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Destiny Review | Gamespot

Kevin VanOrd:
It's called the Black Garden. You see it from a clifftop above, gazing across the blooming acres through a thick green haze, and imagine the sights that might be seen there, and the adventures you might have there. The reality of the garden is sadly never better than the stories you might make up in your head when you look down at it. What you see is a facade; the garden is a broken promise of adventures you never have and landscapes never explored, and it represents the whole of Destiny, a multiplayer shooter that cobbles together elements of massively multiplayer games but overlooks the lessons developers of such games learned many years ago. I dream of the tales that might one day be told in that sprawling expanse, but Destiny is not yet telling them.

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Walker3527d ago

wow, shot fired . what the hell is going on in bungie ? seriously !

i will not buy Destiny :/

christocolus3527d ago

I'm surprised too. I've made a lot of purchases based on gamespot&cvg reviews and 85% of the time i made the right choice. Many of my friends have been waiting to see gamespot and igns reviews before making up their minds on destiny. My brother got the game at launch he says its a good game but i think i will skip it. If later in the future bungie is able to add more content&stir the game up in a good way then maybe i'll be ready to invest in it but for now ill spend my cash somewhere else. Still waiting to see what ign and cvg score the game though.

GamingSinceThe80s3527d ago

Im kind of trapped into keeping it because I bought the LE for $100 with the two dlc expansions.So if I trade it back in at Gamestop by Oct 8th I will get $40 back.That said Im having fun with the game but fear it won't last once I beat it.I will most likely trade just the disc in and buy or rent it again sometime after the dlc comes out so I get some of my moneys worth out of it.But I am never buying dlc in advance ever again no matter what game it is thats for damn sure.

KYPRIME3527d ago

people like you are destroying the gaming, waiting for other approval to buy a fking game, and you still call yourself a gamer?? you should be ashamed of yourself

vishmarx3527d ago

ohkaayy everybody stay calm...theres gotta be an explanation

(goes back to playing FF14)........

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3527d ago

lol its a great game sad that ppl base their decision off of a single persons review.. or a couple websites.. just lol.. these guys arent PROs theyre just journalists.. its about having fun and this game delivers.

reviews dont just base it on fun factor.. but they look for every little error in the game or a missing feature. sad

chazjamie3527d ago

The main problem with the game is that it is designed around DLC. If this game had the player in mind, it would of had split screen, it would of never had expansion passes. This game did not have the player in mind and that's pathetic considering the fact that bungie has a track record of being nothing but loyal to their fans. I'm sorry but i hope this game goes silent and follow's the route diablo 3 (meaning they create an ultimate evil edition). Even though i am pretty sure that wont save it.

ABizzel13527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

If you liked the beta, then that's pretty much what the game is.....but for hours and hours....over and over again.

I didn't pay anything for it, so I can't have buyer's remorse, but if I payed $60 for it I might. I don't think I'm going to review it, and I think a 6/10 is too low, but it's definitely in that 7 range IMO, at best 8.5.

It's a well put together game, it's just all around lackluster in story, epicness, and wow moments. It's like playing a quest game with no real progression besides seeing your character level up and getting new weapons.

I'll trade it in soon.

Magnes3527d ago

Like I should care what gamespot rates a game all these review sites are corrupt getting paid off or scoring higher if their friends make the game. My personal opinion is all these sites are mad Bungie didn't give early review copies.

Army_of_Darkness3527d ago

This game has seriously confusing mixed reviews.... Well, So much for COD killer. Do I have any takers??

StanLee3527d ago

How does Titanfall have a metascore of 86 and Destiny get's slammed by critics for being hollow?? SMH, the gaming media continues to make itself a joke. Gamespot gave Titanfall a 9/10 but turns around and calls Destiny shallow! What a freaking joke!

guitarded773527d ago


CoD MW3 8.5
CoD Ghosts 8
CoD Black Ops 9

I hated FFXIII (personally). I thought every CoD game has been nothing more than DLC with more DLC. The interesting thing is when I compare Destiny to other shooters, it seems like I'm getting my money's worth so far.

It has amazing co-op, diverse locations (different planets), it looks good, it has great controls, and it has a lot of leveling, guns, armor, ships, side quests, etc. Sure I'd like all the future DLC in one $60 package, but Destiny offers more than CoD in game modes and enhancements, and CoD charges $60 for the game with another 4 DLC's at another $60.

To me, Destiny feels like a hybrid of Halo and Resistance with a social hub to alleviate the PTSD inducing missions. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm also not bum rushing through it like a lot of gamers seem to do now days.

RedSky3527d ago

This is why you don't buy into publishers trying to make you preorder. Wait until the game comes out, decide if it looks good, THEN decide if you want to buy it.

4Sh0w3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Damm I am really shocked right now. I mean 4 of my coworkers got the game day 1 and all them have been telling me how cool it is but its crazy to see it doing so poorly with reviews and I usually agree with Gamespot 8 out 10 times but there's just no way this game is a 6. What's going on?

bouzebbal3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

guys, rent the game if you are sceptical. It might just be a game that didn't live up to its hype and expectations were so high. Nothing says it's a bad game. i'm sure the media overdo it a little bit as always!

donthate3527d ago

Against my reservations, I doubled down $90 on the digital edition for the Xbox One and greatly regret it.

This game is soooo soulless, the story bland, the game mechanics solid, but the enemies boring, and the entire experience is just unengaging.

Everytime I see a story about Destiny, I cringe at the $90 I wasted buying into the hype despite my reservation after the beta and sh!t treatment from Bungie.

That said, a 6 out of 10 is low, very low, but that is what happens when hype doesn't meet reality.


Why does Titanfall has a score of 86? It is because it is a fantastic game that I have been playing since the beta.

The mechanics are fun! Destiny's mechanic is solid, but everything else makes it at best slightly above average game (and I am being generous).

ForgottenProphecy3527d ago

Why are people so mad that some people base their purchases on reviews? Sure, one reviewer's opinion is understandable, but when every reviewer is saying the same thing (aka repetitive, nothing new, terrible story) than can you blame somebody for passing on this game?

warczar3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Way to let some butthole lookin for hits on his website make decisions for you. I'm not saying the game is perfect but is in no way a 6 out of 10. I can't believe how whiny games journalism has gotten.

PONTIAC08G8GT3527d ago


I love when people say "how did Titanfall score better, that game sucks!"

So since you think TF sucks it shouldn't be scored as high? The general reviews for Titanfall were 8-9's and some 10's. Most Destiny reviews have been 6-7 score with a few 8's. Sorry but I enjoyed playing TF way way more than Destiny which got old after a couple hours. Say what you want about TF not having a single player, graphics weren't phenomenal, but the gameplay was addictive, refreshing, and new. What about Desinty is truly new? Also, majority of those comparing Destiny to TF are probably PS users who are still sour that TF was only on Xbox.

UltimateMaster3527d ago

Gamespot is a Xbox fanboy pool just like N4G is pro PS4.

2cents3526d ago

Chris, there comes a time when we need to grow a back bone and make decisions for ourselves. Destiny is such a call. With such a unique game its hard to gain perception based on other opinions as this is a new experience for consoles. Try it if your a fan of fps's or mmo's. Its a mixture of the both. Buy it, play it. If you don't like it, trade it in for a small loss.

Personally as a fan of halo and bungie, I feel this is a good progression for them and me as a gamer. It feels sooooo halo, but has enough individuality to be judged as such. Its not a reinvention of the wheel but its fresh enough to feel 'different' and I'm pleased that bungie are shooting for the moon (literally:).

Fu@k the reviewers, they need clicks, we don't. We want to play games, they need to earn a living.
Jump in, or trade in.

BinaryMind3526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

Websites like Gamespot and CVG have multiple reviewers, so following a site's reviews to make your purchasing decisions is foolish. Each reviewer is going to approach a review in a different way even if they work for the same site. Gamespot is not a hivemind and they have a mix between bad and good reviewers just like most other sites.

Dee_913526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

Seems like a rent from gamefly for me.I was going to pick this up next week.not too sure now after reviews and a few friends basically telling me it gets boring fast..

wsoutlaw873526d ago

i played the beta and liked it so I bought the game and like it. I dont care if gamestop doesnt. Most of the reasons for bad reviews is that they expected something else. I played and and enjoy it for what it is. It doesnt need to be the greatest game ever for me too play it but thats how some feel about destiny for what ever reason.

BLuTheSecond3526d ago

I had a feeling this wasn't going to meet the hype based on the beta. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the beta, but I couldn't see myself playing the game for more than a week or two which is not worth the $60 price.

Kidmyst3526d ago

I'm having fun with Destiny but have my gripes, like not being able to buy a vehicle with a gun on it, and leveling up in Vanguard Ranks and such takes forever. I wished what I did in the MP counted to my crucible rank more than completing tasks "kill 25 titans with melee" stuff like that. I'm a gamer who enjoys a game SP and MP and after playing it a bunch move on. I'll be done with Destiny well before I rank up in most everything, the repetitive grinding gets old to me. That'll be what does this game in for me.

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Sayai jin3527d ago

I would not let a review(s) stop me or make me buy a game. With that said, WOW! Thats not a good score at all, especially for the fact that this is supposed to be an AAA!

ScottyHoss3527d ago

It's amazing, my friend compared it to how he felt about halo when it came out, he was in awe of everything about it from the world/universe to the gameplay, seriously 7/7 of my friends who have bought it (all consoles, ps or xb), have fallen in love with it.

GameStop, you're just angry they didn't give you "journalists" a review copy. What a joke.

trancefreak3526d ago

I actually like this games co op mode, but I do not like the crucible MP tie in. I don't think it the ranking system should have a mix between crucible and the co op to increase rank. I believe this should be separated but assuming already that it is to late because this is the way the game is structured.

The Multiplayer portion is okay, but could get boring real quick.

wsoutlaw873526d ago

separating co op and crucible ranks would have been stupid. If you don't like the mp then it shouldn't matter to you but people that play both want to play with their own character they have been working on. After a certain point the rank doesn't matter too much.

x_RadicalAura_x3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I can't quite put my finger on Destiny from the time I've played so far. I do love how dynamic the world is and it's seriously impressive to think about all of the matchmaking, hosting, etc. that underlies it all without getting in the way. But on the other hand, there's a meh part of it too. I guess it just gets a little repetitive maybe? I just need to keep playing it more... It's definitely a worthwhile experience or I would've stopped playing.

I'd say no less than a 7/10 at this point but whether it has the chance to be an 8/10 or 9/10, I can't tell until I sink more hours into it. 10/10 or even a 9.5/10 are out of the cards IMO.

Sayai jin3527d ago

Good points.
The game is very ambitious, but it has a certain void at times.

GamingSinceThe80s3527d ago

I hate that they make you repeat areas constantly.If not for that one thing I feel like I would be having a far better time.They say they spent years and hundreds of millions just to make me play in the same damn place over and over again.I kind of feel like we all got 'Punked'.

TheWackyMan3527d ago

The game has a lot of good ideas and feel really polished, but the single worst thing about the game is the terrible mission structure. Go here, shoot enemies, deploy ghost, kill more enemies, mission complete. The story is pretty terrible, but it does have some nice lore written in the grimoire (spelling?) cards.

ImmortalCarrot3527d ago

@Radical Aura it's true what u said. I've been playing and reached level 24 because of my straight hours playing. There's some faulty issues about the game, no doubt about it. but as the game progresses, it gets more and more addictive as you try to unlock more and more legendary gears.

With the raid is coming up, it is something to look forward to for leveling up your guardian. What maybe the reviewers didnt see is the future updates on the game. Like more events like raids, more strikes and the diverse PVP elements.

I juz got my first legendary weapon and noticed that theres some crafting elements available in the game. It's quite cool, and some of this things isn't mentioned in any of the YT videos posted by Bungie.

Not a buyer's remorse or anything, but it's been awhile since I got quite hooked on to a game ever since Guild Wars 2.

One thing that got me interested is the leveling system. once you've reached level 20, the only way to level up is by gathering 'Light' in your equipment. i think that is quite intuitive as it won't let people just grind for XP. People level up with their gears.

Well, back to Destiny. For it is mine.

DanteVFenris6663526d ago

@immortal carrot. That level up with gear is in no way innovative man. You probably never played mmo. It's a standard in that genre

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dasbeer883527d ago

I'm curious to know what Microsoft say to Bungie for them to make the Halo games so good. Activision must've left Bungie alone during their development process.

CerealKiller3526d ago

Activision wasn't the publisher for Halo games, Microsoft was and they provided Bungie with essentially a blank check.

Mystogan3527d ago

This is what I've been trying to tell everyone. I knew this game was boring ever since the beta. But everyone saying I'm just jealous that PS4 owners can also play a bungie game now. -_-

donthate3527d ago

I had that feeling ever since the revealed Destiny footage, as game mechanics looked extremely bland! The beta was actually slightly better, but the entire game is just like the beta.

Well at least Xbox One owners get the exact same sh!tty experience as PS4 owners get according to Eurogamers latest analysis!

Going back to play Titanfall!!!

Ashby_JC3526d ago

Myself before the beta never saw anything about Destiny that made me think "Wow ...I want to play that"

I played the BETA. And thought the look was solid and the gunplay was solid. But the areas felt lifeless....but I figured it was just the Beta.

I ended up renting the game. Havent gotten to far into it. Being that I rented I will put some time into it. I wont be grinding hours upon hours in one sitting.

But I will keep an open mind.

As for gamespot...they put a lot of time into the game and didnt care for it. It happens!

chaoslh3527d ago

This game is amazingly fun, especially with friends. F the reviews, that's just their personal thoughts about the game, why let some guy ruin the fun for everyone.

Ninver3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I erge people on the fence to wait it out and buy Destiny when all additional content has been added. In other words wait for the goty edition 10years from now lol /jks

gamer4lifeyo3527d ago

Ya, what a letdown. I had a bad feeling after the beta anyway. this was supposed to be the game of 2014. Oh well, I'll keep busy playing TLOU multiplayer.

Mithan3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I think your missing out really. I have 12 hours into this with the Hunter and I am enjoying the game.

The single player campaign is pretty good so far (I have about 12 hours into it, level 15) and I have a few missions left to finish on Mars and then a few more Strike Missions where you group up with 3 other people.

When you get to level 20, you get to start doing the upgrade stuff, so it becomes a bit like Diablo.

I think the biggest issue here is most of the reviewers are expecting it to be your normal single player experience OR like Borderlands, which has a Single Player game with a good co-op model bolted on top.

I think anybody who likes shooters should try it out.

It is great on certain levels (what it attempts) but I agree that it doesn't execute that well on story and co-hesiveness.

Still, I think its worth the money.

shinrock3527d ago

Wait , Bungies biggest blunder is the SP!

Ashby_JC3526d ago

I played the BETA and actually stopped playing because I didnt want to play to much before full retail release.

I rented. And havent gotten to far into the game but if the story is lacking that is very dissapointing. I was hoping to jump into a bungie game from day one and get into a deep story.

I remember getting into Mass Effect from the beginning even reading the books. That game had a great story.

I guess I was expecting the same from Destiny.

3-4-53527d ago

I've loved Destiny so far.....

Until I got to a mission in mars where there was just way too much gun fire happening and way too many enemies for me to handle solo.

I kind of "get it", where before this I was like " How can people complain ? ".

* Up until this point, I was able to Solo the game fine, but this certain mission wasn't even fun.

All the others before that, I enjoyed enough to keep going.

* The PvP on the other hand, is F ing Amazing IMO.

I love it, and there is so much more incentive to play with bounties and earning stuff towards gear, + the drops you get from playing as well.

* PvP is the replay value for me.

Well that and cruising on the moon doing patrols.

I love driving the sparrow around.

destructo8883527d ago

This is such bullshit. Having put about 30 hours into this game I can already confirm it's my game of the year (unless Alien: Isolation ends up being mind blowing)

The only reason it's getting reviews like this is because it's 'cool' to hate on it. Review sites know they'll get more views this way.

I'm not saying it's perfect, but anything below an 8/10 is insane in my opinion. The game is basically WoW with much better gameplay minus the subscription fee. I mean that in the best possible way! I could see myself playing for years if they keep adding stuff every week like they are.

hulk_bash19873527d ago

You pay for PS Plus/Xbox Live to take full advantage of the game's features so technically yeah, there is a subscription fee. With that being said I personally believe this game deserves an 8/10.

gamer78043527d ago

A few non mainstream sites gave it a 8/10, but personally I think gamsepot, escapist, and polygon have it right ata 6/10

Flamingweazel3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

GOTY?? BWHAHAHA, it's not even the best shooter this's poor in so many areas, please your standards are shit.

@THEKELRATH...the game lacks depth and is are you talking about? It's dumbed down tripe/

Ashby_JC3526d ago

I disagreed with you. Not because you like the game alot.

But because the reviewers opinion doesnt fall in line with yours then as you say its BS.

He laid out the reasons he didnt like the game as much as you.

Is he not entitled to an opinion on a game he put as much hours into as you??

There is no one game, movie, car etc that will be univerally praised by all. Once you except that and go based on your OWN opinion you will be better off.

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Magicite3527d ago

ouch, gamespot knows how to bite :(

The_KELRaTH3527d ago

I feel the game was just too complex to review for the likes of Gamespot.

The game maps need to be small and players going round and around with minimal use of height, clever routes so there's no confusion as to where to go.

Sheikh Yerbouti3526d ago

What he's complaining doesn't add up to a 6. It isn't the greatest FPS ever, but all fairness it would get an 8 if it wasn't hyped. Otherwise he's spot on.

SharnOfTheDEAD3527d ago

After spending a lot of time with Destiny, I'm beginning to think there's a lot of dishonest games reviewing for this title, it's not perfect but it's no 6/10 game, for me it jumps between an 8 & 9, it's best played with friends, you can call it repetitive but for god sake Diablo 3 ended up with better scores and all you do is hold down a bloody button to attack, get loot and kill more enemies! There's much to see and do in Destiny, Raids are fun, plenty of customization and great PVP, public events can be brilliant, it worked DAY 1 unlike BF4 but 6/10? Quit fishing for clicks! Fed up of seeing these doom articles now, these writers seem to lack both honesty and integrity!

purp13m0nk3y3526d ago

Agreed. I left the beta feeling a bit meh. But so far my bro and I are loving the full game.

It's fun, pretty, and polished. PvP is still not growing on me but I'm only at lv9 so heaps of SP coop goodness to enjoy.

Haters gunna hate. But in all seriousness it's an easy 8-9 out of 10.

Especially when Cod gets those types of scores and those games are huge piles of shite!

Fez3526d ago

I think Kevin Van Ord does have integrity and honesty. I quite like most of his reviews since the points he makes always seem well thought out and are valid criticisms of the games. You have to remember these reviewers are playing hundreds of games a month and trying to objectively review them all. If a game doesn't stand out as exciting or fun, and instead repetitive then the score will suffer.

They're also not paying for the privilege of owning the game and that really does allow you to be more objective. I've found this with the PS+ service since buyers remorse is removed from the equation and you're judging a game on if it's worth your time to play rather than the money.

I have to say the competitive multiplayer does look great with Destiny but the story just seems like a grind.

StrawberryDiesel4203527d ago

Wow, glad I didn't buy into the Destiny Hype, which was all it was apparently. I picked up a XBone with TitanFall instead and I'm so happy I went with my gut.

Rickgrimes953527d ago

Got sick of titanfall in less then 2 weeks haven't been bored a second in destiny

Remy_Chaos3526d ago

You didn't fall for the Destiny hype but you fell for the Titanfall hype, which basically falls into the same criticisms that Destiny suffered. It's just that MS definitely paid for all those scores, it's almost a certainty now.

Rickgrimes953527d ago

Gamespot gave COD GHOSTS an 8 out of 10 fuck you gamespot destiny is 10x better then ghosts

GhostTurtle3527d ago

There is just no way a game like Destiny gets a 6 for being shallow yet Titanfall gets an 8. In all honesty this seems like a shock review to get hits. If Destiny didn't live up to your expectations its still a 7 minimum imo.

lifeisgamesok3527d ago

Titanfall is fun Destiny not so much

JBallerX3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I've seen a lot of reviewers state, "It's not what we hoped for," and, "We expected more." THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is part of your problem with low review scores. High expectations that go unmet. It seems more a problem with the reviewers than the game itself. We all have expectations that decide whether or not something is good. It's all so subjective anyway.

SonyMontana3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

In my opinion Bungie at least laid a solid foundation for what could be a superb follow up if they listen to feedback. At the end of the day Destiny does 1 thing and does it well: shooting. Personally I'd like to see more than that, add some life to these planets and give us a reason to care about saving it. I have fun with it but expected more, especially from Bungie. I give the game a 7.5.

Evilsnuggle3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Here's my two cents . I have played Destiny beta and it was fun . I think that Destiny is a good game with a bad story and repetitive missions . I felted this away about GTA 4. Good game but the missions all felt the same to me. Sounds like Bungie working harder on dlc than the purchase game story. If you want more stories paid up !!!! When I heard that Destiny cost $500 000 000 million. I know that is would happen. How else are Bungie and Activision going to make a profit but excessive dlc. This is the future of the game industry if we keep buying dlcs.

I will buy Destiny when it gets cheap like 20 bucks.

Vladplaya3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

What the hell is going on, you ask? They made a very pretty but super generic, unimaginative shooter game, very similar to Halo which the only game that they really known by.

Anyone is surprised?

Darrius Cole3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Right, I bought it. I'm loving it. I'm buying the DLC.

There is no way this game is a 6/10. No way in hell.

Ch1d0r13527d ago

Im sure he played it on easy to finish the review. I believe reviewers should stream their review so we can see how they react to the game and to see how much they actually dwell into the game.

fr0sty3526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

Having played both the alpha and beta, Gamespot can eat a d***. This is a good game. I would have paid just to be able to keep playing what I had with the beta. I wouldn't rate this as a 10/10 groudbreaker, but it's definitely the best FPS on next gen consoles IMO.

geddesmond3526d ago

After 8 hours with the game I can say it has a lot of potential but there is so many things awrong with the game. Controls are great for weapons but powers and gliding is crap. Also most weapons suck.

The 5 minute loading between each map or tower does my fricking head in. I haven't experienced any of this type of loading so far this gen until now. The crucible is over run with lvl 23s that can one hit kill while it takes 3 or for clips to kill them.

There is so much wrong with this game but nothing patches can;t fix. However I doubt they will patch even half the problems.

3526d ago
zodiac9093526d ago

And i'm going to say whoever judges a game based off of someone elses "review/opinion" has no individuality about themselves. I find the game addictive, which is the main point of a game, so i could give a f*ck less about gamespot's review.

Am-No-Hero3526d ago

"has no individuality about themselves"

thats right man

Am-No-Hero3526d ago

Wow so you rely on them , and you don't want to buy it cuz
of the Gamespot review !!
thats weird man , cuz this game is really fun and awesome no matter what they say about it , i will never ever put my decision about buying a game on these sites

ITPython3526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

I bet if this game was an Xbox exclusive or MS had the advertising rights and the timed exclusive content, the game would be getting solid 10's across the internet and everybody would be raving about how Destiny is revolutionizing the FPS genera and about how it is setting the new standard.

Lets face it, this game is being crapped on mainly because of Bungies deal with Sony. Don't forget, it's "cool" to hate on PlayStation games. And even though Destiny is multiplat, the deals they have with Sony make it more a Sony game than a MS game, and thus it becomes a target. Not only from fanboys, but MS themselves since the last thing they want is for Destiny to become a huge success, because that would mean a huge success for Sony as well.

For a game so many are saying is garbage, it's amazing how almost all of friends on my PSN list are playing the game nearly 24/7. You know how you can check the games stats to see how many friends have played it? Well Destiny has already become the #1 most played PS4 game that I have, with Killzone:SF coming in second and most other games barely even coming close in number.

The game is very fun and you can burn through hours without even realizing it. Sure the game isn't perfect, but as time goes on it will only get better and better. People can hate all they want, but that doesn't stop the game from being as good as it is, and it doesn't stop people who have actually bought the game from enjoying the heck out of it.

KOIMOJO3526d ago

Me and my roommates bought destiny day one and played it 2-3 days straight and beat it and now I'm totally disappointed in it. I only played it as much as I did hoping it would get better towards the level cap and then it just ended abruptly.... It's totally based around waiting around for more content in the form of dlc... I feel like that's bogus. I lose interest in games if I have to shelve them for a while. Only sure what activisions 500 million was for, must have been mostly marketing...

CerealKiller3526d ago

Its not the developers fault they have proven they have the talent but they must work within the budget and time frame provided to them by the publisher.

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-Alpha3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Kevin is my favourite reviewer at Gamespot. These criticisms are exactly the problems I had with the alpha and beta. I really did not like Destiny, but there was always the idea that the full game was miles more expansive in gameplay, variety, worlds, and storytelling. The fact that none of this is true, and that the beta was an accurate representation of the whole game makes me wonder what Bungie was thinking.

Reality is, the storytelling was vague and non-existent, the mission/map design was really terrible, and the enemy variety and gun designs had such limited variety. The best Loot games ace these aspects, but even in the beta, all of this felt incredibly uninteresting and dull to me.

I was never on the Destiny hype train, and I think a lot of people who were confused about what Destiny was put a lot of faith in Bungie as a developer, and the scope of Destiny being some epic, massively ambitious MMO/Loot hybrid of some kind. The mystery only added to the hype, and made it seem like the game was incredibly deep and content filled. It's incredible that the story is practically non existent. What was Bungie thinking?

The LoTR/Star Wars comparisons are also downright embarrassing. There's all this promise and hype, and this is the result, and it feels so pretentious.

Withholding reviews was also such a slimey move, and the excuse is even worse. Most of the reviews criticize the fundamentals of the gameplay (outside the solid gun play), so it's not like the content drops are going to necessarily fix this. People use reviews to judge the game on launch, and instead, Bungie/Activision want people to purchase blindly on hype. It makes me think that they saw these scores coming

Not surprising to hear people say that Bungie Molyneuxed this.

That's not to say that they can't pull a Diablo and fix this game, but it seems like such a poor title at launch, and it's inexcusable for the hype and caliber of the studio.

christocolus3527d ago

I wasn't hyped for destiny either. My brother was though, he has been playing the game but i think he is gradually getting tired of it.I wonder how long this game will remain on top of the charts.

Omnisonne3527d ago

That basically covers it, I see so much wasted opportunities with the game its a little sad

Im sure Bungie planned to expand on this but the first impression isnt very good, and unless they add alot of stuff (without asking $10 for every wee bit of content), its going to be hard earning back peoples faith for the series

StrawberryDiesel4203527d ago

yup, this is bad for the inevitable sequel in 2016-17.

Mithan3527d ago

-I agree with you on the storytelling not being that great.
-Mission design isn't the best, but map design is really good.
-Equipment is far too similar.

That all being said, I am enjoying the game so far at 12 hours into it.

MegaSackman3527d ago

Although I think Destiny is a great game (no excellent) despite i agree with most of your points, i'll give a bubble for using the verb Molineux.

Totoro173527d ago

Really loved your comment. Well said.

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rmw2hot873527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Glad i didn't purchase this game. saving my $60 for far cry 4.

konnerbllb3527d ago

This is kind of the opposite message I want to send publishers. I want to spend my money on new IP not the fourth game in a series. We just need new IP worth playing.

Not that fc4 is bad or anything, I loved fc3 and will look at fc4 too if it's received well.

rmw2hot873527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I have a job i don't like wasting money on a game that suck.

e-p-ayeaH3526d ago

far cry 4 isnt looking that great either tbh

SockeyBoy3527d ago

i rode it :( wish i didn't.

cell9893527d ago

I'm still on it enjoying it with friends tho, the moment they jump out so will I, I dont see my self playing this game solo, would be extremely boring

N311V3527d ago

Agreed. I really don't think it was ever planned to be played solo. That said having a great time playing with friends. Love it.

Flavor3527d ago

That is what people don't understand. Once they get your money, they win. No matter how bad the game is.

And suckers buying into hype just ensure that companies do it all over again.

StrawberryDiesel4203527d ago

ya but it certainly makes it harder to sell the sequel

RyujiDanma3527d ago

lol playstation fans were so happy to receive exclusive rights BAHWWAHWAHBWHABWHBWBHAAAHWHWH

SonyMontana3527d ago

Kind of like Xbots with Titanfall, how'd that work out for you? XD

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iNFAMOUZ13527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

dont believe them its an amazing game

inf3cted13527d ago

Sure it is. It has as many metascore now as The Sims 4. Even though Meta doesnt matter too much, according to people, that is an utter fail for a 500 million budget game and hype all over it.

Snookies123527d ago

Um, this game didn't have a $500 million dollar budget. They were estimating that as the amount they'd be putting into the franchise as a whole for the next 10 years. Not for the game itself...

PhucSeeker3527d ago

And i'm pretty sure 250-300 million of that is for advertisement and building the hype train .

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

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Sgt_Slaughter346d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell346d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig346d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast346d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g346d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka346d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

346d ago Replies(1)
346d ago
Father__Merrin346d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

Playing Destiny 1 on PC has been something fans have been requesting for years. It looks like Destiny 1 is now playable on PC via the RPCS3 emulator.

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spoonard498d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai497d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface496d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard494d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.