
Hatred Devs Release New Statement, Censorship Will Not Win This Battle #GamerGate

Jon Iro writes: "The team behind recently revealed Hatred video game coming out next year for computer has released a new statement in response to an outburst of press that has come forth (mainly criticizing the game and using it as a talking point in cultural debate against free speech in video games media). In the statement they begin by letting the world know they will not succumb to threats and allegations of those who would have this game wiped from existence. Production will continue. They also thank the haters of Hatred who have made the game a cultural phenomenon, at least for the time being and to the fans who have appeared to experience this game."

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nX3499d ago

You know what's worse than a game that's all about ruthlessly murdering civillians?
It's people that think they should censor games or any kind of entertainment for adult human beings. I don't sympathize with this game and I'm not eager to play it, but I fully support the developers in doing their thing.

-Foxtrot3499d ago

Yeah I don't see the big appeal over it but developers should really have the freedom to create what they want. I mean sure, there is things like child porn, bestiality, other extreme stuff which shouldn't be touched in video games but murdering innocent people is not new...look at Grand Theft Auto how many people when they are bored just go around killing people to drive up their wanted level so they can take on the cops with a 5/6 star wanted level.

Take a game like Fallout/Elder Scrolls, I think in my opinion that children in the game should be allowed to be killed. Now does that make me a child murderer or some sicko...no, I just think it's very unrealistic how you have Dragons flying around attacking people or other enemies attacking towns and the children being invincible. I feel like it would open up some very strong morale elements for the games, especially Fallout which has a Karma system. If I accidentally or on purpose kill someone's child wouldn't it be good if as a random event the parents will hunt you down or get revenge on you in some way. Then you have GTA it's self...I mean it's just weird you have this massive map with cities full of life yet not one child in sight.

I can't be the only person who got to Little Lamplight in Fallout 3, got a load of shit off Mayor Mccreedy and realised I couldn't blow his smug head off. I mean there's a way of getting into Little Lamplight, not a good karma way but a bad one.

This whole thing is a really hard issue to talk about, if you side with them you'll be made to look like a psycho or something which will put people off.

Eonjay3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

No one is trying to censor the game. But if we don't get to call it out for what it is; that is, if we are not allowed to express our disagreement; we are the ones being censored.

It must go both ways.

Highlife3499d ago

I was all for banning this game because I think this game is plain terrible. But I would rather the game get released and bomb and show that you can't just make a game to prove a point about censorship.

Ashunderfire863499d ago

I remember way back when on the original Xbox, Deus Ex Invisible War actually allow you to kill children in the Futurist Egypt location of the game. Movies and shows are even allow to get away with this more than games. Look at Penny Dreadful on showtime for example. A little girl got her body ripe to pieces along with her decapitated head, with a surprise expression on her face intact from seeing a vampire. Yup that all happen in the show Penny Dreadful!

Debaitable3499d ago

There just has to be a fine line. Them trying to prove something will lead to certain games being banned for certain areas. I wonder how much support they will get then.

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Software_Lover3499d ago

I mean, Postal got released. I will never have a desire to play that game but more power to them. We just live in an age of the internet. You can't make one mistake or you're marked for life.

Dan503499d ago

SO HAPPY this will be uncensored! :D

DragoonsScaleLegends3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

Yeah it's just a game with bits and things. Bring on the child porn games while your at it Hatred developers. It's just a game so no one was harmed during the fake rape gameplay. I'm sure people would buy that from you too. Also of course you could easily release it on consoles while your at it. Censorship is bad no matter what of course since games are fake and they don't effect anyone and no one who enjoys doing rape in games will enjoy it in real life since of course video games are just bits of data.

ScottyHoss3499d ago

In the end it's a business. If they want to make that game okay, if they want to make the one you suggested that's fine. Will people buy it? Will it be a worthwhile investment? Nope. But hey, true art doesn't seek attention, as beauty is art. Not saying that game will be beautiful to us, but to them maybe.

In short, one day it will be too far and when that happens people just won't buy the game, they can make whatever they want.

But gamergate has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with this.

WeAreLegion3499d ago

"easily release it on consoles"


I seriously doubt that. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo wouldn't touch this.

Spenok3498d ago

Yeah none of the big 3 would green light this. Ever.

DragoonsScaleLegends3499d ago

My biggest issue with this is not the game itself but with the people defending it. The biggest defense is that people enjoy what is going on in the game which is so mest up. I enjoy violence as much as any other person in games but for people to say you enjoy hearing people beg for their fake lives is more disturbing than the game itself. Even if it is fake emotions you experience in games can be just as realistic as their real life counterpart. I love going on rampages in games but there is no realism to the victims in those games.

BitbyDeath3499d ago

Guessing you didn't play the last of us?

Psychotica3499d ago

Hey, future murderers will thank you for this fine training tool..

nippletwister3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

Meh, Commandos games, Counter Strike/ARMA and Discovery channel documentaries on weapons, military training and tactics, survival, do a better job.

If you need motivation, just turn on MTV or any reality TV show and you'll want to wipe out humanity justly. This for example:

Psychotica3499d ago

Yeah but you don't get to act out psycho fantasies that way..

ScottyHoss3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

... Which will train them to kill successfully? No, they'll just get shot, and won't be able to thank them. Nippletwister is right, staying hidden would do better than what this game portrays.

Edit: yeah, popular society is sickening. We don't deserve the resources we use, but I'm not killing anyone because of it.

nippletwister3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

I call total and absolute BS on anyone who says they haven't had a psycho fantasy at least once in their life, whether on a teacher, or on the boss of their job, or on a colleague, or on whoever and whatever, especially a politician, and enjoyed it,
for the convenience of argument and trying to maintain an ethical image that is as transparently BS as the air surrounding me.
Even if you tell someone not to think about killing people, the brain is automatically going start up the movie whether you like it or not.

The only important thing is whether you are going to make the choice to act out your fantasies in real life, or keep them in fantasy land.
Myself, i can imagine anything and fantasize anything, but i have this thing called "common sense" and a control switch in my brain to keep myself in check and not do stupid crap in real life. All people are born with a killer instinct, it's just that most people have it in check.

I don't need to self-validate myself by building a false image of a perfect ideal Jesus like pure and innocent being so everyone can tap my back and i can get a feel good boner from my moral superiority,
especially on the Internet of all places.

dreamed3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

@ nippletwister Lmfao totally agree, on both posts!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3499d ago
Exies73499d ago

Yea, it'll teach them a totally sweet and cheesy monologue, and give them tips on how to look emo.

WeAreLegion3499d ago

Why murder people IRL when you have a video game that won't get you sent to jail for life?

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Controversial "Adults Only" Murder Simulator Hatred Is Coming To Nintendo Switch

A game about killing people.

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NecrumOddBoy1498d ago (Edited 1498d ago )

This game was just gratuitous violence. I don't know why it was rated AO. It's no worse than a GTA killing spree, Hotline Miami, or even the 'No Russian' COD mission. Reminded my of a weaker Dead Nation except no zombies.

FlyingFoxy1498d ago

And we have highly sexualised Japanese games like Senran Kagura which are often either borderline, or practically straight up soft core.. and not even rated AO, some even rated lower age than GTA!

Makes you wonder what's wrong with the ratings systems overall tbh, potentially exposing kids to all kinds of nasty stuff.. but then that's more the parents fault anyways, and the upper age ratings are definitely nowhere near kid friendly, yet you still get little kids playing certain things they shouldn't be.

StormSnooper1497d ago (Edited 1497d ago )

Sex should not even be an issue. Violence, on the other hand, should have restricted access. I don’t know anything about this particular game, but sounds like the difference between this and GTA is that GTA is a game about mafia, so violence itself isn’t the lure of the game. It’s telling a story. But a game about murder, is a game centered on murder as the selling point. I Don’t know, I see a difference here.

1497d ago
StormSnooper1496d ago (Edited 1496d ago )

We are confusing a number of issues here:

1) I think we all agree that any outright censorship is bad.
2) violence does in fact have negative impact on young kids.
3) as a matter of public welfare, some things are not better left to the unchecked discretion of people, in this case parents. This is why we all obey traffic laws.
4) while the right to raise your children how you see fit is a fundamental right, not all parents know how/are able to raise their children in a proper way, and the rights of the child and society should also be considered. Unfortunately, while we get a manual with everything, and attend classes for things like driving, a child does not come with a manual and no classes are offered to parents about how to raise a child.
5) there is a strong interest in protecting those in our society who do not have a means of protecting themselves. This includes children who cannot protect themselves from bad parenting.
6) we do in fact have experts in every field, both inside and outside government, who have dedicated their lives to specific fields, and DO know more in that subject than the general public. (To argue otherwise is called anti-intellectualism, which is a major problem in our society today, i.e. flat earthers)

Therefore, we should have regulations that guide parents, and also prohibit them from allowing their young to engage in activities that are either damaging, or have the propensity to derail their development into functioning positive members of society.

Lastly, the issue of politicians using video games as a means to seem tough, is an altogether separate problem as these individuals should not be allowed to take the reigns from experts on matters of public policy without scientific support.

PurpHerbison1497d ago

I guess the biggest difference here is the goal of Hatred is to murder where as GTA isn't all about killing sprees, Hotline Miami is too cute to be taken seriously, and COD isn't all about wiping out Russians. Best comparison is probably Dead by Daylight where 50% of the game is being a serial killer trying to kill survivors in gruesome ways and it is only rated M.

Kostche1497d ago

shooting and killing people is shooting and killing... dont matter what form it is

1497d ago
CptDville1497d ago

Have you ever tried Manhunt? It was quite disturbing when launched.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1496d ago
Tetsujin1498d ago

I'm surprised Switch is getting this and PlayStation/Xbox isn't. The game was basically Postal with better graphics and more realism.

LOGICWINS1497d ago

I'm not. Sonys the one that's been caught censoring anime bikini girls. Nintendo has been vocal about being against censorship.



REALAS1497d ago

Haha. Only with the switch, because money. Nintendo has censored more games than anyone.

Segata1497d ago

Nintendo will censor their games but not 3rd parties. That's what tey said since few will click any links.

MadLad1497d ago


So only with either company's most recent consoles? The ones most relevant here in 2020?

REALAS1496d ago

@ Ted
I just find it funny that people make it seem like Nintendo has always championed non censorship. They have only relaxed their stance to deliver to their shareholders. Good for them, I guess.

MadLad1496d ago


What I think you're noticing is people going at Sony, because they have been the censorship kings of this generation.

I've never seen people voicing Nintendo's anti-censorship stance, because they've obviously been bad with that in the past. But we're talking about now, and Sony is the one always seen censoring content nowadays.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1496d ago
Activemessiah1498d ago

Brace yourselves for the incoming bitching about this by journalists.

NecrumOddBoy1497d ago (Edited 1497d ago )

Or more likely: "Best on Switch - 10/10"

QuePasa871497d ago

Hmm I wonder if some retail outlets will refuse to sell it

Kabaneri1497d ago

Every open world sandbox game is Hatred for me.

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5 Titles That Critics Hated but Gamers Loved

A look at five games that gamers loved but most critics hated.

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iofhua2344d ago

Advent Rising is another good example. It got panned by critics but it has a good story and I enjoyed playing it. The graphics are dated, the enemies all look the same, but it was made in 2005 so what do you expect? I wish they made the sequel so I could finish the story but I think the critics killed it off.

2344d ago Replies(1)
Aaroncls72344d ago

I don't trust critics.
I'd value more the feedback from a random user.

nommers2343d ago

I seldom trust gamers or critics anymore. A lot of times high scores just mean how likely you are to enjoy something from the game, but rarely anything about how much you would enjoy said things, or whether the highly preferred type of qualities in a game you’re looking for are even in it. My initial gut feeling of the premise of a game is usually all I need.

quent2344d ago

Silent Hill: downpour another example

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Shock Value Alone Won't Sell Sh*tty Games

Joanna Mueller writes: "Since the 1980's, video game advocates have been arguing for the protection of games as a medium of free speech. Frankly, I consider myself in that camp, but just because a game can push against the boundaries of common decency doesn't mean it should. Especially if the developer is just hoping to ride the wave of pearl clutching controversy to the bank."

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garyanderson2813d ago

Nothing wrong with pushing for controversy, but the game still has to be worthwhile. Lots of games in the 90s showed that.

ShaunCameron2813d ago

Because the novelty will eventually wear off and the audience will eventually wise up.

2813d ago
Cy2813d ago

So what? If there's a market for something then why should anyone care if it gets filled, as long as it's not something illegal? You can dislike so-called "edge lord" games all you want (in fact, you can like or dislike whatever you want, full stop) but even if games like Hatred are just trying to take advantage of anti-SJW backlash to make a quick buck, the fact that they exist at all is important in a culture that's becoming increasingly puritan and censorship orientated. Art is supposed to push the envelope. It's supposed to make you think. And even if all a game makes you do is think about why certain people are so desperate to ban it.

Enigma_20992812d ago

Yeah, it makes me think WTF is this s***?

Skankinruby2813d ago

Sure seems to be working for gta

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