
These are the most anticipated Vita games in 2014

It is obvious that Sony have changed their approach to the Vita this year, making it a PS4 second screen rather than its own dedicated device. But the fanbase of the Vita is fairly strong (and apparently Vita owners tend to spend much more on games than other mobile devices' owners), and a good stream of good games is awaiting for the second half of 2014.

The article introduces the 10 upcoming 2014 Vita games (in EU/US) that people are waiting for the most today.

DualWielding3574d ago

Neptunia Rebirth is a remake not a port, and I think the image is from bullet girls and not Shinovi versus but not sure

beakeroo13573d ago

Doesn't look like a Shinovi pic because of the guns but it has the shinovi watermark like it was taken in game from the Vita.

TongkatAli3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

The Vita has too many games coming out.

sanosukegtr1233573d ago

And some people say the vita doesn't have games.

Inception3573d ago

Yeah that still baffle me, especially in this day & age when more than half of earth population had the internet in their palm.

Spotie3573d ago

They know there's plenty to play.

They just have some random need to troll.

Protagonist3573d ago


Plenty of delusional users on this site that will keep saying that, just to discredit the PS Vita.

3-4-53573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

Vita has games, but most of those only appeal to like 50,000-100,000 gamers.

The variety isn't really there. There is variety amongst the niche titles but they are all still niche and only appeal to so many people.

I love my Vita, but I've been playing my PSP more lately because there are more games that appeal to me for it that I still need to play or beat.

* Playing Legend of Heroes: Tear of Vermillion last night and I realized there aren't any games like this for Vita.

Yea most said it was mediocre or whatever but I'm loving this game. Good music, towns, good battles system, no weird characters, actually interesting people, solid story..ect...


All the games that seem to have fun gameplay for some reason you HAVE to play as a female, with not many clothes on.

That isn't original anymore, it's become Cliche and generic.

What used to be "generic" is now almost extinct, and what once was original is flooding the market with watered down crap.

* Definitely looking forward to Disgaea 4 & Tales of Hearts though. Maybe even freedom wars but even that looks kind of bland.

Inception3573d ago

"Playing Legend of Heroes: Tear of Vermillion last night and I realized there aren't any games like this for Vita"

There's a lot of Legend of Heroes / Eiyuu Densetsu games for vita.

If you understand japanese, i suggest to get:

- Legend of Heroes: The Trail of Zero / Zero no Kiseki and Legend of Heroes: The Trail of Blue / Ao no Kiseki.

- Legend of Heroes: The Trail of Flash / Sen no Kiseki I & II

My friends who can speak japanese already play it and according to them those games are superior to Tear of Vermilion.

But if you don't understand japanese, you can buy Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 1st chapter on PSN and play it on your vita. After that, you can wait just like me and the rest of Legend of Heroes fans for Xseed to release 2nd chapter later this year.

nope1113574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
Freedom Wars
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Taes of Hearts R
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
Skullgirls Encore
Hyper Light Drfter
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

I'm gona be broke this year....

sanosukegtr1233573d ago

I'm already getting Senran Kagura Shinovi from japan and thinking of getting Freedom Wars.

JohnApocalypse3574d ago

Freedom Wars is supposed to be the big one for the Vita this year. What reception has it gotten in Japan?

Tidybrutes3573d ago

Overall positive however some saying its too hard or unbalanced.

Good chance it will be patched by the time it releases in the West.

tubers3573d ago

Lowest scoring in PSN and Amazon compared to SS, Toukiden.

Poor story, few content, unbalanced weaponry, questionable AIs and frustratingly random upgrade system.

Some felt duped into getting a TPS game instead of a more traditional "hunting" game.



Hopefully ironed out a bit on NA/EU release and with new free content.

Inception3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

No love for Tales of Hearts R and Oreshika? Still a good list though.

For me:

- Freedom Wars
- Oreshika
- Akiba's Trip
- Danganronpa 2
- Tales of Hearts R
- Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
- Murasaki Baby
- Hotaru no Nikki
- Grim Fandango
- Legend of Heroes: TitS 2nd chapter
- The Wolf Among Us + The Walking Dead season 2
- Hotline Miami 2

13 vita games for the rest of 2014 are still very good for me. I hope my wallet still breathing though >.<

nodim3573d ago

Yeah, I'm still buffled how in the world they managed to miss Oreshika.

Protagonist3573d ago

Count me in for Freedom Wars and Oreshika.

tiffac0083573d ago

Is Oreshika slated for release this year in NA or EU?

Yeah that list missed Tales of Hearts R ^^

Inception3573d ago

No release date, but there's a big possibility it will be release this year for NA and EU

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thorstein59d ago

.... from the 2000s (mostly).

shinoff218359d ago

I can't fk with this list. They missed on alot of games probably before the writers times. Also I know people loved some portal but I was never a fan.

Cacabunga59d ago

Tomb Raider 1
Driver 1
Abe’s Odyssey
King of Fighters 94
Mortal Kombat OG
LINK 2 the past
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 1

Inverno59d ago

Infinite but not the first two games? Witcher 3 but not the first two games?? GTA V but not literally any of the games before it??? Portal 2 but not the first? Also if you're going to play Shadow of The Colossus play the remaster and not the remake. Can't say I disagree with the list but my man it's all over the place.

Name Last Name59d ago

I mean some sequels are objectively better and you don’t need to play the whole series.

Inverno59d ago

But most of these games have a story to follow, sure you can catch up with a YouTube vid but where's the fun in that?

LucasRuinedChildhood59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

A list like this isn't telling you not to play the previous games if you want to. It's just giving you legendary games to play.

But tbh, you don't always have to force yourself to play every entry in a franchise to get to the better ones.

- The vast majority of Witcher 3 players never played the first 2 and had a great time. The first 2 games aren't in the same league.
- The GTA games are self-contained with the odd fun reference. You can easily jump into any of them.
- The Shadow Of The Colossus remake looks and controls better than the original (plus it has a 60fps option while the remaster is just 30fps). New players will enjoy it more.
- Portal 2 is a lot better than Portal 1 and takes the concept much further gameplay-wise. Storywise, Portal 1 is fairly light too. Not that you shouldn't play it but realistically ... you'd love Portal 2 whether you play it or not (at lot of Portal 2 players have never played 1).

Bioshock 1 is the only one I agree with you on simply because it's one the best games of all time and arguably better than Infinite. No other setting like Rapture.

Looking at the list, I'd recommend playing Uncharted 1 before 2 but no doubt, 2 is the legendary one you have to play.

Inverno59d ago

I get it, but that's just my opinion on his opinion. I just think that before you play a sequel you should still play what came before it. Maybe it's just me but i find it fascinating playing through the first game in a series and seeing how it has evolved through its sequels. Like I said I don't disagree with the list, other than SoTC which I strongly believe the remaster of the original should be played above the remake.

AuraAbjure59d ago

Awesome list! Hot take on Fear (and it's hard af expansion Persaus Mandate!) Bioshock Infinite is stellar, so is the Witcher 3 and you nailed it by having Ocarina of Time. So many fantastic games! Gotta play 'em all! Next one on my list is Prey after I beat Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.

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Minecraft Bedrock Introduces Official Add-Ons To Marketplace

Minecraft Bedrock is introducing add-ons to the marketplace. The add-ons can now be added to many existing and new worlds.

Jin_Sakai79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

Nice! Next up, shaders on consoles.

“A new update is improving how mods work for Minecraft Bedrock. Mojang has introduced add-ons to the marketplace.”

“These add-ons can now easily be added to new and existing worlds instead of being tied to a single world.
There are plenty of free and paid add-ons that will let you customize just about anything in your world.”

OtterX78d ago

So RayTracing is no longer locked to the NVIDIA maps? I know there was a workaround, but it will be nice to have easier access to all worlds.