing up for other people just shows the narrow lens through which you view the world."

Except that isn't what he said. He said we have our own problems with SJWs because we do. Small example of what kind of stuff happens here in Canada.

Does that look like "standing up for people."

"Honestly, it's people like you that are the reason these SJWs, as you like to call them, exist."

Showing you don't know the first thing about SJWs. SJWs do not exist because people don't like them. SJWs exist to spread cultural marxism and the idea that any hardship you face in life is faced because a self-identified ruling class is oppressing you and you must fight it. It is spread by people with serious self-identity issues, a victim complex, and unwarranted and undeserved ego stroking from parents who didn't want to be anything like their own parents and yet never attempted to instill character and values into their children.

"It's easier to sweep things under the rug and move on like the dirt isn't there, but we've clearly tried that, and it doesn't work."

Lol what?

"People don't know history."

Including you it seems.

"socially, we keep making the same mistakes over and over again."

Because we don't learn that social marxism is cancerous to prosperity.

"And when you see these SJWs they are a reminder that things aren't okay for everyone"

No, they are a reminder that ignorant vocal minorities are a cross every society has born for all time. I don't know where you've been but things are not okay for anyone, not just some specific groups. There is only one real privilege in this world, and that's wealth privilege. And contrary to what you think, money doesn't discriminate. All these alleged systems put in place to keep specific groups down are the exact same thing as chem trails and F.E.M.A. death camps. Conspiracy theories.

"or weigh your irritability above the rights of other people, you're a passive contributor."

You mean like the SJWs do all the time only to take it further and attempt to have their feelings be granted the power to infringe on other people's rights?

"I just don't understand why SJWs would ever offend you if you don't represent the very ideals they're fighting against."

Perhaps because you don't have to be to be targeted by them? SJWs are fans of gross generalizations. White privilege, male privilege, cis privilege. They group people together and then call these groups problematic. Then when you defend yourself they come at you with "Look, having privilege doesn't make you bad, you just have to recognize that you have it and do something about it." And if you don't, that's when you're bad. But see they'll never come right out and say what they want you to do about it. What they want you to do about it is give it up, assuming you even can. They want you to hand over your "privilege" to who they consider to be the oppressed. Meaning if you have wealth privilege, then maybe you should stop making so much money for yourself and give it to black people. If you have majority ethnicity privilege, then you should lobby to have either your rights reduced, or the rights of trans people elevated which would grant them special privileges. And that is what is offensive.

bluefox7552715d ago

If you think it's about "standing up for other people", you're delusional, lol.

Ravenor2715d ago

You have to look at what people are saying before you gallop to their defense. I don't buy into the 'war on men', the same way I have never felt anyone is less than me due to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or whatever. We're all decomposing meat bags in my view, what the hell is the point in hating someone over something so petty? BUT! Declaring you're a victim at every turn, that we live in a patriarchal society and it somehow promotes rape culture? That's a real problem.

The 'SJW' thing wouldn't be such a thing if people were willing to open themselves to dialogues, I don't think anyone here hates women, LGBT members or people of differing ethnicity. It's when people get told they must conform to X, otherwise they are Y and thus must be abhorred. No me not taking your Black History flyer doesn't make me a white supremacist, and declaring I am is in itself racist. Because I am white and have little interest in your xerox'd flier which just laundry lists how ole whitey is the devil, I am racist? That don't jive, but that's the mentality that gets thrown around.

Look at it this way, me and @DragonKnight do not see eye to eye on a bunch of subjects, even got a bit pointed with one another. Yet I can listen to him and what he has to say, digest it and come to my own conclusions and as far as I can tell he doesn't have an issue with that. That's dialogue, that's back and forth and having a discussion. Learn from one another.

Calling me a pig, rape apologist, scum, patriarchal all of that, all it does is hurt me because I'm none of those things and do my best to treat people honestly and respectfully and it pushes me more to the other camp because unless you say "Aye captain!" on every single one of their points, you're no better than a KKK member in their eyes.

The us vs them mentality has got to stop, and until it does we're doomed to repeat this shit until we just kill one another.

Dacapn2715d ago

"SJWs are fans of gross generalizations. White privilege, male privilege, cis privilege. They group people together and then call these groups problematic."

This is the central theme of your post, and the irony of this statement is just brilliant.

Cultural Marxism? Definition:

"Cultural Marxism is the Marxist dialectic fused with Freudian theory and applied to identity and culture. Like all forms of Marxism, it is based upon categorizing people into abstract groups and then creating a narrative of historical oppression between them."

Here's the problem. Facts. I know facts are a thing of the past, but we have documentation of laws that were specifically designed to oppress groups of people. The narrative wasn't made up. I mean if you want to call a banana cultural Marxism, that's fine, but I'm still going to put a cultural Marxism in my smoothie because it doesn't matter what you call it. It is what it is.

You just proved my point. Some of these oppressive laws were changed, and you choose to believe that it's an open and shut case. These laws came from the beliefs of people, and some of these people are still alive, and if they're not, they've passed on their intolerance to their children. I do find it interesting that if one feels the weight of oppression, it's because of the way you were raised according to you, however you choose ignore that people aren't born to hate; they are taught to hate. Selective amnesia at its best.

DragonKnight2715d ago (Edited 2715d ago )

"I know facts are a thing of the past, but we have documentation of laws that were specifically designed to oppress groups of people."

Show me a current law that is racist, or sexist, in intent that is enforced in the First World that is NOT against men and we'll agree. Otherwise you're talking out of your a**. Saying "things used to be like this" is not an argument. It's a common SJW argument to have black and white photos or Dead Sea Scrolls to say "see how bad it was" and act as though nothing has changed.

"The narrative wasn't made up."

Yes it was. It was made up when people ignored how business is conducted and insisted that businesses were purposely not renting houses to black people because they are black and not because of their unreliable financial history/status as individuals. It was made up with the gender wage gap which is half myth half misleading statistics. There are countless lies SJWs say every day that make up the narrative. You pick any form of alleged legally sanctioned oppression and there is a counter to show you it doesn't exist.

"Some of these oppressive laws were changed, and you choose to believe that it's an open and shut case."

Where law is concerned it IS an open and shut case. If you have a law that says "women must be paid half of what a man is paid" and then that law is changed to "everyone is paid equally regardless of their sex", then you've just shut that case. The law exists then to act as a hammer with any who don't comply. The problem is that Cultural Marxists are looking for parity. Equality of Outcome. And they don't care who they have to take anything from to get it, nor what it will do to society as a result.

"These laws came from the beliefs of people, and some of these people are still alive, and if they're not, they've passed on their intolerance to their children."

Oh come off it. You're fabricating an invisible oppressive force so that you can always say oppression exists and that's just dishonest. Ideas can be fought, facts can be gathered, but that's not good for your narrative so you have to invent something that can't be fought so you can use it to justify the atrocities you're going to commit as being in the best interests of the "oppressed." Even when the people who are allegedly part of the "oppressed" group disagree with you.

"I do find it interesting that if one feels the weight of oppression, it's because of the way you were raised according to you, however you choose ignore that people aren't born to hate; they are taught to hate."

No one in the First World feels the weight of oppression because no one in the First World is being oppressed. You cannot be a part of a culture where you are granted every right and at the same time be oppressed. To make that claim means to not understand what oppression is, and that's true of all Cultural Marxists. And no, I'm not ignoring anything. SJWs are taught to hate every day in Universities around the world. The people they attack are then taught to hate the SJWs for the assaults they launch. The difference is that one side lacks basic critical thinking skills and facts, and the other was just trying to live their lives in peace.

rainslacker2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

I think you misunderstand people's discontent with the SJW tactics as not appreciating, or even supporting their supposed cause.

Many people here are pretty well versed with what Wu did during Gamergate, and how she used it to her advantage. Her "standing up" was nothing but posturing to promote herself. Plain and simple. She has no talent as a game developer whatsoever. She has no clue how to make a game. No one would even know who she was if it weren't for GG and her piggybacking on the hate train that Leigh Alexander and Anita Sarkeesian started to promote their own career.

The thing is, most people around here that I"ve seen aren't against the idea of equality. They are very much against being made into the cause of other people's oppression, and they don't like being generalized to the point of being marginalized, when those generalizations are 100% against the entire community of people that care about playing and talking about games, not being activist or discussing equality on a wide spectrum political level.

But, if you want to really see people who sweep things under the rug, I strongly encourage you to look into Brenda Wu. Go places that actually aren't influenced by all the stupid revisionist history that the so called SJW elite have made the public narrative, and you will see things that would disgust any rational person....and it has nothing to do with her political views, or hating her because she has them.

So come down off that high horse, and you'll see that people around here have reasons to be instantly defensive against the SJW movement, and as Dragon said, these extremist that exist, ruin those who actually try hard to make real positive change.

As far as the current narrative not being made up....go read the Gamergate Wiki page. It's so full of twisted history, and is nowhere near the truth because it was referenced to all the public perception of what actually happened. And that's the narrative that exists....and that's what they want, not truth, not equality. They want to control and to be superior.

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Chdadiesel2715d ago

Great comment gho5t agree with you 100%

ninsigma2716d ago

Why are reports of not gaming related or lame allowed to be marked as fixed?? Nothing has changed and I and another user considered this to be a lame piece. If the rest of the community deems it worthy to up vote then fair enough it is what it is but votes from users who deem otherwise (when considered lame or not gaming related) should not be allowed to be marked as fixed by the uploader.

KillBill2715d ago

How is it not gaming related when she was in fact a major topic on gaming in recent enough times, is a developer (yes of poor content games maybe?), and even talks about 'game industry' in the article?

I mean we can hate her and the subject of politics and gaming mixed, but to say this is not gaming related is not genuine.

KillBill2715d ago

Again, how so? Explain yourself.

Big_Game_Hunters2715d ago

"Game developer ______ goes out for golf" is that statement gaming related just because it was a game developer doing it?

Unless the game developer is actually iconic for actual gaming related contributions that don't include being a professional victim , then their non gaming activities don't count as "gaming related"

KillBill2715d ago (Edited 2715d ago )

@Big_Game_Hunters - Except this game developer (yes loose identification at best) is not just playing golf but running for Congress. And in doing so started conversation directly on gaming industry where congress has a bit of influence in what happens with our industry. And on top of that, it is her infamous history in gaming industry that makes the discussion even more pertinent. Just because a lot of us think she is 'full of it' doesn't mean that her negative impact on gaming isn't news worthy.

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Brianna Wu on Game Dev, Industry Trends, and GSX

Moe Long writes: "Whether it's groundbreaking design and mechanics or advocacy for individuals and diversity within the industry, Wu constantly brings a fresh and much needed perspective. I recently had the great pleasure of chatting with Brianna about her work at GSX, development challenges, and the state of the industry."

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Activemessiah3104d ago (Edited 3104d ago )

"Brianna Wu is leading a revolution in gaming"

LOL!!! stopped reading after that.

viperman2403104d ago

I stopped at "Brianna Wu" lol


Brianna Wu: "I see a generation with almost no innovation"

Head of development at Giant Spacekat explains why women in tech is about making better games.

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It's Brianna Wu, what more needs to be said?
NJShadow3154d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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GreetingsfromCanada3155d ago (Edited 3155d ago )

That's because we've hit a point we're technology isn't a barrier that affects gameplay. That's all that happened. Besides, AAA games aren't going to be artsy and are therefore grounded in some aspects.

People buy the game's they want and there is a reason why AAA games are like they are.

freshslicepizza3154d ago

but you can still make aaa games that can innovate. this is why they are pushing vr and ar so much. they are trying to get a larger audience out there, not the same audience. the wii managed to bring in new players but it was temporary.

you look at the consoles and what are the biggest marketed games? the same ones last generation, call of duty, assassins creed, uncharted, halo...

this is where some credit needs to go back to nintendo. while they use the same ip's like zelda and mario they explore new ways to innovate the gameplay. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but at least they try new ideas. how is playing killzone and halo any different than before? how is playing uncharted and assassincs creed much different than before? they are essentially the same games over and over.

Dee_913154d ago

wait, so kanye's article failed, HHG no longer allowed, but N4G still allow this obvious agenda driven crap?

FlameBaitGod3154d ago

Holy crap I remember HHG Lol. I still remember the 2 comment sections. Normal comments and the comment section for banned people LOL, "warzone" I believe. I loved that, to bad they took it out.

TheDark_Mage3150d ago

Blame the admins if you get enough approvals and they still don't like it they can still fail your post I got a PM summing it up for me that way...

Activemessiah3155d ago

What does Innovation got to do with women? There always have been men and women behind every innovation in the last 30+ years of gaming history... This comes across like the industry has been a sausage fest... far from it. It consisted of both men and women the whole period and STILL does to this day.

Castlevania3154d ago

Buddy, this is Brianna Wu. You can't expect someone like her to make rational points and arguments.

-Foxtrot3154d ago

Brianna Wu has a habit of playing the victim card and making it seem like everyone is against her and her gender.

Look at her written work for proof.

"Wu, Brianna (April 11, 2013). "Choose your character: Faced with change, an all-female indie dev team evolves to a higher form". The Magazine (14).

Wu, Brianna (April 24, 2014). "Why GitHub's unconvincing investigation harms women in games development". The Mary Sue.

Wu, Brianna (July 22, 2014). "Opinion: No skin thick enough: The daily harassment of women in the game industry". Polygon.

Wu, Brianna (October 16, 2014). "It happened to me: I've been forced out of my home and am living in constant fear because of relentless death threats from Gamergate". xoJane.

Wu, Brianna (October 20, 2014). "Rape and death threats are terrorizing female gamers. Why haven't men in tech spoken out?". The Washington Post.

Wu, Brianna (February 11, 2015). "I'm Brianna Wu, And I'm Risking My Life Standing Up To GamerGate". Bustle."

She'd happily have men in chains if she ran things.

Spikeantestor3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Ok, so I'm not a fan of this guy but I'm gonna try and see if I can explain what I THINK the line of thought is. Even if it is full of assumptions.

Ok, here goes...

- Games are made by people.

- These people are usually white men.

- Diversity in terms of creators causes diversity in creations. Gaming or otherwise.

- An innovative game is worth while always. Even if it isn't good. At least it's innovation can help move gaming as a whole forward.

- Women, not being white men, therefore, make games that help gaming out of the difference in perspective.

So, that's what I think he meant.

UncleJerry3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

This person has an obvious agenda and she ain't pushing it on me.

I believe that diversity in all of its forms can certainly breed innovation, but she tries to make it sound like somehow the current devs are incapable innovating and, its BS. I love when she calls out Forza. ha! I mean racers like Forza innovate in their own ways like with social aspects etc. But some games, like racing sims, are not gonna be artsy and niche. And AAA games have been innovating in many ways. Sure you have your CoDs ect., but look at some of the other games like Titanfall and the upcoming Quantum Break. And Sony in particular has had a slew of innovative AAA games in the last decade.

Ms. Wu thinks she can push her own feminist agenda at the expense of all the other talent in the industry that has already been innovating in a great number of ways (the indie scene is booming...women included).

So yes, more women isn't bad. And yes, women, like any other group, should keep pushing for more representation in games. But don't do it at the expense of other devs, many who likely support gender equality in games and many who already take risks and put themselves out there for the sake of innovation.

Nice try though Bri

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isarai3155d ago

Then you're looking in the wrong place, not to mention you're doing very little to back up you argument, the only things you bring up is Forza, A SIMULATOR (can't really innovate in a simulator) and a VR tech demo. How about instead of staring at the AAA's under a damn microscope you look up at the giant landscape of gaming in general. In fact i see innovation on the rise more so than it has been since things went 3D. We got people who can are are making games with nothing more than an idea, something that could NEVER have been done before. Even AAA publishers are starting to take note of the hyper creative indie scene with experiences like Valiant Hearts, Unraveled, Going Home, and some more that i can't remember the names of right now.

triple_c3155d ago

A bit off topic but just about everything I was looking forward to this holiday year has either been delayed or it's had some bullcrap going on with it..

Uncharted 4 - Delayed
Persona 5 - Delayed
Star Wars: Battlefront - No campaign and not enough content to justify the price tag
Rainbow Six Siege - No campaign and not enough content to justify the price tag

So that leaves me with the Uncharted collection and I already own all 3 games on the PS3..

This gen has been nothing but less AAA games, delays, constant game droughts, half a**ed games and games with content stripped so developers can shove bullsh*t season passes and pre-order DLC down out throats. SO FAR this generation has been the WORSE.

On topic.. I partly agree with her. There is no innovation anymore but I don't agree with the notion that there's no innovation because of there not being enough females involved with game development. That's just feminist propaganda. 1 reason is that it's harder to innovate because there isn't a barrier of technology that affects gameplay like GreetingsfromCanada pointed out. 1 of the other reasons there is no innovation is because AAA games have gotten more expensive and publishers and developers don't want to take risk's like they used to. Why take risk's with new IP's when you can pump out the same Call of Duty games and Assasins Creed games that'll sell 10 million copies and are guaranteed to make your money back? This is a business at the end of the day.

MegaRay3154d ago

Well, there's Tales of Zestiria and DQ Heros.

triple_c3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

The main PS4 exclusive JRPG's I'm looking forward too are Persona 5, The Last Guardian, Attack on Titan, Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh but those don't come out till next year..

I never played Dragon's Quest or any of the games in the Tales series but I might give either 1 of them a try. I only just got into JRPG's during the PS3 era so I didn't play any of the Tales and Dragon Quest games that came before on the PS1 and PS2. I'm not well versed in those series so hopefully those 2 games are not the type of games where I have to follow the story and play the other ones to understand the story. I might definitely check 1 of them out and get them off of Amazon. I got spare money I was going to use this holiday on my card just lying there anyway and it doesn't look like I'll be getting much this holiday lol

Fro_xoxo3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

Patience :)

The wait will be worth it..

We're nearly there ^_^

Thank goodness I have other options whilst waiting for the other platform to catch up in terms of games ->I<- like.

MegaRay3154d ago

Tales of is like Final Fantasy. You can start of any game. If you have a PS3, you can get tales of Xillia or Tales of Grace f cheap, if you like them, you'll definitely enjoy Zestiria. Of course you can just see videos of Zestiria and jump directly to that game.

But even if you get Zestiria, I advice you to get Xillia and Grace since both are amazing, I still play them to this day.

christian hour3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )

No Mans Sky is the only game I can think of form the top of my head (there ARE more) that is using the new consoles for something more than just prettier graphics and it's definitely innovative and mindblowing in what it is doing.

Even if that game is not everybodys cup of tea, people need to look and take note on what is being done, and with just 16mb worth of code.

There's also a tonne of non AAA games taht have brought fun and interesting new twists and turns to gameplay mechanics.

As for the AAA scene, that juggernaut has become too much of a heartless business to allow room for growth or innovation. Only once in a blue moon does something special come out of that behemoths mouth. The problem is, most of the people in charge of these huge development teams didn't come from gaming, they came from Pr & Marketing firms or primarily sold produce and products with no artistic merit involved.

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Big_Game_Hunters3154d ago (Edited 3154d ago )


Edit: I see a a generation of generic ideas. Can i get an article now too?

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